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Preset tours, what are the rules?

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I've got NJPW set to generate preset tours. I've also got a series of Events programmed into the editor. One for each month. The tours generate and work fine, but the game will sometimes randomly generate an event, meaning there'll be two major shows for that month. There's no random new event generated for May, September, and October, but there is one for June, July, August, November, and December. I mean, if I have to, I'll just scrap the whole thing and slog through a Fixed schedule, but I can't find any pattern to it. What rules is the game even following?

Edited by KevEnoch
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The idea is that each tour should end with a big event, so your pre-programmed events need to be relatively close to where you have the tour set to end; if it is, then the game recognises that you mean for that to be the final and will fold it in to the schedule. If your events are too far out for the game to use them as a tour end, it will create a new event to fill that gap. So, you shouldn't, for example, have a tour running from the first day of November to the last day of November but have an event for Saturday, Week 2 of that month, as obviously the game can't make that work as a tour end as it's two weeks too far forward - you'll therefore end up with two events that month, your pre-programmed 'rogue' event and the actual tour finale.

From what you've described, you've probably put your events too far from where the tour is due to end and just need to move them slightly. If you can't figure out the correct dates, let me know, I can advise you further.


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Well, that's a pattern I wouldn't have anticipated, but it explains things. Yeah, some of NJPW's events for 2001 do take place at the beginning of the month, and there may be a misalignment. Okay, the solution is definitely to switch to Fixed and manually put in the tour dates. Thanks. Appreciate the answer, because it always bugs me when things appear to make no sense.

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