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Pre booking feedback

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So one thing I would like to see in a future edition or future update is the addition of pre-booking feedback. Because right now there is none.

I know the absence might be there to keep an element of surprise and chaos to your booking. But at the moment it creates a confusion, especially when you book a guy in a match and then on the night itself they will under no circumstance decide to take a loss to a guy with largely the same pop.

If there are wild pop differences, that is one thing. And if pre-booking many months ahead, wild swings can definitely happen that can turn what used to be an acceptable loss into an unacceptable one. But right now, even if pre-booking a few weeks in advance, you're left with basically no feedback whatsoever about what will happen. And there are always a few guys on the roster that are extremely volatile about who they want to job to, even if they are effectively equals in terms of popularity.

So I would like to see the addition of some form of feedback, be it a 'sophie' or your most respected Road Agent or the workers themselves. It doesn't have to be a black and white 'yes/no' type of deal, and it can be left more vague as a "X might not like being asked to lose to Y" kind of advice, that becomes more certain the closer you pre-book it to the actual event.

Or maybe combine the "Ask worker to job to XYZ" question you can ask a worker with the pre-booking screen. So that you at least have an indication of where you can go with your pre-booking, rather than doing a lot of effort to set up cards and then getting forced into a situation that you never wanted. (but perhaps the latter is the reason why it is like it is, I don't know)

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