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Wrestling Timelines: 1986 Multiplayer (2+ Spots Open)

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 Looking for two players to start a multiplayer save with jhd1's excellent Wrestling Timelines: 1986 mod as a base*.

We'd be playing together as the Pro Wrestling USA Alliance to take down NWA & WWF.

I would like to get two more players in -- one on World Class and a player that could either be a small-sized player-created promotion% or any non-NWA, non-WWF affiliated promotion. Real-world options include Stampede, UWF or WWA.$

I'll be playing -- and writing a diary -- with CWA.

I can help with logos and belts for a player-created company. You can start with as much money for the custom promotion as you want.

Wouldn't mind players on either JCP or WWF as well should someone want to.

Each promotion will have start with one cross-promtional event -- CWA will run Pro Wrestling USA Battlestars in Feburary, AWA will start in the data with Pro Wrestling USA Super Clash in June, and World Class will start with Pro Wrestling USA Star Wars in November.

(You can always change the starting schedule)

If players want a discord or message board for the game, I can make one.

Should be a lot fun! Can't wait to get back into some Multiplayer!

*I've made some minor tweaks to accommodate Asamon's & jan5's Broadcaster Expansion and Asamon's Venue Expansion add-ons.

$I add WWA based on the WWA promotion data in the 1985 Risky Business Mod

%You can start with as much money as you want for the custom promotion.


Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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