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Y2KRU - A Fictional Mod set in 2000

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Version: Beta - Released 22nd December 2023 (Downloads at the bottom)

What is this?

This project started many years ago (in 1995) when my brother, my cousin and myself used pen and paper wrestling, along with Hasbro wrestling figures (well to be fair, any action figures) to put on our own shows and run our own "company". I stole about 20 blank notepads from school (yeah I was a klepto in my youth) and we kept everything written from roster changes, to heel/face turns, to show results. It soon evolved into a spreadsheet on the computer, then onto an e-fed management system called Zeus Pro and eventually we added it to EWR. We also used various WWF/WWE wrestling games to create some of the wrestlers.

The data was never meant to be released to the masses, it was something we did when younger and I still have memories of all the fun we used to have doing it. I had originally thought about releasing this in 2010 but for whatever reason, it never came to pass. I released a "rough" version for 2013 but I never really liked how it turned out. A slightly more polished version was released on 2016, but again it didn't really capture what I was attempting.

The OG's of the Pen and Paper era...
Of course, not everyone in this database was in the Pen and Paper fed, over time both myself and one of my friends have added more and more to it (including some of my favourite 80's Mania Wrestler characters), along with submissions from people on GDS forums over the years but if you want to know who the original guys were that we used in the pen and paper days, well, here is a list.

Mike Tibbs (Difference: Was normally called Mikey T)
Scott McQueen
Brad Tibbs
Scott Rhey
Gary Rhey
Amanda Rhey (Difference: She was a valet named Skye and not a wrestler)
Lauren Fletcher (Difference: She was a valet named Montana and not a wrestler)
Dez Martin (Difference: Was normally called Dezzy S)
Miles Mack (Difference: Was normally called Mack Truck)
Marty Jay
Mark Wolfe (Difference: Was normally called Apocalypse)
Mark Cruikshank
Steve Harte
Mick Ironhart (Difference: I have killed him off in this mod)
Black Harte
Man in Black
Kidd Lightning (Difference: Was normally called "Lightning Kid" Andy Smith)
Brian Baker (Difference: Was normally called Brian Carlos)
Colorado Chaos
Jon Page
Blaze (Difference: on Pen and Paper he was a huge heel)
Crawford Zanetti (Difference: on Pen and Paper he was just an enhancement with no real gimmick)
Damien Cash (Difference: on Pen & Paper he was a manager like Ted DiBiase and had his own Million Dollar Faction)
Doom Guard (Difference: on Pen & Paper there was only 1 guy, not a tag team)
E. Vil Clown (The "E. Vil" was short for Extremely Villainous)
Mr. Chuckles (Difference: Was normally called Filthee The Clown)
Jackson Paul
Juan del Brazo
TZ Powell

Anyway, background out the way, please remember at this stage the data is in a Beta state - meaning I still have things to add down the line but it is in a playable enough state to get some feedback, ideas etc...




Y2KRU Logos Etc - >>DOWNLOAD<<

Y2KRU People Pics - >>DOWNLOAD<<


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It's wild to think this project happened a year before I was born 😮

I only briefly looked at the photos, but it's nice to see another OC verse. On a minor note, I like the consistent art style of the old pics more (plus, it reminds me of GTA Chinatown Wars). I assume the orange pics are for AI-generated images?

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I launched PC just to take a look at this. I love fictional worlds and this looks fine. Takes a while to get used to these renders but it just takes  a little bit time.


I wish I had more time to sink into this soon but one thing I noticed when I launched a game with MPW is that their production values are not up to standard of their TV deal. 

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8 hours ago, TheDeep5ix said:

It's wild to think this project happened a year before I was born 😮

I only briefly looked at the photos, but it's nice to see another OC verse. On a minor note, I like the consistent art style of the old pics more (plus, it reminds me of GTA Chinatown Wars). I assume the orange pics are for AI-generated images?

Yeah... I'm old! 😁 To be honest though, I don't care how old I get anymore - If life has taught me anything, it's to do what you like doing and if that bothers people, it's their issue.

I originally used Hero Machine for the pictures on the 2016 release (didn't realise I'd left the folder in there) but as that used Flash, it ended up going the way of the Dodo. I did get an app that allowed me to play Flash programs on my PC, but it kept crashing so I just opted to start fresh. Originally I started creating pics in Daz but found I wasn't very good at it (you can tell with some of the pics still in the data that I created). In the end I opted for AI. I started with one program, then found a new one that gave way better results - which is why there is a bit of a difference in picture styles. Eventually I will try to re-do all the pictures in the newer style.

1 hour ago, Evilman said:


I launched PC just to take a look at this. I love fictional worlds and this looks fine. Takes a while to get used to these renders but it just takes  a little bit time.


I wish I had more time to sink into this soon but one thing I noticed when I launched a game with MPW is that their production values are not up to standard of their TV deal. 

Thank you! I shall edit MPW so they don't have this issue. These are the sort of things I need pointed out. :)

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Always great to see something new from you man.  Only peeked through the data thus far, looking pretty solid though.  I'll let you know if any issues arise once I start playing.

The one thing delaying that, is the lack of free agent women.  I usually like to test a new mod out by starting a small women's company and hiring just free agents, but there are currently only 30 free agent women in the entire game world, compared to 147 for the men.  I'm referring to just active wrestlers, not managers or anything.  So if you are looking to add or flesh out certain areas, that would be one I'd recommend.


But looks like it should be a fun world.

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On 12/23/2023 at 10:16 PM, PhenomenalPat said:

Always great to see something new from you man.  Only peeked through the data thus far, looking pretty solid though.  I'll let you know if any issues arise once I start playing.

The one thing delaying that, is the lack of free agent women.  I usually like to test a new mod out by starting a small women's company and hiring just free agents, but there are currently only 30 free agent women in the entire game world, compared to 147 for the men.  I'm referring to just active wrestlers, not managers or anything.  So if you are looking to add or flesh out certain areas, that would be one I'd recommend.


But looks like it should be a fun world.

I shall look to add more females. I had a feeling when I was releasing that I was a bit (or a lot) short on building women's wrestling in the beta. I do have pictures for another 32 female wrestlers (all named) but just need to come up with gimmicks and bios for them. Thank you for the feedback.

Further to this: I am still taking requests if you have any ideas for free agents/future workers. I have added Awesome Championship Wrestling to the data and have pictures and names for their entire roster - just yet to put them in or get bio/backgrounds sorted for them.

On 12/24/2023 at 7:36 PM, MBH12368 said:

Dale Karretts bio says he started wrestling at 30 and retired at 44 but he is 33 when the mod starts.

Jules(GWE) Bio says he started in 1997 when he was 16 but is 21 2 and a half years after his debut.

Couple of errors i noticed

That is probably down to my abysmal maths! I will get those changed. Thank you for pointing them out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am still working on this but I've slowed down a little as I have had other commitments taking up most of my time. I have 1 new company added and about 50(ish) new workers so far. 

I am looking to get a full version out by March/April but this just obviously depends on how much time I get to work on it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/19/2024 at 7:21 PM, Fleisch said:

I am still working on this but I've slowed down a little as I have had other commitments taking up most of my time. I have 1 new company added and about 50(ish) new workers so far. 

I am looking to get a full version out by March/April but this just obviously depends on how much time I get to work on it.

March/April is not going to be possible. I've switched over to updating the Diablo X mod for now as this one doesn't seem to have been very popular judging by the download numbers. I'll come back to it at a later date (less than 1/10th of the downloads the 92 mod had in same period).

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  • 5 months later...

Well I've only been playing C-verse Mods (Can't get into RW for some reason) but, the Picture at top caught my attention so I don't giving it a try.

I am currently touring the Companies. So far tempted with CWC but tired of going to Canada companies, I'm American Dammit! 😅

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