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A quick reminder regarding CornellVerse usage

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Hi everyone,

There seems to have been some confusion recently regarding using the CornellVerse, so I just wanted to do a very quick reminder about that most sexy of topics - intellectual property rights. We operate a fair usage policy when it comes to the CornellVerse - below I've covered what that means.

First and foremost, if you want to use the CornellVerse - whether that's actual default data or the characters and fictional game world - to make a TEW mod (or mods for any GDS game for that matter) then, as long as you're not charging money for it, that's absolutely fine! No need to ask permission, you're free to go ahead and use it as you see fit. Change existing characters, make new ones, create alternate timelines...be as creative as you like, it's all good.

If you want to use the characters or setting for a project outside of GDS - for example, writing short stories, creating artwork, etc - then as long as it's not commercial (i.e. making money for yourself, for someone else, or helping promote a commercial endeavour) then that's generally fine - just be polite and send me a quick mail or private message to check before starting if you're unsure of what constitutes 'fair usage'.

So, in short, the only thing you can't do is use the CornellVerse for commercial gain or promotion, as obviously the IP rights for the CornellVerse and its characters belongs to Grey Dog and so it's prohibited for other people or companies to financially benefit from it.

If anyone has any questions, let me know via private message.

Happy holidays!


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