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EC F'N W. A True Dynasty.

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After five years the chants are as loud as ever. ECW are three letters that changed the history of professional wrestling as we know it. And now... WWE has ruined them irrevocably. After the failure and cancellation of the ECW brand due to the mishandling of ECW talent by the WWE Booking staff, I, Frank Tale, was brought in to lead up the booking staff of the WWE. Little do they know that I have my own secret agena. ------------------------------------- This dynasty is imagining that ECW on SciFi was actually cancelled by WWE because of how poorly the show was actually booked [Cancel this. Sci-Fi wouldn't let me cancel it, and they threatened me with legal action, heh.], and it will be played on TCP's current data mod. TCP's endorsement alone was enough to get me started on this. I will be starting as the booker of WWE with my booking reputation as Very High, and I will drop everyone from the WWE roster that was dropped 2 out of every 3 times of running the game and letting the CPU adjust the rosters on the first day. The WWE will be ran by me in an attempt to increase their popularity, and the dynasty will start once I get the top rated booker trophy and break away to start... ECW. -------------------------------------- So, after dropping everyone from the WWE that they normally drop, and after convincing Vince to bear down on the drug policy and drop RVD and Sabu from the roster, and after working hard enough to become the top rated booker, and after Vince sold me the rights to ECW because he knew that I was a big ECW mark, I will break away and create... ECW. So, until I've finished booking WWE long enough to get the top rated booker trophy, there won't be any updates. However, here are the people I'll be dropping from the WWE roster. Jonathan Coachman, Court Bauer, Jack Doan, Chad Patton, Mickie Henson, Chavo Guerrero, Vito, Kamala (Even though he's so cute.), Bruce Pritchard, Tommy Dreamer, Tazz, Steve Keirn, Tim White, Ted Dibiase, Doink the Clown, Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat, Jim Duggan, Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Blackjack Lanza, Paul Heyman, John Laurinatis, Sgt. Slaughter, Beth Phoenix, Jazz, Sylvester Terkay, Stevie Richards, Francine, Todd Grisham, Maria Kanellis, Chris Kay, Michelle McCool, Lilian Garcia, Josh Matthews, Trinity, Joey Styles, Kelly, Sandman, Little Bastard, Fake Kane, Mike Knox, Balls Mahoney, CW Anderson, Akio, Big Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Colt Cabana, Danny Doring. So until next time folks... think sweet thoughts of Kurt Angle being upset at ECW for having a crucifixion then staying in WWE when they have one a couple of months later.
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And so all of those people including RVD and Sabu have been fired. In a related note, at RAW on Monday of week 1 in July, RVD lost the ECW and WWE world titles to Shawn Michaels. 30,000 people attended at Madison Square Garden and the show was rated... an A*. Now I must pursue the top rated booker trophy by continuing to put on A* rated shows, effortlessly, with the massive WWE Roster. Let's just hope that I can keep all of my workers happy while doing this. I can easily book two two hour long shows in a night with just the main eventers on this massive roster, heh. Maybe I'll have Shawn Michaels also win the Smackdown brand title.. he does have a song about him proclaiming that he is sexy. Dreams of great stories are brewing in my head for ECW... we can only hope that the Tri-State area is ready for this reincarnation.
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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. I have some good news, and I have some better news. After running RAW, Smackdown!, and ECW on Sci-Fi for just three weeks, with two 2* rated RAWs and one A rated RAW, two A* rated ECW on Sci-Fi's and one A rated ECW on Sci-Fi, and one A* rated Smackdown! and two A rated Smackdown!'s, I, Frank Tale, have received the Top Rated Booker Trophy. Currently in the WWE, Kurt Angle is the ECW World Champion, Shawn Michaels is the WWE Heavyweight Champion, and Triple H is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Surprisingly enough, in a few days, I won't give two ****s. It's Thursday, week 3 of July 2006 which means that in just over a week, the TV Networks will be scheduling. Can anyone guess a little promotion that they might be scheduling for? Three little letters that changed the history of wrestling forever. ECW. Now, however, I must go tell Vince that ummm I quit. So, let's head off to do that right now. [COLOR="Green"]---------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]The scene opens up on the famous office of Vince McMahon. The large pictures on the wall of some of WWE's most glorious moments are all missing a certain quality. Most of them, however, do involve quite a bit of yellow clothing and a sun burnt man with a mustache. Shane steps out of Vince's office and walks up to me.[/COLOR][/B] Shane: Oh hey Frank. Hey man, that was a great week of shows that you did for us. You've really helped pull us out of our creative slump. [COLOR="Orange"]Frank: [/COLOR]Well, it was nothing really. The people want to see DX and Kurt Angle, so that's what I give them. It's all about the fans. Shane: Yeah well, it works. So what did you want to talk to Dad about? [COLOR="Orange"]Frank: [/COLOR]Just wanted to throw some ideas at him for some of the upcoming pay per views. Shane: Oh, well, couldn't you do that at the daily booking meeting? [COLOR="Orange"]Frank: [/COLOR]I wanted to run them by him beforehand to make sure he didn't have any problems. Shane: Well alright, I don't quite understand it, but he should be ready for you now. [B][COLOR="Red"]Shane smiles and I push a fake smile right back at him. He extends his right arm out, ushering me towards Vince's office. I walk in and he comes in behind me, pulling the door shut. Vince is sitting in a chair facing the opposite wall with a back on the chair that reaches above his head. Vince spins around in his chair, smiling.[/COLOR][/B] Vince: Frank! It's great to see you. You've been handling the shows excellently since you signed on at the end of last month. I have to say, that you might be the most talented booker the WWE has ever had. [COLOR="Orange"]Frank: [/COLOR]Heh, well thanks Vince, but really, you flatter me. I think you guys already proved that whether you put on good shows or not, the fans still love you. Vince: Huh? [COLOR="Orange"]Frank: [/COLOR]I'm just saying, that before I got here, you guys were really ****ing things up even though you have the best talent in the world. I mean seriously, the storylines and angles were all bad, not to mention that every wrestler has been made completely one dimensional by you. Vince: Now you just wait a minute- [COLOR="Orange"]Frank: [/COLOR]Shut up. You and I both know that it's true. But granted, you did try to help keep ECW afloat even while stealing their talent. Vince: What the hell does ECW have to do with- [COLOR="Orange"]Frank: [/COLOR]Everything. You know why I came here Vince? To increase my reputation. To gain a financial backing. I came here not to run the WWE, but rather, merely to use the WWE. I bet that's a dramatic role reversal for this company. Actually being used for once instead of using people. Well the WWE's reign is over. Remember how you sold me the rights to ECW? Vince: Yeah... [COLOR="Orange"]Frank: [/COLOR]Well I quit. Can you guess what I'm going to do? Vince: I'll sue your ass to hell you little bastard. [COLOR="Orange"]Frank: [/COLOR]No Vince. I already checked it over with the WWE lawyers. I am starting ECW. Remember how I convinced you to drop Rob Van Dam and Sabu because of the drug charges? Heh, while, quite honestly, I couldn't give two ****s about someone doing drugs. You've just been backstabbed. Vince: You're going to regret this Frank. ECW will never make it. I'll crush you. [B][COLOR="Red"]As Vince said "I'll crush you." a huge smile crept over my face. Or maybe it was an evil grin. It tickled me pink that he said that. After standing there for several moments, smiling right at Vince McMahon's butthole chin and angry face. After a few of the longest moments of my life, I reached into my shirt pocket and grabbed out a business card. I tossed it on his desk and walked away. The business card says simply, "Frank Tale. ECW's owner and head booker.".[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwf4ever.de/ligen/ecwlogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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After just a couple of weeks of being in business, we have compiled an excellent roster, signed a pay-per-view deal with INHD, a 1 and a half hour long weekly TV Deal with Showtime, and pre-booked our first show... [CENTER][IMG]http://www.highspots.com/www/stores_app/images/images_125/coop_ecw_cyberslam.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] CyberSlam. The roster so far is such: [B]Main Eventers:[/B] Rob Van Dam (Face) Raven (Face) Chris Kanyon (Heel) ????? ???? (????) [B]Upper Midcarder[/B] Sabu (Face) Yoshihiro Tajiri (Heel) Ken Shamrock (Heel) Tommy Dreamer (Face) Spike Dudley (Face) Simon Diamond (Heel) Rob Conway (Face) [B]Midcarder[/B] New Jack (Face) Sandman (Face) CW Anderson (Heel) Steve Corino (Heel) [B]Lower Midcarder[/B] Balls Mahoney (Face) Stevie Richards (Heel) Necro Butcher (Face) [B]Opener[/B] Nick Gage (Face) Tony Mamaluke (Heel) [B]Enhancement Talent[/B] Teddy Hart (Heel) [B]Semi Active Wrestler[/B] Lance Storm (Heel) Perry Saturm (Face) [B]Manager[/B] Payton (Heel) [B]Announcer[/B] Joey Styles (Face) Shane Douglas (Face) [B]Colour Commentator[/B] Paul Heyman (Face) Taz (Heel) [B]Referee[/B] Bill Alfonso (Face) [Also being used as a manager for RVD and Sabu.] Rudy Charles (Face)
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[COLOR="Red"][B]Dark Segments[/B][/COLOR] [B]Triple Threat Match:[/B] Tony Mamaluke VS Teddy Hart VS CW Anderson CW Anderson wins by pinning Teddy Hart. [6:31. C] [B]Four Way Hardcore Match:[/B] Nick Gage VS Necro Butcher VS Stevie Richards VS Balls Mahoney Stevie Richards wins by pinning Nick Gage while Necro and Balls brawl wildly just outside of the ring. [4:50. C] [COLOR="red"][B]The Real Deal:[/B][/COLOR] CyberSlam, Sunday, Week 4, August 2006. Being held in front of 10,000 people at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia. [CENTER][IMG]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00006ADEV.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Announcers Hype:[/B] [COLOR="red"]A huge video montage of old TRUE ECW footage plays alone with the music and voice saying EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEME CHAMPIONSHIP WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRESTLING! And a set of flashbangs explode at the entrance from backstage. Joey Styles, Paul Heyman, and Taz all step out from backstage and the crowd erupts. "ECW ECW ECW" as the three of them walk down to the ring, all the while slapping high fives along the aisle. They all climb into the ring and grab microphones. Paul Heyman goes to talk but the crowd erupts with "PAUL E PAUL E PAUL E" and Paul does the act as if he's about to cry like Joey Styles did at Hardcore Homecoming.[/COLOR] Paul, Joey, and Taz then proceed to bury the WWE, hype up the show, and most of all, hype the Rob Van Dam VS Chris Kanyon main event. [B] [B]Boiler Room Match:[/B] Sandman VS Steve Corino Steve Corino wins when CW Anderson interfered and nailed Sandman with a Spinebuster before letting Corino nail the Old School Expulsion. [11:37. C] [B]Interview in Ring:[/B] WHO BETTER THAN KANYON? Blares over the speakers and Kanyon comes out to be interviewed by Shane Douglas and hype his match later tonight against RVD. [B] [B]Death Match: [/B]New Jack VS Tommy Dreamer New Jack won this sick, bloody brawl after jumping off of the entrance structure onto Tommy Dreamer who was laying on barb wire on a table. [15:37. B-] [B]No DQ Match:[/B] [I][B]For the ECW Television Title:[/B][/I] Sabu VS Spike Dudley Sabu won after a long distance triple jump moonsault onto Spike, in a match where Spike had quite a bit of offense compared to his past ECW matches. [11:47. B] [B]Interview Taunt:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Scott Hall's music hits and he steps out from a side entrance, quickly coming down to the ring through the crowd. The crowd deafens the arena with boos.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Lime"]Joey Styles:[/COLOR][/B] What is he doing here? He was thrown out of the ECW locker room by Shane Douglas before and now he's back! He must be Raven's opponent! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Taz: [/COLOR][/B]And the coward doesn't even have the guts to enter from the locker room. [COLOR="Red"]Scott Hall gets to the ring and he plays for the camera, twisting his little piece of hair on his forehead and tossing a toothpick at the camera.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Scott Hall:[/B][/COLOR] Shut up. All you stupid fans that think you have something special here. Shut up. Where's your Franchise, Shane Douglas now? He INTERVIEWS people for a living now, for christ's sake. What's so great about ECW? [COLOR="Red"]At this point, the fans start chanting "ECW ECW ECW" and actually make it difficult to hear Scott Hall.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Scott Hall: [/B][/COLOR]I'm here tonight, and what has happened to me? Nothing. Rob Van Dam is here tonight, but what chance does he have? Rob Van Dam is a pot smoking joke. I'm the Franchise. [COLOR="Red"]Scott Hall continues to insult RVD and manages also to mention Raven, Paul Heyman, and Joey Styles. As he finishes talking the crowd deafens the place with boos and he has security clear himself a path out through the crowd.[/COLOR] [B] [B]No DQ Match:[/B] Perry Saturn VS Simon Diamond Simond Diamond beat Perry Saturn with the Problem Solver. [7:39. C+. Unfortunately, these two don't seem to click together.] [B]Reveal of New Protege:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Shane Douglas comes out to the ring and insults Scott Hall. Then he proceeds to say that Scott Hall can't be the Franchise because... Shane has chosen Rob Conway to be the new Franchise and the crowd erupts with cheers. Rob Conway comes out to the ring and poses for the camera.[/COLOR] [B-] [B]Singles Match:[/B] Yoshihiro Tajiri VS Ken Shamrock Tajiri and Ken Shamrock fought in a true slobberknocker, brawler, using matwork, and the match was stopped when both men tumbled off of the top turnbuckle to the outside and crashed through a table. [13:49. C+. Unfortunately, these guys don't click AT ALL, so the match suffered.] [B]Post Match:[/B] Tajiri walked over to Ken and shook his hand, and they both embraced. Payton then raised both of their hands in the air to chants of "She's got herpes *clapclapclapclapclap*" [D] [B]No DQ Match: [/B]Rob Conway VS Lance Storm Rob Conway pinned Lance Storm after laying him out with the Ego Trip after a technical masterpiece. [14:57. B-] [B]No DQ Match:[/B] Scott Hall VS Raven When Raven begins to get the upper hand and looks as if he is going to finish off Scott Hall, Simon Diamond runs out from backstage and just as Raven is about to hit the Raven Effect, Simon dives off of the top turnbuckle and nails him with a top rope clothesline. The crowd boos deafeningly as Simon helps Scott Hall up and Scott Hall delivers the Razor's Edge off of the top turnbuckle. Scott Hall wins thanks to Simon Diamond. [13:57. B. Raven seemed like something was distracting him.] [B]Ladder Match:[/B] [I][B]For the ECW World Heavyweight Title: [/B][/I]Rob Van Dam VS Chris Kanyon The match is back and forth the whole time with plenty of high spots and plenty of pleased fans. RVD is down and Kanyon begins climbing up the ladder at one point. Scott Hall then runs down to the ring from the crowd just as RVD begins to get up. RVD goes for a roundhouse kick on Scott Hall but Scott ducks it. Before RVD spins all the way around Scott Hall spins and grabs RVD under his armpits. He lifts him up... AND DUMPS HIM TO THE OUTSIDE THROUGH A TABLE! Just as Scott Hall does this, KANYON GRABS THE BELT AND THE LADDER SWINGS OUT FROM UNDER HIM! KANYON IS THE NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION BY WAY OF SCOTT HALL! Scott Hall flexes to deafening boos as Kanyon stands, raising the belt, as RVD lays on and under the remnants of the table, as the show ends. [22:33. A] [B]Final Rating:[/B] [B][COLOR="Lime"]B+[/COLOR][/B] This show should have definitely increased our popularity.
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[B]End of the Month Report:[/B] (August, 2006.) Wow, and I had actually been worried about money. Looks like Frank Tale's judgment was off. We can buy some more talent if we want. At the beginning of ECW, we had one million dollars. Last month we made 662,360 dollars. We had 72,169 buys from our CyberSlam pay per view, and 200,000 dollars from the 10,000 person sell out crowd at CyberSlam. Wow, and a single appearrance for everyone on our roster costed us only 34,800 dollars. I suppose it's a good thing we got a TV Show. I must really be a tightwad if that's all that everyone on our roster costed us for a pay per view. [B]Performance: [/B]662,360 [B]Income[/B] PPV Revenue: 577,352 Ticket Sales: 200,000 Sponsors: 97,960 Merchandise: 32,160 (Forgot to use "Just in time") [B]Expenditure[/B] Workers: 34,800 Show Costs: 45,000 Marketing: 25,000 Merchandise: 50,312 Production: 40,000 Misc.: 50,000 Oh, and in case you didn't figure this out already, Scott Hall is the man missing from the roster earlier. He made quite an impact at CyberSlam.
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[COLOR="Red"][B]Dark Segments[/B][/COLOR] [B]Singles Match:[/B] Necro Butcher VS Tony Mamaluke Necro Butcher finished off Tony Mamaluke with a Glass Shard to the Eye when the ref wasn't looking. [7:40. C-] [B]Triple Threat Match:[/B] Nick Gage VS Teddy Hart VS Balls Mahoney Teddy Hart pins Balls Mahoney after hitting the Triple Bypass. [7:18. C-] [COLOR="red"][B]The Real Deal:[/B][/COLOR] ECW Hardcore TV, Wednesday, Week 1, September 2006. Being held in front of 4,324 people at the Universal Amphitheater in the South West. [B]Hardcore Handicap Match:[/B] Sandman VS Steve Corino and CW Anderson Sandman knocked CW Anderson out of the ring with a series of cane shots, and then he managed to hit the Heinekenrana on Steve Corino before CW was back up. Sandman got the pinfall on Corino.[5:35. C-] [B]Sadistic Madness:[/B] New Jack VS Stevie Richards New Jack got Stevie Richards bleeding early on, and New Jack wasn't far behind to bleed. However, New Jack got the upper hand and nailed Stevie with the 187. New Jack wins. [10:14. C-] [B]Challenge:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Rob Van Dam comes out and challenges Chris Kanyon to a title match at next weeks TV show. Kanyon comes out and accepts.[/COLOR] [B] [B]No DQ Match:[/B] Simon Diamond VS Raven Well into the match, Scott Hall ran in and attacked Raven! Unfortunately for Simon Diamond, Rob Van Dam ran in shortly thereafter! RVD knocked down Simon Diamond and then brawled with Scott Hall back to the locker room! Raven ended up getting the pin after nailing the Raven Effect. [9:44. C+. Unfortunately, these two don't seem to click together.] [B]Authority Announcement:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Paul Heyman climbs into the ring to chants of "ECW ECW" and "Paul E Paul E", and once he is able to talk once the crowd settles down, he tells us that at this months pay per view, Anarchy Rulz, Rob Van Dam and Scott Hall will wrestle in a Hell in a Cell match![/COLOR] [B-] [B]Tables Match: [I]For the ECW World Heavyweight Title:[/I] [/B]Chris Kanyon VS Tommy Dreamer Chris Kanyon wins after he finally gets Tommy Dreamer through a table. There was one time in the match where Kanyon actually hit a table but it didn't break. [9:58. C. These two don't click at all, and the match suffered greatly because of it.] [B]Singles Match:[/B] Rob Conway (accompanied by Shane Douglas) VS Scott Hall Well into the match Shane Douglas began attacking Scott Hall. When this happened, Simon Diamond ran in and began attacking Rob Conway. At this point, all four men were brawling with no real momentum either way, so the match was thrown out as a double disqualification before security came down to help break the men up. [9:41. B-. Shane Douglas did a good job accompanying his new choice as the franchise.] [B]Thanks for the Advice:[/B] [COLOR="red"]After the break, the camera took us backstage where we followed Chris Kanyon walking through the backstage area. He ran into Scott Hall and took the time to thank Scott for the advice that he gave him for the match that he won earlier that night.[/COLOR] [B] [B]No DQ Tag Match:[/B] The Crazy Faces (Yoshihiro Tajiri and Ken Shamrock [Accompanied by Payton.] VS The Showstealers (RVD and Sabu) An excellent match that ended by pinfall when RVD hit the five star frog splash on Yoshihiro Tajiri. [10:30. B. RVD looked like his mind was on something else.] [B]Attack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]When the match was over and RVD and Sabu were celebrating for the crowd, Scott Hall and Chris Kanyon emerged from the crowd and knocked RVD and Sabu down and out with a pair of metal buckets with lids. After they had knocked RVD and Sabu down, they went under the ring and pulled out to big trashbags. They took the metal buckets and poured out the contents... TAR! All over RVD and Sabu then took the trashbags and dumped a ton of feathers on RVD and Sabu. Scott Hall and Chris Kanyon flexed for the camera as the show ended.[/COLOR] [B-] [B]Final Rating: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR][/B]
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[B][COLOR="Red"]Dark Segments:[/COLOR][/B] [B]Triple Threat Hardcore Match:[/B] Steve Corino VS Nick Gage VS Necro Butcher Steve Corino pinned Necro Butcher after nailing the Northern Lights Bomb. [6:11. C-] [B]Hardcore Match:[/B] Sandman VS Balls Mahoney Sandman pinnned Balls after hitting him with the white russian legsweep. [6:55. C-] [COLOR="red"][B]The Real Deal:[/B][/COLOR] ECW Hardcore TV, Wednesday, Week 2, September 2006. Being held in front of 4,312 people at the UCF Arena in the South East. [B]Parking Lot:[/B] [COLOR="red"]The show opens up showing Rob Van Dam, Sabu, and Bill Alfonso getting out of their car. Rob Van Dam and Bill Alfonso talk as Sabu walks along silently as usual. Out of nowhere, Scott Hall, Chris Kanyon, and Simon Diamond attack RVD and Sabu from behind. Alfonso runs away as they knock RVD and Sabu to the ground and stomp them down into the parking lot. Alfonso returns with some security and the three attackers scatter. The opening music video montage then plays.[/COLOR] [B-] [B]Singles Match:[/B] Yoshihiro Tajiri VS Lance Storm Yoshihiro Tajiri wins after hitting Lance Storm with the green mist THEN hitting a buzzsaw kick. [9:49. C+] [B]Interview:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Scott Hall, Chris Kanyon, and Simon Diamond come out to the ring. They proclaim that they are [COLOR="Blue"]"The Bell Toll'ers"[/COLOR] They then proceed to bury RVD, Sabu, Rob Conway, and Shane Douglas.[/COLOR] [B-] [B]Triple Threat First Blood Match:[/B] Tommy Dreamer VS Simon Diamond VS Raven Well into the match Rob Conway rushes down to the ring and pulls Simon Diamond outside and begins body slamming him onto the guard rail. While this is happening, Raven manages to bust Dreamer open with a big DDT onto a chair. [10:47. C+] [B]Interview:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Taz interviews Chris Kanyon about his match against RVD, and he cites his new stable several times.[/COLOR] [B-] [B]No DQ Match:[/B] Ken Shamrock VS Rob Conway Rob Conway wins the match by pinfall after hitting a belly to belly suplex in a good match up. [C+] [B]Authority Intervention:[/B] Paul Heyman walks up to the ring from the announce table and announces that he has banned The Bell Toll'ers from ringside while their stable members are fighting for the rest of the night. [C] [B]Singles Match:[/B] [B][I]For the ECW Television Title:[/I][/B] Scott Hall VS Sabu The match goes back and forth the whole time, but Scott Hall slipped on the mat as he was bouncing off of the ropes and Sabu had the upper hand for the last minute of the match before nailing the triple jump moonsault. [9:52. B] [B]No DQ Match: [/B][I][B]For the ECW World Heavyweight Title:[/B][/I] Rob Van Dam VS Chris Kanyon RVD and Kanyon go at it aggressively. Scott Hall exits the backstage area at one point to come down to the ring but Paul E yells to some security and several of them manhandle Scott Hall to pull him backstage. RVD managed to win when Bill Alfonso distracted Kanyon then tossed him the chair and RVD nailed him with a top rope cross-ring Van Damninator. RVD and Bill Alfonso celebrate afterwards. RVD is the new ECW World Heavyweight Champion and he poses with the belt as the show ends. [20:14. B] [B]Final Rating: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]B[/COLOR][/B]
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  • 1 month later...
ECW Hardcore TV [COLOR="Red"][B]Dark Segments[/B][/COLOR] [B]Singles Match:[/B] Takehiro Muruhama VS Tony Mamaluke Takehiro Muruhama defeated Tony Mamaluke by pinfall with a Sheer-Drop Brainbuster. [8:10. C-] [B]Four Way First Blood Match:[/B] Nick Gage VS Necro Butcher VS CW Anderson VS Balls Mahoney Balls Mahoney won when he busted open Nick Gage. [8:10. C-] [COLOR="red"][B]The Real Deal:[/B][/COLOR] ECW Hardcore TV, Wednesday, Week 3, September 2006. Being held in front of 4,239 people at the Autry Cort in the Mid South. [B]Challenge:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Scott Hall strolls confidently to the ring to deafening boos. He gets down to the ring and begins trash talking Rob Van Dam. Then he goes on to say that he would gladly bet his title shot that is coming at Anarchy Rulz!, on a match tonight against Rob Van Dam's tag partner, a man who is hitting his mid-life crisis (According to Scott Hall), Sabu. RVD then walks out at the top of the ramp! RVD says that Sabu gladly accepts any and all challenges, but RVD says that he wants Scott Hall at Anarchy Rulz, and there's no way Scott Hall is getting out of being in a Hell in a Cell match with RVD. Scott Hall grins and says alright, tonight's mid-life crisis match is going to be a last man standing match though, because I don't want to ever have to beat Sabu again. RVD says simply, "You're on." and the crowd cheers as RVD leaves. Hall continues to trash talk as he walks to the back.[/COLOR] [B-] [B]Triple Threat Hardcore:[/B] New Jack VS Raven VS Stevie Richards Raven wins with the Raven Effect and pinning Stevie Richardsafter laying out New Jack with a chair shot. [8:50. C+] [B]Tag Match:[/B] Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond VS Spike Dudley and Tommy Dreamer Simon Diamond scores a pinfall with help from the ropes on Tommy after an honest miscommunication between Spike and Tommy where Tommy bounced off of the ropes and knocked Spike off the apron. When he was checking on Spike from in the ring, Simon grabbed and handful of tights then used the ropes as leverage. [10:10. C+] [B]Singles Match:[/B] Steve Corino VS Lance Storm Steve Corino and Lance Storm went at it evenly in a nice, old school match until Lance Storm nailed the super kick and got the pinfall. [9:26. C+] [B]Singles Match:[/B] Chris Kanyon VS Rob Conway (Accompanied by Shane Douglas) Chris Kanyon scores a pinfall after an even match with help from Simon Diamond. [9:41. B-. Unfortunately, these two don't click at all, so the match suffered. Can I get some good chemistry please?] [B]Post Match:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]After the match, before Simon Diamond and Kanyon can run away, Shane Douglas rolls into the ring. Kanyon and Diamond grin at Douglas and then begin laughing. They charge at Douglas and swing a double clothesline but he ducks and bounces off the ropes, HE FLIES BACK WITH A HIGH CROSS BODY INTO BOTH OF THEM! By this time Rob Conway is up and grabs Diamond off the ground as Douglas grabs Kanyon. Douglas and Conway signal to the crowd but Kanyon and Diamond begin fighting back! The four men begin brawling wildly, with a member from each team getting in a mad man clothesline, sending all four of them to the outside! They continue brawling all of the way to the backstage area![/COLOR] [C] [B]No DQ Match:[I]For the ECW World Heavyweight Title[/I][/B] Rob Van Dam (Accompanied by Bill Alfonso) VS Yoshihiro Tajiri (Accompanied by Payton) Throughout the match there was no shortage of kicks. It wouldn't suprise me if both of these men are hemorrhaging in their heads after this match. Eventually RVD was able to knock Tajiri down and nailed the Five Star Frog Splash to score the pinfall and his first succesful defense as world champion.[10:32. B-] [B]The Middle Age Crisis Challenge: (Last man standing)[/B] Sabu VS Scott Hall The match started out very evenly, with Sabu doing a bunch of submissions to Scott Hall's legs and Scott Hall cheap-shotting Sabu at every turn. The match progressed with several near 10 counts, including one where Scott Hall back body dropped Sabu to the outside through a table, and one where Sabu gave Scott Hall a tornado DDT onto a chair. Sabu ended up setting Scott Hall on a table and began climbing up to the top turnbuckle... As he did so, Scott Hall stood up and low blowed Sabu. Scott Hall then climbed up to the second turnbuckle... AND NAILED A RAZOR'S EDGE THROUGH THE TABLE! Sabu was then unable to make the ten count and Scott Hall stood in the corner, propping himself up as Sabu got counted down and out.[16:25. B. Scott Hall was tiring towards the end... clearly it's HIS middle-age crisis and not Sabu's.] [B]Attack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]As Scott Hall props himself up on one of the turnbuckles, he begins waving as if waving someone to the ring from backstage. As he does this, Chris Kanyon and Simon Diamond come sprinting down the ramp. They slide into the ring and begin stomping on Sabu as he lays on the shattered table. Scott Hall begins to walk towards Sabu, and he lays into Sabu with a barrage of insults and curses. As he gets near Sabu.. WHACK! A CHAIR SMACKS HIM IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD! Scott falls down and rolls quickly out of the ring, CRACK CRACK Kanyon and Diamond get nailed with chair shots from RVD! They both roll out of the ring, and all three of them group up, bent over on the outside, holding the back of their heads. RVD sets up the chair near the ropes, bounces off the opposite side, uses the chair to jump up onto the ropes, FRONT FLIP SPLASH ONTO ALL THREE OF THEM ON THE OUTSIDE! An ECW ECW chant starts up in the crowd as RVD gets up, helping Sabu up in the ring as the camera fades...[/COLOR] [C] [B]Final Rating: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR][/B]
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[B]News:[/B] Thursday, Week 3, September 2006: Simon Diamond sustained a Damaged Knee Cap at last night's show. Gladly he can work through this injury, but do I want to risk hurting him more? Friday, Week 3, September 2006: Last Night ROH put on a C+ show for their Weekly House Show. Austin Aries is their current world champion. Saturday, Week 3, September 2006: [B]The ECW has made two major upper midcard signings that will debut at the next show![/B] Sunday, Week 3, September 2006: Last Night ROH put on a C+ for Glory by Honor. The best match of the night was between Alex Shelley and Samoa Joe in the semi-main event, which went to a double count out. Austin Aries succesfully defended his title against Jimmy Rave. Monday, Week 4, September 2006: WWE Held UNFORGIVEN last night in The Maritimes of Canada. The show was rated a B by most, and in the main event Kurt Angle defeated John Cena to retain the ECW World Title. In the semi-main event, Triple H defeated Shawn Michaels in the best match of the night... Tuesday, Week 4, September 2006: TNA IMPACT was held last night and it was a solid B-. Christopher Daniels defeated Scott Steiner in the main event and in the semi-main event, Sonjay Dutt held onto the X-Division Title against Chris Harris. Also, RAW was held last night in the Prairies, and the show was a B. In the main event, Rey Mysterio and Edge went to a double DQ in a great match rated about an A, and in the semi-main event Cena defeated Triple H in one of Cena's best matches, a B+. Wednesday, Week 4, September 2006: Smackdown! and ECW on Sci-Fi were recorded last night, and they were unspectacular B-'s and B's, respectively. It's time for our last show before Anarchy Rulz!
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