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How to watch matches?

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 Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to watch matches or get details during an event, or get a play-by-play of matches after they are over, rather than just getting the barebones match result I see now? I must be doing something wrong...

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You are the booker, how do YOU think the match should have gone? Its always fun after seeing the resulting score to come up with how the match went in my head for head cannon. Match bombed or i get the note about negative chemistry or an injury and i come up with a scenario as to how that played out. Same with the positives.

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There is a way. I just used chatgpt and told it to create a promo and sure enough it did for my user character.


I typed: "Create a backstage faceoff between Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell. Both guys are fighting in the UWC World Heavyweight Title Tournament."

It produced:


The backstage area is buzzing with activity as cameras capture the tension building up for the UWC World Heavyweight Title Tournament. In one corner, Wolf Hawkins is seen lacing up his boots, focused and determined. Across from him, Tommy Cornell, equally intense, prepares for the battle ahead.

🔥 Wolf Hawkins: (looking up with a smirk) Well, well, if it ain't Tommy Cornell. Fancy meeting you here, huh?

🔥 Tommy Cornell: (nodding) Wolf. Figured I'd find you back here. This tournament's no joke. Only the strong survive.

🔥 Wolf Hawkins: (leaning against a wall) You got that right. But, you see, survival ain't new to me. Been through the roughest terrains, fought the toughest battles. And tonight, it's no different.

🔥 Tommy Cornell: (cracking his knuckles) This is our shot, Wolf. UWC World Heavyweight Title. I respect you, but don't think for a second that I'm not willing to do whatever it takes to get that gold around my waist.

🔥 Wolf Hawkins: (smirking) Respect, huh? It's a rare thing in this business. But when that bell rings, Tommy, respect won't mean a damn thing. It's about who's willing to go the extra mile, who's hungry enough.

🔥 Tommy Cornell: (leaning in) Hungry? Wolf, you don't know the half of it. I've been grinding for years, paying my dues. Tonight, it's not just about winning; it's about seizing the opportunity that we've both been working our asses off for.

🔥 Wolf Hawkins: (nodding) I get it, Tommy. We're both fighters. But tonight, only one of us moves forward in this tournament. It's nothing personal; it's just the way it goes.

🔥 Tommy Cornell: (staring back) No hard feelings, Wolf. But when that bell rings, all bets are off. I'm walking out with my hand raised, one step closer to that title.

🔥 Wolf Hawkins: (smirking again) Let's see about that, Tommy. May the best man win.

🎥 As the tension hangs in the air, the cameras capture the intensity in their eyes. The clash of egos and determination is palpable, foreshadowing the explosive encounter awaiting the UWC fans in the ring.

🔥 UWC World Heavyweight Title Tournament: Wolf Hawkins vs. Tommy Cornell - The Battle for Glory Begins! 🔥

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