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Question about turning heel

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Planning on doing an angle where Matthew Keith/Gauge shows up and turns heel on his brother, Greg. But I was planning on having him do an injury angle and be out for a a couple of months. Upon returning he would turn heel on his brother a few months after winning the World Title. The manual says with less than 3 segment build it would be considered a shock turn. Would it be better booked as a shock or have x amount of segments and then take him off TV then return to do the turn? Do you lose any momentum gained from the build segments or am I overthinking how the system handles turns etc? 

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On 5/12/2024 at 5:22 AM, cainekass said:

3 or less segments. I just didn't want to ruin the turn

What BrokenCycle meant is that the number of shock turns you do, not the number of segments. But either way, as long as you don't spam shock turns, then one quick and dirty turn will not give you problems.

If you're really uncertain and want to avoid any potential maluses (because you've done a multitude of shock turns earlier), then know that it doesn't matter when the segments happen, and they can all happen on a singular event, even on the one that the turn is happening.

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