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5SSW: Greatest Hits [CVerse 1997]

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Robert Macdonald

The latest report from 5 Star Supreme Wrestling is that Yasuna Miki has been quietly promoted to head booker. Our source in 5SSW has said that the appointment was a long time coming, noting that Sakurako Kawaga has been looking to focus purely on the business side for a while now.

Yasuna Miki began her career as a must see hopeful in Golden Canvas Grappling: Women’s Wrestling, with one of the key highlights being a singles match against her future boss Kagawa, and teaming up with powerhouse Chihoko Ono – who often literally threw Yasuna on their opponents. However, injuries and an early retirement for Chihoko dwindled her career as she slowly fell down to the card, before arriving in Five-Star as a midcard hand. 

In her brief time as a full time wrestler in 5SSW, she was seen as a 'glass cannon', someone who could do fantastic matches if she was healthy. As such, her matches against the likes of Crusher Ichihara, Namiyo Muro and Nyoko Toshitala, and against the hopeful Nana Ogiwara in an early standout match led her to be controversially nominated (at least, according to those without taste) as the WWA Woman Wrestler of the Year twice (91 & 92).

During this time, she was assigned the task of producing the matches of select hopefuls. Our source stating that Kagawa herself thought she had a Five-Star mind — a term for someone who both could do respectable old school and high octane matches. In this period, two hopefuls, Nana Ogiwara and Tara Hike  quickly grew and became almost impossibly excellent.

On New Year Eve 1992, two things would happen that would change Yasuna forever. In a match, she would get a career ending injury, and the two hopefuls would win the 5SSW Tag Team champions, rechristening themselves to be Sensational Ogiwara and Thunder Hike. The premier japanese wrestling  magazine would state that the era of the Magic Three (Ogiwara, Hike and Ichihara) was now.

After retirement, she has kept steady work being the go to producer for the Magic Three – including the Ogiwara / Ichihara match from last October – and helping her in-ring rival Toshitala to a late career renaissance – helping her to being also nominated as the WWA Woman Wrestler of the Year twice (93 & 94).

There is no real indication any changes will happen in the soon future. Though, our source has indicated several members of the roster might be under closer scrutinization due to their behavior.

In other 5SSW news, Sensational Ogiwara has been nominated by Wrestling Writers' Association as the WWA Woman Wrestler of the Year, due to her exceptional year featuring bonafide matches against Hike, Ichihara, Toshitala, Muro. and even a deft match against Peach Suzuki of the Spring Blossoms. There has been even discussion of her being a contender for Wrestler of the Year – discussion which may have been started by yours truly :-).





News - updated Monday, Week 1, January 1997;

Hiii! So, as you might have heard from another site >_>, Yasuna Miki is now the booker for 5 Star! I've always loved her work, and I'm so happy for her. As always, we'll stay on top of it like any other joshi news. But for those who are now interested in 5 Star, here's a brief rundown on the wrestlers and recent happenings;

Sensational Ogiwara, Thunder Hike, Nyoko Toshitala & Namiyo Muro

During a recent show, both Namiyo Muro and Nyoko Toshitala issued a challenge for the 5SSW belt, demanding that Sensational Ogiwara face them. While we haven't received news on when the matches will take place, a series of multi-man matches have been booked for the upcoming shows, all of which should be fantastic.

"Hellraiser" Namiyo Muro is literally a hellraiser – a chaotic, brutal brawler who can verge on deathmatch territory. She has spent her entire career with 5SSW and was even a part of their first-ever match. At the age of 21, she became their second world champion. So, even though she's only 30, she's seen as one of the veterans here, challenging the newcomer to prove her place.

Nyoko Toshitala, for many, is Ms. 5SSW, having main-evented their first show and being their first champion. She's one of the most adept technical wrestlers ever (Sam Keith who?) and possibly one of the best. There are rumors that this might be her last year as an active wrestler, as she's interested in moving backstage as a road agent, much like her rival Yasuna Miki – maybe even stealing her job.

Sensational Ogiwara is the current world champion and, well, the best wrestler ever. She can do it all: technical, brawling, highspots, you name it. She was even awarded Woman Wrestler of the Year today. Really, she's the wrestler of the year, the decade, and forever. Go out of your way to find a tape of her stuff right NOW.

(While she isn't directly involved with this, she has been booked as Ogiwara's consistent partner for the upcoming show, so I thought I might do a write up on her.) 

Thunder Hike is probably the only few other people who could claim Ogiwara's status as the best. Featuring a lethal grounded technical game, and also being a fantastic all rounder wrestler, she can carry anyone to a match of the night, anyone, even a broom. A lot of people think she is the third in line to a championship shot after these two, so it will be exciting to see how this plays out.


Destruction Inc. (Crusher Ichihara & June Buttler) & Axe Battlers

The Axe Battlers have recently issued a challenge to Destruction Inc., claiming they hit harder and destroy more. Their match has been set for Sunday, Week 1, January show.

Destruction Inc. are the current champions, consisting of both Crusher Ichihara and June Butler, who are one of the best tag teams on the whole planet. Seriously!

Crusher Ichihara herself is also one of the best singles wrestlers and a former world champion, even winning Woman Wrestler of the Year. She may be one of the few people who can contend with Ogiwara's title. Her brutal and hard-hitting style is impressive, but she's also an overall great wrestler, as proven by her ability to go 30 minutes with Ogiwara herself.

June Butler is a Canadian brawler who has toured with 5SSW many times and recently signed fully with their promotion. While not as great as her tag team partner, she is still really good and one of the best foreign powerhouse heels in Japanese wrestling. I've heard she's also spending time in Canada with NOTBPW, but I don't really follow that scene, sorry!

The Axe Battlers are Chopper Nishida and Slicer Kamuta, a tag team who have drifted in and out of 5SSW and various indy shows. Age has caught up to them, and their previous explosiveness has worn out. While I still think they are good, they often need a great tag team to carry them – like Destruction Inc!


roar97 (Lioness Mushashibo and Reese Paige) & Serenity Weaver and Kit Hatoyama

Two new tag teams have emerged!

First up, we have Lioness Mushashibo and Reese Paige, who will be teaming up as 'roar97'.

Lioness Mushashibo is an intense highflier who is just waiting for their year to break out, she had a middling 1996, even missing out on being able to wrestle Ogiwara due to an injury. Reese Paige is an globe traveling all-rounder who has been a consistent showcase in multi-mans over the years. Their styles have complimented each greatly during matches, so it should be an awesome tag team.

Then, there's Serenity Weaver and Kit Hatoyama, who, at the moment, do not have a name.

Serenity Weaver is an english speedball who often seems like one of the fastest wrestlers alive, she recently came back to 5SSW in november after taking time to wrestle in europe. Kit Hatoyama is one of the biggest touted joshi wrestlers in a long long time, mixing up martial arts with high flying, and even had a killer match against Thunder Hike last year.

This should be an amazing tag team, though there are rumors of problems with both Serenity's homesickness and Hatoyama's ever growing status might make this one a one tour tag team. Hopefully not though, and this will be the tour to make Serenity stay in 5SSW for a long time.


Bertha Mayle, Kikue Akimoto, Aiko Nakashima & Ayame Nohashi

Here are profiles of other people you might want to know about:

Bertha Mayle is one of those wrestlers Japan loves but I hate, she is a burly brawler who just hits their opponent for 18 minutes, and people cheer. Even worse is that she is almost retired and just stinks up the ring every time she wrestles. But she will as much be featured on the shows, so here we are.

Speaking of veterans who do not suck (or at least totally suck), we got Kikue Akimoto who is a great wrestler who as much in her career either has matches with rookies – teaching them how japan loves, by kicking them in the face –, or as a dependable third hand for trios, and we got Aiko Nakashima who used to be in one of the best tag teams with her sister, mostly seems nowadays to lack behind her more better multi-man partners, at times she still has the pizzazz and skills to harken back to her better days.

And finally we got Ayame Nohashi, a fantastic wrestler who brings both technical and high flying into a package that makes the crowd love her with her energy and pop. Sadly, she has seemingly been stuck in a midcard rut even though she has the skills to go even higher. While she isn't as good as Magic Three, sure, it is as frustrating to see her being booked this way. Hopefully Yasuna can fix that.



Saeko Hiroyuki, Shade Sekimoto, Seiko Nanami & Suzue Katayama

For up and comers to check out;

Two high fliers on the opposite end of the ring who could break out in '97. Saeko Hiroyuki is a crisp highflier who improved last year, teaming up with her friend Saori Nakadan as The Bomb Squad. While she shined bright in these matches, the team has hampered her to the undercards as Nakadan is still a first year rookie. Shade Sekimoto on the other hand is a late bloomer, being the oldest at 30 (even older than the 'veteran' Muro.). The reason I am putting her on up and coming is her new found charisma, being able to really draw the crowd to her. Both have been in some key midcard (and even one main event) matches on this tour that could really set their 1997.

On the opposite end of wrestling style, two powerhouses whose future might be elsewhere. Seiko Nanami is a beast of a wrestler, almost having an western brawling style – unlike those, she is actually good –. That being said, she has not captured the imagination of the home crowd, and she could be leaving for the US or Canada. Her having a reputation for being unsafe not helping things. Suzue Katayama is a powerhouse who infamously won the tag team belts with Toshitala in her rookie year, recently she has been splitting time between Japan and the USA; (I swear Jen, I'll watch those AAA shows soon). There are murmurs that she might decide to go full time in America, but things are too early to note.

I'll try to note anyone else in my next update, but this is already getting overly long! Thank you for reading, and let's hope for a kick ass Joshi year..


Thank you to Shianne_EB for the renders, please check out her re-render thread and support her

thanks to Shianne, villaindude, MDK, vince staples, big roguey, cody, codey, cody rhodes, and people who will edit in later when i remember their existence for helping me plan, write or just being a swell peep.

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Reports - updated Saturday, Week 1, January 1997;


5SSW Reign Supreme - DAY ONE (Monday, Week 1, January 1997);

Shade Sekimoto / Yoko Ikina / Yori Toyoshima (L) vs. Victoria Stone (W) / Bruiser Anara / Saori Nakadan
Aiko Nakashima (W) / Miracle Fujita vs. Junko Hayakawa (L) / Kiko Sakakibara
Serenity Weaver / Kit Hatoyama / Lioness Mushashibo (L) / Reese Paige vs. Seiko Nanami (W) / Saeko Hiroyuki / Cherry Tanizaki / Peach Suzuki
Suzue Katayama / Crusher Ichihara (W) / June Butler vs. Bertha Mayle / Chopper Nishida (L) / Slicer Kamuta
Ayame Nohashi / Sensational Ogiwara (W) / Thunder Hike vs. Namiyo Muro (L) / Nyoko Toshitala / Kikue Akimoto

5SSW Reign Supreme - DAY TWO (Wednesday, Week 1, January 1997);
Mitsu Ariwa (W) vs. Saori Nakadan (L)
Junko Hayakawa (W) / Bruiser Anara vs. Yoko Ikina / Yuri Toyoshima (L)
Aiko Nakashima (W) / Miracle Fujita / Saeko Hiroyuki / Kiko Sakakibara vs. Seiko Nanami / Victoria Stone / Lioness Mushashibo / Shade Sekimoto (L)
Crusher Ichihara / Suzue Katayama / Ayame Nohashi (L) vs. Chopper Nishida / Slicer Kamuta / Kikue Akimoto (W)
Sensational Ogiwara / Thunder Hike / Serenity Weaver / Kit Hatoyama (L) vs. Namiyo Muro (W) / Nyoko Toshitala / Cherry Tanizaki / Peach Suzuki

5SSW Reign Supreme - DAY THREE (Friday, Week 1, January 1997);

Mitsu Ariwa (W) vs. Saori Nakadan (L) vs. Yori Toyoshima
Bruiser Anara (W) vs. Yoko Ikina (L)
Miracle Fujita (W) / Victoria Stone vs. Shade Sekimoto / Kiko Sakakibara (L)
Aiko Nakashima / Ayame Nohashi (W) / Saeko Hiroyuki / Junko Hayakawa vs. Kikue Akimoto / Seiko Nanami / Lioness Mushashibo (L) / Reese Paige
Crusher Ichihara / June Butler / Cherry Tanizaki / Peach Suzuki (L) vs. Chopper Nishida / Slicer Kamuta / Serenity Weaver (W) / Kit Hatoyama
Sensational Ogiwara / Thunder Hike / Kikue Akimoto (W) vs. Namiyo Muro / Nyoko Toshitala / Bertha Mayle (L)


Once again, Ogiwara shined hard during this series. Even shining out comparable wrestlers like ichihara, Muro and even her partner Hike.
Though, just to note neither three did bad work, if anything they were great, it is just Ichihara seemingly being on fire.
There's some concern of her wearing down too quickly due to how hard she goes for what should be mostly textbook work, however that being said, we can't deny we are getting some of the best wrestling in the world.

Weaver & Hatoyama was also a great surprise, while we won't see their debut as a tag team this tour, their teamwork was great, and both wrestlers were already picking reactions akin to main eventers. Hatoyama is someone everyone has been high on, but Weaver was a surprise, there is no current news if she is gonna stay full-time this year.

Nakashima and Fujita for who should have been a textbook high flying duo just stunk, they had absolutely no clue what to do when it came to tagging each other.

Ichihara and Mushashibo were going without their tag team partners on Wednesday due to Canadian obligations, surprisingly Stone did not go with them back home. I guess they weren't impressed with Stone's work on monday.

Due to Katayama pinning Mayle on friday, a special singles match got set for Sunday, I have no clue why they are giving Bertha Mayle a solo match in 1997 but there you go.

Out of all rookies, Bruiser Anara was the most impressive, even getting a showcase match against Fujita on Sunday.


Here's the card for Sunday's big event;


Namiyo Muro / Nyoko Toshitala vs. Sensational Thunder (Ogiwara & Hike)
Destruction Inc. (Butler & Ichihara) (c) vs. Axe Battlers (Kamuta & Nishida)
Suzue Katayama vs. Bertha Mayle
Aiko Nakashiima / Ayame Nohashi / Serenity Weaver & Kit Hatoyama vs. Seiko Nanami / Kikue Akimoto / The Spring Blossoms (Tanizaki & Suzuki)
Junko Hayakawa / roar97 (Mushashibo & Paige) vs. Victoria Stone / Saeko Hiroyuki / Shade Sekimoto
Miracle Fujita vs. Bruiser Anara
Kiko Sakakibara vs. Mitsu Ariwa

As always, I'll do a full review of this show.


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ratings; i thought it broke up the post and mostly to leave some subjectivity, but i know people would prefer them so here you go.

5SSW Reign Supreme - DAY ONE (Monday, Week 1, January 1997);
Shade Sekimoto / Yoko Ikina / Yori Toyoshima vs. Victoria Stone / Bruiser Anara / Saori Nakadan - 36
Aiko Nakashima / Miracle Fujita vs. Junko Hayakawa  / Kiko Sakakibara - 42
Serenity Weaver / Kit Hatoyama / Lioness Mushashibo / Reese Paige vs. Seiko Nanami / Saeko Hiroyuki / Cherry Tanizaki / Peach Suzuki - 54
Suzue Katayama / Crusher Ichihara / June Butler vs. Bertha Mayle / Chopper Nishida / Slicer Kamuta - 55
Ayame Nohashi / Sensational Ogiwara / Thunder Hike vs. Namiyo Muro / Nyoko Toshitala / Kikue Akimoto - 67

5SSW Reign Supreme - DAY TWO (Wednesday, Week 1, January 1997);
Mitsu Ariwa vs. Saori Nakadan - 24
Junko Hayakawa / Bruiser Anara vs. Yoko Ikina / Yuri Toyoshima - 30
Aiko Nakashima / Miracle Fujita / Saeko Hiroyuki / Kiko Sakakibara vs. Seiko Nanami / Victoria Stone / Lioness Mushashibo / Shade Sekimoto - 47
Crusher Ichihara / Suzue Katayama / Ayame Nohashi vs. Chopper Nishida / Slicer Kamuta / Kikue Akimoto - 55
Sensational Ogiwara / Thunder Hike / Serenity Weaver / Kit Hatoyama vs. Namiyo Muro / Nyoko Toshitala / Cherry Tanizaki / Peach Suzuki -  68

5SSW Reign Supreme - DAY THREE (Friday, Week 1, January 1997);
Mitsu Ariwa vs. Saori Nakadan vs. Yori Toyoshima - 25
Bruiser Anara vs. Yoko Ikina - 29
Miracle Fujita / Victoria Stone vs. Shade Sekimoto / Kiko Sakakibara - 45
Aiko Nakashima / Ayame Nohashi / Saeko Hiroyuki / Junko Hayakawa vs. Kikue Akimoto / Seiko Nanami / Lioness Mushashibo / Reese Paige - 46
Crusher Ichihara / June Butler / Cherry Tanizaki / Peach Suzuki vs. Chopper Nishida / Slicer Kamuta / Serenity Weaver / Kit Hatoyama - 59
Sensational Ogiwara / Thunder Hike / Kikue Akimoto vs. Namiyo Muro / Nyoko Toshitala / Bertha Mayle - 60

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Reports - updated Monday, Week 2, January 1997;

Their first big show of the year is in the books, and we got the deets. We took the time to have someone in the crowd and someone watching the broadcast, so we can bring you the best of both worlds.

MATCH ZERO: Rookie Match(?)

Apparently there was a dark match between three rookies, our reporter on the scene sat down to see Yoko Ikina getting her hand raised, the other two were Saori Nakadan and Yuri Toyoshima. The match wasn't broadcasted, so we got nothing else.
Moving on with the actual show;


5SSW Reign Supreme in KOBE - Sunday, Week 1, January 1997


MATCH ONE: Kiko Sakakibara vs. Mitsu Ariwa - Rookie Showcase

You usually don't see this very often, A wrestler facing off against their rookie rival when the other one is still seen as a rookie. In this case, Kiko Sakakibara is facing off against Mitsu Ariwa, in what might be Ariwa's final rookie showcase matches. Kiko was happy enough to showcase the difference a year makes between a rookie and a full time wrestler.

Leaving a few scant moments for Ariwa to fight back – even her debuting a great looking dropkick – It was all about Sakakibara, wearing Ariwa down with holds and high flying offense, before hitting her Kingdom Quake for a three. It is the (possibly for some, disappointingly) usual affair of rookie against full-time, even with the added interest of rivals fighting against each other.

After the match, Sakakibara grabbed a mic for a cheer, thanking all of her fans for their support. To note, there was a sizable young female audience who held out their hands for a high five as she left.

For the post-match interview, Ariwa told the interviewer how much of a learning experience this is, and she hopes to finally show what she is capable of to the 5SSW fans, before she gets interrupted by Sakakibara.
Sakakibara tells Ariwa that when Ariwa finally graduates that instead of fighting her again, she wants to team up with her, explaining that she is one of the few who knows how much spirit Ariwa has. Ariwa looked at her, and left without an answer.


MATCH TWO: Miracle Fujita vs. Bruiser Anara - Rookie Showcase

David meets Goliath, though this time Goliath who has a mountain to climb. Anara has been a touted rookie from her debut a year ago, even many feel that she has outgrown the more experienced rookies. Fujita on the other hand is hoping to win her first singles match to kickstart a long awaited breakout year.

Anara was able to take an early lead, using her power and strength to overpower Fujita. However, her inexperience gets the better of her, as Fujita is able to counter and take down her bigger foe for the upper hand. A few speedy dives and splashes seals the deal for Fujita. To note, Anara looked especially good compared to her fellow rookies, and even to Sakakibara.

Fujita held out a handshake to the rookie, who just grunted and walked away. Anara didn't show up for the post-match interview, Fujita is on her own, talking about how it is great to get a head start on this year, and make sure that the management will finally take notice of her.


MATCH THREE: Hayakawa / roar97 (Paige and Mushashibo) vs. Stone / Hiroyuki / Sekimoto

All of these wrestlers have something to prove, Hayakawa wants to dig out of the rut she is in, both Paige and Mushashibo wants to prove themselves as tag team partners, Stone is continuing her strong last year, Hiroyuki wants her new solo career to start off in the right foot, and Sekimoto wants to finally make a name for herself.
This was as much a 'get your thing in' match, which is not easily recappable, so i'll stick with the big stories.

While roar97 as of now is not a well experienced team, their tandem teamwork being augmented with Mushashibo putting in great work was a high mark. Sekimoto, who has of late been seen as not putting in the work, came out looking great, if not the best out of the match. The crowd also got behind Stone for reasons I don't really get, but I need to be unbiased.

roar97's teamwork succeeded in the end as Mushashibo hit a clean Sky Twister Press on Hiroyuki for the win, securing both the new team a huge victory also their partner Hayakawa hopefully what to be many victories this year.

roar97 ran down the whole tag team division, saying that they are gonna beat anyone no matter what. Hayakawa said she was happy with the victory, but called out Stone, saying she can take her on in any continent.
Stone had a brief interview, not commenting on Hayakawa's retort. Hiroyuki was super disappointed in being the one to take the fall, and saying that she will truly explode into a great year next match. Sekimoto was nowhere to be found.


MATCH FOUR: Nakashima / Nohashi / Weaver & Hatoyama vs. Nanami / Akimoto / Spring Blossoms (Suzuki & Tanizaka)

Nakashima recently got disrespected by Nanami, saying that there is no reason for an old deadweight like her to be here, Nohashi and Akimoto have been a constant thorn in each other's eyes, almost for a decade, and the new team of Weaver and Hatoyama called out Spring Blossoms, saying that they are gonna beat the best because they are the best.

As such, this whole match all about teasing out tastes of their singles (and tag team) matches, Nanami's  pure strength against the time-tested grappling from Nakashima, Nohashi's fiery high flying against Akimoto's no nonsense wrestling and (for what was the best of them all) Weaver & Hatoyama aerial assault against the ground and pound from The Spring Blossoms.

After Nanami was able to put down Nakashima, you wished as much that the match could go on forever. Especially Spring Blossoms and Weaver & Hatoyama who came out of this match looking like bonafide main eventers.

Nanami just said plainly that she proved that she can beat Nakashima, and does not know why she would need a match with her again, but she would be as much happy to do it. Akimoto says that she has Nohashi's number, and she will show it when they meet this month(!). Spring Blossoms said they would be happy to fight the new team, even Suzuki noting that she lost to Hatoyama in a singles match, so it would be great to get revenge.
Nakashima made no excuses, and said she will train and fight hard for her match against Nanami, saying while she isn't a fan of veterans calling out their youngsters, you do have to make sure they know their place when they step out of line. Nohashi apologized to her fans for letting them down, but saying that she will make sure to go high with their support. Hatoyama asked Weaver to finally stay this time, that she thinks that she and Weaver can go to the top. Weaver seemed receptive about that idea.


MATCH FIVE: Mayle vs. Katayama

The match we all been dreading, the obligatory barnstorming slobberknocker, bleh. Story is simple, Hatayama called out Mayle, pinned Mayle last show and Mayle irate yelled into the mic. I guess that's 'I accept' in texan.

Match is what you expect, brawl inside, brawl outside. Mayle very obviously got tired by the end, so she can barely even do a suplex or a powerslam. Thankfully, she puts Katayama in a bear hug before it gets too long. Crowd liked it, I have no clue why.

Mayle backstage just said she didn't care about Muro, Toshitala or whoever, she wants the belt and she is ready to punch Ogiwara's pretty face in. Katayama kicked a chair in frustration, and got mad at the interviewer for asking benign questions.


MATCH SIX: Destruction inc. (Ichihara & Butler) vs. Axe Battlers (Kamuta & Nishida)

From one end of brawling to the other, we got this match. A match to prove who is the strongest, and there comes no other four more people who can be called the most powerful. Ichihara & Butler have been tearing up both the singles and tag team scene since regaining the title. Axe Battlers put them in their crosshairs since coming back, and that's how we got this match.

Quickly they got into what we came for, quick bruising action, one and the other taking turns dealing out the most vicious strikes they could think about. Seeing the smaller Axe Battlers being happy to take on the big Destruction Inc in their own game was a spectacle. Though, it was all Ichihara's show, being the glue to tie the mayhem together, and making sure it had meat to the bones.

The end came when after a whiffed double team attack from the Axe Battlers, Destruction Inc was quick to show why size matters, almost making Kamuta disappear, and taking down Nishida with a killer Lariat of Doom.

Destruction inc. stared down the scared interviewer who shut up, Ichihara called out the management saying that this should have been the main event, and she won't stand for this disrespect. Axe Battlers didn't show up for their interview.


MATCH SEVEN: Muro & Toshitala vs. Sensational Thunder (Ogiwara & Hike)

As stated before, Muro & Toshitala both issued separate claims to the championship, saying both Ogiwara and the management disrespected them due to being veterans. The crowd was happy to boo at them, because Ogiwara had been nothing but the model ace that had deep respect for anyone. She asked her best friend Hike to help her to fight off these claimants, promising her a well deserved title shot.

Before the match, Sakurako Kagawa on behalf of the management said if Muro & Toshitala wins, they will get their title shot, and whoever gets the pinfall between the two will be able to pick when. I can't help to wonder how Hike felt about being left out of this.

The match itself was a scrappy affair, as the two teams started a anything goes mayhem, it was incredible, and nothing we would expect from Sensational Thunder.
Sensational Thunder has always operated as the more graceful tag team to their scrappy or grounded opponent, and the two in this match felt like an alternative universe.

The two veterans were happy to match them in grit, as they tried to surmount the task of taking on an well-established tag team. Though, it was clear that either one of them wasn't too happy to work with each other, and was only there for themselves.

Ogiwara herself was the star here though, as she pulled out her long dormant elbows and forearms, even mixing in a few Muro-style punches, it was a new brashness we had never seen from her before, I like it. Her partner Hike was in home turf, her holds and twist being more viscous than ever, even being happy to do a strike exchange with Muro.

Muro was doing what Muro does, raising hell and being happy to pummel and destroy her opponent, even while facing the elbow tornado that was Ogiwara. Toshitala was doing her angry veteran thing, trying to even bully the two wrestlers who could face her in holds. I don't want to sound too dismissive, but they were doing what they always do compared to shockingly violent Sensational Thunder.

The match ended with an exchange of high hitting drops and finishers that got the crowd screaming, but the one to be the last was Muro by hitting Ogiwara with her Wild Ride and securing both a win and a shot against the champ.

After the match, Muro grabbed the mic and said she would challenge Ogiwara in February, saying very insincerely that she thought Toshitala deserved the shot first. Toshitala just grunted at her and rolled her eyes, and tried to step up to Muro before Hike's voice boomed through the arena. She said if Muro was too much of a coward to face Ogiwara this month, she would be more than happy to face her. Kagawa nodded, and it was official as Muro stared in shock to end the show.


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5SSW Reign Supreme in KOBE - Rating and Feedback

5SSW's first show is in the book, and the feedback we got was that it was awesome. Here's our customary ratings, collected via ExtremeVision (trademark pending).

  • Saori Nakadan vs. Yoko ikina vs. Yuri Toyoshima - 21
  • Kiko Sakakibara vs. Mitsu Ariwa - 32
  • Miracle Fujita vs. Bruiser Anara - 40
  • Junko Hayakawa / roar97 (Mushashibo & Paige) vs. Victoria Stone / Saeko Hiroyuki / Shade Sekimoto - 44
  • Aiko Nakashiima / Ayame Nohashi / Serenity Weaver & Kit Hatoyama vs. Seiko Nanami / Kikue Akimoto / The Spring Blossoms (Tanizaki & Suzuki) - 54
  • Suzue Katayama vs. Bertha Mayle - 44
  • Destruction Inc. (Butler & Ichihara) (c) vs. Axe Battlers (Kamuta & Nishida) - 60
  • Namiyo Muro / Nyoko Toshitala vs. Sensational Thunder (Ogiwara & Hike) - 72
  • Show Rating - 61


personal comments are gonna be in rot13, it is my full intention that the diary should be purely enjoyed in-universe, however my friends said that they like out of character comments from the diarist, so here you go;

bar bs zl zber jbefr bcravat fubjf v'ir qbar jvgu svir fgne va avargl frira, ohg v'yy gnxr jung v pna trg. bapr ntnva, btvjnen pneelvat zr -- yvxr gur wbfuv cnenqvfr jevgre zvtug or irel gbb ovnfrq ohg fur'f rkpryyrag va tnzr -- gur erfg qbvat svar rabhtu.

fubj gbbx n juvyr gb jevgr, zbfgyl gur ynfg zngpu gou. vg'f uneq gb qrfpevor jerfgyvat zngpurf jura lbh qba'g ernyyl unir n zvaq sbe vaare jerfgyvat zngpurf, naq gurer vf fb zhpu lbh pna whfg ercrng 'gurl jerfgyr sbe n juvyr naq gura bar jerfgyre jvaf'. vg'f orra sha gubhtu.

fnir'f tbaan or ng yrnfg vagrerfgvat orphfr abobql vf va aog, abg zhfunfuvob, cnvtr, fgbar, vxvjn be xngnlnzn, rgp. arire frra gung orsber, ohg fb vg vf. gunax lbh nyy sbe gur avpr pbzzragf.

Edited by psx
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Reports - updated Sunday, Week 2, January 1997;


5SSW Reign Supreme - DAY FIVE (Tuesday, Week 2, January 1997);
Bruiser Anara (W) vs. Yoko Ikina vs. Yori Toyoshima
Saori Nakadan (L) / Lioness Mushashibo / Reese Paige vs. Miracle Fujita (W) / Kiko Sakakibara / Mitsu Ariwa
Suzue Katayama / Crusher Ichihara / June Butler (W) vs. Bertha Mayle / Slicer Kamuta / Chopper Nishida (L)
Ayame Nohashi (W) / Victoria Stone / Shade Sekimoto vs. Kikue Akimoto / Junko Hayakawa / Saeko Hiroyuki (L)
Thunder Hike (W) / Aiko Nakashima vs. Namiyo Muro (L) / Seiko Nanami
Sensational Ogiwara / Serenity Weaver / Kit Hatoyama (W) vs. Nyoko Toshitala / Peach Suzuki / Cherry Tanizaka (L)

5SSW Reign Supreme - DAY SIX (Thursday, Week 2, January 1997);
Junko Hayakawa / Saori Nakadan (L) / Yori Toyoshima vs. Victoria Stone (W) / Kiko Sakakibara / Mitsu Ariwa
June Butler vs. Bruiser Anara (L) - ANARA SERIES
Suzue Katayama (W) / Shade Sekimoto vs. Miracle Fujita / Saeko Hiroyuki (L)
Crusher Ichihara (W) / Lioness Mushashibo / Reese Paige vs. Bertha Mayle / Slicer Kamuta / Chopper Nishida (L)
Thunder Hike / Serenity Weaver / Kit Hatoyama (L) vs. Namiyo Muro (W) / Peach Suzuki / Cherry Tanizaka
Sensational Ogiwara (W) / Aiko Nakashima / Ayame Nohashi  vs. Nyoko Toshitala / Kikue Akimoto / Seiko Nanami (L)

5SSW Reign Supreme - DAY SEVEN (Saturday, Week 2, January 1997);
Bruiser Anara / Saori Nakadan (L) vs. Kiko Sakakibara (W) / Mitsu Ariwa
Victoria Stone (W) / Miracle Fujita / Lioness Mushashibo / Reese Paige vs. Junko Hayakawa / Suzue Katayama / Slicer Kamuta / Chopper Nishida (L)
Ayame Nohashi (W) / Aiko Nakashima / Yoko Ikina vs. Kikue Akimoto / Seiko Nanami / Yori Toyoshima (L)
Crusher Ichihara / Serenity Weaver / Kit Hatoyama (L) vs. Bertha Mayle / Peach Suzuki / Cherry Tanizaka (W)
Sensational Ogiwara (W) / Thunder Hike / Shade Sekimoto vs. Nyoko Toshitala / Namiyo Muro / Seiko Hiroyuki (L)


Toshitala and Muro were kept away from each other until the last show of the week, even during the match they scowled at each other. A future match possibly?

Bruiser Anara is set to have a series of matches, testing how much of a bruiser she is. She is booked to face Katayama, Ichihara, Suzuki, Mayle and Axe Battlers – something I am not looking forward to, but we will see how it goes. First match was against Butler in a nothing match.

Speaking of Anara, while the Anara / Nakadan vs. Sakakibara / Ariwa match was meant to get the ball rolling for Kiko and Mitsu, from all accounts, Anara and Nakadan showed great chemistry tagging with each other.

Spring Blossoms both have gotten great praise for their matches, saying that they are on par with even established main eventers. I hope for even more.


Serenity Weaver just had an interview with UKGrapping dot co uk. it's a great read, tell them I sent you.


On our quest to interview and profile all regions of what British wrestling has to offer, we finally were able to sit down with Serenity Weaver. Purely due to the fact that we forced Barry to spend his vacation in Japan to interview her. 

Serenity Weaver in motion


Ask any British wrestling fan about Serenity Weaver, and you'll get "Who?". Ask any British wrestler, and you'll get "She's a god." 

In 96', it was a given fact that she would be the best wrestler on the card. Another given fact is that she would be the only female wrestler on the card.  – There's only one recorded match of hers that isn't an intergender match in the UK.  She even wrestled a match with pre-SWF Tommy Cornell. According to sources, Tommy asked her to sign his bootleg VHS of Weaver matches from Japan. 

While I won't go into the very apparent reasons, It didn't shock me that she went back to Japan 'temporarily'.

That 'temporarily' might become a permanent as her new tag team partner Kit Hatoyama specifically requested her to stay. Now this might not seem shocking to us Brits, but for a wrestler to specifically go out of rank and imply that their boss should change their mind is a huge deal in Japan. Or so my friends tell me.


Thank you for speaking with us, Serenity.
Pleasure is all mine. Long time listener, first time caller.

How has your recent stint in Japan gone?
Surreal, as if I've gotten a new life. I feel as if I've gone through a breakthrough in my in-ring abilities and my connection to the crowd. I'm a bigger star than I've ever been here!
Absence makes the heart grow fonder as they say.
Hope they don't get less fond of me while I'm here.

How has your pairing with Kit Hatoyama gone?
Well… for starters, I wasn't exactly thrilled when they first proposed the idea, I thought 'This is it. They are sending me to the pasture'. Being the veteran in a rookie / veteran tag team has almost been that the rookie becomes a star, and the veteran gets given a pay cut. So I put my foot down, and said that point blank. The management said, 'No, no, no. Trust me, equal footing, you two are both our best wrestlers, you will both soar with this'. I shrugged, and went 'I'll hold you to that.'
And well, I do feel like an equal and I've been treated well. Our in-ring chemistry has been great, and we've hit off well. Hatoyama is an exciting wrestler, and well, I feel like I can even outshine her.
Lofty statement there.
Hatoyama has been rubbing me off on me, she would hate for me to be anything but proud of myself.

Reflecting on your 1996 experience when you focused on wrestling across Europe and the UK, how would you compare the two?
Apples and oranges, well more like apples and showerheads. For starters, I was purely a singles competitor, often or not going all over the place, and was mostly stuck touring the lower ranks of the indies, the local shows. I did meet a lot of wonderful people, and got to wrestle a lot of great wrestlers.

Like Vera "Alpha Female" Grimm, who you had a series of highly touted matches with.
Funny you should mention that, the whole series was by mistake. Promoters kept booking us and promoting it as a once in a lifetime women's wrestling dream match, not knowing that we already had wrestled each other, and then when I came back to Japan, 5SSW asked me whose brilliant idea it was to have a series like that.

5SSW was aware of that?
They're scarily good at keeping track of any female wrestlers, even the ones they might never hire.

And were they aware of your match with a certain Tommy Cornell?
*Laughs* I was wondering when you would get to that! But yeah, they did.
Let's talk about that match.
Tommy is an utter pro, like he's grasped many aspects that plenty of vets still struggle with. He originally was gonna wrestle someone else who couldn't make it. So, when I got a frantic call asking me to quickly be ready for a match, all bets were off. I went in, Tommy was unsure how to handle it, he was scared of the crowd not taking this seriously, and I just told Tommy 'Hey, let's be our best selves, we can make something great.'
And by all accounts, you exceeded something great with that match.
Thank you. It was nice walking back to the locker room, the crowd was on my side, the locker room was happy and I paid extra. Not a bad Saturday night.

So, let's talk about the elephant in the room.
Will I sign to 5SSW full time? I'm still undecided.
I know that's a cop out answer, but as it stands. I am still deciding things. The next five years have a big chance to be my best, so I have to take each step carefully. But, I will say this as much, you will see me make it big, there's no 'taking my ball and going home' now, I'm throwing my ball to the moon.

Thank you to Shianne_EB for the Serenity render, please check out her re-render thread and support her


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