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Dark Side of the TEW Ring

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TEW does a great job of recreating some of the darker aspects of wrestling, such as untimely death and drug addiction. If you play a save long enough some questionable and harrowing stuff is bound to happen! 

Had this topic idea after two such incidents happened in my WCW  save starting in 1992.

The first of which saw Sgt.Buddy Lee Parker pass away one day after I removed him as a road agent for a series of poor performances. Guess he didn't take it too well.

Second happened after Ron Simmons was snapped up by WWF whilst still holding the US title. Would have cost me too much to keep him so I let him go. His last match in WCW was at Starrcade a few weeks after he had officially signed with WWF, but before his contract with WCW ran out. In his last match he lost to Kerry Von Erich who injured him with a botched move, resulting in Simmons being out of action for months. Coincidence? Foul play? Who knows! Young Eric Bishoff (my avatar character) certainly has a lot to answer for already tho.

How about you? Got any moments that could be a lot darker than once thought of you scratch the surface a little bit?

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AJ Styles in my NJPW save as a rookie got signed and then died a week later. Sent him on excursion to WCW iirc and just... found out years later he wasn't with them anymore. It sucked.

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Nelson Callum and Tim Westybrook both had a drug addiction in one of my CWA saves. There was a pay-per-view coming up, and they were both involved in a storyline, so I wanted to end their feuds at the pay-per-view, and then send them off to rehab. Westybrook had different ideas, as on the day of the event, he had died of an overdose, I closed the game so quickly, and didn't play TEW 2020 after that for a week. 

Callum, on the other hand, had 3-4 stints in rehab, before he finally kicked the addiction, and in total, had a nearly 2 year absence from wrestling, spent in rehab. Ring rust hit him HARD first match back 

Edited by MadsMC
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I did a save playing as both SWF and RIPW, essentially turning the latter into some form of Black & Gold NXT, snapping a bunch of great indy talents to build them up. Akima Brave was the RIPW Champion and was set for a title defense against Nelson Callum in the main event of Ultimate Showdown, but he went down with an injury two weeks before the show, while defending his title against Hugh de Aske who, because of an audible, suddenly became the champion. Callum still won the title at Ultimate Showdown, but tested positive for steroids for a second time, leading me to strip him of the title to send him off to rehab.

Akima Brave returned a couple months after getting injured, working his way back to the title... until he got injured again before even getting his PPV rematch. At that point I started to think he was just not championship material and I just released him for his sake.

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This one isn't that dark but it does have some implications depending on how you look at it.

I had a 2010 save back in TEW 2016 and I hired a young Jon Moxley to a PPA contract. He got injured very early on and was out for a few months. He returned with a pain killer addiction and started turning up to shows too high to work. I didn't want to fire him so I kept fining him, hoping he'd get the message, but eventually I signed him to an exclusive written deal purely so I could send him to rehab. When I did I got the message that he was happy with my decision and that he was now loyal to my user character. I guess he was grateful I didn't turn my back on him and throw him out of the company. Hits a bit harder now that I know he's had some substance and family issues IRL.

Also a side note, not dark side of the ring worthy but funny to me, in the same save I had Davey Richards repeatedly pick fights with Eddie Edwards, as well as Chris Hero and Cesaro scrapping backstage. In-fighting between my two top tag team, what an absolute shambles of a division

Edit: Turns out I took a screenshot from the save


Edited by GreatreDRagon
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