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Oh my. I hired the legendary Sam Keith as part of my Rip Chord / Greg Gauge feud for a month contract, then this happened...


I suspect Sam Keith might be sticking around with us a while longer. Lachlan is already a massively hot prospect I had big plans for as part of Hot Property in our newly announced TCW Total Tag Team Turmoil Tournament 2022, so this bodes very well for his future.

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I started up a Local to Global, and USPW is absolutely bullying everyone.  They've lost nobody significant, and already signed Rocky Golden, Jay Chord, Tommy Cornell, Des Davids, Scythe, Valiant, Velocidad, and Primus Allen. Basically anybody with pop above 70 that comes off a contract goes to USPW.  I can't wait to knock them off the throne.  

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My GSW game is racing bankruptcy. My stars are doing well, pop is up, and the losses are narrowing. But we might not make it. Grimm not taking his salary is cool but it's only a small help. Busta Capp deciding to leave just... sucks. He was my vet in my best stable who helped Deaf Touch get past his understandable promo hurdles. 

Al "Ace Cole" Coleman has become a solid force and he's drawing nice heat as that white guy technician who's too smug but too good to ignore. Ota isn't the best manager ever but he's versatile and popular with a great gimmick, and solid at helping the booking team despite being a quiet guy. Knuckles is winding down his career as Ota's enforcer, which let's him do some short but useful matches with the likes of Gravedigga and Stash. 

If I can survive being in the red for awhile? I honestly think I can turn GSW into a major player by 2024 or so.

And while I don't want to lose my guys? I won't be too upset if they go somewhere cool. BB Colossus has been doing SAISHO tours and getting pretty darned good for a big man who frankly was weezy and slow not long ago at all.

I just hope to have money soon to hire a few new guys. I need to phase out a few workers but they're cheap and happy right now and that's valuable. 

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Krusher Khruschev was losing all the time, luckily for him, a news article about Bill Eadie came up, then I thought, why not?  Sherri was brought in and they have their manager.  Another one of those, this works in my mind situations.  It's just one of those things I can picture, she painted her face quite a bit.

I've been using the managers more in this game for the cutting a promo option. And it's nice to see their popularity going up.  Cornette was starting off at 35-40 ratings etc.  Now we're up in the high 50s.  Nice wee angle coming at Bash and the beach,  Sherri and Jim Cornette wish each other luck.  And their wishes will pay off because Demolition beat the Fantastics and The Midnight Express beat the Rock N Roll Express.  Yeah, these guys are never going to stop fighting.   Stan Lane is Bobby's partner now.  Dennis was kicked out recently.

Nikita Koloff has been on fire and I thought, he's never going to be hotter than this so I have to do with match with Flair right now.  Nikita is now a major star, so Flair vs Nikita headlines Bash at the Beach 1986.  Going to do the ol pin while the ref is down scenario.   Then I'm going to do something with Nikita, borrowing from the Rocky universe.  Russia has turned against Nikita, he goes missing after Bash at the Beach and Ivan is asked if Nikita has gone back to Russia.  Ivan's all, ''he is not allowed back in Russia.'' Oh dear.

I'm sick of Ole's attitude,  it's time to think about a fourth Horseman.   The build-up has been the usual stuff,  Ole accidentally hits Arn during their match with The Road Warriors, he then blames Arn.  Ole is in for a beatdown pronto.  Just a matter of finding that fourth Horseman.

Dusty Rhodes' contract is up in 17 days, he's unhappy at the minute because Jake the Snake beat him. His last act in the company will be losing to Vader at Bash at the Beach.  Vader has now defeated Harley Race twice and Dusty.  It was funny, before the match, Dusty said to Harley Race that he can beat Vader. Harley's all, ''cool story, blimp.''

We have a special episode of Snake pit at Bash at the Beach. Ricky Steamboat will make his debut.  There isn't going to be an attack or anything.  No plans for these guys to feud, it's just, Snake Pit is the number one talk show segment in the wrasslin business and Jake doesn't have a match.

Magnum did recover from his broken arm in record time. As usual, I just pretend that they haven't already feuded in 1985.  Doing a 20 minute time limit draw in their match at Bash at the Beach.  This must continue.

Just thinking, Bash at the Beach is quite a card.  Stan Hansen wins the TV title from Sting in a stretcher match.  This is their third match,  Stan won the first by DQ, the second was a draw, and I'd just be taking the pee if I did another draw.  This is their final match for the time being. Sting's acting all grateful afterwards because he learned a lot, etc etc.  This is probably my favorite feud so far.  Their segments are doing well.

Kerry Von Erich defeats Big Bubba Rogers.  We won't have an after the match attack or anything.  No, that is saved until the next show. ''He broke the law, so I broke his ribs.'' Something about the tornado punch being an illegal move in his station.  Bubba is another one I've pushed a bit,  the feud with Ron Garvin got him over quite a bit.

It's fun, the more I use the angle option, the more I'm not missing the old version.  I was just watching a video on Youtube tonight and it had a 2020 video on, just looking at the old angle system, as much as I miss the simple things like post match celebration, entrance, blah blah blah. The new way is now number one in my mind.  Yeah, all about my mind.

I notice Hogan's contract coming up. I don't think there is much chance of it happening, dude.  We don't have the money for that. All in that growing process.

Edited by Alan James
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So in my GSW game I'm finally pulling out of a financial hole, mostly by running extra events around holidays since my events are profitable but currently my TV is basically for pop gains (more on my workers than anything).

EILL reached out and was like "want developmental workers?" And I, as CJ Weston was like "hell yes" but Brother Grimm stopped me because he "doesn't want to be subservient to another company."

Which if we weren't racing bankruptcy v. break out stardom? I would be more sympathetic to. So instead, because as much as I love the concept Urban Strong Style has issues (crowds want 20+ minute matches but they also want Hardcore and Wild Brawls, which fall apart after about 15 minutes). So...I envision CJ saying "Okay, so I think we're sleeping on this lucha thing. I mean one of our top stables are Latino and that new tag team we just got over (two new workers) are face-painted flippy weirdos. So how about WE add some lucha to the mix? You don't want EILL involved? Okay. Then let's do it our way, our style (basically I said "let's do Punk Rock Lucha"). And Grimm didn't block that so I imagine he's thinking that sure, some workers with cool masks and the occasional cool kung fu, horror, sci-fi, or whatever stuff but with a keen urban style might just work. I'm pretty okay with it as long as I don't lose the hardcore part, I envision that's the part Grimm and such are really attached to.

Practically this won't change a ton at the moment. GSW has the hardcore street and fast action stuff already on the roster. So its just adding lucha, which I've already got some ideas for. 

I feel bad about abandoning Urban Strong Style. But I just can't make it work long term for GSW right now because of the "we want these styles but when you run those we'll complain they're too short. But when you don't run them? We'll complain again." And the hits are enough to seriously slow popularity gains, which is slowing financial gains and I've been in the red for almost a year.

That said? I bunch of GSW guys are reaching "solid midcard on a big fed" levels of US and Canadian pop. Which makes me suspect I'm going to see USPW and others coming knocking as I go into a new year. That's another reason for the change, I can grab talented workers from Mexico occasionally. 

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WrestleNation 7 was pretty good.  Samoan Machine (a non roster guy) showed up and I grabbed him for a night.

As always, Grimm and Funkenstein start off the show.

Kate Mishler wins a 4-way where I'm kicking off a Canada heel vs US/Mexico feud. She pins Velvet Suarez.

Joanna Silver comes out and does a comedy bit with Allie Perks and keeps her women's title.

Sheik, who is a repackaged no-charisma Reilly Patton, just can do no right. Everything he tried at sucks, and it took three managers to find one that he clicked with.

LaGrenier and Hangman also join the Canada vs US/Mex feud.

Amo del Gato had an apparently terrible angle idea, and despite winning, his set with Holder was terrible.

Joy Ryder and Olivia Diamond have started a feud, with Ryder having Mischler blindside the reigning champ to get DQ's.

Earlier, Samoan Machine signed a contract to take on Funkenstein for the belt - it ended in a draw after Zippy and Rafe come out and beat them down mid-match. After which, Doctor and the Machine challenge Zippy and Rafe to an official match - and win versus the baddies.


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Philippe LaGrenier asked for a 400% raise, so he was shown the door.  Especially since he was one of two negative influences in the locker room.

I have quasi-replaced him with Tennessee William, who is big local NYC star - and he showed up during the main event of Funkenstein and Zippy, causing Funkenstein to lose the title to Zippy. I am considering renaming Funkenstein as DOOM after the late rapper MF DOOM.

I finally may have found something for Sheik (Reilly Patton) - he has good chemistry teaming with Rafe Sashay. So I'm going to see how that does as a regular thing (team is called Sashay Chic).

Edited by beemer
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1 hour ago, beemer said:

Philippe LaGrenier asked for a 400% raise, so he was shown the door.  Especially since he was one of two negative influences in the locker room.

I have quasi-replaced him with Tennessee William, who is big local NYC star - and he showed up during the main event of Funkenstein and Zippy, causing Funkenstein to lose the title to Zippy. I am considering renaming Funkenstein as DOOM after the late rapper MF DOOM.

I finally may have found something for Sheik (Reilly Patton) - he has good chemistry teaming with Rafe Sashay. So I'm going to see how that does as a regular thing (team is called Sashay Chic).


Every time Philippe LaGrenier enters a room, hallway, parking lot, or even open field, this plays in the background

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In all seriousness, though, Tennessee William is a very-very good worker.  He can get good ratings on Performance and I have never run into locker room problems with him, even using him to put over other wrestlers (most of them were close in terms of popularity).   Although in some saves his stamina is a bit iffy for 20 minute or more matches, I think your promotion is still at a level where a "Slow Build" match won't be a major detractor, too.  He's a lot better than LaGrenier, who, unlike a Quentin Queen, (was) is unemployed for a reason.  You're gonna like that move, I think.


I just burned down my first save, Sam Keith died, USPW was pillaging mid-20's guys, so I'm doing 2,500$, 0 booking skill, 0 pop, northwest region---usually i find this to be a hard place to really build nationally out of, let's see how it is in IX.  Zippy, Prime Time, Texas Hangman and Wild Red Stallion all get to be main event wrestlers immediately.

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Accidentally posted month three in the 2020 thread, so check that if you're following along and interested. Meanwhile...


Month four in the books, and the last PLE before Total Mayhem, the season finale!


T-Bone Bright had been in line for a World title shot at Total Mayhem if he had delivered in earlier matches, but despite being a solid hand, he's not been able to step up to that next level, so for now he's taken the earlier match before Total Mayhem and failed in his first attempt at the title. No shame in it, Jay Chord again pulled out the stops and is proving why he is our heel ace right now. T-Bone seemed to have his number through the month, and that was why the monstrous veteran T-Rex was introduced as a enforcer for Jay in this match (T-Rex signed up to be an enforcer but didn't have respect, but also signed up to be Jay Chord's on-screen enforcer to allow him not to wrestle but use his intimidation to boost Jay along with RDJ. Jay basically has a non-wrestling entourage going on now!). His distraction cost T-Bone the match, which was also watched by Greg Gauge, who had promised to have T-Bone's back in this match because of RDJ and his own relationship with Chord/RDJ (with the agreement that T-Bone give him the first title shot if/when he won). Gauge is so frustrated at losing to Chord three times that he's becoming obsessed, and he was... disappointed that T-Bone didn't get the job done.

Troy Tornado and Mighty Mo have bickered over the last month and accidentally cost one another TV title matches against Joshua Taylor, this match was their last chance - if they won then they each got one more title match, and if they lost then they were out of the picture. Both men won, and we continue our feud down the path. I had Tornado down as kind of a mid-guy, but he's stepped up a bit with this feud which is nice to see. He's getting on, but could make a good gatekeeper or one-off top title challenger.

Andrews and Hawkins have been involved with one another via Hawkins insulting Chance Fortune (who you may remember he got removed from TCW, more on that later...) who was Ace's former tag partner and friend. It's become personal between them, but there's also their long-standing rivalry and their argument over who was the better wrestler. Ace being the good guy was not glad to win under these circumstances, even though it was for the #1 contendership at Total Mayhem and Wolf is a dick.

SPEAKING OF DICKS. Chance Fortune, what a fuckin' heel turn. The match was originally Flint Slater VS Darryl Devine, but Slater became a dick himself in the "real world" backstage and got himself "suspended" (again, more on that later) so I pulled forward the reveal that Chance had made his own way back into TCW by alligning himself with The Syndicate. Chance kicked his best friend in his dick and in his heart :( Friendship with Darryl Devine is finished, now The Syndicate is Chance's best friend.

Quentin Queen has been stalked all month by someone who calls him the "Queen of the Blackfyre Throne". This is my way of introducing Alduous Blackfrye under the name "Azazel Blackfyre" into the company. However, having been stopped by fire and being attacked by a hooded figure using a double armbar which looked like wings, Queen made the incorrect assumption it was Rainbow Dragon (Dragon de la Arca Iris Jr, renamed). This was a largely throwaway match in a feud designed purely to hype for Blackfyre.

Sammy Bach and Duke Freeman failed in their last gasp at H2-Whoa's tag titles, but damn if they didn't put the effort in. Duke is pissed that his "mentor" didn't help him get the job done. Let's see how that goes down for him.

Legendary Canuck Jack DeColt is here in TCW! He left CWA and was unemployed, I wasn't going to get into a bidding war for him so when he closed his time there I signed him. This was just days after I got a pair of Canadian broadcasting deals for my TV and events, so a Canadian legend coming in fit the bill well. It annoyed Nate Johnson who has heat with him, but I just signed his tag partner Eddie to a six month extension and he'll make a perfect first feud for DeColt given their history together. Can't see DeColt being a great singles hand at his age, but taking someone under his wing will be perfect for taking on The Elite. For now he's got fellow Canadians the fun-loving Benny & The Fox to help him find his feet.

Tana The Mighty won the monthly battle royal for a TV title shot, this was more a "thank you, Tana for your service" win and will probably not lead anywhere given how busy the TV title scene is at the moment.

The women's six-man was more a test of the water to see how they were getting on developing before I introduce a women's division proper. Purely an exhibition bout. They're not ready yet, but they're getting there.

Meanwhile the current status of the TCW Total Tag Turmoil group looks like this...


Wolf Hawkins & Flint Slater won't be able to complete their matches as Slater is "injured" on-screen (suspended, as above), but there's precedent for replacement as Brandon Saito briefly replace Joshua Taylor due to injury for The Shining Examples (which is also Chris Flynn), so I may put Doc or Chance in that slot with Hawkins.

Sin Station is Jaylon Martins and Mitchell Aldred of The Syndicate, they're kind of there to build themselves up and look good but take mostly losses. Shining Examples are one of my favourites to win the thing as they've been a really good find (Joshua Taylor & Chris Flynn). Hot Property (Lachlan Barrett & Byron Holland) had originally been planned as my winners but they've not developed their pop fast enough, so they're mostly eating losses whilst learning on the job for now. American Cobras basically exist purely TO take losses, I don't have any plans at all for them and they're my "good hand, but never more" tag team, which they are good at.

Now onto the big three - The Behemoths (Killer Shark & Titan) have been quietly picking up wins on the roster and continue largely in this tournament. I'm partial to them as a fan of big wrecking crew tag teams and part of me wanted to turn them face and have them be Jack DeColt's allies, but I decided Benny & The Foxx fit that initial bill for now. The Elite (Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson) have only eaten one loss... to Benny & The Foxx who are the other team (Benny Benson & Flying Jimmy Foxx). They're hot favourites, but something tells me that they're both about to start costing one another matches and turn this tournament on its head :lol:

Off-screen, Flint Slater requested release because he's a little prick (also, he hated my default Chief Enforcer One Man Army, but OMA wasn't good so I just removed him anyway and replaced him with Frankie Dee who has yet to debut), he whined about drawing with his own stable mates due to outside interference as part of the tag tournament. He also phoned in a match so I'm pissed at him. He's definitely killed anything resembling a singles push I had for him. I've put him on 3 months "suspension" (paid leave) to give him time to cool off, but I hope his attitude improves when he is back because otherwise he isn't just not getting pushed, he's getting kicked out of The Syndicate and jobbed hard.

I've missed out on a bunch of signings because we're still medium size, but we're edging towards big. So close I can taste it...


Hoping it hits soon because there are a couple of MAJOR signing available shortly who I would hate to miss out on.

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2 hours ago, dubb93 said:

I'm not playing as USPW, but they hired Rogue and brought him in as The Wrath of God. They then put him in the stable Olympus Order as Zues' deputy. I'm surprised by the good AI booking here.

I assume USPW will fail upwards as usual.  

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USPW started off a save I did hiring half the 38+ y/o veterans I was trying to get to job on my TV programming.... three years in, however, they poached me of Papa Swoll, Mutant, and Jaylon Martins (PERSONAL OPINION MINIMIZED: TCW let him walk, furthering my belief that I won't play as TCW, rather start a fed to overtake them, because c'mon... Nelson Callum, Joffy Laine, even Garry the Entertainer---I don't know if I can ever bring myself to play as SWF, but someone has to do the Eric Cartman Grows Up angle with Garry & his puppet, because Garry Walker is a star if you build him right)... 


Then they put the belt on Cooper Christie out of nowhere... that, to me, was writing on the wall that overcoming them is going to be really, really tough.  

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Sold USPW a dummy that I really wanted him - got them up to £150k+ for his wages, then withdrew.

They're now paying dude who is "banged up", the wrong side of 40 and has little to no popularity in their home region, way over the odds. Did much the same with RAW and and drove the wages for every major talent on their roster, knowing they wouldn't resist bankrupting themselves trying to match me and keep them. I wasn't wrong.

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The latest Hudson Valley Wrestling show had two title changes.

Tennessee William was in the main event against Olivia Diamond, who dropped the Total Champion title after distractions from her rival, Joy Rider. Rider and Diamond are in a storyline, but I may wrap that up and combine the "Stealing the Title" storyline with Zippy Deverell / Tennessee / Dr. Funkenstein and add Rider and Diamond to that (or a new one).

I have a concept where the Total title is men & women and the Men's Title and Women's Title serve as the #1 contenders. But it's not working out in reality - mainly because it seems odd to have the Men's champ face the Total champ and have both titles be up - because then you'd have to vacate the Men's title should that guy win. Sure, I could do that, but it seems clunky in the game and in reality too.

Zippy Deverell continues to hold the Men's title while feuding with Doctor Funkenstein and allying with Tennessee. I'm thinking about Funkenstein and Diamond teaming up, but their chemistry when facing each other in the ring wasn't very good.

In a three-way, Joanna Silver dropped the Women's belt to Mellow Flasheart. Joy Rider was also involved - although Mellow got the belt under the idea that your bigger stars don't need a belt to make them interesting (Silver and Rider are two of the big stars in HVW).  Does that concept hold true in TEW?

In other news, Rafe Sashay is probably on the way out - two consecutive managers he has zero chemistry with.  The only thing he's clicked with is tagging with Sheik (Reilly Patton repackaged), but I'm not big on tag teams at the moment and frankly, I could get a better partner for Sheik. So I have feelers out to a north American wrestling in Japan. (Does TEW factor in how silly it would be for someone to wrestle in Japan and New York, making ~$30 a show in New York?)

Brother Grimm splits time between Cali and NYC. He makes $200-ish a show, about 6-7 times more than my wrestlers, but angles with him and Funkenstein or Tennessee can hit 45-50. He usually gets on a show three times at least doing promos and interviews. He's been a crucial signing since any individual segment was struggling to reach 30. Now with him there, my entire show is getting in the mid 30s!

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Sometimes I hate this game 😭 Despite some setbacks (the issues with Flint Slater winding up being suspended and having to be replaced by the heel turned Chance Fortune, Shining Examples temporarily needing a substitute due to the overworked Joshua Taylor), I had meticulously planned this league so that five teams could win it on the final night...


Remaining matches are...

Hawkins & Fortune VS The Behemoths

  • Hawkins and Fortune need to win this match to stand any chance, plus for Elite to draw at best (beat them head-to-head) and Shining Examples and Benny & The Foxx to lose theirs
  • The Behemoths need to at least draw this match, they need Shining Examples and Elite to then lose (SE and Elite won their head-to-heads) and Benny & The Foxx to go either way (they won that head-to-head)

The Elite VS Hot Property

  • The Elite need to draw at least and for Benny & The Foxx to lose (they lost that head-to-head), but Shining Examples and Behemoths matching points or losing doesn't matter as they won those head-to-heads
  • Hot Property are out of contention and acting as spoilers

The Shining Examples VS American Cobras

  • The Shining Examples sit most comfy as they need to draw and have head-to-head wins over SE, Hawkins & Fortune and Behemoths, so they only need to out-points The Elite who beat them head-to-head
  • American Cobras are out of contention and acting as spoilers

Benny & The Foxx VS Sin Station

  • Benny & The Foxx are similarly position as comfortable as they need to draw and have head-to-head wins over SE, Hawkins & Fortune and The Elite, so they only need to out-points The Behemoths who beat them head-to-head
  • Sin Station are out of contention and acting as spoilers

This is all great and complex and wonderful and perfect for closing night drama... except the final match was planned to be American Cobras trying to finally get their first win of the tournament in dramatic fashion against Shining Examples to cost them the win, and one of them broke his tailbone last week. I know I can replace him and have set precedent, but God damn this was so close to being right where I wanted it. Perennial underdog Elliot Thomas is going to be pulled in for this, so fingers crossed for him.

Edited by benjirino
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1 hour ago, benjirino said:

Sometimes I hate this game 😭 Despite some setbacks (the issues with Flint Slater winding up being suspended and having to be replaced by the heel turned Chance Fortune, Shining Examples temporarily needing a substitute due to the overworked Joshua Taylor), I had meticulously planned this league so that five teams could win it on the final night...


Remaining matches are...

Hawkins & Fortune VS The Behemoths

  • Hawkins and Fortune need to win this match to stand any chance, plus for Elite to draw at best (beat them head-to-head) and Shining Examples and Benny & The Foxx to lose theirs
  • The Behemoths need to at least draw this match, they need Shining Examples and Elite to then lose (SE and Elite won their head-to-heads) and Benny & The Foxx to go either way (they won that head-to-head)

The Elite VS Hot Property

  • The Elite need to draw at least and for Benny & The Foxx to lose (they lost that head-to-head), but Shining Examples and Behemoths matching points or losing doesn't matter as they won those head-to-heads
  • Hot Property are out of contention and acting as spoilers

The Shining Examples VS American Cobras

  • The Shining Examples sit most comfy as they need to draw and have head-to-head wins over SE, Hawkins & Fortune and Behemoths, so they only need to out-points The Elite who beat them head-to-head
  • American Cobras are out of contention and acting as spoilers

Benny & The Foxx VS Sin Station

  • Benny & The Foxx are similarly position as comfortable as they need to draw and have head-to-head wins over SE, Hawkins & Fortune and The Elite, so they only need to out-points The Behemoths who beat them head-to-head
  • Sin Station are out of contention and acting as spoilers

This is all great and complex and wonderful and perfect for closing night drama... except the final match was planned to be American Cobras trying to finally get their first win of the tournament in dramatic fashion against Shining Examples to cost them the win, and one of them broke his tailbone last week. I know I can replace him and have set precedent, but God damn this was so close to being right where I wanted it. Perennial underdog Elliot Thomas is going to be pulled in for this, so fingers crossed for him.

Spin it into a feud with Elliot Thomas and the guy he replaced in the tourney. :D

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In my GSW game? Man, maybe TCW should just ask me to be their dev fed.

They keep grabbing my guys. I was prepared for USPW to do it since they so often do. But TCW is like "we'll take that champion, and that booker/manager, and that midcarder you're setting up for a title run. And..." 

I'm glad I pivoted to Punk Lucha though, as its let me grab Mexican Beast Jr. and Crypt managed by Genio Verde as a "mysterious hardocre lucha faction coming north to perhaps try and take over." And since Peverell left FCW? I've added him to my "The Circle" stable (Japanese veteran leads martial-artist and hard hitting striker types and heavily implies they are part of some secret martial society with eyes on taking over as well). So now the Bulletproof OGs (who got Busta Capp back! Yay!) are the main line of defense against an invasion angle on multiple fronts. Which is totally working, even though I've had E-Soteric and Mexico's Finest walk out.

And there was nothing to be done about those. I was working on their morale after some bad luck with injuries and such. But I had no extra money to throw at them and they were injured long enough I couldn't do anything with them to cheer them up. So they walked. Which sucks. 

But on the flipside I added a new title. The trios "Crew Championship." Inaugural champs are BB Colossus, Boneyard, and Public Enemy #1, who I should probably make a stable if they keep doing so well with this. Pop is rising steady and I'm out of the red. Now if I can just not lose all my stars. 

Edit: Heh. As I was typing this and letting my game advance? TCW just came in and offered a job to Papa Swoll. Who is half of my Tag Team champions and a pillar of my roster. Well...crap.

Edited by JackNo
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Lol and the hits keep coming. Shooting Star Perez, Kingmaker, and Omar all handed in their notice. No reasons given, I guess they just decided it was time to move on. Or maybe they don't like the new direction, but that seems unlikely as Perez is a lucha guy and Kingmaker is tight with Grimm.

Honestly, as much as this is a sudden upheaval of my midcard? Its very interesting and it will be fun to figure out. I'd be more stressed if we hadn't figured out the money issue. So in the short term I guess I'm bring in a bit more and in the long term its time to recruit or perhaps build some new stars. 

(I would be less chill about this if I was losing my top guys...which I admit I'm worried about)

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