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What's Going On in Your Game?

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10 minutes ago, Crychon said:

It could be... I'll let the detectives know about him.

It's weird that when Peria posted that over in the images thread I made this comment

"Badger Mask is gunna kill some Mofos then Bear is gunna eat em.."

And then within 2 days Melvin is murdered

Do I now have the power to make a fictional guy in a mask kill another fictional guy in a fictional alternate reality? ... I'm getting a little freaked out.



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I started my first game in TEW IX. Picked my guy, Land Mass, to be the owner and hired a bunch of unemployed guys from all over the globe as a sort of international indy. It's gonna kick my ass in travel fees though, as I'm only Small at this point.

So far:

- Haley Buck has been trying to sign Hack the Hunter as a client. The latter just refused her offer ... only to be jumped by her goons, Hammer Hadley and Powerhouse Prasad. The one downside is that Hammer Hadley has no chemistry with Haley Buck, so I'll probably end up turning him face in a few months. He can team with Hack against Prasad and  ... someone, maybe another Hindi speaker as Powerhouse is isolated by the language barrier at the moment.

- Ajax the Skull-Splitter and War Piece are teaming together as the Trojan Army, led by Helen of Troy (Nicole Kiss). My main eventer, Happy Elwood just scored a big tournament win over the previously-undefeated Ajax to win the world title, leading to attacks and beatdowns on him. Malakai Milk has stepped up to help Elwood repel the Trojans.

- Brought in Phenomenal E and teamed him with a rookie as the Phenomenal Duo, managed by DeAnna Desire. They've managed to get a few wins, but not nearly as many as they've promised. They look to be on a collision course with another team, the Wave Riders, Surfer Dude Lucas and Isaac Taylor. The Wave Riders also have terrible chemistry but I'm pushing them anyway.

- I hired Desert Storm and am looking to hire that firefighter guy to be his partner. They might be contenders down the line.

- Also have Canadian Crusher, who I intended to be my number two heel, but he's gotten a little lost in the shuffle. Maybe I'll pair him up with Lewis Duckworth, who I've dubbed Brick Britain as the International Herculeses. Something cheesy like that.

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3 hours ago, LandMass said:

I started my first game in TEW IX. Picked my guy, Land Mass, to be the owner and hired a bunch of unemployed guys from all over the globe as a sort of international indy. It's gonna kick my ass in travel fees though, as I'm only Small at this point.

So far:

- Haley Buck has been trying to sign Hack the Hunter as a client. The latter just refused her offer ... only to be jumped by her goons, Hammer Hadley and Powerhouse Prasad. The one downside is that Hammer Hadley has no chemistry with Haley Buck, so I'll probably end up turning him face in a few months. He can team with Hack against Prasad and  ... someone, maybe another Hindi speaker as Powerhouse is isolated by the language barrier at the moment.

- Ajax the Skull-Splitter and War Piece are teaming together as the Trojan Army, led by Helen of Troy (Nicole Kiss). My main eventer, Happy Elwood just scored a big tournament win over the previously-undefeated Ajax to win the world title, leading to attacks and beatdowns on him. Malakai Milk has stepped up to help Elwood repel the Trojans.

- Brought in Phenomenal E and teamed him with a rookie as the Phenomenal Duo, managed by DeAnna Desire. They've managed to get a few wins, but not nearly as many as they've promised. They look to be on a collision course with another team, the Wave Riders, Surfer Dude Lucas and Isaac Taylor. The Wave Riders also have terrible chemistry but I'm pushing them anyway.

- I hired Desert Storm and am looking to hire that firefighter guy to be his partner. They might be contenders down the line.

- Also have Canadian Crusher, who I intended to be my number two heel, but he's gotten a little lost in the shuffle. Maybe I'll pair him up with Lewis Duckworth, who I've dubbed Brick Britain as the International Herculeses. Something cheesy like that.

I had Haley Buck, who looked good, come in to manage Reilly Patton - but they had terrible chemistry too. So I let her go.

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I still have the 1986 game to go back to, but right now, I had to give the here comes the money mod a go. 

The Funkster having an argument with the Hulkster before the first Nitro. Good times.

I removed most of the legal action contracts, so I've been able to bring Sting back. etc. Felt I had to.  It's sweet how WCW is not an overcrowded mess.  Just looking at that world title history, yikes.  I know it happened and all, but just to see it on a list.  Almost made me delete the title and start a world title fresh.

Then I go on and change the title in my first PPV, Big Bang. :p I promise, Scott Steiner will get a decent run with it.

Hogan and Jeff Jarrett will feud.  The Hulkster is back being salt of the Earth babyface while Jarrett thinks he's the number one villain.  A wild slapnuts appears!

RVD does excite me, all those performance boosts.   He's definitely going to be one of my main players.

Jerry Lawler is coming in, glad I remembered he was gone for a while. I need somebody to host interview segments, so King's Court is coming to dubyah see dubyah. WWF signed Mean Gene and Kevin Nash.

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Booked my way to our season finale. In the opener Tennessee William finally went one on one with Josh Jacobs to defend his C.O.T.T. Heavyweight Championship. Tennessee William finally ran out of excuses of why Josh wasn't eligible for a title shot and was forced to accept this match. Tennessee won by smashing a guitar over the head of Jacobs.

Next up was the match that wasn't supposed to happen. I originally brought Samoan Destruction Inc. in for a veteran presence in the Sam Keith Classic and kept them around to put a rub on The Demon Lords (who turned on them), but TCW ended our dev agreement, and The Casey Bros were already on the roster on loan from NYCW so I plugged them into the slot. I'll keep the Samoan's around and give the rub to The Wolf Pack in the coming months as they build back up following their match later in the evening.

In the third match Miller Fforde, Mr. MAW, went up against his current thorn Sandman Winks. It all started when Sandman cut a promo saying he was going to put Mr. MAW asleep just like Miller puts the crowd to sleep every single time he enters the ring.

In their first meeting Sandman didn't care about the victory so much as he cared about fulfilling his promise. It ended in a double countout when Sandman refused to release the sleeper outside the ring and put Miller to sleep. Miller evened the score this time escaping with a quick rollup victory.

Up next Hot Property (the winners of the Sam Keith Classic) continued riding their momentum and captured the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles over The Wolf Pack.

The major storyline that has been progressing this year so far in MAW has been the Architects of Destruction, Mitchell Aldred, his deputy The Historian, Lisa Bowen, and the lackey Jonah Pilgrim, causing nothing but headaches for Nate DeMarcus and Tyrone Gray. Aldred put a bounty on Nate and after several months of failed bounty hunts among the various heels employed in the company (and even one from outside the company), it was The Historian that eventually claimed the bounty launching into a vicious assault on Nate leaving him out of action for two months.

While Nate was out The Historian did the same thing to his good friend Tyrone Gray leaving him in the hospital and on crutches for months. When they made their returns Nate vowed revenge and wanted to start with The Historian. He was even willing to go title for title in a double title match! Unfortunately for Nate, with The Architects nothing is as simple as it appears and the match ended in DQ with Mitchell and Jonah ran into the ring. Nate fought them off and vowed a tag match the following month. He said that Tyrone still wasn't 100% but he would have a mystery partner. Mitchell Aldred wasn't thrilled with the idea of a mystery opponent but accepted on the condition that if Aldred and Historian won the title match between DeMarcus and Aldred would be no DQ.

Flash forward to the tag match and Nate's mystery partner was none other than the returning Steven Parker fresh off his SWF run. Parker pinned The Historian and ended Aldred's plan of a no DQ match that surely would have turned into a 3v1. Nate was able to convince Steven Parker to return for Where It All Begins Again and stand in his corner. Tyrone, now ready to return to the ring, lobbied Sam Keith for a cage match with The Historian to "settle the score" and told Nate DeMarcus that he will be in his corner as well to make sure that the title match is a fair fight.

Anyway, the next match on the card was the cage match between Tyrone Gray and The Historian. The Historian was too much for Tyrone and won by exiting the cage through the door.

Jonah vs. Cheetah Boy was a pure comedy match to give the crowd a break so we could build it back up for the main event.

In the main event of the evening Mitchell Aldred claims the Mid Atlantic Championship off of Nate DeMarcus after DeMarcus' own backup Steven Parker turned on him hitting Future Shock on DeMarcus while the referee was down, placing Aldred on top of DeMarcus, and waking the referee up.

Going forward the company is going to be starting a weekly TV show. I could have started it a bit ago but I held off. In my head it made more sense to change the schedule after the season finale.


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My tentative plans going forward include breaking up the Architects after The Historian wins the Rip Chord Invitational and Mitchell Aldred doesn't like the idea of his deputy overshadowing him. The Historian is planned to be the one to take the title off of Mitchell.

Logan Wolfsbane was set to debut on this show but I ran out of time. Logan will be the one to take the title off of The Historian to free him up to move up the card. I'm probably going to bring in Logan's entire stable from PSW.

Steven Parker has graciously agreed to put over Nate DeMarcus which is going to be a huge moment for Nate. The Nate-Aldred re-match is likely to have some sort of gimmick attached to it.

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So this isn't an actual summary of what's going on in my game, I planned on writing those up after I finished up year one, but I'm just trying to do a PGHW Dynasty and Burning Hammer has decided to implode.


I'm just aimlessly simulating to the next tour date and boom, Kikkawa decides to do a Stalin-style purge of his wrestling company.


Here are all the releases from the same day put together. It'd be one thing if it was just the older ones or the younger but expensive ones, but seeing guys like Hiroaki and Tatsuya on the same list is just crazy. 

I don't even know what to do at this point, obviously I want to bring some of them in, but at this point I'm not sure if I just commit to a full invasion storyline or not because I already have what I need in place for it because I was already doing a little bit of talent poaching, but this is just on another level.

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June 2023 46 rating 88 attendance

  • Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger) had a great match against Texas Hangman. 39 score!
  • Doom (Funkenstein) retains the Total Championship against Zippy.
  • Kate Mishler (who has such low ring skill) retains the Women's Belt against Dani Hart (Danielle Sweetheart).
  • Back to a good main event with Tennessee retaining against Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) in an excellent match. Rocky has been a great boost to the in ring talent.

July 2023 39 rating 93 attendance

  • I've started doing some pre-show matches with people putting on poor matches.
  • Speaking of poor matches, a new hire Thundergod (Ralph Huge), with Primary Skills all at 0-45, pulled off an impressive zero-rated match.
  • Ghost and Kamehameha put on a 40 rated match.
  • Joanna Silver and Kate Redd (DupliKate) have one of the best matches in the history of the fed.
  • Kate Mishler beats Velvet Suarez and Dani Hart to retain the Women's title.
  • Tennessee faced Olivia Diamond in a ladder match to retain the Men's title.
  • In an upset, Joy Ryder takes the Total Championship from Doom in a cage match. Not a great match though and that hurt the show.

Post Show

  • Joanna Silver was cheating on Jack Holder with Jack Pryde. Awkward.
  • In order to make the Men's and Women's titles easier to book, I'm going to rename them the East Coast and West Coast belts. Of course, that's the East and West Coasts of the Hudson river, so it's only a mile apart.



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Decided to start a fed with all unemployed guys, low budget, The Silencer as my top heel.  Is this guy maybe the most underrated in the game?  His menace is 92, stamina is 80-88, power is 72-78... jeez.  (And he's not a blackhole on the mic/charisma)

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I am just starting my 4th year in my Local To Global save with the Wrestling Premier League .Playing as Pistol Pete Hall. Started with $0, 0 pop, and the lowest production. Started to turn profit just as WPL got to Tiny size.  Getting close to small size and have an event every month on Wrestleworld.

Current champ is Texas Hangman who recently turned heel by attacking Remmy Skye who he defeated in the season finale PPV in a steel cage to win his 2nd WPL title.  Hangman's former tag partner Mutant is gearing up for his feud with him. Just crowned my first women's champ Danielle Sweetheart who beat Emma May in that same event. Tag Champs are currently the War Chiefs (Roger Monteiro and Wild Red Stallion).  Silencer was my first ever champ and has been only one to hold it 3 times. Hangman and Skye have it held it twice each.  


Just signed 18 year old Tommy Cornell Jr to a 2-year written per show contract. Also, Signed Young and Waster as well as The Past Masters recently. 

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20 hours ago, SomeDude03 said:

I don't even know what to do at this point, obviously I want to bring some of them in, but at this point I'm not sure if I just commit to a full invasion storyline or not because I already have what I need in place for it because I was already doing a little bit of talent poaching, but this is just on another level.

Separate save into a new game, ditch the old avatar, pick up a new one to head up the company, and do a full NOAH with all the cast-offs.

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19 hours ago, beemer said:

Joanna Silver was cheating on Jack Holder with Jack Pryde. Awkward.

"The Pirate of Men's Pants" clearly didn't care which Jack she got off.

I regret nothing.

Edited by benjirino
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If you were looking for a happy PLE, then woof was month six not the one for you. Jay Chord and Aaron Andrews feud with Wolf Hawkins split off into just Chord and Andrews as he was the one not pinned at Total Mayhem and technically he was the only one that properly earned a shot in the first place. The feud saw Chord instructing his behemoth T-Rex to annihilate perennial jobber Elliot Thomas, which Andrews tried to prevent but was too late. Andrews proceeded to beat T-Rex in speedy fashion (setting up a potential split from Chord) mostly because T-Rex apparently can no longer wrestle more than five minutes without getting gassed. Thomas helped Andrews during the match by fighting back against T-Rex interference, but it wasn't enough as RDJ slipped Chord that damned steel chain from his feud with Greg Gage again, and Chord capitalised.

Nicky Champion debuted straight into a feud with The Syndicate (his debut night was a surprise debut teaming with T-Bone and Andrews against Chord, Gauge and Hawkins in a monumental post-Total Mayhem Total Wrestling six man). He cost Hawkins the win in the match and as a result, Hawkins has been using The Syndicate to take the fight to him and remove him from TCW. Champion was near the win in this match which went over 20 minutes, but Hawkins called on his boys, and a great match was marred by a DQ ending. T-Bone has found himself aligned with Champion as part of this feud, and they both seem to have each others' backs for now as the T-Bone dubbed "Heavy Hitters" of TCW.

Dragon Divino (Divine Dragons) which is Devine and Rainbow Dragon found themselves eating the loss to Fortune and Doc Hammond of The Syndicate, which brings a close to this feud. Whilst Devine lost the last shot, his team with Rainbow sends him on to new pastures, and Fortune is basically going to be just part of the numbers within The Syndicate given he basically only got his contract extended because our CEO stepped in a few months back because I wanted to phase out older guys.

Mikey Lau "The Dragon of the North Star" was an exciting signing we made a month or so back and I forgot to mention. A martial artist of the Ricky Steamboat character by nature, I'm looking forward to finding monsters and miscreants for him to take on and am contemplating either a TV title run, or dropping the TV title down to tertiary and bringing in a proper secondary title for Lau to defend on PLE.

After more mind games, Quentin Queen beat Azrael Blackfyre (Alduous Blackfrye) in a "Hardcore War". During the month Queen introduced "Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez to counter Azrael's dark magicks. This seems to have worked, but this hardcore war was to see Azrael introduce his own accomplices in Brother Barthandalus (Bart Biggins renamed and regimmicked) and Sister Suarez (Velvet Suarez renamed and regimmicked) as his acolytes - collectively known as His Infernal Empire - who Pablo cannot counter given they are seemingly mere mortal followers of Blackfyre. Even so, Queen walked out with the win in this match, and Blackfyre seems defeated for now, even though Pablo could not exorcise him...

Greg Gauge walked out of two losing feuds and into one with Sammy Bach, who took issue with his shitty attitude of late. Gauge attacked Bach in revenge for his words and we have a nice simple setup. During the match (which Gauge won), Greg went under the ring briefly and came out looking totally refreshed. Odd that, definitely doesn't have a twin brother or something, right...?

H2-Whoa lost their tag titles thanks to a distraction from Fuyuko Higa trying to steal the T6, allowing Shining Examples (Higa's allies - Joshua Taylor and Chris Flynn) to take the tag titles. It's okay though, Roderick, the trophy is safe :)

One Man Army won the monthly battle royal, he'll get a TV title shot against Duke Freeman at some point. Duke and The Elite won a match against an unimportant trio to try and get some momentum back. We had a six-woman, and that's going to lead into next months "Sizzling Summer Series", a mixed tag team elimination tournament designed to help get the women more over in time to introduce an actual women's title.

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Simmed 6 months ahead, and started a company at Medium Difficulty with a bunch of "big" names thanks to people getting released. While my Major Stars are all above 40, for some reason Outlaw Wes Revell and Jaylon Martins got released as well, and those are the guys I'm starting to build around. After 7 episodes, here is the goings-on so far:

*Company Info: I'm Sean McFly. My product is Lucha Libre Entertainment, aka Hollywood Lucha. The goal was to have a slight Lucha Underground vibe in that regard. Booking team is me, Tamara McFly, and Alexander Robinson. Tamara is also Head of Talent Relations. No nepotism, she's good at it. Locker Room Leaders are American Machine, Brett Biggins, Troy Tornado, and Thom Barrowman. Chief Enforcer is Java, who I brought in specifically to do that. Jungle Lord is Head Men's Trainer, and trains 12 kids per show, which is neat.

*Thom Barrowman (One Man Army under his real name) is the inaugural champion. He won an 8-man tournament to be the first man to hold the belt. He has defended it once, in a short open challenge match against Papa Swoll. His next challenger is the just-debuted Lassana Makutsi. Lassana answered the open challenge, but Barrowman retreated rather than follow through on his plan.

*Ernest Youngman was the first of the (too) many Unimportant workers to rise up to Recognizable. This earned him Charlie Thatcher as a Bodyguard, and a feud with American Machine.

*Stevie Grayson is mad at Troy Tornado for ditching him and wants to prove that he's the better wrestler than Troy. Troy is doing Rock Star stuff, and his Entourage, Juggernaut Jones and Preston Fuller, have been beating up Stevie. Stevie got Interference DQ wins over both members of The Entourage, and parlayed that into a match with Troy, only to lose that due to Interference as well. Cage Match upcoming, probably on episode 10.

*Jaylon Martins wants to run all the old, washed-up has-beens out of "his" company. He started with Brett Biggins, beat him up backstage, then beat him in a match. Next up is Jungle Lord, and I'm not sure how I'm gonna end this one, because JL is my best babyface wrestler, but I want to keep building up Martins.

*Outlaw Wes Revell immediately targeted Harry Allen over not being a "true outlaw". That feud just ended with Revell coming out on top. I think from here, Harry Allen and Brett Biggins are going to be the first "real" babyface team in the tag division and get that going, as I have 3 heel teams, and no face teams set up right now. Wes Revell has no specific plans for his next feud, so he might just beat up indy guys who ask for spots on the show for a while. 

*Frankie-Boy Fernandes was going to be the first star I tried to build, but his debut was in the World Title Tournament, and Charlie Thatcher gave him a Herniated Spinal Disc, and he's out for 15 months. Very disappointing.

*Luke Steele was also going to be a big player as a member of Troy Tornado's Entourage, but I missed that he's filming, so I don't get him for another 2 months. Hopefully his debut will be big though.

*Guys I'm hoping to build in the next few months: El Orgulloso (one of my favorite luchadors), Stretching Crew (Al Coleman & Warren Technique, excellent tag team chemistry), Miller Fforde, Papa Swoll, and then probably just one of Davis Wayne Newton, Austin Smooth, or Logan Wolfsbaine, most likely Logan of those 3.

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Managed to get TCW to #1 in USA

Jay Chord still champion and entirely unbeaten since I began playing. 

Just stole Steve Frehley who’ll be thrown straight into take out the Brother Grimm-managed T-Bone Bright.

Convinced Dan Stone Jr of one last run but he has lost back to back feuds with Greg Gauge and Wolf Hawkins and no longer seems able to hang at the top of the card in terms of performance.

The American Cobras are tag champs. When Matt Hocking turned on Freddy Higgins, that saw Quentin Queen join The Main Event due to great chemistry tagging with Remus. They now sit as number one contenders once Marvell Malloy returns from injury. 

Mighty Mo remains unbeaten as TV champion. 

Sammy Bach is stinking the gaff up and has really dropped off from previous games as age gets the better of him. Troy Tornado is a borderline liability at this stage and I’ve fed him, Sammy and Tana to the rising Ernest Youngman. 

El Leon and Velocidad joined and are putting on bangers against all comers, whilst Blake Belushi is having probably the slowest burn rise you’ll ever see and is struggling to gain popularity. 

When Elmo got a 9 month long injury, that signalled the end for him and Jimmy in TCW and I released both. I have a lot of aging dead weight that needs shipping out giving the amount of talent I’ve now bought in and my biggest challenge has not become crowd control as we put on banger after banger from the opener to the main event, which they’re now often burnt out by. 

I opened UWF as a development fed and stuck all my developing talent over there to fill out daily event. It’s toxic as hell, but they’re developing at rapid pace and those that aren’t, get released. Flint and Jaylon were put straight over there with Super Massive Destroyer, as they simply couldn’t hang on the main roster without penalties.


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I've yet to create a developmental fed for TCW because I feel attached to MAW because of the Keith connection, but it feels pointless having them down there when they run so few shows. Might jump in as the avatar for them for a sec to try and at least grab them a weekly TV show or something.

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Experienced some firsts during the latest play through.

Jeff Jarrett offered to put somebody over.  I believe I did get the put somebody over promise during the demo of 2020, but this was the first since I started playing TEW 9.  Only problem is the guy is Shawn Stasiak and I've no real plans for him.  I'm expecting him to be unimportant every time I click on him.  Would have been sweet if it was Danielson or something.

The other thing was Hulk Hogan refusing to work with Ric Flair under any circumstances.  It was funny in my mind because the segment was about them just shaking hands and trying to be gentlemen.  But that don't work for Hogan, brother.

Buff Bagwell vs RVD is the storyline I didn't know I needed.  Buff believes he is the whole f'n show. RVD has been hot since he came in.  Won a tournament to become the TV champion, defeating Rey Mysterio Jr in the 77 rated final. 

Currently thinking about a stable with Eric Bischoff as the leader. I'm sure some ideas will come to me after the next show.

I've been listening to the Dutch Mantell podcast, he's just a really likeable guy, so I had to reward him with a spot on the roster.  He's managing Dr. Wagner Jr. and Tajiri, at the moment. I might put him in charge of the Jung Dragons as well.

Taka Michinoku will be coming in.  I'm looking forward to this. I don't just want to go back to Rey as the cruiserweight champion all the time, he's currently doing other stuff, with Kidman and Konnan.  Building up the cruiserweight division is a Tommy Shelby priority. I think Shane Helms will be the champion for a while.  He's got the hot move.

I also have to start putting some teams together.  2 face teams at the minute, that's just unacceptable.  Almost tempted to bring The Road Warriors in for some matches.

I have to get some heels over as well. I click on the franchise player and it's the usual, Goldberg, Sting, Hogan, Flair and Booker T.  All faces, Scott Steiner is the heel champion, Jarrett is a level below. I just imagine a game shutdown error if I ask Hulk Hogan to lose to Jeff Jarrett.

Currently undecided on what to do next, at the top of the card.  Shane McMahon is the user character and had 2 matches, 2 losses vs Jarrett and Goldberg.   He came up with some story about needing to make things right with Jarrett and his child wanted him to face Bill Goldberg.  That should be all we're getting as far as wrestling action goes for Shane.

Steiner vs Goldberg is calling out to me.  That promo about getting even with Goldberg for fracturing my face is one of the greatest promos ever. haha  I'm just thinking it's too soon and Goldberg will have to win.

When I answer play it by ear at those media scrums, I mean it.  I am enjoying it, should keep me going for a while.  Modern day doesn't really appeal to me, I don't even like having 2 brands.



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1 hour ago, Alan James said:

Experienced some firsts during the latest play through.

Jeff Jarrett offered to put somebody over.  I believe I did get the put somebody over promise during the demo of 2020, but this was the first since I started playing TEW 9.  Only problem is the guy is Shawn Stasiak and I've no real plans for him.  I'm expecting him to be unimportant every time I click on him.  Would have been sweet if it was Danielson or something.

The other thing was Hulk Hogan refusing to work with Ric Flair under any circumstances.  It was funny in my mind because the segment was about them just shaking hands and trying to be gentlemen.  But that don't work for Hogan, brother.

Buff Bagwell vs RVD is the storyline I didn't know I needed.  Buff believes he is the whole f'n show. RVD has been hot since he came in.  Won a tournament to become the TV champion, defeating Rey Mysterio Jr in the 77 rated final. 

Currently thinking about a stable with Eric Bischoff as the leader. I'm sure some ideas will come to me after the next show.

I've been listening to the Dutch Mantell podcast, he's just a really likeable guy, so I had to reward him with a spot on the roster.  He's managing Dr. Wagner Jr. and Tajiri, at the moment. I might put him in charge of the Jung Dragons as well.

Taka Michinoku will be coming in.  I'm looking forward to this. I don't just want to go back to Rey as the cruiserweight champion all the time, he's currently doing other stuff, with Kidman and Konnan.  Building up the cruiserweight division is a Tommy Shelby priority. I think Shane Helms will be the champion for a while.  He's got the hot move.

I also have to start putting some teams together.  2 face teams at the minute, that's just unacceptable.  Almost tempted to bring The Road Warriors in for some matches.

I have to get some heels over as well. I click on the franchise player and it's the usual, Goldberg, Sting, Hogan, Flair and Booker T.  All faces, Scott Steiner is the heel champion, Jarrett is a level below. I just imagine a game shutdown error if I ask Hulk Hogan to lose to Jeff Jarrett.

Currently undecided on what to do next, at the top of the card.  Shane McMahon is the user character and had 2 matches, 2 losses vs Jarrett and Goldberg.   He came up with some story about needing to make things right with Jarrett and his child wanted him to face Bill Goldberg.  That should be all we're getting as far as wrestling action goes for Shane.

Steiner vs Goldberg is calling out to me.  That promo about getting even with Goldberg for fracturing my face is one of the greatest promos ever. haha  I'm just thinking it's too soon and Goldberg will have to win.

When I answer play it by ear at those media scrums, I mean it.  I am enjoying it, should keep me going for a while.  Modern day doesn't really appeal to me, I don't even like having 2 brands.



Man, I just loved Buff back in the day. I challenge you to make him the world champ!

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If Buff didn't have his ego, mental health issues, and had better creative I feel he would be more fondly remembered. I have always enjoyed him and the Blockbuster was a killer finish

Edited by Jaysin
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2 hours ago, Alan James said:

Experienced some firsts during the latest play through.

Jeff Jarrett offered to put somebody over.  I believe I did get the put somebody over promise during the demo of 2020, but this was the first since I started playing TEW 9.  Only problem is the guy is Shawn Stasiak and I've no real plans for him.  I'm expecting him to be unimportant every time I click on him.  Would have been sweet if it was Danielson or something.

The other thing was Hulk Hogan refusing to work with Ric Flair under any circumstances.  It was funny in my mind because the segment was about them just shaking hands and trying to be gentlemen.  But that don't work for Hogan, brother.

Buff Bagwell vs RVD is the storyline I didn't know I needed.  Buff believes he is the whole f'n show. RVD has been hot since he came in.  Won a tournament to become the TV champion, defeating Rey Mysterio Jr in the 77 rated final. 

Currently thinking about a stable with Eric Bischoff as the leader. I'm sure some ideas will come to me after the next show.

I've been listening to the Dutch Mantell podcast, he's just a really likeable guy, so I had to reward him with a spot on the roster.  He's managing Dr. Wagner Jr. and Tajiri, at the moment. I might put him in charge of the Jung Dragons as well.

Taka Michinoku will be coming in.  I'm looking forward to this. I don't just want to go back to Rey as the cruiserweight champion all the time, he's currently doing other stuff, with Kidman and Konnan.  Building up the cruiserweight division is a Tommy Shelby priority. I think Shane Helms will be the champion for a while.  He's got the hot move.

I also have to start putting some teams together.  2 face teams at the minute, that's just unacceptable.  Almost tempted to bring The Road Warriors in for some matches.

I have to get some heels over as well. I click on the franchise player and it's the usual, Goldberg, Sting, Hogan, Flair and Booker T.  All faces, Scott Steiner is the heel champion, Jarrett is a level below. I just imagine a game shutdown error if I ask Hulk Hogan to lose to Jeff Jarrett.

Currently undecided on what to do next, at the top of the card.  Shane McMahon is the user character and had 2 matches, 2 losses vs Jarrett and Goldberg.   He came up with some story about needing to make things right with Jarrett and his child wanted him to face Bill Goldberg.  That should be all we're getting as far as wrestling action goes for Shane.

Steiner vs Goldberg is calling out to me.  That promo about getting even with Goldberg for fracturing my face is one of the greatest promos ever. haha  I'm just thinking it's too soon and Goldberg will have to win.

When I answer play it by ear at those media scrums, I mean it.  I am enjoying it, should keep me going for a while.  Modern day doesn't really appeal to me, I don't even like having 2 brands.



I’ve been listening to my world with Jeff Jarrett. This has totally influenced my booking….got hood and bad lol. Love me some Double J.

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Before the show

  • Hired three rookies to try out - all faces - Porkchop Patterson (as King Douglas), Merritt Freebush (as Lyra Starwalker), and Clarence Matravers (as Megaweapon).

Sep 2023 (50 rating 100 attendance)

  • We broke into the 50s and triple digits in attendance for the first time!
  • Doing some pre-show stuff to make sure the really green guys don't kill the card. Candi Floss and An Actual Dragon (Blue Dragon) are both in my doghouse and are training the new guys (King D, Lyra S, Megaweapon, Thundergod (something Hunk) and Kate Redd (DupliKate).
  • Joanna Silver beat Mellow Flashheart in her return after filming. Sheik (Reilly Patton) was there to guide the in-ring action.
  • Olivia Diamond retained the East Coast belt in a good 4-way elimination. Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) is proving to be a major addition.
  • Jack Holder is the new West Coast champ, besting Dani Hart (Danielle Sweetheart) and Kate Mishler.
  • Joy Ryder was in Japan and unable to defend the Total Champ belt.
  • DF DOOM (Funkenstein) and Tennessee had a slobberknocker coal miners glove match that ended in a brawl and draw after Kate Mishler and Olivia Diamond both botched - Olivia knocking out Doom and Kate knocking out Tennessee. A 58 rating, the top match in HVW history now.


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