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3 hours ago, elmiticomark said:

Decided to make my own little thing, simming 2 years into the future, exporting, creating what roughly will be Roku but with their own rasslin' company, and making Phil Vibert the booker/CEO.  


What are those four gonna do?????? 



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Landed in the year 2024... CZCW and PSW both have over $1,500,000. (CZCW $1.8M, PSW $2.1M---on the list, EWA is the marker of 1m to 850k [EMLL]).


Spiffy Stan is gone from ZEN, and meanwhile Kashmir Singh is just sitting there, on a couch made of a lotta cash that nobodies usin


Edited by elmiticomark
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12 hours ago, Jaysin said:

If Buff didn't have his ego, mental health issues, and had better creative I feel he would be more fondly remembered. I have always enjoyed him and the Blockbuster was a killer finish

I think that accident just led to him spiraling out of control - the doco showed a guy who is basically decent but from a family with substance abuse issues, had a history of issues with self control and had gone from very wealthy to relatively poor - all of which was a recipe for disaster once he got hurt.  Had he not had that bad injury that could have killed him he wouldn't have used the painkillers and the like to the extent he did and likely wouldn't have had the behavioral issues that plagued him after the injury.  He's like so many others from around 1980 till the drug testing started being taken seriously - the system and the culture of the times were against someone with his personailty type.  Shame too because he could have had a great career had he come up today or not had that neck injury.

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13 hours ago, beemer said:

Man, I just loved Buff back in the day. I challenge you to make him the world champ!

Is this pre neck injury Buff or post? Pre is an easy push - Post is a bit of a nightmare sadly.  Pretty sure this time period is pre the injury 

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13 hours ago, beemer said:

Man, I just loved Buff back in the day. I challenge you to make him the world champ!

I would always take the offer on Stasiak - young good looking kid who could be something if used right - if a vet offers to get them over thats a great opportunity for you.  Part of the fun of historical mods is the alternate reality aspect and that guy could be something, I dont know his settings in the mod just going on what potential he could have had in real life.  Guys like him, Chris Kanyon, Muhammad Hassan, Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire really could have been major players if things had played out differently for them. 

Imagine a world where Jindrak stayed in Evolution? Where O'Haire's Devils Advocate character was given a chance? Where Hassan was positioned differently and rather than a bad guy that protesting the portrayal of Middle Eastern characters was used as a face gimmick?  Where Stasiak didn't get saddled with being a piece of MEAT?  Where Vince realised what a tremendous worker with a super creative mind he had in Kanyon rather than fixating on his sexuality?   The beauty of rewriting history is that YOU get to decide. 

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5 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

Up ZEN's profile for sure.  Easy to see them as a faction who is Anti-Lucha trying to tear down ZEN because it isn't real wrestling. 

When I saw them added all I could think was the storyline w/ Pillman and Sullivan feuding and that really odd moment on Nitro where Arn Anderson, with the serious Horsemen, telling the "menacing (but kinda colorful and cartoony)" Dungeon of Doom "If it doesn't make dollars then it doesn't make sense!"  


By the end of 2023, Brodie had teamed a few times with Woodchuck and won main event matches while the AI is still on Pumpkin Jack vs Halloween Knight in the Harmony scene.


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2 minutes ago, elmiticomark said:

When I saw them added all I could think was the storyline w/ Pillman and Sullivan feuding and that really odd moment on Nitro where Arn Anderson, with the serious Horsemen, telling the "menacing (but kinda colorful and cartoony)" Dungeon of Doom "If it doesn't make dollars then it doesn't make sense!"  


By the end of 2023, Brodie had teamed a few times with Woodchuck and won main event matches while the AI is still on Pumpkin Jack vs Halloween Knight in the Harmony scene.


Lachlan is actually great.  Most of RAW's roster is great to be honest and I am shocked they cut him but if Australia got poor economy or wrestling rolls maybe they were bleeding cash and it was another Monday Massacre where they just shed people.

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12 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

Lachlan is actually great.  Most of RAW's roster is great to be honest and I am shocked they cut him but if Australia got poor economy or wrestling rolls maybe they were bleeding cash and it was another Monday Massacre where they just shed people.

Australia has loads of talent.  I'm glad APW stepped up because there's just too many good midcarders and potential stars or workers who'd be stars in earlier renditions of CZCW/PSW.


India w/ DSPW looks basically like one of the early MAW rosters (strong/parker/mainstream/american patriot era when there were some stars though real young) but with 7.5 MILLION dollars lol

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11 minutes ago, elmiticomark said:

Australia has loads of talent.  I'm glad APW stepped up because there's just too many good midcarders and potential stars or workers who'd be stars in earlier renditions of CZCW/PSW.


India w/ DSPW looks basically like one of the early MAW rosters (strong/parker/mainstream/american patriot era when there were some stars though real young) but with 7.5 MILLION dollars lol

Yeah there is some literally great young talent in India for sure

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22 hours ago, beemer said:

Man, I just loved Buff back in the day. I challenge you to make him the world champ!

I think I would fail this challenge. haha  Right now, he's mainly being used to take the loss if he's teaming with Scott Steiner or something.

What I remember most about Buff is when he came back as a heel from the broken neck, it was such a shame. I've heard him defend the decision before, but I guess that was just WCW for ya.  NWO for life. Booooooo.


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1 hour ago, Alan James said:

I think I would fail this challenge. haha  Right now, he's mainly being used to take the loss if he's teaming with Scott Steiner or something.

What I remember most about Buff is when he came back as a heel from the broken neck, it was such a shame. I've heard him defend the decision before, but I guess that was just WCW for ya.  NWO for life. Booooooo.


I forgot about that until you reminded me - ugh. I don't know why you'd need to swerve like that. Now I'm sad.

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8 minutes ago, beemer said:

I forgot about that until you reminded me - ugh. I don't know why you'd need to swerve like that. Now I'm sad.

They did it because Eric B and the rest of the booking team had lost the plot not long after Hogan turned.  Anything that wasn't N.W.O didn't seem to register.  They just kept adding guys to the N.W.O until their membership became meaningless.  They had a golden goose and they killed it by overstuffing it.  I think theres over 40 people listed as being part of the N.W.O - I mean some are like April Hunter who nobody remembers being in it at all and who even though she could wrestle wasn't being used as that or Horace Hogan who was what? A nepo-baby ... Disco Inferno??? ... Who thought Disco Inferno in the N.W.O was a good idea? ... Whose taking responsibility for that decision?  At least with Buff there was some sort of attempt to at least use him and he wasn't bad at it and he was able to fit the N.W.O personality type ... Horace Hogan of course had NO personality type.  

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1 hour ago, Alan James said:

I think I would fail this challenge. haha  Right now, he's mainly being used to take the loss if he's teaming with Scott Steiner or something.

What I remember most about Buff is when he came back as a heel from the broken neck, it was such a shame. I've heard him defend the decision before, but I guess that was just WCW for ya.  NWO for life. Booooooo.


I understand why he would defend the decision because frankly in the condition he was he wasn't going to get a singles push - They put way too many guys in the N.W.O but at least he was able to play that sort of character ... remember Paul Wight trying to be N.W.O ... man that was just sad... he just couldn't play a swaggering heel it wasn't him.    

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WCW had a lot of examples of guys "playing" characters that weren't them or weren't the best version of them, which was odd because it was a running theme through a few different regimes (starting with Cap'n Pizza Hut Jimmy Herd when they tried to reach the same toy/merch demo as WWF was then, now, and forever).


I mean, somehow, they had Matt Osborne with more of a reach for a gimmick than the premise of Doink the Clown.  


**At least with Buff, he had been there since Saturday Nights when Ross was commentating after they picked him up from Global.  He could play that type of role... but Disco Inferno was literally a guy who'd come out and dance to annoy wrestlers getting more serious pushes and then BAM he's in the nWo. 


Edited by elmiticomark
I mean, WWF always has had guys "playing" characters more than working gimmicks, but they're a sizzle before steak company and WCW was JCP so stuff like that really stuck out like a sore thumb
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1 hour ago, alpha2117 said:

They did it because Eric B and the rest of the booking team had lost the plot not long after Hogan turned.  Anything that wasn't N.W.O didn't seem to register.  They just kept adding guys to the N.W.O until their membership became meaningless.  They had a golden goose and they killed it by overstuffing it.  I think theres over 40 people listed as being part of the N.W.O - I mean some are like April Hunter who nobody remembers being in it at all and who even though she could wrestle wasn't being used as that or Horace Hogan who was what? A nepo-baby ... Disco Inferno??? ... Who thought Disco Inferno in the N.W.O was a good idea? ... Whose taking responsibility for that decision?  At least with Buff there was some sort of attempt to at least use him and he wasn't bad at it and he was able to fit the N.W.O personality type ... Horace Hogan of course had NO personality type.  

They were trying so hard to make it into a pseudo second company. But an entire company of heels while maintaining WCW as a company with its own heels (plus every face in the organization)... Even if it were a good idea, the complexity writing stories for that just increases exponentially.

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Just now, beemer said:

They were trying so hard to make it into a pseudo second company. But an entire company of heels while maintaining WCW as a company with its own heels (plus every face in the organization)... Even if it were a good idea, the complexity writing stories for that just increases exponentially.

The thing is it was a stupid idea - the N.W.O was a faction , a great faction but it was never going to work as it's own product - not everyone can be a "cool" heel at a certain point too many people trying makes everyone uncool ... the mistake they made was thinking it was something it wasn't.  As soon as they went beyond 10 people the whole thing fell apart.  

Who worked - Hogan, Nash, Hall, NWO Sting, Buff, Rodman, Steiner, maybe Syxx - the girls sort of worked other than that nobody really.  They missed the boat with NWO Sting because that had worked but once it was revealed it wasn't Sting they didn't really use that guy but he did work when they used him initially, they should have actually given him something more to do because he actually nailed what they gave him to do.  Those people understood why the concept worked and how to play the role but everyone else didn't really fit ... Bischoff didn't fit - the boss isn't cool - the boss is never cool.  Macho Man, Dibiase, Wallstreet, Vincent, Henning - too old school.  A lot of the others too obscure or too naturally face or just not swaggering.  A couple who could have worked they didn't put in like Eddie & Kanyon were off to the side - they knew how to swagger though.  The Booking team just didn't really understand why it had worked in the first place so they botched it.  I dislike Kevin Nash but he knew how to come off as cool, the guys that worked all did.  

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19 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

I understand why he would defend the decision because frankly in the condition he was he wasn't going to get a singles push - They put way too many guys in the N.W.O but at least he was able to play that sort of character ... remember Paul Wight trying to be N.W.O ... man that was just sad... he just couldn't play a swaggering heel it wasn't him.    

I don't disagree.  Like you said, it was kind of NWO or nothing. I wonder if Buff had it in him to play a babyface, or a leading man babyface, not like when he was American Males Bagwell.  So good playing the cocky villain,  I did enjoy Vicious and Delicious.  I guess the TEW player in me just thinks he can make him return as a bayface and it being a huge success.

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58 minutes ago, Alan James said:

I don't disagree.  Like you said, it was kind of NWO or nothing. I wonder if Buff had it in him to play a babyface, or a leading man babyface, not like when he was American Males Bagwell.  So good playing the cocky villain,  I did enjoy Vicious and Delicious.  I guess the TEW player in me just thinks he can make him return as a bayface and it being a huge success.

Oh he could play face - I think the issue with him simply is he was at that point going to struggle being a solo act due to him still recovering from the injury.  In game I dont know his set up but you could try a face run if the set-up is right for it.

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My WEXXII (Warrior Engine '22) finally found it's true calling in the Urban Strong Style product. Started Very Hard, 1000 cash, 10 pop, already at Tiny with shows rated 55-65. Main eventers are Jayson Van Pelt, Mercury, Midnight Tiger, Shimpei Hirose, Sumiyuki Samura, Yuta Isono, Zeshin Makioka :D

Big matches run 20-35min, I can still do great angles, all match types are go.. This is amazing.

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2 hours ago, FINisher said:

My WEXXII (Warrior Engine '22) finally found it's true calling in the Urban Strong Style product. Started Very Hard, 1000 cash, 10 pop, already at Tiny with shows rated 55-65. Main eventers are Jayson Van Pelt, Mercury, Midnight Tiger, Shimpei Hirose, Sumiyuki Samura, Yuta Isono, Zeshin Makioka :D

Big matches run 20-35min, I can still do great angles, all match types are go.. This is amazing.

I still can't get over Adam put one of my most sought after products in the game. It's for a promotion in my original universe I'm working on that was started by a hip hop artist/producer who idolizes Japanese wrestling and culture. The idea is that he started a promotion heavily influenced by both his "thug" origins and puro when his debut album goes platinum. It has mandatory stables, which are divided into syndicates, gangs, and "crime" families. 

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1 hour ago, Jaysin said:

I still can't get over Adam put one of my most sought after products in the game. It's for a promotion in my original universe I'm working on that was started by a hip hop artist/producer who idolizes Japanese wrestling and culture. The idea is that he started a promotion heavily influenced by both his "thug" origins and puro when his debut album goes platinum. It has mandatory stables, which are divided into syndicates, gangs, and "crime" families. 

Adam in general is an absolute diamond who doesn't get enough love for how much he does and implements at fan request. He's been doing this over two decades now and still reads and responds to basically everything. I think it's one of the reasons it annoys me when people moan about stuff like the UI because I full well know he's looked into it and worked on it, because of course he would, and if/when he could make a change I'm certain he would, meanwhile he continues to create the most insanely in depth sports adjacent game there is outside of probably Football Manager. He's incredibly patient with the community and honestly deserves way more kudos.

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8 hours ago, Jaysin said:

I still can't get over Adam put one of my most sought after products in the game. It's for a promotion in my original universe I'm working on that was started by a hip hop artist/producer who idolizes Japanese wrestling and culture. The idea is that he started a promotion heavily influenced by both his "thug" origins and puro when his debut album goes platinum. It has mandatory stables, which are divided into syndicates, gangs, and "crime" families. 

We are clearly on the same level as I too have huge stables in mind :D

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