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Give Me Rules For A Game

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I did this for my Seattle Wrestling Association game in 2020 and had a lot of fun with it, it's not hard and fast rules (I broke them on occasion) but overall, they work for a game. I plan on doing it in IX as well.

- Start a 0/0/0 game with 10,000 in the bank in whatever region you feel like (I personally did North West in my game obviously). So, no pop, prestige or momentum. You could try a pure 0/0/0/0 game, but I found that almost impossible in 2020.
- Use whatever product you feel like using, I did Fast and Furious for my game.
- For user talents make it fives across the board, so you don't get any pluses or minuses and get the "pure" experience.
- Pick whatever you want for user avatar. In my SWA game I picked a referee but note in IX that now you have to pay the user avatar and it scales on what you are.
- Sign only wrestlers/backstage talent in your home region or neighboring regions. North West would connect to South West, Mid West and Mid South in the US. Alberta and British Columbia in Canada for example. If you need help with this there are maps of the regions. 
- No signing of already contracted talent. No one with any options would work for you.
- No joining an alliance to abuse that system to use talent outside of your regions or already signed talent.
- No rules backstage or paying for anything. Again, you're a bottom of the barrel promotion who is using scraps and misfit toys.
- Only disciplinarily fire someone if they involve the cops in whatever they've done. You don't need the cops buzzing around backstage. 
- Make your ticket prices Very Cheap. You're virtually paying people to attend your shows.

Nothing mind blowing or that difficult but very flavorful I found. 

Once you hit Medium or higher you can modify the hiring rules.

Medium: All of the region is available to you to hire from.
Big: Continental talent only. IE places connected by land mass. USA would gain all of Canada, Mexico and Central America for example. 
Large+: Full freedom to sign whoever you want.

Edited by Hawk1665
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I asked for this in the 2020 thread and I loved the suggestions in there but now I want to ask again with IX having new features (so if whoever helps me out could try to implement some of them that would be swell! Just not mandatory)

Can I be given rules for a pre Montreal WWF 97 save where I'll start before Badd Blood and is based around Brian Pillman?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll take a crack at this:

Hart Attack:  The Montreal Screwjob does not happen.  Instead, Bret is allowed to leave WWF when he hands in notice.  Up to you whether he leaves with the title or not.  If he walks as World Champion, a new titlist is chosen via an 8 wrestler tournament.  If you take the belt from him, he must agree to who he loses to.

Loose Cannon Part 2:  Pillman must feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin for at least 6 months.  And yes, the Hart Foundation can be brought into this if you choose to.

Hell in a Cell:  Much like real life, the main event is Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels.  And Kane must debut.  But how that story ends is up to you.  But Undertaker vs Kane should be one of your top WrestleMania matches.

They Call Me Mister:  Vince McMahon wants to start his budding heel persona early.  Pick one wrestler to serve as Vince's Chosen One and one wrestler you want to make miserable as the long-suffering face.

Intercontinental Tourney:  Much like real life, it must be Owen Hart vs Faarooq but you choose who wins.

Tag Team Turmoil:  Badd Blood featured FIVE tag team matches including a 3 on 2 handicap match and a 4 on 4 battle.  Your tag team division should have at least 10 teams.  Use free agency/chemistry tests if you don't have enough in your save.

Your Choice:  The Patriot, Vader, Ken Shamrock, Marc Mero.  One must get a good push and compete for the world title.  One must be in the mix for the Intercontinental Title.  One must get a tag partner and compete for the Tag Titles.  And the fourth must be jobbed out before his contract expires.

Light Heavyweight Intrigue:  Your task is to get at least 8 wrestlers to form a credible tournament and division.  

Your Choice 2: Tag Division:  Hardy Boys, Edge/Christian, The Dudley Boyz.  One must never team up for WWF.

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The Computer Ruins Everything:   


Run your standard sports entertainment company. Book everything normally but with one or two extra titles.     


Rules: You must book at least 1 Title match every show. Your storylines must be built around these champions. Oh, and you cannot ever pick the winner of title matches. Your Tag Team Champs? Your World Champ? You can build everything up however much you want, but the computer decides who wins the title matches.   


Its on you to go with the flow and shift your storylines to match with whatever the computer decides to do. 

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