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TEW IX Public Beta Release Reaction Thread

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Enough. Mods have posted twice about where to move the render discussion to, posts like the above are barely discussing TEW at this point. Either move it to the render thread whilst dropping the part where insults to other posters are being added (and this goes for everyone not just the above) or end the discussion and move on.

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TEW9 seems much more polished than TEW2020 at first glance. Things are more responsive and streamlined in general. I for one love the changes to viewing workers - things are now much less crowded, and the tabs make clicking through to different sections significantly quicker than TEW2020. 

Also digging the new renders as I never cared much for the cartoon style pictures, personally. 

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Initial thoughts...

Angles... I don't think I like it. It feels like a slower workflow, and I find myself really confused. It might just be something I have to get used to. I'm so locked in on the old system. If anything, I was hoping for a more simplified system with more generalized angle "topics" that was somehow faster to book. My momentum within saves slows when I have to book way too much. It would be cool to have an "autobook angle" feature that took into account the skill of your booking team, so higher rated booking teams with more CE would be more likely to use workers to their strengths.

Speaking of which, the booking team and inner circle features add a nice, new dimension to the game. It will be very interesting to see how saves are effected by these features long term, and I wonder how CPU companies will use them. 

Though I never play C-Verse saves, I think the AI renders generally look really good and help flesh out the fictional world a bit more. I understand people's hang-ups, but this is a more efficient way for a tiny (one man?) development team of a niche game to create a huge number of pictures. No problems with it at all.

Additionally, I'm glad the GIF borders are becoming the standard. It looks good, helps with organization, and is additive to every mod and save.

I was hoping for a new/upgraded UI, so a bit disappointed to see that it's essentially the same, though the office being alphabetized is welcome, and the tabs on worker profiles are a positive change. I wish the screen was a little bigger, but I can live with it being the way it is.

The "On This Day" screen and title records are awesome additions. Love 'em. They give more context to the world.

The other smaller, mechanical changes are hard to speak on. We won't really see the effects of those until we get long term saves going.

Overall, this feels like an iterative improvement. Like a TEW 2020.5. I'll always buy and support a new TEW (been playing since EWR) because I want to see the series and text simulation genre survive and thrive.

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34 minutes ago, Big Roguey said:

Enough. Mods have posted twice about where to move the render discussion to, posts like the above are barely discussing TEW at this point. Either move it to the render thread whilst dropping the part where insults to other posters are being added (and this goes for everyone not just the above) or end the discussion and move on.

Fair enough I simply intended to defend the game developers being accused of theft by pointing out the word was inapplicable here.  I will say no more.

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I am so glad the "Track Progress" button is back. No more clicking each ability to see how a wrestler is improving. I also like the tabs on the worker screen.

Unfortunately, those are like the only two nice things I can say about the UI. I cannot believe it still looks like this in 2024. Really disappointed that we've got another iteration that looks the same (or worse). So many pointless, disorganized buttons. So much empty space. Boxes hidden in locations that aren't intuitive. A graphical overhaul of the renders that was a substantial undertaking whether you like them or not, and they still occupy so little of the screen.

Excited to try out the new systems, but I wish Adam cared even a little bit about design. Or, y'know, get an AI to code it. Or would that be a bridge too far?

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After playing the beta for a bit, I have to agree with some of the other posters that the new angle system isn't all that enjoyable. Like in that other booking game, it's an idea that seemed good on paper and certainly adds a bit of style, however it quickly becomes tedious. I feel it needlessly complicates the previously very streamlined process without adding much substance.

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Very happy to be playing a new TEW, want to say that first. 

Definitely struggling with enjoying the angles right now. I guess I don’t understand why the Add Angle screen doesn’t just look like the Add Match screen. I’d love to see almost everything in the Booking Details Angle screen under Road Agent Notes and selectable the way it is under Add Match Road Age t Notes. I know we are supposed to think of angles in parts now but aren’t there parts to matches too? And they are just under Types Of Finishes and Individual Focus and Match Style and Special Extras. I would hate to book a match in “parts” the way it’s set up on the angle screen. Both of these things are just segments on the card that generate a number, don’t know why they look so different. 

Obviously this is just day one playing this game though, just want to say what feels awkward and wrong as I’m clicking. 

Edited by Joshdb
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Would it be at all possible for the new angle system to list out each part as it's own line item on the card? Using the example from the day 6 dev log it would look something like:

  1. Rocky Golden promo
  2. Des David attacks Golden
  3. ZWB and David Brawl
  4. Eric Eisen promo (setting up the tag match)

It tells the story of the full angle and would still be, in my opinion, an improvement over the older method of creating an angle for each step.


Also, I think the CE cap should be increased, costs should be increased (maybe based on size, you could argue it is more difficult to impress fans at larger sizes), and there should be an option to spend extra CE to increase the odds that a creative idea has a high(er) success rating. It feels a little strange to be able to generate a creative finish for ~4+ matches per show.

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Hello - Overall, I am grateful for the update. I'm not quite sold yet on the realistic portraits. I might come around, seeing as the average render is much better than 2020. I heard some people mention specific workers not maintaining their signature looks, and I get that, but also so many portraits were janky in 2020. What does bug me is that the picture is so small, and the background isn't always solid colored. Sometimes it is gray or strangely lit. 

I think with some tweaks I'll really enjoy IX, but I'm not sure if it is a Day 1 purchase yet.

There's tons of new features. I think Adam did a great job, but there's some stuff to get used to. However, I think there are some things that could be outright improved. Here are my thoughts so far:

1. This was confusing when starting the game. You'd think clicking the button would show you Avatars, but no it toggles to all workers.


2. A) Dawn Gemmell's picture is missing. B) To echo others, the worker screen doesn't utilize space very well. I think the most important thing to see is the worker's skills and then popularity. We went from both front and center to tucked away. There's a ton of wasted space that probably could hold more relevant information.


3. Space is an issue on the Office screen as well. Maybe there's more events that could happen, but I really don't need all this space. The new features mean new buttons. I feel like there could be a Management Screen where you could do the creative and inner circle. For the people playing on Steam Deck, the bottom of the screen gets cut off. Maybe it is possible to reclaim some of this extra space.


4. A) What are these icons?? They take up so much space but don't tell me anything. B) At least Killer Kass looks like a human in this game, the original cverse render was rough.


5. I am excited about the Multi Day Event feature. How do I use it? Do I put in a number? Do I put in the name for the event? B) The Geo Tag section - what is this about? I can set a tag to where the event should be if I'm insignificant in size? Why just those 3? Why is this on the screen?


6. I do not like that the News page looks like a real website but has no functionality of a website. Why have a "Share" icon if you can't share? The hamburger menu icon doesn't do anything. The icons in the bottom right do not do anything. It would be cool if the icons did something.


7. I'm glad that there are new owner goals. However this seems ridiculous. I played a custom company in 2020, are there normally this many goals with this long of a time period? Why can't USPW hire a powerhouse for 2+ years?



8. I'm playing on my desktop for the first time instead of my laptop. Have these icons and colors always been like this? They do not stand out enough. I'd prefer if they were bigger and brighter.



9. I started a new game with all companies and all regions, after previously playing a USA-MEX-JPN only save. While I like that there are more default interactions, this seems like too much activity on a random day. I'm on wrestling Reddit and I don't think there's this many interpersonal wrestler interactions per day. There's so much going on. I cannot possibly read all of this.



10. I did a team bonding session and all of this happened. Maybe because it was the first time I did it. What would happen if I had a 150 person roster? 



11. The Angles are a miss for me. The theory is great, the execution is a slog. I'd like the ability to add a bunch of people to the angle and then use drop downs to choose what they do. Also the Auto-Booker seemingly books 1 person interview segments only? I also prefer 2020's time sliders instead of a dropdown. I'd prefer to use sliders or type the amount of time for the segment. The angle screen slowed me down significantly. Made I just need to adapt, but I found the system hard to grok. Also this 3 minute fight segment was the best angle on my card somehow.



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21 minutes ago, ericmassak said:

. I started a new game with all companies and all regions, after previously playing a USA-MEX-JPN only save. While I like that there are more default interactions, this seems like too much activity on a random day. I'm on wrestling Reddit and I don't think there's this many interpersonal wrestler interactions per day. There's so much going on. I cannot possibly read all of this.


This actually reminded me to go to the settings to turn down the relationship frequency... and I can't, because that's apparently been removed from the game.

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Does anyone else feel like contracts don't seem as realistic when trying to hire?
I'm playing 21CW and offering baseline 2200 a year/2 year deals and guys are getting other offers for 7500 a year /2 years and turning it down for me, I have only played like 3 weeks time and it's happened a lot now. Someone from RAW took a deal with me for 50,000 a year when RAW was matching it for 105,000... doesn't seem right.

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9 minutes ago, donv86 said:

Does anyone else feel like contracts don't seem as realistic when trying to hire?
I'm playing 21CW and offering baseline 2200 a year/2 year deals and guys are getting other offers for 7500 a year /2 years and turning it down for me, I have only played like 3 weeks time and it's happened a lot now. Someone from RAW took a deal with me for 50,000 a year when RAW was matching it for 105,000... doesn't seem right.

That's probably because 21CW is Big at the start of the game, and RAW is Medium. This type of problem existed in TEW 2020 were a worker tended to prioritize working for a big company as opposed to taking what's financially best for them.

You are correct in that it isn't very realistic at times.

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Yeah I agree with what people are saying about the angles, I can understand the function but bring back stuff like star quality and or add a "makes entrances" option, I do want it to work however because I do NOT want to go back to adding 40 1 minute segments to my shows. 

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I don't really mind the UI so far, although I'll echo that the email button should probably change color more drastically.  I was only slightly put off by the changes to 2020 and got used to them quickly, I reckon I'm on the same track here.  Jury's out on the angle system until I've done more actual playing, I'm still just kinda dinking around looking at the menus.

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15 minutes ago, TheDeep5ix said:

That's probably because 21CW is Big at the start of the game, and RAW is Medium. This type of problem existed in TEW 2020 were a worker tended to prioritize working for a big company as opposed to taking what's financially best for them.

You are correct in that it isn't very realistic at times.

I get that it happens but this feels like a way wider gap. One dude turned down more than 50,000 a month to move to the UK and work for a slightly bigger promotion. Eh.
Maybe it's just that I'm not used to playing the Cornellverse and Real World Mods are more realistic in that regard, I'm not sure, but I don't recall seeing it this much/this egregious in 2020.

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Also, almost every *single* day I'm seeing news reports about people fighting or almost fighting backstage in other promotions, there's no way that hasn't been dialed way up. It's happening multiple times a night in some cases. Just mayhem behind the scenes in this Cornellverse. 
EDIT: Literally the next day after posting this there were *5* backstage fights lmao

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31 minutes ago, D.W. said:

This actually reminded me to go to the settings to turn down the relationship frequency... and I can't, because that's apparently been removed from the game.

Like removed entirely from the editor? Was it the only thing removed?

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Having the ability to look at stats/popularity & the Negotiate button being on separate pages is annoying, when looking for new talent, you've got to constantly go back and forth on the pages, which is irritating. 

Edited by Jim
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