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TEW IX Public Beta Release Reaction Thread

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2 hours ago, UnscriptedPuro said:

Very happy with the new ratings system & popularity recap. Glad I can see what my audience hates so I can become the Worst Booker of The Year very easily without having to guess. 😃

Peter Valentine simulator

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23 minutes ago, SobaMaskV2 said:

Im not really sure how it works but when do we think some mods will be created for tew ix?


Likely only after the full game is released so we aren't restricted to January [insert year] mods.

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47 minutes ago, MightyDavidson said:

Like removed entirely from the editor? Was it the only thing removed?


I just compared it next to TEW2020 and it appears to be the only option that was removed from the settings screen. Just a baffling decision.

I echo what everyone is saying - the game is way too chaotic now. You said this stuff was going to act like it was on steroids and this is exactly what I was afraid of. Adding an Inner Circle seems to hurt more than it helps, since it just adds more variables to your backstage and more things to get penalized for. Things were already heading this way in the previous game, with constant fights, wrestlers court, etc, but now it seems to be turned up to 11. Combine that with the overhauled relationships and the Observer would need to do a breaking news radio show every single day to keep up with all of the news. 

It would be nice to have something akin to a "temperature" setting to adjust how aggressively the AI wants to change and "fix" the game world. In reality, wrestling has long droughts where nothing major happens and then the occasional week of total craziness. One backstage scuffle turned wrestling upside-down last year. There have been a dozen of them in my first week in the game.

As it stands now, my news feed looks like this on a random Thursday.

- Show results

- Hiring news.

- Wrestler got in a fight with a fan.

- New relationship.

- Stable has disbanded.

- Wrestler got in a fight with another wrestler.

- Wrestler changes style.

- Company is starting a new feud.

- Wrestler walks out of company.

It would also be nice to be able to customize the news feed so that certain story types can be hidden. For example, I don't really need to know that an indy in Canada is about to start a new storyline.

Edited by D.W.
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For the news stories about relationship events, it would be nice if we at least only saw them when they actually changed the relationship between the individuals (like in TEW2020)



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Having spent all day going through the DB and doing a 3-month watcher sim to see the game world, I finally started a save with an actual promotion. My thoughts so far just after booking my first show:

- UI changes took a while to warmup to but I don't think they're that bad. Track progress button being back is a blessing, I hated the way to track stat progress in 2020.

- I do have the same gripes as others regarding the angles. It makes it tedious to book, especially if booking an pop > perf company. I also don't get some of the actions that are available. For example, what's the difference between "Background Player" and "Non-Speaking Role"? There's one other example I noticed but don't have the booking screen in front of me. (EDIT: It was "Character Development" and "Cutting a Promo") Otherwise, I love being able to book parts of the segments.

- News screen is cluttered up with way too many useless relationship headlines. As I noted above, a lot of them aren't even resulting in [direct] changes to the relationship. It would be nice if we could filter those out of the news page.

- Glad to see the attendance and financial numbers reeled in. It got old seeing small-medium feds pull 20-30k audiences regularly.

- It would be nice if the comparison analysis at least included the top 10-15 workers of that skill


Edited by Amyzyng
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I'm annoyed with the calendar system. When it comes up, at least on some screens, it defaults to 2024, so if your database starts before that, every single time you open it you then have to go back to the correct year. 

Edited by Spoons
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12 hours ago, Stingberg said:

My biggest hope for this version was making the game easier to actually play. Less cumbersome. And the first thing I see is the redesigned worker screen that's going to literally double or triple the number of clicks I need in order to access extremely essential information. Not the way I hoped to see things going and unless something changes, which is unlikely at this point, TEW IX is going to be a pass from me. Oh well.

You didn’t even give the game a real shot! Like wtf!!! What an asinine comment. You have to click a little more to open stuff in some spots. Like that is what’s gonna stop you from playing this game?? THAT?? WTF!!! That’s a silly excuse I’d expect from my 6 year old son. Talk about wanting to be coddled! 

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1 minute ago, MrVillain said:

You didn’t even give the game a real shot! Like wtf!!! What an asinine comment. You have to click a little more to open stuff in some spots. Like that is what’s gonna stop you from playing this game?? THAT?? WTF!!! That’s a silly excuse I’d expect from my 6 year old son. Talk about wanting to be coddled! 

Oh gosh oh golly, he wants the game to be more user friendly not less, I might just faint dead away from the shock of it.  The nerve of him to ask for this perfectly reasonable thing, thank goodness we have "brave" keyboard warriors like you around to throw tantrums in the face of such behavior.  

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Out of curiosity, for the people who dislike the new renders, do you hate the ultra realistic style or it's AI-made? Would it be received better if the Grey Dog cartoon-esque style was kept instead? Cuz there's an AI picture discussion thread in 2020 and it seems like everyone's fine with it, and suddenly now it's getting more negative feedbacks so I am curious if people just hate the style more than anything.

For me personally, I was not happy about it. But I slept on it and woke up being more acceptive of it.

I think the old Grey Dog can be a stylized identity of Grey Dog games so I am a little bit sad that is going away from some generic, ultra-realistic AI pic that could be seen in any other games out there. I think identity is important (to stand out) but maybe others would disagree.

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12 hours ago, Stingberg said:

My biggest hope for this version was making the game easier to actually play. Less cumbersome. And the first thing I see is the redesigned worker screen that's going to literally double or triple the number of clicks I need in order to access extremely essential information. Not the way I hoped to see things going and unless something changes, which is unlikely at this point, TEW IX is going to be a pass from me. Oh well.

YES!! I'm glad somebody else agrees, the way it is now is so much less user-friendly. Having to do 3 clicks, just to look at popularity, stats & then negotiate, when last game it would've only been 1 is baffling and tedious. Booking has the same problems too. I really hope that these things are changed. It was wildly less user-friendly than TEW2020. 

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55 minutes ago, Goliathus said:

Out of curiosity, for the people who dislike the new renders, do you hate the ultra realistic style or it's AI-made? Would it be received better if the Grey Dog cartoon-esque style was kept instead? Cuz there's an AI picture discussion thread in 2020 and it seems like everyone's fine with it, and suddenly now it's getting more negative feedbacks so I am curious if people just hate the style more than anything.

For me personally, I was not happy about it. But I slept on it and woke up being more acceptive of it.

I think the old Grey Dog can be a stylized identity of Grey Dog games so I am a little bit sad that is going away from some generic, ultra-realistic AI pic that could be seen in any other games out there. I think identity is important (to stand out) but maybe others would disagree.

I really dislike the ultra realistic. I downloaded the demo but it was a huge turnoff for me. I very much enjoy the cartoon style ones from the discussion forum you talked about. I will wait until that gets fleshed out more and all the workers are in that style and then ill go back to the game 

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47 minutes ago, Jim said:

YES!! I'm glad somebody else agrees, the way it is now is so much less user-friendly. Having to do 3 clicks, just to look at popularity, stats & then negotiate, when last game it would've only been 1 is baffling and tedious. Booking has the same problems too. I really hope that these things are changed. It was wildly less user-friendly than TEW2020. 

It's funny, I actually prefer the current layout- in 2020 I sometimes found myself overwhelmed by how much information there was on any given screen, it definitely gave me some issues with overload. More screens with less info on helps that be less of an issue.

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1 hour ago, Goliathus said:

Out of curiosity, for the people who dislike the new renders, do you hate the ultra realistic style or it's AI-made? Would it be received better if the Grey Dog cartoon-esque style was kept instead? Cuz there's an AI picture discussion thread in 2020 and it seems like everyone's fine with it, and suddenly now it's getting more negative feedbacks so I am curious if people just hate the style more than anything.

For me personally, I was not happy about it. But I slept on it and woke up being more acceptive of it.

I think the old Grey Dog can be a stylized identity of Grey Dog games so I am a little bit sad that is going away from some generic, ultra-realistic AI pic that could be seen in any other games out there. I think identity is important (to stand out) but maybe others would disagree.

I don't mind the style change as long as people have the option to use other pics.

My issue with AI is that it is still an emerging tech and somewhat uncontrolled.  It will likely settle down and become less problematic over time but right now things like the pics here are ok but a lot of other AI is somewhat worrying.  I think a lot of people are like me where basic AI is ok but more complex stuff seems like the wild west right now.


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So after poking around a bit (still haven't been able to start a real save and won't until after at least Monday) the game seems very similar to 2020. Which isn't an issue really, I loved 2020, but I do wish there was some more changes to the game world. 

The lack of star movement, new promotions, new workers for free agency, or dying promotions (once again, RIP OLLIE it is a shame you are the only one joining the graveyard) just kinda makes the game world feel like this is TEW 2020 2 rather than TEW9. Still really excited to sink my teeth into everything, and this isn't a major issue, especially cause a lot of it can just be resolved with mods (hell I may try and make my own expansion mod this go-around), but I hoped for a bit more on this front.

For the renders, the realistic style went from "hate" to "actually kind of like" really quickly. There's still some hit or misses (what have you done to Funakoshi that is not a man with sex appeal above a 60), but that just comes down to stylistic preference and what I personally imagine some workers to look like. There's a few workers (Yuri Iliakov does not look like his billed height or weight) who don't really fit their game stats, but again, something that can be fixed with rerenders. 

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Any chance we can get the logo backdrops template, please? I want to create a new company to replace OLLIE (the hurt is real), but I am useless at creating matching graphics without a template :(

For the curious, I used Bing AI to create this logo for "Lucha Libre Para Siempre" (Lucha Libre Is Forever, playing off one of OLLIE's acronyms being "Original Lucha Libre Is Eternal) which includes the Mexican flag colours of OLLIE, combined with the logo being a bird to represent OLLIE's Eagle, but in more of a Phoenix style to represent it rising from the ashes (I know, that's not a Mexican animal, but it felt most appropriate and Quetzalcoatl images didn't come out well :D).



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I actually really like the angle system, it makes a lot of sense to be able to chain angles together and have them form an "overall" angle rating. It never made sense to have a 10 minute angle where you'd have a combination of mic work, and maybe some kind of brawl, but to have it all rated on either promo skills, or fighting/selling. Neither does it make sense to have two different 5 minute angles to represent this which have no real connection to each other. So the premise I really like.

What I think is missing that would really help, especially for those who are finding it cumbersome, is to be able to save our own presets. The quick angle add is cool, but being able to make our own multi part angles and save them for future use so we can cover our basic angles that we run fairly often would help speed up the process a lot

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9 minutes ago, benjirino said:

Any chance we can get the logo backdrops template, please? I want to create a new company to replace OLLIE (the hurt is real), but I am useless at creating matching graphics without a template :(

For the curious, I used Bing AI to create this logo for "Lucha Libre Para Siempre" (Lucha Libre Is Forever, playing off one of OLLIE's acronyms being "Original Lucha Libre Is Eternal) which includes the Mexican flag colours of OLLIE, combined with the logo being a bird to represent OLLIE's Eagle, but in more of a Phoenix style to represent it rising from the ashes (I know, that's not a Mexican animal, but it felt most appropriate and Quetzalcoatl images didn't come out well :D).



Maybe not what you wanted but here's one that outlines where everything should go (and a .xcf file that keeps the original layers in case you wanted something a bit more precise)


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And here are both images for anyone else who wants to make their own promotion in the spirit of OLLIE. Lucha Libre Para Siempre, Lucha Libre Is Forever. I plan to use El Avatar and start unemployed and make my own promotion from it :)



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40 minutes ago, SomeDude03 said:

So after poking around a bit (still haven't been able to start a real save and won't until after at least Monday) the game seems very similar to 2020. Which isn't an issue really, I loved 2020, but I do wish there was some more changes to the game world. 

The lack of star movement, new promotions, new workers for free agency, or dying promotions (once again, RIP OLLIE it is a shame you are the only one joining the graveyard) just kinda makes the game world feel like this is TEW 2020 2 rather than TEW9. Still really excited to sink my teeth into everything, and this isn't a major issue, especially cause a lot of it can just be resolved with mods (hell I may try and make my own expansion mod this go-around), but I hoped for a bit more on this front.

For the renders, the realistic style went from "hate" to "actually kind of like" really quickly. There's still some hit or misses (what have you done to Funakoshi that is not a man with sex appeal above a 60), but that just comes down to stylistic preference and what I personally imagine some workers to look like. There's a few workers (Yuri Iliakov does not look like his billed height or weight) who don't really fit their game stats, but again, something that can be fixed with rerenders. 

Funakoshi is one of those redone in the Day One Update I’ve built, and that release definitely addresses some of the disconnect between stats and portraits around attractiveness, physique and general appearance.

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