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4 hours ago, AidanLFC1 said:

I’ve signed Findlay O’Farraday to come in as a partner for him with the view of them both being brawlers just looking for a fight. In my headcanon, Findlay and Josh met while Findlay was back visiting the US from Japan, bonded over their appreciation for Japanese wrestling and Taylor convinced Farraday to come and work some dates for TCW, while allowing him to continue to live and work in Japan, with the pair agreeing to tag as the team ‘Dragon’s Bite’. 

This gives Josh something to do as well as pairing him with someone with marginally better entertainment skills to act as a bit of a talker for him, as well as bringing in some fresh meat to the roster, with the potential of Findlay becoming a good upper midcarder in his own right when they eventually split, allowing Josh to move into a more sympathetic babyface role in the future. 

Just from what you said about Findlay, the idea of a TCW that signs foreign workers to non-exclusive (or basically even tour) contracts sounds like a really cool way to make a TCW save unique. 

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12 minutes ago, SomeDude03 said:

Just from what you said about Findlay, the idea of a TCW that signs foreign workers to non-exclusive (or basically even tour) contracts sounds like a really cool way to make a TCW save unique. 

Wouldn’t this lead to losing a bunch of them to SWF or USPW? I feel like there isn’t way to counter it on deals. 

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5 minutes ago, JrSquared said:

Wouldn’t this lead to losing a bunch of them to SWF or USPW? I feel like there isn’t way to counter it on deals. 

Probably, unless you're bringing in people with loyalty/true borns from companies in Japan. I think there were some changes to loyalty but I'm pretty sure their AIs only offer exclusive written contracts and younger guys with loyalty to their Japanese companies would never sign them unless they meet whatever the qualifications are for them to be willing to leave. So like, say you bring in Funakoshi from BCG or Masa Kurata from WLW, I don't think the other Big 2 would steal them.


This doesn't apply to guys like Findlay or any other worker without loyalty so it may not be worth the risk depending on your playstyle. 

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16 minutes ago, SomeDude03 said:

Just from what you said about Findlay, the idea of a TCW that signs foreign workers to non-exclusive (or basically even tour) contracts sounds like a really cool way to make a TCW save unique. 

Yeah I had a similar idea with (in the long-run) implementing a women’s division and putting in place a non-stealing agreement with QAW, ultimately trying to turn them into a bit of a developmental for the women, equivalent to MAW. 

It’d mean they get their talent exposed on national TV and have the backing of TCW, there could potentially be some level of financial support as well. Essentially try to be the ‘good guys’ of the top 3 and get to the top by supporting the wider industry, rather than suppressing it. Not sure how possible it would be in game, but I thought a nice idea and might be a fun approach. Also adds some extra challenge if SWF/USPW start poaching people from under your nose. 

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52 minutes ago, JrSquared said:

Question: Is Masked Mauler VII the first masked wrestler in TCW? I feel like in 2013, 2016, and 2020 nobody on roster had a mask. 

I am pretty sure they have luchadors (Extraordinario? Dark Eagle?) signed in the CV97 mod but Mauler is probably the first since TEW05

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8 hours ago, codey_v3 said:

How are yall using Josh Taylor? His bio mentions that he's a bland guy overall, but I've turned him into one of my go-to wild brawl guys and it's made me think of him as a loose cannon type of guy. I just got him out of a two-month feud with Aaron Andrews that didn't see him gain much popularity but was actually really fun to book the wild backstage brawls, both guys getting banned from arenas, trash talking videos sent from home while they were banned, and I topped it off with Taylor Pillmanizing Andrews two weeks before their big blow off match that Andrews eventually won. 

After that feud ended I had him cut a promo from home where he explained that he's as violent as he is because he has to put food in his families' mouths, and the next week I had him march out after one of Dave Diamond's matches, show a little respect and then started a brawl. It's a lowcard version of his last feud, but I can give him the win here and then maybe give him the tv title next.

I just got great chem between Taylor and Speed so I am going with that team to try and elevate Marc. I also got great chem between Andrews and Bach so these two teams are going to feud.

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4 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

I am pretty sure they have luchadors (Extraordinario? Dark Eagle?) signed in the CV97 mod but Mauler is probably the first since TEW05

Mr Lucha II was in HGC from the start, I'm pretty sure

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2 hours ago, Bigpapa42 said:

Sorry, Mr. Lucha. Now maskless as Manuel Prieto. 

Really? Is it just a thing with the '97 mod then because he has straight record of bouncing between he Mexican big 3. I could see 2 being their as a cheap jobber to start his career and its just not in the direct canon, but 1 was a bonafide  lucha goat in the late 90s early 2000s. 

Also answering the original prompt, Koshiro Ino.

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Once the full version comes out, this is going to be my first traditional save (i.e. not a created company under some wild parameter of self enforced "rules") 

I've got my eye on a Syndicate vs New Syndicate feud, Mo vs Chord, and a Keith Family War, just have to figure out when Tommy Cornell and Matthew Keith's contracts end.

Eddie Peak retired, but I've got my eyes on a "Dark" stable as Aldous Blackfriar, Mutant and Hell's Bouncer are all still unsigned.  Rich and Famous are definitely getting snatched up... though I respect the "industry" concept, this game eventually has a predatory nature with it's companies, so I'm not losing potential draws to SWF or USPW (in the demo sim, USPW went out and signed a bunch of 40 year olds, so right away with TCW I'm hitting the best 30 & under talent, and pushing out the old blood in short order, get ready BriCo, you're gonna be making some Surfer Dude Lucas beach champ action figures, with real action shaka bruh).  It's just a shame OLLIE died so I couldn't steal Mr. Lucha and Extraordinario, and La Estrella from them.   

I guess I'm about to find out if Mitch Naess will wage war on TCW because they're not going to be able to match the contract I'm going to throw at Ernest Youngman, Jackpot & Jake, or Logan Wolfsbaine.


Also, whomever said Joshua Taylor as the go to Wild-Brawl guy, that is the chef's kiss.  I've always used him this way and he becomes an excellent "outside" main event guy (a title shot once, maybe finding his way into a multi-man match, but never a regular contender) and eventual gatekeeper doing that. 

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13 hours ago, Lier said:

Really? Is it just a thing with the '97 mod then because he has straight record of bouncing between he Mexican big 3. I could see 2 being their as a cheap jobber to start his career and its just not in the direct canon, but 1 was a bonafide  lucha goat in the late 90s early 2000s. 

Also answering the original prompt, Koshiro Ino.

Ino's new render makes it look like a mask, but he's just a face painted guy.

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50 minutes ago, codey_v3 said:

Ino's new render makes it look like a mask, but he's just a face painted guy.

It looked like a mask in 2020 too, but that makes a lot of sense.

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I finished the first three months and am very excited to keep this save going when the game releases in full. 

At the top of the card is Greg Gauge, who I had beat Jay Chord for the belt in January followed by an immediate heel turn (not on Jay, he just revealed that he's still a piece of shit and now that he's champ no one can do anything about it.) In Feb. Gauge formed a partnership with Logan Wolfsbaine, who's averaging around 50 pop after beating guys like Troy, Tana and Bart, and The Behemoths joined them in March to form a stable called The Black Dogs. 

Aaron Andrews is locked in a feud with The Black Dogs. He feuded with Josh Taylor for two months in a violent storyline that saw both men get repeatedly banned from arenas + Taylor pillmanizing Andrews at one point. AA won that feud, and started a feud in March with Gauge, who beat him in a title match after interference from The Black Dogs. Now, the story is continuing. 

After losing the belt, Jay Chord started a storyline where he was beating older, over the hill guys, with Sammy Bach being the last one. He got on the mic after that match and challenged anyone with experience, and Zimmy Bumfhole, renamed just Zimmy, made a surprise debut the show before Battleground. Zimmy proceeded to beat him at the PPV, and I'm gonna run that for a few months. 

That last feud made it so that I'm not sure what to do with my latest signing. Randy Bumfhole's contract surprisingly came up for renewal and I stole him, and I think I'm going to keep the Randy Unleased and have him act like his brother isn't even there for a few months since he just beat him in SWF. Maybe a feud with T-Bone or Mo is in the cards.

I signed Ernest Youngman as my other up and coming heel alongside Woflsbaine, and I'm booking him as a loudmouth, obnoxious troll that talks huge amounts of wild crap but is very quick to back up his words with his fists. He's also averaging around 50 pop and is locked in a feud with Sammy Bach to get him over since Sammy, while still good, is on the downslide.

The two guys I signed to be my up-and-coming faces are Amazing Fire Fly and Papa Swoll. Fly is doing great just gaining wins and is around 40 pop now, while Swoll still needs some better skills and more pop. Fire Fly is feuding with Quentin Queen, who I want to push up to upper-midcard, and Swoll is feuding with Nick Booth, whose tag team broke up because they don't have chemistry. 

 Lastly, one guy I'm keeping my eye on that I didn't expect to is Hudson Drake, who I hired to tag with Jeremie Courtney in a jobber team named Courtney & Drake Ltd. I knew Drake is good and could lose his way up the card potentially, but he's popped up right at the top of my next big thing list, and I think after I job him for a few months I need to break up this tag team and give him a real push.

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12 minutes ago, Lier said:

It looked like a mask in 2020 too, but that makes a lot of sense.

I did just look up his classic render and it looks like a mask there too. I got so used to this badass re-render of his that I forgot what the original looked like

Koshiro Ino.jpg

Koshiro Ino.jpg

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1 hour ago, codey_v3 said:

I signed Ernest Youngman as my other up and coming heel alongside Woflsbaine, and I'm booking him as a loudmouth, obnoxious troll that talks huge amounts of wild crap but is very quick to back up his words with his fists. He's also averaging around 50 pop and is locked in a feud with Sammy Bach to get him over since Sammy, while still good, is on the downslide.

The two guys I signed to be my up-and-coming faces are Amazing Fire Fly and Papa Swoll. Fly is doing great just gaining wins and is around 40 pop now, while Swoll still needs some better skills and more pop.  


Youngman is turning out 75 ratings in matches for a Small sized created company I did for the demo; and his "work the crowd", "cutting a promo" and "being interviewed" ratings are pretty nice, considering in my world he's a 35 pop in the Great Lakes.  Papa Swoll is a gem; he cut my first green rated segment with "work the crowd", but yeah his in-ring, even with a 30-32 pop only has produced mid-40's in ring output.


I could see Youngman drawing TV main event worthy ratings in a TCW sim within 4-5 months, given his entertainment skills, and the in-ring being there to back it up.  Definitely a natural fit for TCW, imo.

In TEW2020 sims, and as I plan to do here once the full is released and I don't have to worry about hitting the April 1st wall, I plan on bringing in Youngman and adding him to The Syndicate in some fashion (for years I'd team him with Nelson Callum, who'd replace The Elite & Doc after they routinely failed to do what Wolf needed them to do, and add Gauge as the 4th man forming "The New Syndicate".. Callum's signed now, so that teammate may be Jaylon Martins, since Flint Slater is in the spot where Gauge would've been, but Gauge, like Chord is fine on his own).  


Seeing peoples C-Verse games and looking at all that talent in PSW just sitting there for the taking does make me wonder where that company will be in TEW X...

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Interested in seeing ways people are running TCW. I'm in mid February and I feel I got the ball rolling a bit. I've decided my three big matches for Total Mayhem will be T-Bone/Chord for the World title, Gauge/Andrews and Mighty Mo/Wolf Hawkins. Something I like doing with my booking is highlight how competitive being the number one guy is; and in particular, being World Champion.


I'm doing Wolf/T-Bone for the February PPV. Wolf will win thanks to interference. Not from the Syndicate but from Chord. I had T-Bone, after winning a match to start the month, invoke the name of the Big 3 (Wolf, Andrews, Chord) starting the feud with Chord while feuding with Wolf. Threatened by T-Bone's momentum, Chord and Wolf link up to try and knock T-Bone out. Chord and Wolf don't like each other. Wolf comes out of this a winner as if T-Bone wins, he has a direct win over him and gets the first shot. If he loses, Chord promised him a title show if they're successful. 

Gauge lost to Chord at Malice in Wonderland but he gave me an angle idea that was a sure fire hit. So I had him cut an emotional promo to close that show. That has carried over in him also challenging the Big 3. Andrews takes a different approach from Wolf and Chord and decides to go at Gauge straight up. Both are faces and will stay faces but it'll be a fierce rivalry. 


Only big signings I made was Youngman, Blackfriar, Swoll, Edmund and DWN. The rest, Cali Slick, Riley McManus, The Rock Stars,  Xavi Ferrera, is all about filling needs. I'm curious to see who people are prioritizing regarding potential poaches from SWF and UPSW. I'm keeping NY strategy of aiming for the youngsters with high SQ or younger low end-mid card wrestlers with high SQ. Guys like Nicky Champion and Spencer Spade I won't go after. But Schnell from SWF (who I was able to get) I will go all out for. I want to save money for when Chord and Gauge are up at the end of the year so targeting these youngsters is cost efficient and gives me a few years ti develop before their contracts are due.

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Just planning out my storylines for the first few months. I'm going to have Greg Gauge defeat Jay Chord at the third time of asking at Battleground. That storyline is going to involve Chord brutally attacking Sam Keith.

My TV title story between Might Mo and Slater will be interwoven with Wolf and T-Bone, and Benny and the Foxx vs Hammond and Martins that will end in a War Games match at Battleground between The Syndicate, and Mo, T-Bone, and Benny and the Foxx.

The tag title is just going to be a basic one for Huggins and Hocking getting over, leading to Battleground where...

They'll face Andrews and Sammy Bach. Bach knows that age isn't on his side and wants one last shot at the Tag Titles, and he thinks that he and Andrews should go for it. Andrews tells Bach that Bach needs to prove himself to both Andrews, but more importantly, Bach. The go on a series of wins until they reach H2-Woah at Battleground where I'm going to have Bach lose, before turning on Andrews, and setting up a feud between them where Bach will face Gauge somewhere down the line.


Now, I'm just trying to fill in my shows around that!

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image.thumb.png.a1dcec1bfe0350a165d37fa4e32f1bd0.pngJust booked the last PPV before Total Mayhem and it was a big success. 

Gauge vs Hawkins was for the World Title, after Gauge won it at in February, going to go with the same Match for the TM26 Main Event, not sure yet who i am going to have go over, either way I am most likely turning Greg back heel after the Match.

 I have brought in Jack Bruce to use an on screen GM, stolen Remo, Rogue and Valiant from SWF, Running Wolf and Andre James from USPW, and I am currently negotiating with Nicky Champion since his Contract is expiring a week before Total Mayhem. 300k per Month is kind of a steep price to pay though.

The Wild Bunch is the Tag Team of Dazzling Dave and Bradley Blaze.(The only reason i put them together is that they both wear Cowboy hats). They won the Tag Titles last Month and are probably going to keep them for a while.

Reunited The New Wave as the The Old Wave because it's been a while and one last Nostalgia run can not hurt right?

I maybe am a bit bloated in the Tag Division right now, but that isn't unusual for me, so I have changed the Tag Titles to Floating and I am now trying to build up the division to be viable as its own brand. 

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