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Quick Question for everyone who plays TCW, i can never keep Titans popularity high, Killer Shark as well. Only thing i can do is have him beat higher popularity guys, but then every time he wrestle's his pop drops. Has anyone got a plan for them that works. a plan for a singles push anyway. I always split them up and see if they go singles. 

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19 minutes ago, bshankly said:

Quick Question for everyone who plays TCW, i can never keep Titans popularity high, Killer Shark as well. Only thing i can do is have him beat higher popularity guys, but then every time he wrestle's his pop drops. Has anyone got a plan for them that works. a plan for a singles push anyway. I always split them up and see if they go singles. 

I just push them both as a tag and singles. In my current game, they're a part of a unit with Blackfriar, Seth Whitehead and Floyd Goldworthy. With Shark, when he is in a singles, I make sure he's with someone with more pyschology than him and only have him lose to Stars or Major Stars. With Titan, he's a notch lower. I think Titan is the better wrestler but, in my head cannon, I'm booking under the principle that TCW would favor pushing the TCW grad kid (Shark) than the non TCW grad (Titan). So Shark gets the higher profile singles matches over Titan.

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34 minutes ago, bshankly said:

Quick Question for everyone who plays TCW, i can never keep Titans popularity high, Killer Shark as well. Only thing i can do is have him beat higher popularity guys, but then every time he wrestle's his pop drops. Has anyone got a plan for them that works. a plan for a singles push anyway. I always split them up and see if they go singles. 

I'm going to guess you have them squash low guys like The American Cobras. If that's the case, that's probably what does it. I don't know what triggers it but it seems like when you have those kind of matches, there is a chance for the bigger guys to lose pop so the number one fix would be to simply not use them if you are going to have a squash and only have them in somewhat competitive matches.

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In my last 2020 run Ace offered to put Shark over and he ended up having a solid championship run that established him as a credible monster heel.

Absent that I've never succeeded at making him or Titan anything better than a midcard gatekeeper for faces on the way up to go over.

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I'm still on the demo til payday on Monday, but TCW has been my game so far. I kept the starting feuds, and added Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach, having them lose tag matches via miscommunication/accidental shots, then facing each other at the February PPV. I still haven't decided who, if either, is going to turn heel, or if they'll both just stay babyface, but not work together for a while.

I'll probably restart this save when I buy the overall game, just because I started out messing around too much with the new mechanics of the game, but we'll see.

The only signings I've made were Brett Biggins to reform Quadruple B as an enhancement tag team, Reijiro Hiraki when BHOTWG let him go, and Bear Bekowski stolen from SWF.

I'm a little disappointed to see Freddy Huggins in another tag team. I thought he was ready to move up to the main event scene in 2020. He typically produced good ratings against my other main eventers.

As to the Joshua Taylor question people talked about, I've usually run him as Chris Masters, doing a "Butterfly Lock Challenge" in angles, and being able to write off losses as simply not getting his "unbreakable" hold in.

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6 hours ago, bshankly said:

Quick Question for everyone who plays TCW, i can never keep Titans popularity high, Killer Shark as well. Only thing i can do is have him beat higher popularity guys, but then every time he wrestle's his pop drops. Has anyone got a plan for them that works. a plan for a singles push anyway. I always split them up and see if they go singles. 

I'm also trying to figure out Killer Shark's push. He's so terrible in ring. I think protecting will prevent him from losing pop, but will also make his gains slow. I'm on the fence about just sabotaging one of my main eventers to him.

Currently his first feuds are going to be Human Arsenal, Troy Tornado, and Dave Diamond where he'll go over big on them all. See if that works.

Titan is midcard for life for me even though he can work better.

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6 hours ago, bshankly said:

Quick Question for everyone who plays TCW, i can never keep Titans popularity high, Killer Shark as well. Only thing i can do is have him beat higher popularity guys, but then every time he wrestle's his pop drops. Has anyone got a plan for them that works. a plan for a singles push anyway. I always split them up and see if they go singles. 

I keep them strong and rarely have them pinned except maybe by a Major Star.   Mostly DQ and countout losses (cheap losses)  as well.Sometimes I have them dominant and get DQ'd . I can imagine Shark having Rage DQ losses because his temper.  I have them both do  Intimidation promos and have Floyd Goldworthy talk. . I Have them attack people and massacre the backstage area.  Using them sparingly in matches to make them a spectacle might help as well.   I don't have them wrestle every show , more like a few times a month. 


When I have the tag titles on a team like them I  have them lose in a multi-team bout where they don't get pinned as well. You have to change the 2 vs 2 vs 2 and 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2 to one fall and not elimination or possibly a ladder match...although I don't know if many ladders can hold Shark.

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2 hours ago, Shooltra said:

I'm going to guess you have them squash low guys like The American Cobras. If that's the case, that's probably what does it. I don't know what triggers it but it seems like when you have those kind of matches, there is a chance for the bigger guys to lose pop so the number one fix would be to simply not use them if you are going to have a squash and only have them in somewhat competitive matches.

I feel like the "dominate" road agent note has been broken for a long time. Having someone dominate seems to lose them popularity more often than not.

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Does anyone else have the problem of One Man Army being disliked as the Chief Enforcer? Maverick and Flint Slater dislike him. They are rated as tougher but don't have the personality to join him as an enforcer.

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1 hour ago, CR2020 said:

Does anyone else have the problem of One Man Army being disliked as the Chief Enforcer? Maverick and Flint Slater dislike him. They are rated as tougher but don't have the personality to join him as an enforcer.

It happened to me, too. Thought nothing of it. Then I took a look at OMA's bio and his personality shifted from Driven to Bully. So then I made a swich from him to Dread, who had a personality of a Stalewart. Couple of months go by and some people are upset. I look at Dread's bio. Same thing. Personality shifted to Bully. So it appears that when you're deciding who's going to be the Chief Enforcer, you have to think about not only does this person fit the role but do you suspect that having the role will change their personality for the worse. 

Edited by Lo-Drew
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4 hours ago, CR2020 said:

Does anyone else have the problem of One Man Army being disliked as the Chief Enforcer? Maverick and Flint Slater dislike him. They are rated as tougher but don't have the personality to join him as an enforcer.

My stooge Nate Johnson kept telling me that Maverick was grumbling about not being Chief Enforcer AND not being on the booking team.

I like chaos so I made Maverick my 2nd enforcer. He immediately started bullying Benny Benson. Side note, don't make Benson your chief morale officer. He's annoying the entire locker room.

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4 hours ago, d12345 said:

My stooge Nate Johnson kept telling me that Maverick was grumbling about not being Chief Enforcer AND not being on the booking team.

I like chaos so I made Maverick my 2nd enforcer. He immediately started bullying Benny Benson. Side note, don't make Benson your chief morale officer. He's annoying the entire locker room.

I also gave in and made Maverick my 2nd enforcer. No bullying yet although now Jay Chord is annoyed at my choice of enforcer.


Lo-Drew In my game One Man Army is still listed as having Driven personality.

Edited by CR2020
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8 hours ago, CR2020 said:

I also gave in and made Maverick my 2nd enforcer. No bullying yet although now Jay Chord is annoyed at my choice of enforcer.


Lo-Drew In my game One Man Army is still listed as having Driven personality.

Yea Chord is pissed off about it in my game too. I don't want my world champion pissed off, so I think I might have to drop Maverick and let him be pissed off about it. Rather the locker room cancer doesn't impact my main eventers.

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On 8/6/2024 at 6:19 PM, CR2020 said:

Does anyone else have the problem of One Man Army being disliked as the Chief Enforcer? Maverick and Flint Slater dislike him. They are rated as tougher but don't have the personality to join him as an enforcer.

I had Maverick dislike it with something like 6 negative morale events before I realized, but I also had nothing for Maverick, so I just released him. Since then, it's been fine.

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I think Maverick just dislikes the idea that he isn't considered an enforcer rather than any specific grievance against OMA. His personality trait IS Insecure, after all.

It's definitely something that has me just thinking 'dude, you're pushing 40 with no future here, do you really wanna start openly bitching?'

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On 8/6/2024 at 4:10 PM, Nachtfalter said:

I feel like the "dominate" road agent note has been broken for a long time. Having someone dominate seems to lose them popularity more often than not.

It probably could work better but I think a "well booked squash" requires charisma. I've run into the sane thing myself. Monster squash, pop goes down. 

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9 hours ago, alliegolem said:

I had Maverick dislike it with something like 6 negative morale events before I realized, but I also had nothing for Maverick, so I just released him. Since then, it's been fine.

Gotta get rid of the troublemakers. I'd try to wait until another incident. Save some cash and get some "hard ass, don't mess with me" cred. 

Edited by ExRufas2000
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Enforcers certainly are delicate in my TCW save as well. Like with everyone else, Maverick was unhappy from the start, but, I mean, it's Maverick, so who cares? But then Flint Slater also started being unhappy with One Man Army as enforcer and I certainly didn't want to lose him, so I experimented with making him an enforcer as well. As should have been expected, that caused more problems - now Jay Chord was getting annoyed, so I pretty much aborted and have no enforcers now which seems completely fine except that of course Slater and One Man Army are now angry for being removed from the inner circle.

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My roster is heel heavy. I've just signed Frehley and I'm having him come in as a bad ass face to feud immediately with Gauge (turned heel) and Wolf before the inevitable world title feud with Chord, I've half considered having him debut at PPV and having him go over Chord in his first match. 

My mid card and lower mid card is stacked with the usual heel prospects, Youngman, Frankie Boy Fernandes, Jack Jackson, Nelson Callum. I desperately need some face guys to push from lower down the card though, I have Island Boy Apollo and Blackfriar but I'm open to other suggestions. 

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Riley McManus at NYCW isn't a prospect but he's a solid worker who can play face. Frankie Perez is a natural vet for your face midcard as well. I almost always sign Texas Hangman for the combination of size and charisma. He's more of a prospect, but his gimmick just works in TCE.

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Almost the entire upper mid/mid card is full of guys on time decline.  I'm using Doc to push Martins up the card until his contract expires.  I raided Australia for Beaumont, Gilbert, and Robbins, and Gilbert/Robbins will both be pushed to the moon.  I don't want to rush Beaumont and have him to high up the card when he's too young.  Also grabbed Joffy Laine, Blackfriar, Xavi, and Youngman.  Mighty Mo is consistently giving me 85+ promos when he works the crowd, so he's a major star already.  

The rest of the midcard is on notice until their contracts expire.  Maverick got jobbed out.  Tornado got jobbed out.  Tana got jobbed out.  Nate Johnson is up next.  I know it might not be the way everyone likes to play, but to me these guys got their shot and TCW sank while they stood by and watched, so it's time to give back to the company in a meaningful way.  Benny & The Foxx as well as Devine Chance are just there to feed my up and coming heels.  I actually like Shark & Titan in the midcard, although neither really has a big future.  I find Flint Slater completely useless.

I'm currently running up to Totaly Mayhem and trying to push the Cobras to take the belts so that Huggins can push harder into the main event scene and maybe drag Hocking along with him to some degree while I try to find my next generation of heels.  I think if I can develop and turn either Gilbert, Robbins, or Mo, I'll have a pretty solid card.  So far I've loved what I'm getting from Nick Booth and to a lesser degree T-Bone.

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17 hours ago, ewing said:

My roster is heel heavy. I've just signed Frehley and I'm having him come in as a bad ass face to feud immediately with Gauge (turned heel) and Wolf before the inevitable world title feud with Chord, I've half considered having him debut at PPV and having him go over Chord in his first match. 

My mid card and lower mid card is stacked with the usual heel prospects, Youngman, Frankie Boy Fernandes, Jack Jackson, Nelson Callum. I desperately need some face guys to push from lower down the card though, I have Island Boy Apollo and Blackfriar but I'm open to other suggestions. 

Swoll, Aces High and Cali Slick

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I'm up to August with the original save that I brought up here earlier. Glad I wasn't the only one that noticed the roster had more depth on the heel side than face. That and the majority of the mid card skew older. In the past I've been someone to discard the older guys as quick as possible to elevate the younger guys. That hasn't completely changed as in the eight months game time, I've released Speed, Maverick, One Man Army (he quit) and let the contracts of Tana, Eddie Chandler and, within 20 days game time, Dazzling Dave Diamond expire.


However, I think this time around I don't want my TCW to be "No Country for Old Men." So guys like Benson, Foxx, Nate Johnson, Joshua Taylor, Human Arsenal I'm going to keep around. I think they're still useful and I like the idea of gradually transforming the idenintity of the company rather than doing it so swiftly. They all have use for me at the moment. 

Benson and Foxx gave created a quasi unit that technically isn't a unit. They don't have a name but I had a heel refer to those two, Biggins (someone else I let go) and Tana as the Goof Troop. The name stuck. I liked the idea of these vets, who's been around for a while and have had their careers overlap, hang out. So they're like a fun loving unit who still wants to accomplish things. The biggest thing has been that Papa Swoll is with those guys and he's the centerpiece. As long as the vets are around, they're going to be in Swoll's corner as I elevate him.


Taylor teams with Ernest Youngman. Goal is to elevate Youngman while maintaining Taylor's status as a third tier heel on the roster. Nate Johnson is a gatekeeper on Showcase for the younger guys.

Far as prospects, I signed the usual suspects too. Blackfriar (mentioned in a few posts in the past), Swoll, Spencer Edmund are the Big 3. Blackfriar i pushed inmeriately, pairing him with Goldworthy and the Behomths. Through careful planning, i had him beat Bach at Total Mayhem( Bach wasn't happy). It has worked tremendously because he's considered a Star eight months after debuting and rohht now he's feuding with Andrews.

From a vet standpoint, Cali Slick, Rayne Man, Riley McManus give a level of experience and those guys have been helpful. Slick is an occasional partner for Aaron Andrews. Rayne Man is teaming with Elliot Thomas. Riley McManus is teaming with Spencer Edmund.

I've filled up the rest of the roster by aggressively aiming for UPSW and SWF's young guys. Biggest poach had been Ranger, who I debuted as a heel in March and immediately slotted him as a top heel. I've taken Funky Fedora, Marcus English and Moriarty Schnell from SWF. High Flying Hawaiian is up and I'm going after him, too. I

Glad someone else agrees about Slater being disappointing. I was all into pushing him until I realize he has Explosive In Ring style. That hampers his ability for matches longer than 10 minutes. I'm open to pushing guys who aren't super workers (Killer Shark is developing well for me). Though that doesn't help and so I think I'll keep Slater as a second tier/third tier heel.

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