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I'm running a self-created company;


Flint Slater and Jaylon Martins were released by TCW in May of 2022.

Ernest Youngman, Papa Swoll and Aldous Blackfriar remain unsigned by larger companies as of 09-16-2022

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I really hope Sammy Bach is doing better in some other saves.  I'm about to have to put him out to pasture.  After losing his first feud to Wolf Hawkins, I decided I'd give him an easy one where he and Quentin Queen could just cut a bunch of promos and work once or twice a month.  And Queen is consistently carrying the matches.

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Bringing Steve Frehley hasn't got off to a great start. First two shows and he's put in performances rated at 69 and 72 in matches, which probably isn't terrible considering his attributes. His angles have been disappointing too though. Hopefully he can come good 🤞

Oh and he damn near crippled Andrews with a botched move in his last match,  50 day injury that can be worked through. The match was a four way singles with the winner getting a shot at the strap against Chord on PPV. I had him go over Andrews, Gauge and Wolf and I'm kind of regretting it. I got sucked in by his pop and bid big for him. Three year deal on nearly 200k a month 😬

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My main event at the moment is Andrews, Bach, Bruce, Mo on the face side, with McFly, T Bone just under. And Jay, Wolf, Greg, Shark and Holywood Bret Star on the Heel side.  I used greg just losing his title matchs for him to grow frustrated and turn heel. Jay kept the title till a surprise Shark win. I trying to go with a huge Shark push to make him the monster heel. I plan on leaving the title with him for a few months before moving it to one of the faces, I'm not sure who yet. Depends on who I can push more, either Back or Mo, but I'll see them. Once I get one of them as Champion I'll cycle them through feuds with the four top heels, and losing it to Greg at the end probable.

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Thomas is another TCW grad that has never clicked with me. However, in my save, he's developed into a useful roster member. Solid in ring plus psychology. He'll never be a star but rosters need ditch diggers. So for once I've kept him.


I released Speed and Maverick. Guys like One Man Army, Biggins, Eddie Chandler and Dazzling Dave have had contracted come due and I let them walk. Was going to re sign Tana despite thr bad knees because I felt his performance skills were useful but surprisingly, USPW wanted him. So I allowed them to take him.

Bach's contract expires going into 2023 and I'll probably let him walk. He's a name but he's declining and him leaving opens up a spot for someone like Bradley Blaze. I'll keep Tornado, Benson, Foxx, Human Arsenal, and Nate Johnson because I feel they're still useful plus, in the case of the first three, I don't want to rid TCW of all the vets right away. Especially if they've been long time guys like Arsenal and Benson.




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13 hours ago, Lo-Drew said:

Thomas is another TCW grad that has never clicked with me. However, in my save, he's developed into a useful roster member. Solid in ring plus psychology. He'll never be a star but rosters need ditch diggers. So for once I've kept him.


I released Speed and Maverick. Guys like One Man Army, Biggins, Eddie Chandler and Dazzling Dave have had contracted come due and I let them walk. Was going to re sign Tana despite thr bad knees because I felt his performance skills were useful but surprisingly, USPW wanted him. So I allowed them to take him.

Bach's contract expires going into 2023 and I'll probably let him walk. He's a name but he's declining and him leaving opens up a spot for someone like Bradley Blaze. I'll keep Tornado, Benson, Foxx, Human Arsenal, and Nate Johnson because I feel they're still useful plus, in the case of the first three, I don't want to rid TCW of all the vets right away. Especially if they've been long time guys like Arsenal and Benson.




Personally, I'd advise against keeping Tornado. He's on the wrong side of 40 and his neck is so far gone the only real use he has is to put over undercard guys you want to immediately get over, like a Logan Wolfsbaine or Ernest Youngman. I like keeping Arsonal, Benson, Foxx, and The Elite, but Biggins, Tornado and Tana all were drained of their popularity in favor of young guys on their way out. 

TCW has honestly been so fun to start out this go around. You've got so many longtime guys they've leaned on forever that could just go in the ring, and now they've allowed most of those guys to either get too old or too banged up to perform up to standard while also ignoring that they needed to get fresh new talent in. The company's bled top guys and undercard guys alike, and it's really fun to figure out how to take advantage of what you do have while building what you don't. 

For example, I don't particularly like One Man Army as a singles wrestler and he's pretty shot, but I couldn't let him walk when his contract was up because I needed him in the midcard. I just didn't have enough faces in that 50-60 overness range, and without him my cards would be really imbalanced. Plus, I get to keep him around as a backstage enforcer until I get some other tough guys with enough respect to fill the role.

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23 hours ago, codey_v3 said:

Personally, I'd advise against keeping Tornado. He's on the wrong side of 40 and his neck is so far gone the only real use he has is to put over undercard guys you want to immediately get over, like a Logan Wolfsbaine or Ernest Youngman. I like keeping Arsonal, Benson, Foxx, and The Elite, but Biggins, Tornado and Tana all were drained of their popularity in favor of young guys on their way out. 

TCW has honestly been so fun to start out this go around. You've got so many longtime guys they've leaned on forever that could just go in the ring, and now they've allowed most of those guys to either get too old or too banged up to perform up to standard while also ignoring that they needed to get fresh new talent in. The company's bled top guys and undercard guys alike, and it's really fun to figure out how to take advantage of what you do have while building what you don't. 

For example, I don't particularly like One Man Army as a singles wrestler and he's pretty shot, but I couldn't let him walk when his contract was up because I needed him in the midcard. I just didn't have enough faces in that 50-60 overness range, and without him my cards would be really imbalanced. Plus, I get to keep him around as a backstage enforcer until I get some other tough guys with enough respect to fill the role.

Yeah I don't push Tornado. I re signed him to a one year deal as I assumed no one was going to snag him. I just like the idea of keeping the "soul" of the company around until guys fill their roles. I see Tornado, Benson, Foxx, Arsenal and Doc as the last of the Rocky Golden era TCW. Long time vets that are "TCW guys". When those guys fade out that's where Wolf, Andrews, Freddy Huggins and Joshua Taylor will slide into that role. 


I use Tornado as the occasional partner of T-Bone. I keep his pop around 50-60 and have him as a guy that beats the youngins I'm not pushing yet. However, he loses to the first, second and third guys. To give an example, he'll beat Martins and Masked Mauler (I'm in September 22) but he'll lose to Chord, Ranger and Killer Shark

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I'm making 2022 a transition year for the promotion. I'm keeping all the vets and using them to put over young guys in feud. Currently I'm using Tornado to help get Shark over, using Tana to help get The Masked Mauler over, and made a Dazzling Dave Diamond & Bradley Blaze tag team to get Blaze over.

Quentin Queen and Jeremie Courtney have a little One Percenter snobby heel tag team going and they are getting over nicely too. Queen is a secret gem in ring.

I'm also role playing as new booker Art Reed (with Brent Hill on my booking team), so I'm giving his boy Benny Benson a completely undeserved push and a main event encounter with Jay Chord. I brought in Antonio Del Veccio to be Chord's lackey since he was Rip Chord's protege. Nice little built in story there to get a long time indy guy a chance on the big show.

And Maverick is leaving. I'll just leave this here image.thumb.png.d6c948444c829c7a960f30cb1f878bac.png

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I am done with my first season.

I wasn't sure about this game because I decided to use the news item you don't see when playing at TCW. I moved the show on Thursday and gave myself the rule that I cannot engage a bid war with SWF or USPW. I can if they are offering something below the value of the wrestler however, if it's above, I dip as I reason that TCW is so below the radar, I may keep it that way as it is forcing me to have some challenges.

For the hirings, the first season saw Mighty Mo go to SWF ( as he was getting super over ), Sammy Bach to USPW and Tana The Mighty and One Man Army were let go. For the signings, we had some big win. Rogue/Jack Giedroyc was let go by SWF. And for season 2, I have quite the signings. Marshall Dillon and Sterling Whitlock who are both on 5 years contracts. And while they are not signed yet, both Killer Kass and Missy Masterson have been let go from USPW and building a women's division sounds like a must. Especially as Season 2 will hit hard with many stars likely to leave.

The booking for the first Season was alright. The Main-Event was obviously Jay Chord vs Greg Gauge with Sam Keith as the referee that got a 93. Greg won solely because the creative finish needed him to win and his last PPV could be August of 2022. Greg had spent most of his time feuding with Sammy Bach or The Behemoths to prove himself worthy of such a match while Jay kept trying to find allies to help him out.

The second-best match with a 89 was Wolf Hawkins against T-Bone Bright. T-Bone capped at 70 so it felt like wasted effort. The feud saw The Syndicate injure T-Bone, injure Mighty Mo but also The Syndicate get break up when Flint betrayed Wolf due to feeling disrespected. Wolf won the match with 3 Full Moon Rising in a row. Wolf will have a good Season 2 in front of him with a feud against Flint, a face turn with a feud against The Elite Syndicate as well as winning the World Title from Jay Chord at Total Mayhem.

And the third best one was the triple threat tag team match for the titles. Devine Fortune (c) vs The Behemoths vs The Bruisers with a 82. The build of the match was centered around Nick Booth, with The Behemoths attacking everyone but him and proclaiming they would get a new member at Total Mayhem. The twist came when Chance Fortune turned on his partner to give the titles to The Behemoths. 

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On 8/9/2024 at 7:55 PM, Cards1125 said:

I really hope Sammy Bach is doing better in some other saves.  I'm about to have to put him out to pasture.  After losing his first feud to Wolf Hawkins, I decided I'd give him an easy one where he and Quentin Queen could just cut a bunch of promos and work once or twice a month.  And Queen is consistently carrying the matches.

I've thrown him into a tag team with Duke Freeman which is going to see Duke turn on him. Mostly it's because I similarly foresee his stats dropping. I think I'm going to build a babyface faction around him once the Freeman feud is over so that he can be protected in multi-man matches and help get others over.

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9 hours ago, d12345 said:

Quentin Queen and Jeremie Courtney have a little One Percenter snobby heel tag team going and they are getting over nicely too. Queen is a secret gem in ring.

And Maverick is leaving. I'll just leave this here 

So I had both Sammy Bach and Troy Tornado in decline within the first month so I decided to use them to get Queen and Courtney higher up the card respectively, at the end of January I decided I'd book all four in a tag match only to find out Queen and Courtney have great chemistry so they are also a semi-regular team for me now. I was thinking of giving them the titles but all the teams I want to push right now are heels so I might just keep pushing them as singles as they are both seen as stars as of the end of April and Queen is already on the cusp of being a major star.


Maverick has lasted longer for you than me, I cut him on like the 15th of Feb.

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I'm now in October 2022. King of Kings is getting pushed back to February 2023 for a few reasons. Main reason is Chord and Gauge's contracts expire within two weeks apart from one another. I want the company to be centered on their feud and those two I general. It will be interesting to see if I keep them both. I'm willing to give them the moon and stars to do it. If I retain both, Chord is going to win the World title in January, Gauge wins King of Kings in February and then beat Chord for the title at Total Mayhem. If I keep Chord but not Gauge, I will have Chord still win the title in January and probably have Andrews win King of Kings to set up the Total Mayhem match. If I keep Gauge and lose Chord, then Gauge wins King of Kings and faces Andrews in a rematch from this year's Total Mayhem. They have poor in ring chemistry so I'll have to eat the penalty but I think it's worth it.

Regardless of what happens, I have a big angle planned. With KoK moving to February, that leaves the November PPV slot open. So I'll create a one year PPV(because next year I'll put Pyscho Circus in November, move War to Settle the Score) King of Pro Wrestling. In my head cannon, this is suppose to be a statement show. TCW is the King of American wrestling. So the show is loaded up with Gauge/Chord 3 happening. It ends in a time limit draw, still robbing Gauge of a victory. The big angle happens the next night. 


Killer Shark, who's apart of the Damned unit with Blackfriar, Titan, Seth Whitehead, Simon Sentinel and Goldworthy, has increasingly grown more erratic. On the following Total, Gauge is having a match and out of nowhere, Shark wanders out. He proceeds to violently destroy Gauge, which would even prompt Goldworthy to try and stop it. Gauge is taken out (and potentially written off if he leaves). Shark is suspended indefinitely and also barred from wreslting for any title for a year. This also elevates Shark to be on the same level as Blackfriar in the unit and a top heel. And if I keep Gauge, it creates a blood feud for Gauge to go along with the Chird rivalry. So yeah, I'm hoping to keep Gauge and Chord.

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I'm not very familiar with the Cverse backstory and whatnot but I have had a lot of fun playing so far.  I'm in July 2022.  My favorite person to book so far has been Quentin Queen.  He has gotten over in a hurry (76 pop across the USA) and is the current TV champion.  He surprised me in a promo so I decided to give him some stablemates in Ernest Youngman and Kirk Jameson.  This has helped get Youngman over quickly as well.  The thought of the split and future match down the line between Youngman and Queen has been exciting. 

I decided to pull the trigger and have T-Bone win the world title.  He'll have a short reign as Wolf Hawkins has consistently put up the best matches and all I can see is a long reign for him.  

I had just put the tag titles on The American Cobras and Storm Spillane gets caught with illegal drugs, months after he was caught with steroids.  The titles were promptly put back on H2-Whoa.  The tag team scene does not have a lot of direction at the moment.  A few signings were brought in hopes to finding success in the tag team division. 

My other signings include: Aldous Blackfriar, Dapper Danny Draper, Jenny Playmate, Robbie Wright, Steven Parker, Xavi Ferrera

Top 10 Matches Through 7/6/2022:


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On 8/12/2024 at 1:38 AM, hbharman said:

So who are everyone's initial release candidates? Bart Biggins and Eliot Thomas seem like obvious ones.

Just kick Maverick to the curb, he is always complaining about not being an enforcer

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17 hours ago, thegreatbambini said:

I decided to pull the trigger and have T-Bone win the world title.  He'll have a short reign as Wolf Hawkins has consistently put up the best matches and all I can see is a long reign for him.  

And Wolf broke his neck in a 6-man tag match.  I guess this is where the fun really begins.

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I had a Triple Threat at Total Mayhem for the World title  with T-Bone,  Gauge and the champion Chord. Gauge turned heel on T-Bone  and pinned him by hitting him with the belt after he was about to have his Total Mayhem moment by pinning Chord. They both had vowed to try to win the title  "the right way" implying they would win clean and not stoop to Chord's methods., but Gauge didn't keep his word. Gauge admitted later that tricked the fans all along and played on the nostalgia of his family's name to hook them in.  Chord actually respects how Gauge won , but he still needles him from time to time on how no one was able to pin or submit him directly for the title. 

I have to really build up some new babyfaces as Bach and Andrews are in decline. Mighty Mo is likely to be the one who eventually beats Gauge, not sold on T-Bone as World champ unless It was a short reign. 

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 I've just finished a shark run as Champion, losing it to Andrews in a 93 rated match.  I want to find a tag partner for Bach, to help get someone else over before he slides out of the promotion. Andrews will feud with Chord, Greg Gauge and Wolf over the next 6 months. I'm toying with turning Wolf face, and then having him feud with Chord and Gauge and shark after that.

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30 minutes ago, MiykaelP said:

T-Bone,  Gauge and the champion Chord. Gauge turned heel on T-Bone  and pinned him by hitting him with the belt after he was about to have his Total Mayhem moment by pinning Chord

Haha, well this is interesting. In my game I had a triple threat, but mine was Chord, Hawkins, and Andrews. In my universe though, Gauge also turned on T-Bone in the weeks building up to Total Mayhem to set up their match at the event. Booking echoes like this are my favourite. I feel like you are a booking brother from another C-Verse ❤️ 

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5 hours ago, bshankly said:

 I've just finished a shark run as Champion, losing it to Andrews in a 93 rated match.  I want to find a tag partner for Bach, to help get someone else over before he slides out of the promotion. Andrews will feud with Chord, Greg Gauge and Wolf over the next 6 months. I'm toying with turning Wolf face, and then having him feud with Chord and Gauge and shark after that.

Cool that you're pushing Shark, too. I've always liked pushing him, despite not being the best in ring worker, because I feel TCW would value pushing guys that came from the school. Plus I see it as a challenge. Though, eleven months in, I've been surprised by his improvements. His stamina has gone from 45 to 62. His Pysch has gone from 66 to 73. Still low on primary skills but his Brawling has gone from 51 to 56. My hope is his Pysch gets to 75 and Brawling gets to 60 but the Pysch is good enough for me to push him like I detailed earlier.

One thing that's been interesting is seeing how aggressive USPW has been. in 11 months, they've signed the following notables names; Rocky Golden, Spencer Spade, Remo, Gino Montero, Boom-Boom Jamaica and Velocidad. I was surprised that they went for Tana. I was letting him want but still. I was letting Titan walk, not because I dislike him but because I'm trying to keep a tight budget. USPW got him too. They tried to get Jay Chord but I kept him. Gauge is currently up so we'll see what happens.

Throughout the year I've taken D.C. Rayne, Marcus English, Sara Marie York, Juilette King, Dani Adams and Funky Fedora. I tried to get Maliek Chamberlain, Tiffany Jade to no avail. Together, between me and USPW, we've ravaged SWF.  I've taken High Flying Hawaiian, Ranger and Moriaty Schnell, lower on the totem pole, but legit prospects. It's so interesting seeing SWF being the clear #3 in America (I've gotten to Big since March and now I'm starting to winning the monthly battles).

I've gotten TCW to 84 by December 2022, which is where I'm at now. The plan on orbiting the company around the Big 4 (Gauge, Andrews, Chord, Wolf) has worked tremendously. And I've been able to establish clear tiers. The Big Four are at the top with T-Bone, Mo, Blackfriar, Bach underneath. Then Ranger, Flint. The 4th tier is the guys who are close to stardom; Bradley Blaze, HFH (James Adams) and Remus. So on and so forth. 

I've slowed rolled the women's division. Simony and Wendy Anderson was the first ever women's match. Anderson won, then got jumped by Jillian Jarvis. Next month, Dnai Adams debuts and the next PPV match was a tag. Then the next one was Jarvis Vs Anderson with Jarvis winning because of a debuting King. All the girls with pop are in USPW and I don't want the division to be strictly USPW alum. Eventually I will bring four more from my women's development fed. Looking at everything, I think my ten will be; Wendy Anderson, Sweet Dani Adams, Sara Marie York, Katherine Goodlooks, Danielle Sweetheart, Simony Sentitnel, Jillian Jarvis, Julliette King, Higa and Lauren Easter. I think I'm going to have Easter win the title at Total Mayhem because while her and Higa are the two best, Easter is older. plus I like the idea of pairing her up with Vita, who's going to start her own unit soon.


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I am playing my other save which a local to global one and I noticed Tana The Mighty is still with TCW with 13 stamina in 2025. I even tried to ask him to retire or go to occasional to see what would happen and he refused.   He is recognizable and it shows he is being phased out due to age (never seen this AI Note before) ....but TCW somehow just renewed his contract.  Puzzling AI

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Finished 2022. Successfully kept both Gauge and Chord. USPW and SWF offered both three years even though my first offer, for both, was six years. Figured they would increase the years. Anyways I locked down both for six years, which covers their entire prime.


SWF, once again losing another regional battle (I was first again) his now dropped to Medium. Me and USPW continue to hammer them, which fascinates me considering what SWF use to be many moons ago.

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