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37 minutes ago, Lo-Drew said:

Here's my tier list as of November 2023. Side note, forgot to write Jaylon Martin's. He would be towards the end of Tier 5 above Jermaine Courtney. Everyone is listed in order so it serves as how I literally rank my wrestlers.



I didn't think anyone still wrote in cursive in their day to day life outside of signing signatures. Not sure why, but this post gave me a dose of the feel good chemicals 😂

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How are Killer Shark working out for you guys, I can't for the life of me get him to work considering there are so much better workers around..

Anyway, posting my past three Total Mayhem shows here to documentthe growth of my save till 2024 (Ignore the 15,000 attendance for 2023, someone forgot generic venues capped at 15,000...)

P.S High Energy is the team name i gave for High Flyin' Hawaiian (renamed to High Flyin' James Adamns) and Velocidad. Heavy Hitters is Joshua Taylor and Ernest Youngman





Right now I'm 90/91 pop across the US. Unfortunately, guys like Mighty Mo, Freddy Huggins,T-Bone and Andrews had hit a pop cap of about 80-82 so they are a step down the ladder from the rest of the originals like Chord, Greg Guage and Hawkins, so those three are most likely gonna be around the upper midcard area feuding over the International Title or acting as the gatekeepers for the younger workers like Jaylon, Jack Pryde, Blackfiar and Youngman (who are all already high 70 pop).

Make quite alot of signing as well. Brought in the Bumfhole brothers (as I did on TEW 2020) as well as Matthew Keith and renaming him to Matthew Gauge alongside his brother and father. I'm thinking of having one of the brothers betray the other and have an angle with where one of them attacks Sam, before "relinquishing" the Gauge name and going with either Matthew Keith or Greg Keith.

In a twist of irony I had The Syndicate (now with Chris Flynn back in to replace Doc Hammond) betray Wolf and aligning themselves with Andrews. Hawkins at one point was injured for 3 months thanks to Primus Allen who I decided to turn heel to go on a Hall of Pain-esque run.


Also, this happened...





Edited by Seanaxel01
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3 hours ago, Jaysin said:

I didn't think anyone still wrote in cursive in their day to day life outside of signing signatures. Not sure why, but this post gave me a dose of the feel good chemicals 😂

My print wasn't good so after second grade, my Mom spent that entire summer teaching me how to write cursive. Haven't written print since (I'm 29 now).

Shark has been one of my biggest surprises in the game. Every time I play TCW, I push him strictly because I think TCW would due to him being a grad and, the way I play it, TCW relies on their school and savvy free agents pick ups, to survive. Have never put the World title on him because each time, the in ring caused me to get cold feet. One challenge I've given myself is to push Shark as, no less, than a Tier 3 guy regardless of how he progressed. What I've seen is his Pysch, Stamina and Charisma has improved a lot.

Don't have the game in front of me but as of now, after 22 months of in game play, his Pysch is 76, Stamina 62 and Charisma 66. And all three are consistently growing. That's good enough for me. The Pysch, Stamina and Charisma, along with his Menace and Star Quality, gives me confidence I can stick him in 15-20 main events with the quality of high in ring wrestlers that I have.

Edited by Lo-Drew
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I think a good thing is that every workers have different strength and the key to a roster is to find roles you can use.

For example, Joshua Taylor is a really good midcarder to put with young wrestlers so they can have good matches. Tana is great at getting pop from squashes with local talents and then eventually losing to put someone over. 

For me, Killer Shark's advantage is that he gets over fast and has a great size. So what I find to be a good spot for him is to have him win the matches when I want someone to make their rival lose. Then, I can put Shark to put a top star over. The monster who loses to the stars. 

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I've always seen Shark the way people used to view Rocky Golden in TEW2010. Big guy with clear size and SQ that would fit perfectly with USPW and SWF but sticks out like a sore thumb in TCW. The older I've gotten, the more I've liked the idea of Shark and how, despite the focus on in ring, he's someone that was produced by TCW.

Personally, the Chords, Gauges are my preferred wrestlers and a roster full of those guys sounds awesome. Though I think there should be exceptions and I like thinking Shark is that. I still had a bar in place skills wise where if Shark didn't clear it, I wouldn't think about putting the World title on him. Seeing him grow to where he's at now in my game means I will definitely put the title on him.

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I'm now in January 2024. USPW went after a lot of my women wrestlers as I only signed most of them in development and on the main roster on 2 year deals. I fought to keep Simony Sentinel and Katya, which i kept. But I let them take Higa, Christy Higgins, etc. It wasn't because I didn't have anything to do for Higa and Higgins. But I like the idea of USPW getting wins here and there. In the past, I fought to keep everyone, even if the right move was to let them go. It freshens up the roster and helps me keep it balanced and I have people who can move up in those roles.

In general it dawned on me a week ago how TCW approaches their roster. If USPW are the Dodgers and SWF is the Yankees, TCW is the Guardians (I'm from Cleveland. Thinking back to their history, all their free agent signings are never flashy. They just made shrewd moves, i.e. signing Remus, Hocking, T-Bone, Benson, Booth and in the 2000s, Bach, Peak, New Wave. And even when they sign future starts like Chord and Greg Gauge, it's when they're on the come up. So that's something I'm trying to maintain. Them looking to their school to survive and going after under the radar guys. All of my signings from USPW and SWF have been in that vein; Funky Fedora, Marcus English, D.C. Rayne, Son of Vengance, Moriarty Schnell, Ranger, High Flying Hawaiian, Lenny Brown, Charger Siaki. 

My only splashy move i suppose is picking up Kozue from PGHW. But that was only because they let him go. I have him on a one year deal and even though he's in decline, I use him as a Tier 3 guy. Legend that only loses to the top guys. He's still given me solid production but he feels like a guy TCW would go after in that circumstance. 

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Do you guys have any workers that just refuse to have bad matches and basically push themselves up the card?  I literally can't hold back Roderick Remus.  Mighty Mo usually outdoes himself as well.  And Frankie Boy Fernandez is one I hired that is already Well Known/Star level.  None of them were even intentionally pushed, they just kept putting up 80s when I was trying to get a 60 out of them.

Which undercard workers are pushing the envelope in your saves?

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Remus is one. He starts off with solid all around skills but the physcholgy puts it over the top. It's hard not to elevate him a bit higher than I pegged him.

So far Ernest Youngman has been the biggest one. I've gradually pushed him. Though once he got around 30 popularity wise, every match that got around 10 minutes, he's averaging around 80-90. Two years into my game, he's gotten to 70 popularity wise and I'm trying to temper the boost because you can't push everyone at the same time. Though if he keeps producing, he's going to take someone's spot sooner than later.

In TEW2020, I pushed High Flying Hawaiian as the top guy in TCW. He starts off good in ring and within a few years, he becomes an all world wrestler. The same is happening here. I don't forsee him as a World Champion because of his size but I have him pegged as a perninal upper mid card guy. However, same as Remus and Youngman, whenever he gets a match with time, his match rating is usually in the 80s. He's just a really good worker.

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I think Jaylon Martins is really somebody you should consider as a future top player and go for that recognisable perception. 

Start at only 22 years old 1 point away from Brawling being at 70 so he can already get good ratings in Wild Brawl, Psychology at 60, 70 on the microphone, 90 Stamina and has the number one spot for the most charisma with Sammy Bach at 79 and his Star Quality can go in the blue if you get lucky and he gets bigger. 

He definitely would be my pick for a future Wolf Hawkins or Aaron Andrews. He might be one of the biggest prospects in the game.

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I totally forgot to mention Youngman.  He's a great worker as well, but in my save he got a badly herniated disk and went out for like 400 days.  I'm now in April 23 and he still wont be back until December.  I pushed Martins to well known and I just have him perched there gaining experience until the right time.  If his SQ goes up he's a future world title holder for sure.

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3 hours ago, Shooltra said:

I think Jaylon Martins is really somebody you should consider as a future top player and go for that recognisable perception. 

Yeah Martins is someone I'm really excited about. Should be able to push him up the card immediately due to his connection to Wolf Hawkins and The Syndicate. 

Flint Slater is someone who seems to get some hate on this forum but I really like him. Decent enough stats considering he's been in wrestling for less than a year. Great menace, can be used as intimidation during angles. 

Edited by CR2020
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The Explosive In Ring style is perhaps my least favorite attribute when evaluating someone's long term prospects. I can live with pushing a big brute like Shark. Though for my main eventers, the minimum I ask for is 15 minutes.

Gauge and Andrews were able to get good grades against him during that length but, in my game, Slater was capped at 70 popularity wise. That, added with him consistency being annoyed at whoever my chief enforcers are, led me to sour on him pretty quick and I straight up cut him at the end of 2023

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