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Render Discussion Thread

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8 minutes ago, Markw said:

Yeah no I mean it’s still ambiguous. Where has anyone involved said there wasn’t a financial transaction?

It doesn't so much matter whether Adam or Greydog paid for the AI creations. The financial transaction is when the consumer pays for the product with AI art in it. Just because it wasn't paid for by GDS does not make it any less paying us paying for ethically questionable components of the game.

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BTW the gen 1 process Ed described is why the "intellegence" part of ai annoys me. It didnt learn it spat out a collage inage based on an extremely large database of images until Ed said "thats a good one." The ai didnt improve as Ed syphoned through. So any comparison between AI and human learning is not applicable here. The person who learned and used human skill was Ed. The AI was the tool, and as such should be judged on ethics as a tool not an artist.



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With the issues raised here and the reaction by many to the jpeg/gif variants, I wouldn't be upset if GDS released a version of the game that ships with no non-essential art as default. So many long-term forum members in particular buy a new TEW knowing they're going to overall everything with mods and community work anyway that it's a solution I'd prefer to 4 DBs worth of picture files.

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Hi all

In what will no doubt be an unpopular decision across the board, I'm taking the step to lock this thread for the time being as we're now past the point of having a discussion about the renders themselves. This isn't to say that points raised in this thread won't be responded to in time but it's not going to be doing any good having this open at this point. For anyone expecting answers today regarding this, please remember that Adam is just one person working on this and has been focused on patching/tech support since Saturday's launch so he may not respond right away. 

Some ground rules going forward regarding AI renders, real renders and the like;

- Don't go into threads for each style to start a bother if you're pro/anti in any sense. You're welcome to post in the threads with any valid feedback be it positive or negative. An example of this is going in to say "I've noticed you've done <render> but it looks like the hair might be off" or general praise etc.

- Don't bring the debate into another thread just because this one has been locked for the time being. Every post in here has been noted and we've tried our best to limit how many (if any, the last few days have been a blur) are hidden/deleted so that everyone's viewpoint is visible. If it's brought into any other threads with the same tone as the last page or so, those posts will be hidden. I want to be upfront about that now so that everyone is aware of the playing field for lack of a better term.

- The general point I made earlier on about adding users to your ignore list still stands, it's the forum's way of blocking users so that you don't need to see their posts. 

Hopefully you've all had the last day and a bit for how long this thread has been open to get the majority of what your feelings off your chest. There is every chance this thread may be reopened or that there will be a further post from someone who within GDS that may provide further details.

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