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Cornellverse 2005 (Release)

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Don't know if the conversion is bugged but some active wrestlers were ported with no primary skills such as Elemental lI and Jansen Belvedere who are active wrestlers at the time. Krissy Angelle is the same but she's yet to debut and I don't imagine is intended to have any wrestling skills.

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I think I need to restart from a fresh copy of the converted 2020 data. If I pasted over one thing incorrectly, it'll cause rippling issues.

Unless Elemental II and Jansen Belvedere didn't have skills in the 2020 version, I totally messed up somewhere. Hahahah (and if they don't have skills there, I messed up in 2020!)

It's all a learning process.

Edited by Nightshadeex
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On the plus side, Elemental II and Jansen Belvedere don't have top line skills in the 2020 CV2005 data, so there wasn't a mistake in the conversion process!

Elemental II and Jansen must have had their stats pulled from TEW 2010 where they were both retired, so didn't have values for a lot of stats.

I'm going to sort by people with 0 in brawling and see if anyone else has been stricken by this lack of my care.

Edited by Nightshadeex
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I went through and fixed the tour dates and such in the external editor, but apparently I introduced illegal data, somehow, and it spits out an error and won't import. I'm not sure exactly what caused the error.

I changed Positioning to Exact Same Date

I changed the names when the days were out of order so ....Day #2, Day #3, Day #1 were renamed to Day #1, Day #2, Day #3. 

I also changed some dates around so they made sense.

And I set tour beginnings and endings.

I'm not sure which of those created illegal data, so I'll have to mess with it when I have a clear head.

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I've taken a lot of those super expensive contracts from monthly to per show. I also realized most of the training facilities were dojos, which were sinking the companies very quickly. Switched those back to schools and am running a new watch right now.

Not sure if I have a way to keep the Stones and DeColts from moving to SWF without those lifetime contracts. Maybe I could introduce loyalty to Canada?

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What do you have the spillover to? I think Jeremy stone never lasts more than a year in Canada because his A* basically puts him in demand globally


I had to turn it off in 08, either that or making them active only in Canada but that’s an extreme option

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  • Nightshadeex changed the title to Cornellverse 2005 (Release)
Posted (edited)

I just noticed an error that mixed up American Elemental, American Elemental II, and American Machine. I hope I didn't do this more than once!

I'm going to do a once over and upload what will likely be the last version of the converted data outside of fixing mistakes.

I am then going to focus on the rebalanced version, which I think is a more playable version.

Edited by Nightshadeex
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Hey, one thing i noticed is the pics.

For example, if you want to use the new picks that came out now, a lot of the workers have a problem as they end up with no avatar. You can basically solve 70% of the issue by going to the workers section, in the mass editor there is "Picture becomes their name.jpg", this gives the right pics to most of those missing. 

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On 8/6/2024 at 6:34 AM, Nightshadeex said:

Not sure if I have a way to keep the Stones and DeColts from moving to SWF without those lifetime contracts. Maybe I could introduce loyalty to Canada?

Or you could do Loyalty for those specific workers. 

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