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Why Aren't Backstage Incidents Leading To Relationship Changes?

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On the main home screen and in the preshow booking phase, I keep seeing workers either getting along or having issues with no impact on the real world. In my developmental company, I've just had a report that one worker has beaten up another, yet in the relationship tab, there's no change. Surely something like this would lead to a change in relationships. Or are these news articles just for show?

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From the dev journal;

"This new system thus allows more complex dynamics as you have a multi-faceted relationship. The game calculates whether a relationship is considered positive or negative based upon the different factors, which are weighted in different ways, and can also focus on one specific element if the context makes that more appropriate.

On top of the above changes, relationships are also now deeper in the way they evolve. There are hidden values behind-the-scenes that keep track of the interactions between two people and it is these that govern whether a relationship type changes. For example, two people with a Mutual Respect personal relationship might have several positive backstage encounters before they build up enough points to trigger the move up to Friendship (with any negative interactions obviously taking away points in the meantime). Of course, there are also incidents and interactions that immediately give a lot of points and can lead to quick changes where appropriate. This system therefore means that relationships happen more naturally and organically, as oppose to the old way that tended to be all about quick changes based on one-off triggers."

Fights don't always lead to an eternal grudge or a long lasting negative relationship (and the opposite is correct) so incidents like a fight will be ticking it over towards a negative relationship forming.

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