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Development trainers

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Please bring back development trainers - workers on the main roster who could be asked to go down and work for the child company, without being classed as development workers. Also, working ring rust off in the child company was a nice option to have.

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This was removed in 2020, because the way it works now is that your training facilities can be set up to 14 wrestlers to train and still be active on yours or the development companies roster. Development is for getting pop and natural skill progression through working.


Now sending down vets would be great as it would mimic real life a bit more with WWE and NXT. But at the same time you can consider the retired wrestlers working as road agents and other staff as trainers. And you can also now set up head trainers for the men and women with your inner circle. Not sure if you can do that for your dev company or not (haven't tried.)

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