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Love to see my beloved USPW still on top! 

But how is their roster so lousy? SWF has an amazing roster with tons of young talent. TCW too... how is USPW making all this money hand over fist and they don't have a good roster? They don't have a Performance Center? They don't have a child company? 

I mean... I know the reason, gameplay wise, it gives the player something to actually DO. There's steps to take to stay on top in the face of this rising challenge. Lore wise though, I don't think it makes much sense. That being said, at least they have Jackson!

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I dont think the roster is lousy. I think the lore is Rich Money isnt that great of booker for example pushing Funky because of saving him for choking and mostly established stars. Looking at mens roster Casey Valentine, Kirk Jameson, and lesser degree Jack Jackson are all very capable to be pushed up card. I think people were expecting 1999 to 2001 WCW but we got like a 95 WWF (with money and womans division). 

 I think roster is primed to pick up whatever stars you want to build. So if you wanted to sign a Juggernaut Jones or Super Massive Destroyer for the big man trope you have them.  

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On 7/28/2024 at 11:19 AM, JrSquared said:

I dont think the roster is lousy. I think the lore is Rich Money isnt that great of booker for example pushing Funky because of saving him for choking and mostly established stars. Looking at mens roster Casey Valentine, Kirk Jameson, and lesser degree Jack Jackson are all very capable to be pushed up card. I think people were expecting 1999 to 2001 WCW but we got like a 95 WWF (with money and womans division). 

 I think roster is primed to pick up whatever stars you want to build. So if you wanted to sign a Juggernaut Jones or Super Massive Destroyer for the big man trope you have them.  

Maybe lousy is too harsh, but I think TCW and SWF have better rosters for sure... though USPW's tag and women's divisions are damn good. 

I do like that Money is only an ok booker, and I think in my saves I'll tend to play as Robbie Sanchez and give him the book back. Money and Bryden are excellent additions to the creative team and so are a lot of the female wrestlers (though as much as possible I like to keep active wrestlers away from the book.)

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23 minutes ago, DirigoJoe said:

Maybe lousy is too harsh, but I think TCW and SWF have better rosters for sure... though USPW's tag and women's divisions are damn good. 

I do like that Money is only an ok booker, and I think in my saves I'll tend to play as Robbie Sanchez and give him the book back. Money and Bryden are excellent additions to the creative team and so are a lot of the female wrestlers (though as much as possible I like to keep active wrestlers away from the book.)

Id agree roster is not as good as TCW, SWF, or even CWA. But I think its part of it like you have all the resources to make it better. I never played USPW through. One save it was uncovered they were owned by mobsters or something and tanked in popularity. The Force became CEO and booker. 

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6 minutes ago, JrSquared said:

Id agree roster is not as good as TCW, SWF, or even CWA. But I think its part of it like you have all the resources to make it better. I never played USPW through. One save it was uncovered they were owned by mobsters or something and tanked in popularity. The Force became CEO and booker. 

I love USPW, though I think that's because I first discovered the game with TEW 2010 and in that game it was the massive underdog with a simple to understand booking style IMO. They're squeaky clean in all my playthroughs, being owned by mobsters is crazy. I'd have to shut the game down.

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As everyone knows, I'm a huge USPW fan.  Here's what I posted in another thread to let everyone know what has been updated in the new game.

As many know, I am a big USPW fan.  It's where I immediately go when it comes to the Cornell-verse. 

During the time skip, we lost Andre Jones(to CWA), Charlie Thatcher(to free agency), Corporal Doom(Left the business), Gorgon(to retirement to start a family), James Justice(to retirement), Mick Muscles(to retirement), The Force(to free agency) and T-Rex(to free agency).

We added Alina America(Face, current USPW Women's Champion from QAW), Hot Stuff(Heel tag team consisting of Buff Martinez and J-B Cash from 21CW), 'The Speed King' Clutch McKane(High Flyer face but unimportant, last seen in 4C), Erin Lawrence(female referee from QAW), Outlaw Wes Revell(Heel Outlaw, Last seen in IPW) and Tom Townsend(Last seen in CWA, Colour Commentator).

Other things that have happened were Alicia Strong getting into politics, Casey Valentine is being steered toward the main event scene, The Texas Express joined The Business, Natural Storm broke up with Eddie Howard turning heel, Funky Fedora saved Rich Money from choking and is getting a push because of that, Jimmy Chipolata has become the giant killer, Joss Thompson turned face and is now feuding with Steve Frehley, Julius Moor is on a run as a singles wrestler, Jumbo Jackson retired, Krusher Karloff retired, Raven Robinson retired and is now a road agent and manager, Jaime Quine took Alicia Strong's place with The Triumverate and Tyson Baine retired.

Current Champions are USPW National Champion Rick Law, USPW Women's Champion Alina America, USPW World Champion Nicky Champion and USPW World Tag Team Champions Bad Intentions of The Olympus Order.

The current lineup of The Business is Rich Money as the Leader, Sterling Whitlock as the Heir, Cooper Christie and Turk Trenneman as Members, Dusty Ducont as the Muscle and Elizabeth Cartier as Support.  The current lineup of The Olympus Order is the same as before with Zeus as the Leader and Bash Street and Siale Valhalla as Members.  The current lineup of The Triumverate is Jaime Quine as the Leader and Glorious Gloria and Juliette King as Members.

Hope this helps some people who are not able to play the game just yet.

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  • 1 month later...

What kinds of ratings should I be able to get, because I feel like there's MUCH more variance now. If you do an angle or match between two highly rated workers you could see a massive variance in its grade. 

I feel like I'm in a rut, stuck getting between 78 and 82 show ratings... save for a big PPV where I did Money and Champion in the main event and they got a huge rating (which, if I ran the show again may get 5-10 points lower! Who knows!)

IMO the biggest company in the world should be able to kick SWF and TCW's butt. I feel like I'm just keeping up with the pack when I want to extend my lead. In my save the industry is above average and rising and the economy is strong and rising, so now is the time to strike. I will likely poach a fairly decent sized name in 50 days... but I want to get over with the roster I have and not sign some of the older SWF or TCW guys out of retirement. I feel like IRL they would refuse to work for USPW and stay loyal 😂

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7 hours ago, DirigoJoe said:

What kinds of ratings should I be able to get, because I feel like there's MUCH more variance now. If you do an angle or match between two highly rated workers you could see a massive variance in its grade. 

I feel like I'm in a rut, stuck getting between 78 and 82 show ratings... save for a big PPV where I did Money and Champion in the main event and they got a huge rating (which, if I ran the show again may get 5-10 points lower! Who knows!)

IMO the biggest company in the world should be able to kick SWF and TCW's butt. I feel like I'm just keeping up with the pack when I want to extend my lead. In my save the industry is above average and rising and the economy is strong and rising, so now is the time to strike. I will likely poach a fairly decent sized name in 50 days... but I want to get over with the roster I have and not sign some of the older SWF or TCW guys out of retirement. I feel like IRL they would refuse to work for USPW and stay loyal 😂

On your start roster Trask, Atlas, McKane, Rayne, Jillefski, McGee, Phunk, Black, Cash, Jarvis, Gloria, King, Kass, Joe, Cage & Anderson are all either 32 or older or naff and simply aren't going to do anything for you going forward.  Thats 16 spots that could be filled with young talent that have big upsides.  Those people will all get work elsewhere if you let them go but for you they need to go when the contracts come up.   

You have 4 people with 90+ SQ - Alina, Champion and Frehley + Dawn who doesn't wrestle.  Getting to the next level needs at least 77 in 5 areas of the world and you dont really have quite the star power to do that and maintain that.  Realistically to get 3 other than Canada and the US you need to work out ways to get over in India, Europe, Oceania, British Isles and Mexico (best to try all 7) and ignore Japan because you are too low in pop and it's too hard to get over in 8 regions there.   You are close in Mexico. 

You have a huge amount of Money.

You wont get larger with the Roster you have.  The way to get bigger with USPW is 5 pronged

- Clear out the lower card for young people with High SQ, Menace or Sex Appeal.  One good way to do that is get a smaller company as a feeder or create one - not like you dont have the money. With a feeder you can stockpile even more young talent.

- Get better Road Agents long term (several of your vets with High Psych might be convinced to go down that road).  Road Agents with high psych are important when you are trying to get those massive ratings to grow to that Titanic level.

- Let your older vets go when their contracts come up.   Even if they are good people well into their 40's are going to go into decline and at that point they are just a drain on resources.

- Raid.  Weaken your rivals and strengthen yourself.  SWF, TCW, CWA, EILL, RAW and 21CW are the enemy - they suck away talent and make it harder for you to get where you need to be.  Luckily both 21CW and TCW are in a bad way and they rarely get the sort of luck needed to turn it around.  TCW is old roster wise and on the brink of a rebuild and 21CW has too many high contracts for their income.  SWF and CWA are more problematic as they make it harder for you to maintain your position in your two strongholds.   RAW makes it harder to get to 77 in Oceania as does EILL in Mexico.  You have 30M more than the largest of those - use that power and raid them when their big SQ guys who are young enough come up.  Dont feel bad about it - just see it as giving those people and yourself the best opportunities. If you want to get to Titanic it's what needs to be done.  

- Learn to enjoy being the villain.  Everything I just mentioned is both ruthless and aggressive.  USPW is no longer the underdog - they are now the Big Dog! To get to the level of Biggest Dog it's sadly sort of necessary to act like one.  You can be super friendly to the little feds - heck it's actually in your best interests to keep them going but the 6 I mentioned are in your way and you need to slap them down.  Most of RAW's roster is on handshake deals when the game starts - including the tasty morsels that are Loxley Robbins, Nicky Gilbert, Kian (Owens) Wayne and especially Will Beaumont all of whom have about 90 SQ.  You can try to steal them day one.  Heck I would argue you SHOULD try to steal them day one.  The worst that can happen is they resign with RAW on written deals that drain that companies resources.  The best you get 4 guys who aren't popular in the US but can be if handled right but who will aid your push in Oceania.  Kian and Will Beaumont are super young and their upsides are massive.  In relative terms they are cheap buys for you. Robbins and Gilbert are sort of beaten up though so dont overpay for them, to be honest you would sort of hope that RAW gives them inflated written deals.   Same goes with Swoop McCarthy when his deal comes up - he's great but if they keep him thats fine - just as long as they dont keep him for a bargain price.  Oh you can hire Luke Steele straight away to help with Oceania he will be a super cheap free agent in the South West with a 90 Sq and 94 Menace and over 70 pop in Oceania.    

I know it's sort of odd to play as the bad guy corporate raider but it's really the best way to achieve what you want.

Edited by alpha2117
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Once you get hot storylines and your stars have good momentum, I think you should fairly easily be able to go 85-90 most every night as USPW.  Run a search on workers under 35 with 90+ SQ and shortlist them all.  Personally I'd prioritize Aaron Knight Jay Chord and Scythe.  Bret Starr and Wolf Hawkins are also solidly upper mid carder at least.  Then flood your mid card with workers like Greg Gauge, Cam Vessey, Leigh Burton, etc.  Use that financial leverage.  Just don't overpay guys that are in TD, or at least keep them on shorter deals.  Couldn't agree more about the Australians, I actually have Nicky Gilbert Loxley Robbins and Will Beaumont in a stable called Awesome Aussies, and I've got Kian Owens on a shortlist.  They're all fantastic.  Bring in the usual suspects like Youngman, Blackfriar, and Frankie Boy Fernandez for the lower mid card.  

I've been running the poor man's version of this with TCW and it's not unusual for me to pop a 85-90 match on my undercard.  Just make sure you have a good creative finish stored every time out for your main event, that's about a 10-12 point swing as far as I can tell between a failed finish and a successful one.

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I really want to make things work with the existing roster as much as possible. Of course, that may not be easy. I've asked a bunch of guys to add muscles and I know that has a minor impact on SQ. For instance, Jack Jackson completed that task and is an 82 SQ. Not super high, but for a 26 year old, not bad! 

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25 minutes ago, DirigoJoe said:

I really want to make things work with the existing roster as much as possible. Of course, that may not be easy. I've asked a bunch of guys to add muscles and I know that has a minor impact on SQ. For instance, Jack Jackson completed that task and is an 82 SQ. Not super high, but for a 26 year old, not bad! 

You can try.  I dont think it will work but as always we all have to play the way we want to play.  I would grab some young talent while you can though. 

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I think a good way to make USPW work is to be similar to the old-school WWF. I haven't played with them yet. You can't use long angles but 5 minutes angles will get the crowd hotter so if you keep the product with 5 minute interviews or 5 minutes angles that get the crowd hotter and you constantly calm the crowd in between those, I think you can manage to get real good ratings. The only thing is that you need to hit those matches right when you get the crowd White Hot with a Steal The Show or something similar as another angle will get it Very Hot.

I also don't think that in the Cornellverse, USPW is that strong considering Running Wolf sits at 77 pop and he is their big project that became World Champion so it will take some work to get to a level where you are so much above.

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