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First Impressions

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Just started getting into Wrestling Spirit 2 and overall I think it is a very well done simulation and I certainly want to give credit where credit is due because to all those who complain about how the game might be "unfair" or "cheap" There is plenty of truth into reading the readme files with the game. Assuming you can comprehend them, it will help you win a few extra matches, or at least make some matches go much longer in duration giving your wrestler a chance to pull up an upset. I have only had three matches thus far and have won two and lost one. The only thing I am curious to know is in my second bout my rookie (rookie-to-legend mode) took on an upper-mid carder and not surprisingly my guy got beaten pretty badly although the match lasted a good twenty minutes. So I am wondering if anyone else has had this happen and actually pulled off a win against a wrestler much higher up on the card? I found that I was able to wear the guy down with basic moves but could not land a single power move until the end of the fight. Also wondering on a side note if it is important to have different move sets for your wrestler. I based my one move set with an assortment of moves that I assume would work for most types of matches, does it make a difference?
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I had my RtL character take down T-Rex, who was the top man in the promotion at the time, in our third encounter. First two were squashes though. Oddly enough, the character who pulled the upset was a Small sized Strong Stylist while T-Rex is a Large Heavyweight, really a David v. Goliath matchup. Made him tap to the Asiatic Spike and got a "A" rank. :) Really helps to go after their momentum and wear that down first, makes controlling the match against a more popular foe easier.
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the thing you have to remember about card positions is that they are based off your overall popularity in that country, so you could have more skill alround the board than your opponent and still be lower than them in terms of card position. but usually at the beginning of the game it is alot harder to beat the more popular guys, since the more popular you are in a region the more overall energy you'll have in a match in that region. Having different movesets can also be useful, but really you don't need many if you've have a good mixture, eg not too many lifting moves incase you come up against someone bigger than you, i only gave my character 2 different movesets, 1 for normal matches regardless of whether he is a heel or face, and 1 for hardcore matches, which is pretty much the same only with more weapon moves.
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[QUOTE=krebyrocks]Also wondering on a side note if it is important to have different move sets for your wrestler. I based my one move set with an assortment of moves that I assume would work for most types of matches, does it make a difference?[/QUOTE] It's not critical to have different move sets, assuming that the one you do have is well rounded, but they can make some difference (an intentional design, as I didn't want to force people into having to make lots of different sets). For example, if you're working the US and Japan as a middleweight, it is often useful to have a few more rest holds at your disposal for American work, as you're more likely to face heavyweights than in the East, and so will not want to go toe-to-toe with them in a fist fight without first depleting their momentum.
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I just had my created guy who was an opener, and on his second match @ Warrior Engine defeated Larry Wood with the Chair Chokeout and he was Upper midcard I believe. I just barely lost to Danny Bling for the title for my MAW, and pro wrestling debut.
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