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Harbour Clash Wrestling - From Small Town Rings to Big League Dreams

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Harbour Clash Wrestling - From Small Town Rings to Big League Dreams

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The depictions of wrestling techniques, matches, and training methods are created for entertainment purposes and may not accurately represent real-life practices. Always consult a professional before attempting any physical activity described in this diary. The author and publisher are not responsible for any injury or damage resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained herein.


0.1: Introduction To HCW
0.2: Currently Active Roster
Prologue: The Dream of the Ring
1.1: Building The Roster
1.2: The Meeting of Jay Mochan and UK Dragon
1.3: A Meeting Of Minds
1.4 Sterling Strategies
Boiling Over
TEW9 Launch Day Interlude
1.5 Slowly Drowning


Edited by Clarity
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Harbour Clash Wrestling

Welcome to Harbour Clash Wrestling (HCW), the premier destination for high-energy professional wrestling in the South of England. Our roots run deep in the maritime heritage of the region, bringing the spirit of the sea into the ring with every match. HCW is dedicated to delivering thrilling, family-friendly entertainment, showcasing a mix of rising stars and seasoned veterans who embody the grit and determination of our coastal community.

At HCW, we believe in the power of storytelling through athletic prowess and larger-than-life characters. Our events are not just matches; they are epic clashes where passion meets power, and every bout tells a unique story. Join us at our live events to experience the electric atmosphere, cheer for your favourite wrestlers, and become part of the HCW family.

Whether you're a lifelong wrestling fan or new to the sport, Harbour Clash Wrestling promises an unforgettable experience that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Dive into the action with HCW, where the tradition of wrestling excellence meets the adventure of the high seas.

HCW Current Product Details:

Core Product: British Sportsmanship
Current Product: British Sportsmanship
Face/Heel Divide: Loosely Enforced

Fans will be upset by dangerous, controversial, bloody matches
Fans will be put off by cheap or tainted endings to matches

Current HCW Events:
Harbour Clash Live
Bi-Weekly: 2nd & Forth Weekends Of The Month

Current HCW Champions:
HCW Championship:
 Currently Vacant

HCW Shows:

Harbour Clash Live #1
Harbour Clash Live #2
Harbour Clash Live #3
Harbour Clash Live #4
Harbour Clash Live #5
Harbour Clash Live #6
Harbour Clash Live #7
Harbour Clash Live #8
Harbour Clash Live #9
Harbour Clash Live #10
Harbour Clash Live #11
Harbour Clash Live #12
Harbour Clash Live #13

Edited by Clarity
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Current Owner:

UK Dragon (46 Years Old)

Owner Goals:

HCW's Bank Balance must have improved to at least £10,000 (Judged Friday 29th December 2023)

Cannot hire any wrestler who is classed as high flyer (expires Tuesday 3rd January 2023)

Cannot hire any wrestler who is classed as a striker (expires Thursday 31st August 2023)

Currently Active Roster

Jay Mochan (18 Years Old)
Jay Mochan is an English wrestler who works in the British Isles and Europe. He is a 5'10", 160lb worker who is classed as using a Regular style. He currently works for HCW where he is their head booker.


Augustus Bumblescoop (40 Years Old)
Augustus Bumblescoop is an English wrestler from Halifax who formerly went under the ring name "The Turtle Package" Arthur T. Turtle. Known for his all-blue costume and hair, Bumblescoop is primarily a comedy wrestler who makes good use of his real-life mime training in order to convey his emotions and connect with the fans. After spending his entire career as a 'weekend warrior' who worked in a biscuit factory as his 9-5 job, Bumblescoop got a break when he was hired by SNP in 2015. He's had a solid run with the company, with his comedy work acting as a nice palate cleanser between hardcore bouts.


Cain Carlisle (25 Years Old)
"Captain Crash" Cain Carlile is a high flyer from Cornwall who graduated from the National School Of Wrestling in 2014. Physically small for a wrestler, he works a fast-paced style that incorporates many high risk and aerial attacks with a particular (and somewhat unusual) bias towards moves that involve handsprings, such as the handspring elbow into the turnbuckles. He has made several one-off appearances as an enhancement talent for 21CW over the years, but has yet to get an extended run with any major company.


Chuck Frisby (46 Years Old)
Chuck Frisby (his real name, believe it or not) is a veteran of the British independent scene. Fairly poor in the ring, he has spent almost his entire career either doing comedy matches or staring at the lights in opening matches. He had short runs with both 21CW and ROF, both times never being more than an opening match guy, before pitching up in SNP in 2015. Originally working as Bob Effette, his usual ultra-camp gimmick went down like a lead balloon due to how archaic and offensive it was (even Mark Carnie found it tacky....Mark Carnie!) and was soon dropped. Reverting to his real name, he now runs a fitness instructor gimmick in which he tries to "tackle Scotland's obesity crisis one person at a time" mostly by yelling demented exercise instructions at members of the audience. He's gone so 'all in' on it that it's somehow gotten over with the SNP fans.


Davey Singleton
(21 Years Old)

"The One And Only" Davey Singleton is a young wrestler from England who came through the National School Of Wrestling. A jack of all trades but master of none, Singleton's biggest asset is also his weakness - he's OK at just about everything but, on the other hand, he doesn't excel at anything either, the result being that he's forgettable. As he wasn't picked up 21CW when he graduated, he has spent his rookie year on the British independent scene.


Gary Dudley (23 Years Old)
Gary Dudley is a Technician Flyer, trained at National School Of Wrestling, who turned pro on 05 March 2022. From Edinburgh, he is 5'7" and 206lbs and can be used as a babyface or a heel. He is well suited to playing powerful, dominant gimmicks. He has adopted the Poison DDT as a finishing move.


Jay Coward (33 Years Old)
Jay Coward aka. The Minor Annoyance, possibly the ugliest pro wrestler alive, is a British worker, from Hull to be exact. Although awful in the ring, Cowarddoes have some upsides - a natural heel, his usual 'trolling' gimmick is guaranteed to get the fans riled up and baying for his blood. Many have said that he'd make a killer manager, but for now he appears happy to continue to stink things up the ring - which, ironically enough, actually works in his favour as it just makes people hate him even more.


Jeff Amazon (36 Years Old)
"The Uncanny" Jeff Amazon is a dire British brawler who has been stinking up the independent scene with his own personal brand of suckiness since his debut in 2003. Thankfully for the rest of the world, Jeff had his passport revoked in 2008 after being caught trying to smuggle wild stoats into Belgium (which is of course the stoat trafficking capital of Europe), and so at least his awfulness is now limited to the UK. For some reason Jeff wrestles in a bright pink outfit, although nobody is quite sure what that has to do with the Amazon.


Lewis Duckworth (26 Years Old)
Lewis Duckworth is a former professional bodybuilder from Worcester in the UK. A former two-time runner up in the annual "Mr. Great Britain" contest, Lewis was convinced by friends to look into becoming a pro wrestler as a way of making money off his amazing physique. His assets are obvious: he's huge, shredded, can talk, and simply looks like a walking super hero. The downside is that he's green as grass, has no prior knowledge of the business, is coming into wrestling at a relatively late stage, and that "Lewis Duckworth" is not a ring name that will sell much merchandise. If someone can train him up, book him strongly, and give him a decent name and gimmick, he could be a star in the making.



Lone Wolf (20 Years Old)
Lone Wolf (Rob Kellerman) is a British brawler who graduated from the National School Of Wrestling in 2020 but wasn't picked up by 21CW, instead being advised to go and get some experience on the independent scene. You can see their point, as the 290lb fist fighter is fairly one dimensional, relying almost entirely on punches to batter his opponents - albeit he does it with enough intensity and vigour that it isn't as boring to watch as that sounds. He does possess one or two nice power moves in his arsenal too, including his big Full Nelson Slam finisher.



Marcus Young (21 Years Old)
Marcus Young is an English wrestler who works exclusively in the British Isles. He is a 5'8", 200lb worker who is classed as using a Technician Striker style. He currently works for HCW. 



Ryan Goodluck (21 Years Old)
"Fortunate Son" Ryan Goodluck is a young English wrestler who graduated from the National School Of Wrestling in 2020 but was not offered a contract by 21CW. This decision was likely down to his look, as he's very small and skinny, rather than his skill level, as he's actually a fairly decent high flyer. Since turning pro he has regularly turned up on independent shows around the London area and seems like a hard worker.



Strife (28 Years Old)
Peter "Strife" Michaels (who is no relation to the famous American wrestling announcer of the same name) is an English worker who is noted for an acrobatic ring style which blends the high-speed action of lucha libre with the daredevil spot-fests that became a staple of the US independent scene during the late 1990s and early 2000s. As such, his lack of technical skill means that he has a tendency to be inconsistent in his performances, but when he is 'on', he can be very watchable.


Edited by Clarity
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Prologue: The Dream of the Ring

Jay Mochan sat at his desk, staring out the window of his small bedroom in Portsville, UK. The bustling town, with its mix of historic charm and modern energy, stretched out before him. The vibrant streets were filled with people going about their day, but despite the activity, Jay felt a gnawing restlessness in his chest. His days had become a monotonous routine of chores and odd jobs, a far cry from the dreams that kept him awake at night.

Jay had always been captivated by the world of professional wrestling. As a boy, he’d spent countless hours watching SWF matches on television, mesmerized by the larger-than-life characters and the dramatic battles that unfolded in the ring. He admired the strength, the skill, and the storytelling. More than anything, he wanted to be a part of that world—not as a wrestler, but as the mastermind behind the spectacle. Jay dreamed of starting his own wrestling company, a place where he could bring his creative visions to life.

But in the bustling town of Portville, dreams like his seemed as distant as the stars. His parents were not very supportive, gently reminded him of the practicalities of life. His friends, while enthusiastic about the idea, saw it more as a fantasy than a feasible plan. Jay’s determination, however, was unshakable.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the sky blazed with hues of orange and pink, Jay found himself restless once more. He grabbed his notebook—a worn, leather-bound journal filled with sketches of wrestling rings, logos, and storylines—and headed out into the town. The cool breeze was a welcome change from the stuffy confines of his room.

As he walked along the historic streets of Portsmouth, past the naval dockyards and the bustling Gunwharf Quays, Jay’s mind raced with ideas. He envisioned the ring, the roaring crowd, the dramatic entrances, and the gripping matches. He could almost hear the chants and feel the energy in the air. Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed the figure approaching him until they were nearly face-to-face.


“Jay, is that you?” The voice belonged to Marcus, a friend and neighbour. Marcus was a few years older than Jay and had always been somewhat of a mentor to him. Marcus had been to some tryouts with 21CW Feeder Companies, but it had never really gone anywhere.

“Hey, Marcus,” Jay replied, snapping out of his reverie. “What are you doing out here?”

“I could ask you the same,” Marcus said with a grin. “You look deep in thought. Plotting world domination, or just deciding what to have for dinner?”

Jay sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Just thinking about my wrestling company idea again. Sometimes it feels like I’m the only one who believes it can happen.”

Marcus raised an eyebrow. “Oh, sure. Because starting a wrestling company is as easy as baking a cake. Just mix a little ambition, bake at 180, and voila—instant success.”

Jay looked at Marcus, a spark of hope in his eyes. “You really think I can do it?”

Marcus smirked. “I mean, why not? It’s not like you need experience, money, or a plan, right? Just a ring and some spandex, and you’re good to go.”

Jay laughed despite himself. “Yeah, I guess it sounds a bit far-fetched. But I can’t shake the feeling that this is what I’m meant to do.”

Marcus’s expression softened slightly. “Look, Jay, dreams are great. They keep us going. But you’ve got to be realistic too. Maybe start small, see where it takes you. Who knows, you might surprise everyone—including yourself.”

Jay nodded, feeling a mix of encouragement and doubt. Marcus’s sarcastic remarks were a reminder of the challenges ahead, but also a nudge toward taking the first step. As they parted ways, Jay’s mind was buzzing with thoughts of what could be.


Back in his room, Jay opened his notebook again. This time, instead of just sketches and random ideas, he started drafting a plan. It was rough, full of uncertainties, but it was a start. He listed the local wrestlers he knew, potential venues, and ways to fund the initial setup. His heart raced with excitement as he visualized the possibilities.

That night, as Jay sat down to dinner with his parents, he decided to share his plan. “Mom, Dad, I’ve decided to start my own wrestling company. I know it’s not going to be easy, but I’m ready to give it everything I’ve got.”

His father, a tall man with broad shoulders and a perpetually stern expression, raised an eyebrow. His once-black hair was now streaked with gray, and his face bore the lines of years of hard work and worry. His piercing blue eyes, though softened with age, still carried an intensity that often intimidated those around him.

“A wrestling company? Jay, you need to think about a real job. Something stable. Wrestling isn’t a career; it’s a hobby.”

His mother, a petite woman with warm brown eyes and soft, curly hair that framed her face, sighed and shook her head. Her face, though kind, was etched with concern. “We want you to be happy, Jay, but you need to be practical. How will you even start something like that? It sounds expensive and risky.”

Jay felt a knot form in his stomach, but he forced himself to stay calm. “I’ve been doing research. I have a plan. I’ll start small and build from there.”

His father looked sceptical. “Plans are one thing, Jay. Reality is another. Just don’t get your hopes up too high. It’s a tough world out there.”

Jay nodded, the determination in his eyes unwavering. “I understand, Dad. But I have to try. This is my dream.”

Later that night, as Jay lay in bed, he felt a profound sense of purpose. The road ahead was daunting, and his parents’ lack of support weighed heavily on him, but the dream was no longer just a fantasy. It was a goal, something tangible to strive for. Jay knew there would be challenges, setbacks, and moments of doubt, but he was ready to face them all.

For Jay Mochan, the decision to start his own wrestling company marked the beginning of an exciting journey. The dream of the ring was no longer a distant star—it was a bright, shining reality waiting to be realized. And he was just getting started.

Edited by Clarity
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Chapter 1.1 : Building the Roster

The next morning, Jay woke up early, determined to take the first steps toward making his dream a reality. He knew that finding the right talent was crucial. Without skilled wrestlers, his company would never take off. Armed with his notebook and a list of potential contacts, Jay set out to build his roster.


As Jay drove through the winding country roads, he marveled at the transformation from the bustling city to this serene, rural landscape. The converted barn where Cain Carlisle trained was nestled on the edge of a sprawling field, its weathered exterior giving it a rustic charm. The barn had been repurposed into a makeshift gym, complete with basic equipment and an open space for practice. The sound of Cain’s movements, punctuated by the thud of his landings and the whoosh of his leaps, echoed through the barn as Jay approached.

Stepping inside, Jay was greeted by a scene of intense focus. Cain Carlile, clad in a simple tank top and shorts, was performing a series of intricate flips and somersaults. His movements were fluid and precise, each aerial maneuver executed with an effortless grace that left Jay in awe. The barn’s dusty beams and worn wooden floors seemed almost to hum with the energy of Cain’s practice.

Jay cleared his throat to announce his presence. “Cain Carlile, right?”

Cain landed smoothly from a high flip, his feet barely making a sound as they touched the ground. He looked up, his expression a mix of curiosity and caution. Wiping a bead of sweat from his brow, he approached Jay with a practiced yet relaxed demeanor. “That’s me. What brings you here?”

Jay extended a hand, his face breaking into a genuine smile. “I’m Jay Mochan. I’m putting together a new wrestling promotion, and I’ve heard incredible things about you. I want you to be a part of it.”

Cain’s eyes widened with interest. The prospect of a new opportunity was exactly what he had been hoping for, but he needed to hear more. “Really? I’ve been looking for new opportunities. Tell me more.”

Jay gestured to the worn-out wooden bench that served as a makeshift sitting area. As they took their seats, Jay began to unfold his vision. “I’m launching a wrestling promotion that aims to redefine the sport. Your aerial skills would add an electrifying element that we believe will captivate audiences.”

Cain leaned in, clearly intrigued. “Sounds ambitious. What kind of opportunities are we talking about?”

Jay leaned forward, his enthusiasm palpable. “I'm not going to lie to you. Its a very grass roots company but we'll have a dedicated team that will work to highlight your unique style. Beyond that, we’re looking to push boundaries and create memorable moments that will set us apart from the rest.”

Cain’s expression shifted from curiosity to excitement. He had always dreamed of breaking out of the local circuit and making a name for himself on a larger stage, but nothing had come of it apart from a couple of one off enhancement appearances on 21CW. “That does sound like exactly what I’ve been looking for. What’s the next step?”

Jay’s smile widened. “I’d love to discuss the details and get your input on how we can tailor this opportunity to best suit you. We’re very flexible and want to make sure it’s a good fit for both of us. How about we sit down and go over the specifics?”

As Cain agreed, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air. The barn, with its simple charm and the echoes of Cain’s training, seemed to transform into a symbol of the new possibilities on the horizon. Jay knew that Cain Carlile’s inclusion in his promotion would bring a fresh, dynamic energy that could captivate fans and elevate the entire venture.

The two men spent the next few hours discussing ideas, plans, and potential storylines, their conversation flowing with a mix of excitement and creativity. By the end of their meeting, it was clear that this collaboration had the potential to become something extraordinary.



Next, Jay headed to a less conventional meeting—Jeff Amazon. Jeff’s reputation was a curious mix of fascination and scandal. The wild stoat incident had made headlines, and Jay was intrigued by the man’s resilience and unconventional charm.

Jay entered the café, a quaint establishment with pastel walls and soft, ambient lighting, looking slightly out of place against the rough exterior of the man he was about to meet. Jeff Amazon, known for his rugged persona and infamous wild stoat incident, was nestled in a corner booth. The café's serene atmosphere was a stark contrast to Jeff's presence, as he wore a bright pink weathered leather jacket and sported a scruffy mustache that added to his rough-edged charm.

Jay approached with a blend of professional poise and casual friendliness. “Jeff Amazon? I’m Jay,” he introduced himself, extending a hand.

Jeff eyed him warily at first, his skepticism apparent as he scrutinized Jay’s more polished appearance. The café’s calm buzz seemed to intensify as the two men locked eyes. Jeff’s reputation had preceded him—stories of his run-ins with the law, his mysterious disappearance, and of course, the wild stoat incident that had propelled him into the public eye.

“Jay, huh? I’ve heard a few things about you too,” Jeff replied, shaking Jay’s hand with a firm grip. His voice had a gravelly quality, hinting at the many stories he carried.

Jay took a seat across from him, feeling a surge of excitement. “I’m here because I believe you have something special. I’m launching a new wrestling promotion, and I think your story and charisma could be a game-changer.”

Jeff’s eyes narrowed slightly, a skeptical but intrigued expression crossing his face. He leaned back in his chair, the sly grin that formed on his lips suggesting he was considering the offer. “Oh? And what makes you think I’d be interested?”

Jay didn’t miss a beat. “You’re a man who thrives on controversy and drama. Your reputation is larger than life, and that’s exactly what we need. I’m not just talking about wrestling matches. I’m talking about creating a persona that people can’t ignore, both in and out of the ring.”

Jeff’s interest was piqued. He had always been drawn to the spotlight, even if it came with a fair share of trouble. “Alright, let’s hear it. What’s your grand plan?”

Jay leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “Picture this: you as the centerpiece of a promotion that isn’t afraid to push boundaries. We’ll craft storylines that play off your real-life persona—your resilience, your controversies, and your unique charm. You’ll be both a hero and a villain, a figure that fans either love or love to hate.”

Jeff’s grin widened, the idea clearly sparking a flame of enthusiasm within him. “That does sound intriguing. But what’s in it for me, besides the chance to punch a few people in the face?”

Jay chuckled. “Aside from a paycheck, you’ll have a platform to redefine yourself. This is your chance to take control of the narrative, to turn your past into a powerful brand.”

Jeff considered the proposal carefully. He was no stranger to the unpredictable nature of life and had always been willing to take risks. This opportunity seemed to offer not just a chance for a comeback, but a chance to shape his destiny on his own terms.

“Alright, Jay. I’m in,” Jeff said with a decisive nod. “But let’s make sure we do this right. I want to be more than just a gimmick. I want to make a real impact.”

Jay extended his hand once more, this time with a broad smile. “You’ve got it. Welcome to the team, Jeff. Let’s make some headlines.”



The next stop was Rob Kellerman, also known as Lone Wolf. Rob had graduated from the National School of Wrestling in 2020, but he had yet to find his big break. Jay knew that Rob’s dedication and raw talent could be a diamond in the rough.

Jay met Rob at a local gym where he was working out alone. The gym was quiet, with the occasional clang of weights breaking the silence. Rob was focused, his intensity evident as he lifted heavy weights.

Jay took a seat on a nearby bench, catching his breath as Rob continued his workout, the weights clanging rhythmically. The atmosphere was tense but hopeful, a palpable contrast to the gym’s usual calm. Jay began to speak, laying out his vision with clear and deliberate words.

“I’m starting a new wrestling promotion, and I’m looking for talent who can bring something unique to the table. From what I’ve seen and heard, you’ve got the drive and the skills that could really make a difference.”

Rob, his chest heaving with each breath, wiped his face with a towel, his interest piqued. “You know, I’ve been waiting for someone to give me a shot. I’ve had some small gigs here and there, but nothing that felt like it was really going to take me where I want to go.”

Jay nodded, understanding Rob’s frustration. “Exactly. That’s why I’m here. I believe you’ve got what it takes to be a star. My promotion is focused on giving wrestlers a platform to showcase their talents and build their careers. We’re not just looking for good wrestlers; we want characters who can connect with the audience and make an impact.”. It was a white lie. They would have a chance to build a career

Rob’s eyes brightened with a mixture of skepticism and hope. “And what’s your plan for me? How do you see me fitting into this promotion?”

Jay leaned forward, his tone becoming more earnest. “I see you as a standout competitor. You’ve got the physical prowess, but more importantly, you have the mentality of a fighter. The Lone Wolf persona you’ve developed could be a major asset. We’ll give you a platform to fully realize that character and develop storylines that showcase your strengths.”

Rob’s mind raced, envisioning the possibilities. “So, you’re saying there’s a chance for me to build something here? To not just wrestle, but to really create a name for myself?”

Jay smiled, sensing Rob’s growing excitement. “Exactly. We’ll start by building your character and integrating you into some high-profile matches. We’ll work on creating compelling storylines that keep the audience engaged and invested in your journey. It’s not just about wrestling; it’s about making an impression and leaving a mark.”

Rob considered Jay’s words, the weight of his decision hanging in the air. After a moment, he extended his hand. “Alright, Jay. I’m in. Let’s make this happen.”

Jay shook Rob’s hand firmly, his confidence in Rob’s potential mirrored by Rob’s newfound determination. “Great. I’ll reach out to you with the details. We’ll start working on the specifics and get you ready for your debut.”

As Rob resumed his workout, his focus had shifted from training alone to preparing for the opportunity he had longed for. Jay watched him for a moment, knowing that with the right guidance and support, Rob Kellerman could indeed become a significant player in his promotion.



Jay’s meeting with Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor, the celebrated duo known as The Assassins Guild, was a crucial step in his ambitious plan to launch a new wrestling promotion. As he entered the cozy, dimly-lit pub, the air was filled with nostalgia and the rich aroma of bar food and ale. Louie and Stefan, both now in their mid thirties but still exuding a charismatic presence, were nestled in a corner booth. They had clearly seen their fair share of success in their prime, their conversations punctuated with hearty laughter and animated gestures.

Jay extended his hand warmly. “Louie, Stefan, it’s a pleasure. I’m in the process of starting a new wrestling promotion, and I’m keen on bringing The Assassins Guild into the fold.”

Louie, sporting a well-groomed mustache and a thoughtful gaze, leaned forward, clearly interested. “The Assassins Guild, huh? You’ve got our attention. But what’s in it for us?

Jay took a deep breath and began to outline his vision. He spoke with passion about his promotion’s mission to revitalize the wrestling scene, emphasizing how crucial veteran talent like theirs would be in establishing credibility and drawing in fans. He detailed the plans for an eventual tag team division, describing how The Assassins Guild’s storied history could serve as the cornerstone of this new venture.

Louie’s eyes sparkled with intrigue as Jay spoke. “You’re saying you want to build something from the ground up, and you think we’re the guys to help you do it?”

“That’s exactly it,” Jay confirmed. “Your experience, your chemistry as a team—it’s exactly what we need to create something special. I believe with your involvement, we can carve out a distinct identity in the wrestling world.”

Stefan exchanged a glance with Louie, his interest clearly piqued. “We’ve been out of the spotlight for a while. A fresh start, a new promotion—it’s tempting. We’d have to think it over, but I like what I’m hearing.”

Jay’s heart raced with excitement. He had already been meeting with other potential recruits, each one bringing their own flair to the table. Cain’s high-flying maneuvers promised to inject dynamism into the matches. Jeff’s controversial persona could generate buzz and provoke discussions. Rob’s raw talent was undeniable, and with The Assassins Guild’s veteran prowess, Jay was beginning to see the pieces of his grand vision falling into place.

After an animated discussion over drinks, Louie and Stefan agreed to think over the offer seriously. Jay felt a surge of optimism as he left the pub. The potential for success seemed increasingly tangible, and he was eager to see how his growing roster would shape the future of his promotion.



Jay entered the gym with a determined stride, his eyes scanning the frenetic activity around him. The gym was a hub of activity, a mix of weightlifters grunting under heavy barbells and acrobats leaping gracefully through the air. The contrast between the brute strength of weightlifting and the delicate artistry of acrobatics was striking, and the noise—a blend of clanging metal, thudding feet, and gasping breaths—created a dynamic atmosphere of both discipline and chaos.

His attention was drawn to one individual who stood out amidst the crowd. Peter Michaels aka Strife, a name that had been mentioned with both admiration and scepticism, was in the midst of a challenging aerial routine. Strife’s movements were fluid and precise, his body twisting and turning with an almost effortless grace. He executed a series of flips and spins, each one more complex than the last, culminating in a flawless landing. The crowd around him erupted in applause, but Strife's own satisfaction was fleeting. He noticed Jay watching intently, and his demeanour shifted from the focused intensity of his performance to a guarded, wary stance.

Jay clapped to acknowledge the impressive display and said, “Impressive. Strife, right?”

Strife, catching his breath and wiping sweat from his brow, responded with a wary look. “Yeah, that’s me. What do you want?”

Jay cut to the chase. “I’m assembling a team, and I want you on it. Your acrobatics could be a game-changer. I’ve heard both praise and criticism about you, and I need to see for myself if you’re worth the risk.”

Strife’s eyes narrowed, skepticism evident in his tone. “And why should I trust you? You don’t know me from Adam.”

Jay remained unflinching, his smile unwavering. “I know your reputation and your potential. I’m not offering an easy path, but I believe in taking risks when the reward is worth it. We’ll address the inconsistencies, but first, I want to see if you’re willing to take a leap of faith.”

Strife considered this carefully. He was known for his aerial prowess, but his career had been marred by periods of inconsistency and doubt. The chance to prove himself was tempting, though the risk was palpable. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded slowly. “Alright, I’m willing to give it a shot. What’s the plan?”

Jay handed him a detailed proposal. Strife examined the document closely, his brows furrowing as he processed the details. The proposal was thorough, showing that Jay had put significant thought into how to integrate Strife’s skills into the team’s strategy. With a decisive look, Strife met Jay’s gaze, a glint of determination in his eyes. “Consider me in.”

Jay extended a hand, sealing their new partnership with a firm handshake. “Welcome aboard, Strife. Let’s get to work.”

As Jay walked away, he could sense the weight of the decision resting on both their shoulders. Strife had taken a risk by agreeing to join the team, and Jay had placed his faith in an untested variable. But the potential for greatness was palpable, and Jay was ready to invest the time and effort necessary to turn Strife’s raw talent into a reliable asset.



Jay’s search for potential talent led him to a modest fitness centre in Portville. He navigated through the bustling gym, the smell of sweat and the rhythmic clinking of weights filling the air. His eyes settled on a young man immersed in a set of deadlifts. This was Ryan Goodluck, a name that had come up in Jay’s research as a promising but overlooked talent.

Ryan, a former standout from the National School of Wrestling’s 2020 graduating class, had yet to be picked up by any major wrestling company. Instead, he had taken a job at the local fitness center, a place where he kept his skills sharp while waiting for his big break. Jay approached Ryan with a confident smile, having heard of his potential through various channels.

“Ryan Goodluck? Mind if I join you?” Jay asked, his voice friendly yet purposeful.

Ryan paused mid-rep, wiping sweat from his brow as he looked up. His expression transitioned from surprise to curiosity. “Sure, have a seat.”

Jay settled on a nearby bench, taking in the surroundings. The gym was a testament to hard work, with members pushing their limits in every corner. This was where Ryan had honed his craft, and Jay could see the dedication etched in every movement. He wasted no time diving into the matter at hand.

“I’ve seen your work. You’ve got talent—raw talent that’s been overlooked because you haven’t found the right opportunity. I’m putting together a wrestling team, and I think you’d be a great fit,” Jay said, his tone clear and confident.

Ryan’s eyebrows arched in surprise. He had heard similar promises before and had grown skeptical over time. “Really? I appreciate the offer, but I’ve been in this game long enough to know that talk is cheap. Why should I trust you?”

Jay leaned forward, his expression earnest. “Because I’m not just talking. I’ve got a plan to showcase talents that others overlook. We’ll get the spotlight and the respect you deserve.”

Ryan’s skepticism was evident. He had invested years into wrestling, facing countless disappointments and missed opportunities. “Alright, I’m interested. But I need to see if this is for real. What’s the next step?”

Jay reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a sleek business card, handing it to Ryan. “We’ll set up a tryout. If you can prove you’ve still got it, we’ll discuss the specifics of joining the team. This is your chance to show what you’re capable of on a bigger stage.”

Ryan took the card, examining it closely. It had Jay’s contact details along with a promise of further communication. He slipped it into his pocket, feeling a flicker of hope mixed with his usual skepticism. “Deal.”



Edited by Clarity
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Chapter 1.2 The Meeting of Jay Mochan and UK Dragon


Jay Mochan sat nervously behind his desk in the modest office of HCW, but to claim that it was an office was a massive exaggeration. It was a serviced office space that you could rent by the hour. He adjusted his tie, glancing once more at the clock. Any moment now, Steven "UK Dragon" Ambrose, the legendary wrestler, would be walking through his door. Jay had spent countless hours watching Ambrose's matches, admiring his technical prowess and commanding presence. Today, Jay hoped to impress the veteran and secure his invaluable guidance for HCW's future.

The door creaked open, and there he was. UK Dragon. Even out of the ring, his presence was magnetic. Despite being retired for three years, Steven Ambrose still had the aura of a seasoned warrior.

"Mr. Ambrose," Jay greeted, standing up and extending his hand. "It's an honor to meet you. Thank you for coming."

Steven smiled warmly and shook Jay's hand. "Call me Steven, please. And it’s a pleasure to be here. I’m excited to see what we can achieve together."

Jay motioned for Steven to take a seat. "I've been going over your conditions. I believe we can meet them, but I want to make sure we’re aligned on how we can best move forward."

Steven nodded, his eyes attentive. "I appreciate that, Jay. The financial target and the hiring conditions aren't just arbitrary. They’re based on my experiences and what I believe will help HCW grow sustainably."

Jay opened his notebook, eager to dive into the details. "So, the £10,000 balance improvement in two years. We’ve been operating on a shoestring budget, but I think with strategic planning, merchandising, and some smart marketing, we can achieve it. I’ve been looking into partnerships with local businesses for sponsorships and maybe even setting up a streaming deal to reach a wider audience."

Steven leaned back, clearly impressed. "That’s a solid plan. Merchandising is key. T-shirts, action figures, even simple things like posters can add up. And a streaming deal could really boost our profile. But remember, it’s also about the product we put out there. If we can create a compelling show, people will want to invest in it."

"Absolutely," Jay agreed, feeling more confident. "I’ve also been thinking about our live events. We need to make them more of an experience, something that fans will remember and talk about."

Steven leaned forward, his tone serious. "Speaking of which, let’s talk about the roster. High flyers tend to have shorter careers due to the risks they take. Injuries are more common, and they can be devastating for the wrestler and the promotion. Strikers, on the other hand, often end up injured or injuring others. I want a roster that’s reliable and can tell a story in the ring without relying on high-risk moves."

Jay nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. We need wrestlers who can work consistently and safely. I’ve been looking at some technical wrestlers and submission specialists. They have a solid style and can put on great matches without the high risk."

Steven smiled. "Exactly. Wrestling is about the art of the match, the psychology. It’s about building tension and drama. Look at someone like "Hollywood" Bret Starr—he could tell a story in the ring without ever leaving his feet."

Jay felt a surge of confidence. "I’ve been thinking along those lines too. We have some talent that fits that mold. But, we do have some wrestlers who don't quite fit your conditions. Maybe you could help me figure out what to do with them?"

Steven nodded. "Of course, let's go through your roster."

Jay flipped open his notebook, running through the roster.

"First, we have 'Captain Crash' Cain Carlile. He’s a high flyer, very fast-paced with a lot of aerial attacks, especially handspring moves."

Steven shook his head. "He’s definitely talented, but given the conditions, he might not be the best fit. You could consider using him to draw in crowds initially but phase him out as we build the new roster."

Jay made a note. "Got it. Next, 'The Uncanny' Jeff Amazon. He’s been around a while, more of a brawler, but his style is… let’s say not very popular."

Steven chuckled. "I’ve heard of him. Jeff’s reputation precedes him, and not in a good way. I’d suggest parting ways. We need to maintain a high standard."

"Understood. Then there's Lone Wolf, Rob Kellerman. Another brawler, fairly one-dimensional but intense. He’s got a solid Full Nelson Slam finisher."

Steven considered this. "Brawlers can work if they’re not purely strikers. If we can develop his power moves and give him more character depth, he might be useful."

Jay nodded. "Next, we have 'The Predator' Louie Peyton, one half of The Assassins' Guild tag team. His partner is Stefan Raynor. They’ve been on the independent circuit for a while, solid."

Steven thought for a moment. "Tag teams are valuable. If we can repackage them and add more technical skills to their repertoire, they could be an asset. But Louie's personality as a 'horndog' needs to be toned down."

"Agreed. Then there's 'Fortunate Son' Ryan Goodluck. A high flyer, small and skinny but a hard worker."

Steven sighed. "Another high flyer. He might have to go unless we can drastically change his style, which might be difficult given his build."

Jay made another note. "Lastly, Peter 'Strife' Michaels. He’s got an acrobatic ring style, very lucha libre influenced, but inconsistent."

Steven frowned slightly. "He sounds talented but risky. We need consistency. Maybe he can be a transitional figure while we focus on developing a more stable roster."

For the next hour, they went through the details, discussing each wrestler’s potential and how they could be utilized. Steven’s insights were invaluable, offering perspectives that Jay hadn’t considered. They talked about potential storylines, character development, and how to create a unique identity for HCW.

As the meeting wrapped up, Jay felt a renewed sense of purpose. "Thank you, Steven. Your experience and advice are exactly what we need."

"It’s my pleasure," Steven replied, standing up. "Remember, Jay, wrestling is a marathon, not a sprint. Build something that lasts."

Jay nodded, shaking Steven’s hand once more. "I won’t forget that. Together, we’ll make HCW something special."

As Steven Ambrose left the office, Jay Mochan couldn’t help but feel that this was the beginning of a new era for HCW. With the wisdom of UK Dragon by his side, he was ready to take on the challenges ahead and lead HCW to new heights. Yet as the door closed behind Steven, Jay's initial excitement began to wane. He looked down at his notebook, filled with his ideas and plans. The reality of the restrictions began to sink in. Captain Crash and Ryan Goodluck were talented high flyers who had dreams of making it big. He had promised them opportunities, chances to shine. Even Strife, with his inconsistent performances, had shown flashes of brilliance that Jay believed in.

Jay sighed, leaning back in his chair. How could he break the news to them? How could he balance the need to adhere to Steven’s conditions with the promises he had made? The weight of the responsibility felt heavy on his shoulders. He knew he had to make tough decisions, but the thought of disappointing the wrestlers who looked to him was disheartening.

He closed his notebook, resolving to find a way to navigate these challenges. Jay knew he had to be smart, strategic, and most importantly, honest with his roster. The road ahead was daunting, but with Steven's guidance and his own determination, he hoped to find a path that would honour both the past promises and the future goals.




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Chapter 1.3 A Meeting Of Minds





The group gathered around a worn-out table in a corner booth of a dimly lit restaurant, the kind with sticky menus and a flickering neon sign outside. The air was filled with the aroma of greasy food and the murmur of other patrons. The place wasn’t fancy, but it was private enough for their meeting. A pitcher of beer sat at the centre, and Lone Wolf was nursing a dwindling frosty mug.

Ryan Goodluck, taking a bite of his cheeseburger, broke the silence first. "Alright, let’s get this sorted. We need to figure out who’s facing who. Jeff, what about you?"

Jeff Amazon, shrugged nonchalantly as he munched on a cold fry. "I don’t care who I face. Just point me to the ring."

Cain Carlisle, ever the professional, smirked. "Typical Jeff. Well, I’ve got my eyes on Lone Wolf. I’ve been watching your matches, Wolf. I think we’d put on one hell of a show."

Lone Wolf, leaning back with his arms crossed, took a sip of his beer and raised an eyebrow. His presence was calm but intimidating. "You think you can keep up with me, Carlisle? I’ve seen you in the ring too. Could be interesting."

Louie Peyton, his prickly nature evident as he poked at his fries, spoke up next. "I want to face Strife. We’ve never had a chance to go one-on-one, and I think it’s about time."

Strife nodded enthusiastically, poking at his salad with a fork. "I’ve been looking forward to that match too, Louie. Let’s make it happen."

Stefan Raynor, shook his head as if his focus had been elsewhere, took a sip of his soda and finally spoke up. "Ryan, we’ve tagged before, but we’ve never faced each other. I think the crowd would love to see that."

Ryan grinned, his demeanor softening for a moment as he dipped a fry into ketchup. "I’m always up for a challenge, Stefan. Let’s give the crowd something to remember."

Jay Mochan, who had been quietly observing the exchanges and making the occasional note while stirring his coffee, finally spoke up. His presence commanded respect, and everyone turned their attention to him. "Alright, it sounds like we've got some interesting matchups here. But remember, whilst I like to hear your thoughts on who you'll face the final word is mine."

As the group continued discussing potential matchups, the air was filled with a mixture of camaraderie and competitive tension. Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by a chorus of notifications pinging from their phones. Each wrestler reached for their device, curiosity quickly turning to a sombre silence as they read the news.

"Dick The Devastator's died," Jeff Amazon said, his voice heavy with respect.

The room fell silent, each person absorbing the news. Dick The Devastator was a name that commanded reverence. A legendary 1970s brawler, he had been the owner, head booker, and main star of All-American Florida Wrestling, holding the main title 18 times and making it one of the hottest territories in America. After it had been bought out by the SWF, he formed a wild tag team for a while abroad before retiring in 2012. 

Ryan broke the silence. "Dick was a legend. He paved the way for all of us."

Cain nodded. "His matches in Florida were the stuff of legend. I remember watching tapes of his old matches. The way he commanded the ring, the way he told a story... there was nobody like him."

Lone Wolf, usually reserved, leaned forward. "I had the chance to meet him once, years ago, when I was just starting out. He gave me some advice that I’ll never forget. He said, 'Kid, always give the crowd a reason to come back. They’re the lifeblood of this business.' I’ve carried that with me ever since."

Jeff Amazon, looked unusually serious. "I’ve read so much about him. He wasn’t just a great wrestler; he knew how to build a territory from the ground up. All-American Florida Wrestling was his baby, and he made it one of the hottest places to be."

Louie Peyton, his mood slightly lighter than the others, shrugged. "Yeah, I guess he did a lot for the business. But honestly, I never had much of a personal connection to him. Still, it’s probably a big loss for the industry."

Stefan Raynor nodded. "We owe a lot to guys like him. He paved the way for all of us. Rest in peace, Dick."

The group sat in reflective silence, the earlier excitement for their matchups now tempered by the loss of a wrestling icon.

Coming Up:

🎉 Get Ready for a Night of Epic Showdowns! 🎉


Date: Saturday 29th January
Time: Doors Open 6.30pm
Venue: Cornglaze Cavern

Don’t miss your chance to witness a night of electrifying action as some of the most formidable names in wrestling collide in the ring. Brace yourself for heart-pounding excitement and jaw-dropping moves as we bring you:

🥊 Cain Carlisle vs. Ryan Goodluck 🥊
Two titans of the ring go head-to-head! Cain Carlisle, the fearless and relentless professional, takes on Ryan Goodluck, the high-risk daredevil. With their contrasting styles, expect a clash that will leave you on the edge of your seat!

🕵️ Lone Wolf vs. Louie Peyton 🕵️
A battle of raw power and unyielding aggression as Lone Wolf faces off against Louie Peyton! Will the calm and calculated Lone Wolf outwit the fiery temper of Louie Peyton? This matchup promises intensity and drama!

🎉 Strife vs. Jeff Amazon 🎉
Get ready for a high-energy showdown as the fearless party animal Strife takes on the stuntman and grifter Jeff Amazon. With Strife’s wild style and Jeff’s unpredictable antics, this match will be anything but ordinary!

Secure your tickets now and be part of the action! Experience the drama, the athleticism, and the passion that only live wrestling can deliver. Get ready for a night where legends are made and history is written!

Tickets Available at: www.getyatickets.here
Follow us on: @HarbourClash

Don’t miss out – It’s going to be an unforgettable night! 💥

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Harbour Clash Live

Saturday 29th January - Cornglaze Cavern

The modest crowd of 43 at the event settled in for what they assumed would be another typical local match with another typical local company. The Club' atmosphere was quiet, with only the minor hum of anticipation among the fans. Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and an unfamiliar yet electrifying entrance theme began to play, drawing the attention of everyone present.



Stepping through the curtain and into the spotlight was none other than UK Dragon. Clad in his signature red and blue gear, he walked to the ring with a purpose, his expression a mix of determination and excitement.

Entering the ring, UK Dragon switched on his microphone, a quick feedback wave came over the speakers, waiting for the few murmurs of recognition to fade before he began speaking.

"Harbour Clash Wrestling," he started, his voice carrying through the small venue. "I've wrestled all over the world, but there's something special about HCW. The passion and potential here are unmistakable."

He paused, looking around the room, then continued with sincerity.

"I came here tonight because I see a future for HCW that goes beyond these walls. From small beginnings, great things can grow. Just like I did, starting out in small venues and working my way up, HCW has the potential to rise to new heights."

With a determined glint in his eye, he added, "I want to help HCW become the best it can be. To train the next generation of wrestlers and take this promotion to the next level. Together, we can make HCW a force in the wrestling world."

He paused again, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "When I started my career, I was just like many of the young talents here in HCW - full of dreams, facing countless obstacles, but driven by an unrelenting passion for wrestling. I've faced setbacks, injuries, and doubts, but it was the support from promotions like this one, and fans who believed in me, that kept me going."

UK Dragon paced the ring slowly, his eyes scanning the faces in the audience. "I see that same fire in the eyes of the wrestlers here. They have the potential to make it big, to become household names. And I want to be a part of that journey. I want to share my experience, my knowledge, and help HCW grow into a promotion that can stand tall among the giants in this industry."

The room was silent, the weight of his words hanging in the air. "I believe in HCW. I believe in the wrestlers, the staff, and the fans. Together, we can create something incredible. This isn't just about putting on great matches; it's about building a community, a legacy. Harbour Clash Wrestling has a bright future, and I'm honored to be a part of it."

His voice grew more passionate, "Imagine a time when HCW is talked about worldwide, when the wrestlers from this very ring are competing on the grandest stages. That dream starts now. It starts with belief, hard work, and a commitment to excellence. You can say that you were there, at the start of everything"

With a final nod, he concluded, "Let's make HCW a beacon of professional wrestling. Let's show the world what we can achieve together. Thank you."

He switched off the microphone back and exited the ring, leaving the crowd to reflect on his powerful words. The fans in attendance, though few in number, had watched with interest.


Jeff Amazon Vs Strife

As the bell rang, Strife and Jeff Amazon circled each other, sizing up their opponent. Jeff Amazon, attempted to dominate early with powerful strikes and grapples. However, Strife, agile and quick, countered with a series of evasive manoeuvres, showcasing his athleticism and technical skill.

Midway through the match, Jeff Amazon managed to corner Strife, delivering a series of heavy blows that momentarily shifted the momentum in his favour. The crowd watched intently as Strife rallied back with a flurry of kicks and acrobatic moves, culminating in a spectacular Corkscrew Moonsault that secured him the victory.

  • Wrestling Rating: 26
  • Crowd Rating: 7
  • Segment Rating: 29


Lone Wolf Vs Louie Peyton

As the bell rang, the two wrestlers locked eyes, circling each other cautiously. Lone Wolf and Louie Peyton brought a unique dynamic to the ring, with each wrestler trying to establish dominance in the initial minutes through an exchange of holds and counters.

Lone Wolf's raw power began to shine through as he used his strength to wear down Peyton. However, Peyton’s resilience and technical skill kept him in the match, reversing several of Lone Wolf’s attempts and nearly locking in his signature submission move multiple times.

Midway through the bout, the action intensified. Peyton mounted a comeback, delivering a series of high-impact moves that had the crowd on the edge of their seats, their reactions growing more enthusiastic as the match progressed.

In the final moments, Lone Wolf capitalized on a misstep by Peyton, countering with a devastating Full Nelson Slam. The impact echoed through the arena as Lone Wolf covered Peyton for the pinfall victory, securing the win in 13:44.

  • Wrestling Rating: 34
  • Crowd Rating: 15
  • Segment Rating: 27


'Captain Crash' Cain Carlisle Vs Ryan Goodluck

From the start, Cain Carlile and Ryan Goodluck attempted to engage the crowd with their high-flying styles, but the bout struggled to break free from the overall subdued atmosphere. The match featured a series of aerial manoeuvres and fast-paced exchanges, but the execution lacked the spark needed to fully captivate the audience.

Early in the match, Goodluck tried to leverage his agility with a variety of springboard moves, while Carlile responded with his own high-flying attacks. Despite a few moments of energetic action, the bout did not significantly elevate the crowd’s mood. The sequences felt repetitive, and the lack of a compelling narrative failed to generate sustained enthusiasm.

As the match progressed, Goodluck and Carlile delivered some decent aerial manoeuvres, but the crowd remained mostly unmoved. The high-risk moves and near-falls created brief moments of interest, but these were not enough to overcome the overall tepid response from the audience.

In the final moments, Carlile took advantage of a missed move from Goodluck, delivering the Mark Of Cain for the pinfall victory.

  • Wrestling Rating: 31
  • Crowd Rating: 12
  • Segment Rating: 33

Overall Show Rating: 29

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Very interested in this as I'm planning on running something similar myself, Jeff Amazon is utterly attrocious but I find myself attached to him for some bizarre reason.

Keep it up! I'll be following along *cough* and possibly stealing some ideas

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@JackH2020Jeff Amazon has always been rubbish but like yourself I’ve got some attachment to him. I think that’s due to my now ancient PWA diary from TEW 13/16

Thinking about it. I may now have to track down Stevie Stoat. He was my foil way back way 

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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, EthanTheRenegade said:

I am so invested and inspired reading this, I definitely want to try to do something like this

Glad to hear it. Trying to do something different to other diaries out there and it took about 6 posts to even put the first show out and there is another segment hopefully out tonight. 

There’s a story to be told here and beats have been laid for future events that I may not get around to for a while, but I know will be coming. 

Edited by Clarity
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Posted (edited)

Chapter 1.4 Sterling Strategies 



Jay Mochan sat anxiously in a plush leather chair in Edward Harding's imposing mahogany office. The room was impeccably organized, a stark contrast to the chaotic world of HSC. Jay's eyes wandered over the neatly arranged bookshelves and the polished surface of the desk, his mind racing with worries about the company's future.

The door creaked open, and Edward Harding, a man of refined taste and impeccable manners, entered the room. He carried an air of sophistication, his tailored suit and precise movements underscoring his posh demeanor.

"Good afternoon, Jay," Edward greeted, his tone clipped and precise as he took his seat behind the desk. "I trust you are well?"

Jay gave a weak smile. "I've been better, Edward. I've been thinking about the finances, and I’m worried."

Edward nodded thoughtfully and reached into a drawer, pulling out an ornate cigar case. He selected a cigar with the care of a connoisseur, cutting the end and lighting it with a gold lighter. The rich aroma of the cigar filled the room as he took a measured puff.

"Indeed, we must discuss the financial state since the last show," Edward began, exhaling a plume of smoke. "The situation, I'm afraid, is rather dire."

Jay leaned forward, his brows furrowing in concern. "How bad is it, Edward?"

Edward ran a hand through his neatly combed hair, the cigar held elegantly between his fingers. "Quite bad, I'm afraid. The sponsors have yet to disburse their promised funds, citing concerns about our growth trajectory. These funds were critical to covering a significant portion of our expenses."

Jay's heart sank. "What about the ticket sales? We had a decent turnout, didn't we?"

Edward sighed again, tapping a particular figure on the sheet with his cigar. "The tickets were free, remember? We hoped to attract a larger audience and build our reputation, but it cost us around £1,200 of our budget in promotional and operational costs. We are, regrettably, haemorrhaging money."

Jay slumped back in his chair, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "What are our options?"

Edward leaned back, his expression thoughtful, the cigar smoke curling lazily above him. "We need to secure immediate funding or drastically reduce our expenditures. One potential avenue is to enhance our merchandise sales and explore more aggressive marketing strategies."

Jay rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. "Merchandise sales could help, but we'll need to create something new and exciting to grab attention. And social media... yeah, we probably haven't been utilizing it enough. Maybe get on some wrestling forums and post some stuff too"

Edward nodded, taking another contemplative puff of his cigar. "Precisely. If we can generate sufficient buzz online, we might be able to turn things around swiftly. Additionally, forging partnerships with local businesses for sponsorships and collaborations could provide us with much-needed revenue."

Jay took a deep breath. "Alright, Edward. I'll start working on new merchandise ideas and ramp up our social media presence. We can reach out to local businesses for potential partnerships. We have to make this work."

Edward gave a small, encouraging smile, the cigar held elegantly between his fingers. "I understand it's a challenging situation, Jay, but HSC possesses significant potential. We simply must weather this storm."

Jay stood up, determination replacing the anxiety in his eyes. "Thanks, Edward. I'll keep you updated."

As Jay left the accountant's office, the weight of HSC's future rested heavily on his shoulders. 


*Edit* Total merchandising income at Harbour Clash Live was £8. I have to presume someone offered to buy a signature.. Hands up if that was you

Edited by Clarity
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Out of character moment to explain the previous post.. 

I'd done some calculations before the previous show on how much it would cost

Cain Carlisle - £40

Ryan Goodluck- £30

Lone Wolf - £30

Louie Peyton - £60

Strife - £30

Jeff Amazon - £30

UK Dragon - £224 was working for free till finances improved


The estimated loss on workers was £220 and then £60 for the referee, but then I saw this:


Which interestingly is £224 more than I was expecting and why Jay is worried about finances.. You and me both know looking at it that UK Dragon is claiming to work for free, but took a cut, and Jay didn't figure it out, and who knows if Edward is aware and has a agreement with the owner.. (well I do, but i'm not saying)

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🌟 Harbour Clash Wrestling Presents: An Unforgettable Night of Action! 🌟

Date: Saturday 26th February 2022
Time: Doors open 6.30pm
Venue: The Bristol Pavilion, Bristol

Get ready for a night of high-octane wrestling action as Harbour Clash Wrestling brings you a lineup of thrilling matchups and jaw-dropping moments. This is your chance to witness epic clashes and cheer on your favorite stars in the ring. Don’t miss out on the excitement—grab your tickets now!

🥊 Ryan Goodluck vs. Angustus Bumblescoop 🥊
The daredevil Ryan Goodluck takes on the eccentric and entertaining Angustus Bumblescoop! Known for his unique style and former life working in a biscuit factory, Bumblescoop promises to bring a quirky flair to the ring. Will Goodluck’s high-risk manoeuvres overcome Bumblescoop’s unpredictable antics? This clash of styles is sure to be a showstopper!

🕵️ Lone Wolf vs. Stefan Raynor 🕵️
Prepare for a battle of intense rivalry as Lone Wolf faces off against the scheming Stefan Raynor! Having previously taken down Stefan's partner Louie Peyton at our last show, expect a fierce contest as these two wrestlers collide in what promises to be a brutal showdown!

🔥 Cain Carlisle vs. Chuck Frisby 🔥
Experience the clash of talent as Cain Carlisle squares off against the indy scene veteran Chuck Frisby! With Chuck Frisby bringing his entertaining style and years of experience to Harbour Clash Wrestling, it’s set to be a high-energy match against Carlisle’s professional prowess. Who will come out on top in this exciting new rivalry?

🌟 Introducing: HCW's Newest Star 🌟
And for the first time ever, Harbour Clash Wrestling is thrilled to welcome a lady to the roster! Get ready to meet the latest addition to our team, who’s set to make waves in the world of wrestling. She’s bringing fresh talent and fierce competition to the ring, and you won’t want to miss her debut!

Secure your tickets now and be part of the action! Witness the drama, the athleticism, and the passion that only live wrestling can deliver. Make sure you’re there to see these incredible matchups and cheer for our newest star!

Tickets Available at: www.getyatickets.here
Follow us on: @HarbourClash

Join us for a night of unforgettable entertainment—Harbour Clash Wrestling is where the action is! 💥

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Teasenitryn said:

I am liking what I have seen so far and am definitely going to keep track of this one.


I...might also have bought that autograph, come on, it was Jeff frickin Amazon.

@teasenitryn Whilst I appreciate you supporting HCW, Jeff Amazon gets 10% of merchandising so I’ve had to give him 0.80p and he’s used that to go and bag of super sour sweets. He’s now going around the team pretending they are breath mints

Edited by Clarity
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3 hours ago, Clarity said:

@teasenitryn Whilst I appreciate you supporting HCW, Jeff Amazon gets 10% of merchandising so I’ve had to give him 0.80p and he’s used that to go and bag of super sour sweets. He’s now going around the team pretending they are breath mints

He is providing a valuable lesson in taking food you didn't see the origin of. The man is a visionary and a giver.

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Harbour Clash Live

Saturday 26th February - The Bristol Pavillion, Bristol

The dust had barely settled from HSC Wrestling's debut show, and the air was thick with anticipation and a hint of unease.

As the lights dimmed and the roar of the crowd began to rise, Jay felt a surge of adrenaline. Tonight was the night to prove the doubters wrong. The line-up was set, and each wrestler was ready to play their part in this unfolding drama.

Cain Carlisle, once known for his high-flying acrobatics, had spent the month reinventing himself with a more grounded, technical style. His energy was infectious, and tonight, he aimed to show the audience the depth of his transformation.

In the corner of the locker room, Jeff Amazon adjusted his bright pink leather jacket, a mischievous glint in his eye. The controversial veteran always had a trick up his sleeve, and tonight, he had already pulled another one with a bag of super sour sweets disguised as breath mints.

Lone Wolf sat alone, his eyes shadowed and intense. He didn't say much, but his presence spoke volumes.

The stage was set, the wrestlers were ready, and the show was about to begin.



Anticipation hung in the air for an announcement and a shadow appeared at the curtain causing hushed whispers and pointing from the crowd. Holly Leves, making her debut in HSC Wrestling, pulled it apart and stood poised and confident, ready to introduce herself to the wrestling world. By her side was Ryan Goodluck, sporting his trademark cocky grin.

They waltzed to the ring, and with a dramatic flair, Holly picked up the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself. I am Holly Leves, and I am here to shake things up. From this moment on, I will be managing the future of wrestling—Ryan Goodluck!"

Ryan stepped forward, his confidence oozing as he spoke. "With Holly by my side, there's no stopping me. Together, we're going to take HSC Wrestling by storm, and no one can stand in our way."

Holly grabbed the microphone again, addressing the audience. "Remember this moment, because it's the beginning of something great, and the journey starts now with Ryan taking on Augustus Bumblescoop," she declared, trying to stir up enthusiasm. Ryan raised his arms, expecting a louder response, but the crowd's lacklustre reaction made it clear that the segment had missed the mark.


Augustus BumbleScoop Vs Ryan Goodluck

The bout started with Bumblescoop attempting to charm the crowd with his quirky antics, but Ryan's smug and focused demeanour quickly shifted the tone to a more competitive atmosphere.

The match saw a series of back-and-forth exchanges, with Bumblescoop showcasing his unorthodox wrestling style, which kept Ryan on his toes. Despite the eccentric offense from Augustus, Ryan's athleticism and technical prowess began to dominate the pace of the match.

As the minutes ticked by, Ryan took control, using his agility and precise strikes to wear down Bumblescoop. The crowd, initially slow to react, began to get into the rhythm of the match as Ryan displayed his wrestling skills.

In the final moments, Ryan ascended the ropes with a confident smirk, signalling for his finishing move. With a perfect Springboard Vertical Splash, he soared through the air and landed squarely on Bumblescoop, securing the pinfall victory at 12:51.



Lone Wolf Vs Stefan Raynor

From the opening bell, Raynor attempted to outmanoeuvre Lone Wolf with his sly tactics and technical prowess. He delivered a series of sharp strikes and quick holds, trying to keep Lone Wolf off balance. However, Lone Wolf's raw power and determination soon came to the forefront. His aggressive offense and unyielding spirit began to wear down Raynor, who struggled to maintain control.

The crowd's reaction fluctuated throughout the match, with Lone Wolf's powerful moves drawing notable cheers, while Raynor's underhanded tactics generated mixed responses. Despite their efforts, the chemistry between the two wrestlers didn't quite ignite the crowd's enthusiasm as intended.

As the match progressed, Lone Wolf's relentless assault took its toll on Raynor. In the final moments, Lone Wolf hoisted Raynor into the air, delivering a devastating Full Nelson Slam. The impact resonated throughout the arena as Lone Wolf secured the pinfall victory at 14:33


The bell had barely rung to signal Lone Wolf's victory when the atmosphere shifted. As Lone Wolf stood in the centre of the ring, basking in his hard-fought win, a sinister glint flashed in Raynor's eyes. Anger and frustration boiled over, and Raynor seized the moment to make a statement.

Suddenly, without warning, Raynor sprang to his feet and launched a vicious attack from behind. The crowd gasped in shock as Raynor hammered Lone Wolf with a series of brutal forearm strikes to the back of the head. Lone Wolf, caught off guard, staggered forward, struggling to regain his balance.

Raynor, fuelled by rage, continued his assault, delivering a thunderous low blow that sent Lone Wolf crashing to the mat. The crowd's boos intensified as Raynor methodically stomped on Lone Wolf, who lay prone and defenceless in the ring. Raynor's face twisted into a malicious grin as he pulled Lone Wolf up, only to slam him back down with a ferocious DDT.

With Lone Wolf sprawled out and barely conscious, Raynor stood over his fallen opponent, soaking in the chorus of jeers from the audience. He raised his arms in a mock victory pose, taunting the fans.

As officials rushed to the ring to check on Lone Wolf, Raynor slowly backed away, a satisfied smirk on his face. 



Cain Carlisle Vs Chuck Frisby

The match kicked off with Chuck Frisby, embodying his somewhat disturbing fitness instructor gimmick, using his impressive athleticism and charisma to engage the crowd. Frisby executed a series of high-impact moves and quick counters, showcasing his ability to entertain and energize the audience. However, Cain Carlisle matched Frisby move for move, creating an engaging back-and-forth battle.

As the match progressed, Carlisle's technical prowess and agility began to take control. He demonstrated his versatility by blending high-flying manoeuvres with powerful strikes, keeping Frisby on the defensive. Frisby, never one to back down, responded with a series of impressive comeback sequences, including a stunning dropkick and a near-fall after a well-executed power slam.

In the final moments, the pace quickened as both wrestlers pushed their limits. Carlisle, seizing the opportunity, executed his finishing move—the Mark of Cain—a devastating manoeuvre that left Frisby reeling. With a determined expression, Carlisle covered Frisby for the pinfall victory at 13:48.

The closing moments of the show saw Carlisle standing tall in the ring, celebrating his hard-earned victory.

Final Show Rating: 33


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I love that the sour sweets made their way into the locker room lol, that Amazon, he's such a cad ;)

Outside of that, nice write up overall and I like that we have a real feud heating up with Lone Wolf and Stefan, I'm interested to see where that one goes.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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