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"From Warehouse Wars to World Stages: The GSW Journey"

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The GSW American Championship is the top title in GSW, currently held by Boneyard. The reign began on August 20th, 2021, after Boneyard defeated Raheem Stash at Uprising. The reign has been going on for 150 days, with three successful title defenses so far.

The GSW King Of California is an annual tournament, generally seen as a way of heating someone up prior to being put in contention for the GSW American Championship. Mobstar won the last King Of California on September 17th, 2021.

The GSW Tag Team Championship has become an important part of the company thanks to a deep tag roster and the epic reign that State Of Destruction had with them from 2015-2016. This reign began on August 20th, 2021, after Brown Pride defeated Twister & The Don at Uprising. This reign has been going on for 150 days., with three successful title defenses so far.

The GSW West Coast Championship is a lower-tier title that is generally used to heat up midcarders that the company wants to start pushing higher up the card. This reign began on November 19th, 2021, after Papa Swoll defeated Tavon Blake Jr. at Gansta’s Paradise. This reign has been going on for 59 days, with one successful title defense so far. 

Edited by jmhaile
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Just now, The Otter said:

Consider me a follower man, love the renders being used as well.

Much appreciated. GSW is always my go to long save in CV and wanted to document this from the beginning to see what I can come up with. If anybody wants any of these renders and any future that get revealed as time goes on just ask and I can definitely send you the original renders/even the GSW template ones. Thanks for the support as this starts up! 

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18 minutes ago, Blodyxe said:

GSW is the only company I am loosely familiar with in the Cverse, so I'm interested in this. Especially the booking of Piggy Bank Records 😅

I too am interested in how they will be booked 😂 haven’t got that far yet but next step is laying out the next couple of months to see where I go with each character. Welcome to the party! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/31/2024 at 9:14 PM, jmhaile said:

An update: I’m about half ish to 3/4 done with the first 6 months of booking outlined in a sheet and then I’ll post a quick intro and get this started. 

You have another follower in me! Can't wait for this. Also like someone else mentioned those renders are 🔥 🔥 

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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, KingKongCoronado said:

You have another follower in me! Can't wait for this. Also like someone else mentioned those renders are 🔥 🔥 

Thanks for the kind words! This is 100 percent in the works still. After some financial issues, I’m buying the full game this Friday and should be taking off with this next week. A lot of pre planning done already. 

Edited by jmhaile
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CHAPTER ONE: "Crossroads at The Warehouse."


The scene opens in the heart of a dilapidated, grungy club known as The Warehouse. The building, situated in a forgotten corner in the slums of Southern California. The “Street Cipher Fest”, a notorious underground hip-hop festival, rages below. The air is thick with the smell of sweat, beer, and a hint of something a little more illicit.

Grimm’s office is a far cry from luxury. It’s a small, cramped space with peeling paint on the walls and a single, grimy window overlooking a back alley littered with broken bottles and trash. The floor is scuffed and sticky, the remnants of countless nights blurred by excess. A battered, metal desk takes up most of the room, its surface cluttered with old event flyers, empty liquor bottles, and a half-burnt cigar that's been forgotten, in an ashtray. The only light comes from a cheap, flickering lamp that casts long shadows across the room. On a dusty shelf beside the desk sits a framed picture of Brother Grimm standing alongside Lil’ Fuego, another popular West Coast rapper. The picture captures them both mid-laugh.

Grimm sits behind the desk. His once black t-shirt, now faded and torn, clings to his muscular frame. His knuckles are bruised, and a deep scar runs down the side of his right arm, a testament to his violent past. He sips whiskey from a chipped glass. The door creaks open, and CJ Weston steps in. Weston’s suit is the only thing in the room that looks out of place, yet he wears it like armor, moving with the confidence of a man who knows his power. He closes the door behind him, shutting out the chaotic noise from below, though the thumping bass still rattles the walls.

((Surveying the room with a smirk))
Grimm, you really should invest in some new decor. Maybe a plant, or at least a window that isn’t nasty as f—."

((interrupting Weston in a gravelly voice, not bothering to look up))
“You didn’t come here to talk about my taste in office decor, CJ.”

Weston’s smirk widens. He steps closer, reaching into his leather briefcase and pulling out two manila folders. He tosses them onto the cluttered desk, and they land with a soft thud, disturbing the otherwise still room.

“You’re right, I’ve got something better. Two contracts. We’re expanding the brand, and you know as well as I do, we need fresh faces to keep the fire burning."

Grimm finally looks up, his eyes narrowing as he sizes up Weston. There’s a tension in the air, like two wolves circling each other, neither willing to back down.


((a low growl in his tone))
“What’s the deal this time?”

((coolly, tapping the top folder))
“First one’s a backstage announcer, something we can utilize to help tell our new viewers on WrestleWorld who our wrestlers really are. The other… ((pauses, watching Grimm’s reaction)) … Is for the creative team. We need someone with a vision, someone who can push the boundaries without losing the core of what GSW stands for. This kid sent me rough drafts of where we could go with our current stories right now, and it’s impressive. The e-mail exchange between us can be found in his folder as well.”

Grimm leans back in his rickety chair, the springs groaning under his weight. He picks up the top folder, turning it over in his hands without opening it. His expression is unreadable, a mix of contemplation and suspicion.

“And who do you have in mind for these jobs?”

((shrugging casually))
“Let’s just say they’re both a perfect fit. But that’s for you to decide. You’re the one who built this empire, Grimm. You know what’s best.”

The muffled roar of the crowd downstairs surges. Grimm’s finger taps the edge of the folder.

((gruffly, challenging))
“You’re pushing pretty hard for this, Weston. What’s your cut?”

((smiling, unphased))
“No cut. Just thinking long term. GSW’s growing, and with the right moves, we could be more than just the hardcore promotion in some rundown warehouse. We could be the future of wrestling, but we need the right people to take us there."

Grimm lets the silence stretch, staring a hole through Weston, looking for any sign of a hidden agenda. Weston meets his stare without flinching, confident and composed.


((finally, voice low and deliberate))
“And if I don’t sign?”

Weston’s smile fades just slightly, his eyes narrowing. He takes a step back, straightening his suit.


“Then we stick with what we’ve got and hope it’s enough. But you and I both know, in this business, standing still is just another way to die. These two could be the difference between surviving and thriving.”

Grimm’s hand rests on the top folder, his thumb tracing the edge. He looks down at it, while the room seems to hold its breath. The tension is thick enough to cut with a knife. The thumping bass below grows louder.

((almost to himself, a gruff whisper))
“You always did know how to play your cards Weston.”

((with a final nod, his voice firm))
“It's your move Grimm. Just don’t wait too long. The world’s moving faster than ever, and we don’t want to get left behind.”

Weston turns and heads for the door, stepping out and closing the door behind him. The room falls silent again. The scene ends with Grimm sitting in the shadows of his office, with the contracts lying unopened.



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