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[RELEASE] Effganic: Genesis

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Never tried this mod in previous versions but looks very interesting

Just downloaded and about to start giving it a go as Frank Norris booking Southern Pro Wrestling

I've only ever really played real-world mods due to feeling overwhelmed with the amount of workers and history to catch up with in the C-verse and other fictional scenarios so being able to start from the very beginning of pro-wrestling appeals to me

Thanks for the hard work

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Im noticing the same on American save, if you check their personal details it will say they are Asian American but the volume you get is probably unrealistic for the 1920s. Not sure if thats fixable with how the game is designed though

One similar issue that is fixable is the names of generated workers not being made region specific. I have an asian-canadian worker named Ashton Ortiz, which should be a surname limited to hispanic/european wrestlers and a hispanic-American wrestler named Imran, which should probably be region locked to middle eastern workers. Also I have a 1920s Asian-American named Harvey Barry lol

Its not game-breaking, Im just having to give workers alter-ego names and assign a more accurate picture whenever I sign someone. Apart from that the actual meat and bones of the mod seem pretty good so far

Edited by TheYEAHMovement
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On 9/4/2024 at 11:59 PM, TheYEAHMovement said:

Im noticing the same on American save, if you check their personal details it will say they are Asian American but the volume you get is probably unrealistic for the 1920s. Not sure if thats fixable with how the game is designed though

Oh yeah, I just checked mine and the reason for the pictures is that they are Asian German and Asian Austrian as well


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I've simmed 60 years. A big problem I've noticed is there's lots of promotions that gain a stockpile of cash but they don't sign any workers/can't keep workers. They'll have four or five workers on their roster on handshake deal (or hire them as the booker). Sometimes they're even just all road agents or referees. It's not that wrestlers *won't* sign for them (you can take control and people will sign handshake deals) it's just that they decide not to bother offering. 

So then they get in this spiral where they're just repeatedly cancelling shows. For decades. They'll cancel every show. But they have so much money, no one signed to any deals and no expenses from events that they have virtually zero expenditures. So they'll just cancel events indefinitely while never losing enough money to go out of business but also never signing anyone. All their pop and momentum will decay until they're a multi-million dollar Insignificant company who hasn't run an event in twenty years. 

Also, I think there's a partial issue too in that it seems the AI will set schedules on top of one another. So a smaller promotion will have a big roster but can never run events because all of their events are on Saturdays and all of their workers are handshake deals who have deals with bigger promotions who also only run on Saturdays. So those workers are perpetually unavailable (working for the other promotion) on the day the smaller promotion tries to run a show. So they have to cancel them. 


^that's Joshi Japan. They have like 40 workers. But cancel every show. They have $7,000,000+ in the bank. Because basically all their workers are unavailable on their schedule. 


That's Southern Pro Wrestling's Heavyweight title. It hasn't been defended in 14 years because they haven't run an event in 14 years. They have five people on their roster. The owner and booker, who is a retired wrestler, one referee, one road agent, one wrestler and a manager. They cancel every event that comes up because the roster is too small. They also have $4,000,000 in the bank. Almost every promotion in the game actually has this problem right now.


All of those companies are essentially zombies that cancel every card. Bronx and NAVA are the only companies in the US that currently run cards. HPW was running cards consistently but they went bankrupt. New Steel Wrestling was running cards but recently stopped. Two companies in Europe are pretty successful. One company in India is successful. There are no companies in Japan that are running cards. 

Basically a bunch of companies that managed to make some money in their early days eventually lost their workers to exclusive deals later on *or* they simply stopped hiring people. So they had a bunch of money and now they have no expenses. They start cancelling cards. Tanks their momentum and their existing workers morale plummets, they ask to leave. They get to leave (handshake deal so nothing can keep them there) then the company is left with no roster. So they just cancel cards and lose like $50,000 a year out of their 8 figure bank accounts until they eventually go bankrupt (which takes forever). 

EDIT: Also there's like. A lot of Black Germans 😅. It doesn't really bother me that much tbh but I know other people were talking about the Asian Germans. But almost all of the top wrestlers for Pride of Germany right now are Black Germans in 1980. 

Edited by SpinningBackFist
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13 minutes ago, i effin rule said:

That is crazy. Seems like it might be a game issue. It is probably worth putting your findings in Support as a possible bug.

I think the biggest issue is there doesn't seem to be enough workers. Maybe. In 1977 looking at only the active wrestlers there's 75 total active wrestlers. There are 1,364 retired wrestlers. I started spamming the Quick Fill in options to spawn new workers but it tells me that there's only enough names/pictures to create ~40-50 of the requested 100 workers. I can run it a few times but eventually it tells me it can't spawn anyone.

Seems the game really frontloaded spawning workers in abundance early on and has to ration them pretty hard around 40-50 years into the game. And then companies have no workers to sign. I *do* have Regeneration turned off and Picture Requirement set to On so I presume that's the issue. The game just can't spit out enough workers with those restrictions. 

There's still some AI issues here regardless of that fact (like companies just not bothering to sign people even though they could and cancelling cards as a result). But probably straining the system by depriving it of workers. 

Edited by SpinningBackFist
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19 minutes ago, SpinningBackFist said:

I think the biggest issue is there doesn't seem to be enough workers. Maybe. In 1977 looking at only the active wrestlers there's 75 total active wrestlers. There are 1,364 retired wrestlers. I started spamming the Quick Fill in options to spawn new workers but it tells me that there's only enough names/pictures to create ~40-50 of the requested 100 workers. I can run it a few times but eventually it tells me it can't spawn anyone.

Seems the game really frontloaded spawning workers in abundance early on and has to ration them pretty hard around 40-50 years into the game. And then companies have no workers to sign. I *do* have Regeneration turned off and Picture Requirement set to On so I presume that's the issue. The game just can't spit out enough workers with those restrictions. 

There's still some AI issues here regardless of that fact (like companies just not bothering to sign people even though they could and cancelling cards as a result). But probably straining the system by depriving it of workers. 

If you've got Picture Requirement turned on then you'll eventually run out of free workers. Once the free pictures have been used they are removed from the available list so eventually no one will be able to be generated.

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1 minute ago, jhd1 said:

If you've got Picture Requirement turned on then you'll eventually run out of free workers. Once the free pictures have been used they are removed from the available list so eventually no one will be able to be generated.

Yeah I know that but there are nearly 3,000 free pictures. So the game coming to a halt with 1,300 free worker photos still remaining wasn't expected. 

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20 minutes ago, SpinningBackFist said:

Yeah I know that but there are nearly 3,000 free pictures. So the game coming to a halt with 1,300 free worker photos still remaining wasn't expected. 

I haven't got the mod so I can't say why that is, but I assume it's something to do with the workers the game is attempting to generate and how the free pictures have been set up. For example if there are 1300 left but they're all set to Ugly Only and the game is trying to generate someone good looking it won't have any pictures available. The best thing to test would be turning off picture requirements and you won't have the problem.

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13 minutes ago, jhd1 said:

The best thing to test would be turning off picture requirements and you won't have the problem.

Yes. That would certainly alleviate most of the issue. There *are* still some AI problems though

- A company with 40 workers never scheduling cards
- Companies refusing to offer deals to workers even though those workers would accept offers. They're electing to just cancel cards instead. 
- Companies not going out of business even if they cancel every card for over a decade. At some point regardless of their financial balance there should be something that forces them to shut down. 

Edited by SpinningBackFist
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3 hours ago, SpinningBackFist said:

Yes. That would certainly alleviate most of the issue. There *are* still some AI problems though

- A company with 40 workers never scheduling cards
- Companies refusing to offer deals to workers even though those workers would accept offers. They're electing to just cancel cards instead. 
- Companies not going out of business even if they cancel every card for over a decade. At some point regardless of their financial balance there should be something that forces them to shut down. 

Your best bet is to post something in tech support. There will be a reason for some of it at least although it looks like a scheduling issue for some that perhaps a change could be made for. Agree that companies who don't hold shows should shut down though.

It is worth keeping in mind that this is very much a mod that works with the exceptions to how the game works rather than the way it was designed. The game is aiming to supplement an existing worker and company base, not fill it entirely so you will inevitably end up with some bits that don't work as well. Some might get patched, some might just be something to work around or live with.

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I had that issue too with another mod didn't saw it in this one for now but will keep an eye on it. 

One thing that happened in the other database was the company trying to do tour without having anyone in their roster (or at least not signing new talents) didn't help that the owner and booker was gone too probably because of that. 

One easy fix is choosing to add a new player as the owner and booker and just end the player after that. But it's weird 

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9 minutes ago, Rhealius said:

I had that issue too with another mod didn't saw it in this one for now but will keep an eye on it. 

One thing that happened in the other database was the company trying to do tour without having anyone in their roster (or at least not signing new talents) didn't help that the owner and booker was gone too probably because of that. 

One easy fix is choosing to add a new player as the owner and booker and just end the player after that. But it's weird 

I'm in the process of simming 60 years again, with no picture requirement. Will report back. 

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8 minutes ago, MainOffender said:

How long is 60 years taking you to sim?

A long time lol. First 15 years take maybe an hour. Next fifteen years take more like three hours. Next fifteen years take like five hours. As more and more workers get added over time the time it takes to sim just balloons. 

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On 9/8/2024 at 11:13 AM, SpinningBackFist said:

A long time lol. First 15 years take maybe an hour. Next fifteen years take more like three hours. Next fifteen years take like five hours. As more and more workers get added over time the time it takes to sim just balloons. 

How goes the sim?

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