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Didn't see one for BCG so might as well.

So far, I'm not feeling BCG this year like I have in previous games. There's a ton of roster bloat now between new rookies and never was like Oda Yakuta. Why BCG would bring in someone like Oda but not some of the talented guys on the indy scene boggles my mind. You could fire five-six wrestlers from BCG and lose nothing at all in terms of relevancy to the roster and probably improve the match cards without them. Similar vibe to Quake; he has potential but why him when he's a major backstage problem? There are so many talented guys out there that BCG could bring in who won't immediately try to start fights backstage with better skills then Quake.

If you sort by less than five years' experience in-ring, BCG has *11* of them. Guys like Emoto, Doi & Kubo aren't considered young lions anymore by the game but they still don't have the experience or skill to yet make a big splash. They won't hurt your cards, but they aren't going to help that much as is. I get its showing how "Strong" BCG's "pipeline of talent" is, but you reach a certain point where it's too many people and the ratios are off. It might help if you manually turn off graduations for a few years to let things "settle" if you played that long. 

Booking choices wise, I think it's cool that Rokuemon has gotten the ball, but I still don't think he has the stamina to be a top guy in a promotion like BCG where twenty plus minute main events are a given. I get a feeling that you'll still get that warning with him, but I haven't tried to book him in a long singles match yet to find out. Tag titles remain functionally worthless with the initial data. BCG doesn't push them as a top prize like they (in theory) should given what their imitating. Kiyotaka and Kadonomaro Kamisaka as a team never made much sense to me but having had the titles on the likes of Yoshisada Matsuzawa and Dynamite Narahashi makes even less sense to me. Those are both guys I'd consider firing. It's weird that the challenger series went from Yoshinaka Taku to Takenori Doi when Taku is ahead of Doi in terms of skill. Taku feels like he should be way above that level by now.

One thing you could do that would be interesting is make a secondary tag title. Elevate the main tag titles to the main events with, you know, the talented people on the roster and make the equivalent of the All Asia Tag Titles for the midcarders and younger guys to fight over. Kind of the Challenger Series (a name I've always hated) tag titles but without the young guy fixation.

I'm curious to hear what other people think of BCG in IX. I think we can all agree that Funakoshi's portrait is god awful. Nobuyuki Kubo isn't much better either. 

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