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[HYPE] 1985 Real World Mod

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On 8/30/2024 at 5:14 PM, Marinho88 said:

In 2023 Matt Morgan was elected Mayor of Longwood, Florida.

Got another one xD
Ludvig Borga - Member of the Finnish Parliament for Helsinki from 2003 to 2007.

More Politicians

Linda McMahon
- Administrator, Small Business Administration in 2017
Carístico (Mistico) - Mayor, Cuauhtémoc in 2021 (Ran unsuccessfully)
Hiroko Suzuki - Funabashi city council in 2015 

I had Morgan but he somehow got deleted from my list before I posted it and Borga is on there. I didn't have any of the other three, though, and Linda McMahon was a pretty easy one to have missed, so thanks for the heads up. If you find any more that I didn't have listed that would be great!

On 8/31/2024 at 5:28 AM, Fabibi said:

Excited about this mod :)

That's great to hear, and I truly appreciate your support!

Progress Update for 9-4-24

Well, I've obviously missed my initially stated goal of having something released for folks to experiment with by the end of August, which is almost comical considering I was planning on starting from scratch when I posted that. Turns out that if jhd1 hadn't offered up his 1986 Timelines mod from 2020 as a base I probably would've given up weeks ago. He did, though, which was tremendously helpful and thanks to that, and some helpful advice from Mattywood, I'm happy to say that I could picture myself releasing a beta of Phase 1 in just a few more weeks! I'm not promising anything because who knows what life has in store for me over that period, but I'm feeling pretty confident at the moment. 

Thanks again to everyone who's messaged or posted in this thread for your support! It's really helped drive me through some of the unexpected lulls and out of nowhere brick walls that I've hit as a first-time mod maker!


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1 hour ago, ink625 said:

If you find any more that I didn't have listed that would be great!

Question: Who would you consider give the Politician Attribute to? 
Even people who said they would run for an Office but never did (Booker T) or should they at least have campaigned?

Do you need research help with other attributes as well?
- Movie Star
- TV Actor
- Famous Musician
- Musician
- MMA Fighter
- Boxer
- Pro Martial Artist

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On 9/4/2024 at 5:55 PM, ink625 said:

Thanks again to everyone who's messaged or posted in this thread for your support! It's really helped drive me through some of the unexpected lulls and out of nowhere brick walls that I've hit as a first-time mod maker!


Don't post here often, and I didn't even buy the last version of the game, but I'm a longtime player of historical mods with previous versions of TEW.  I'm so excited about the potential for this mod that it may be the make or break of me buying the new game.  Not adding pressure, but letting you know that even if people aren't active forum members, there is excitement and appreciation for all of the work you're putting into this.  Wishing you much success!

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On 9/6/2024 at 6:36 AM, Steamboat80 said:

Don't post here often, and I didn't even buy the last version of the game, but I'm a longtime player of historical mods with previous versions of TEW.  I'm so excited about the potential for this mod that it may be the make or break of me buying the new game.  Not adding pressure, but letting you know that even if people aren't active forum members, there is excitement and appreciation for all of the work you're putting into this.  Wishing you much success!

Not gonna lie, this actually does add some pressure, lol. Thanks for the well wishes!

On 9/10/2024 at 7:38 PM, johjo said:

Thanks for doing this, will be nice to have a mod with all the wrestlers I watched as a kid.

Happy to do it, it's been a lot of fun! Hopefully, it will be worth the wait!


Progress Update for 9-12-24

Unfortunately, I haven't had as much time to work on this as I'd hoped over the past week, real life and whatnot. I've still got some things done each day, though, and I'm still plugging away with my eyes on hopefully releasing a beta in a couple of weeks. No promises, obviously, but I'm optimistic.

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Progress Update for 9-19-24

I'm getting closer and closer to the point where I would be comfortable releasing a beta for phase 1. If I continue to get things done at the pace I've been going over the past week, a September release isn't out of the question! 

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