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[BETA] Territory Daze

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Territory Daze is a modification that starts in January, 1970. I began this modification in December, 2013 for Total Extreme Wrestling 2013, and it has since appeared in Total Extreme Wrestling 2016, Total Extreme Wrestling 2020 and now Total Extreme Wrestling IX. That first year, I worked on it almost every day whether it was a full dedicated day - of which there were many - or just an hour or two fiddling with statistics or something equally trivial. Then updating it for TEW 2016, TEW 2020 and TEWIX became jobs all in themselves, especially the two latter. You may be wondering why I chose to start a modification in 1970 and the reasons are thus:

1.) At the time of first making this modification, no one had ever gone this far back in history for Total Extreme Wrestling.

2.) I've always enjoyed history modifications because you get to follow the entire careers of the legends of today, and therefore loved the idea of following the careers of absolute icons like Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant and Jerry Lawler to name but a few.

3.) And, finally, because there hadn't been a modification where you could sign people like Verne Gagne, Freddie Blassie and Ray Stevens where they're still wrestling, or at least still wrestling with a degree of physical stability.

Almost everything - bar the things that I've credited people for towards the bottom of this post - had been made from scratch, which includes every single worker, every picture, every ager, every chemistry, every relationship, every title and every title history, amongst many other things. This was done partly because I didn't want other peoples mistakes but mainly because I wanted this modification to feel like something new rather than one of those modifications that are simply made up of a whole host of other modifications. The aim was always to make a modification that people will hopefully enjoy but I also hope that people may learn something about what made professional wrestling what it is today, which is why everyone's "Biography" and their "Employment History" has been filled out as much as possible. This is to give YOU an insight into each every worker in the database, whether you've heard of them before or otherwise. Overall? I just hope people give this a chance, and it's a modification that'll not only be played now but in even more versions of TEW to come. Thanks for reading and, more importantly, enjoy.


With the territorial system in full flow, the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) continues to expand and enhance it’s grip on professional wrestling right across the world but more importantly, in the United States of America. All this despite the challenge of Vincent J. McMahon’s World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF) and Verne Gagne’s American Wrestling Association (AWA) who both left the NWA due to disputes involving the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. With professional wrestling becoming more and more a viable option for television with various shows becoming some stations biggest hits, almost every promotion in the USA is recognised regionally with only the territorial system confining them to their respective regions. With some of the finest athletes and most charismatic figures in sports, professional wrestling in the United States of America continues to grow with more than one promoter setting their sights on bigger and better things.


Like the United States of America, the territorial system is still very much evident in Canada. Despite the "big three" of All Star Wrestling (ASW), Maple Leaf Wrestling (MLW) and Stampede Wrestling all being huge members of the National Wrestling Alliance, it's clear to everyone that they're all trying to outdo each other to establish themselves as the force in Canadian professional wrestling. Although Frank Tunney and Stu Hart offer the best product, Sandor Kovacs ASW continues to grow due to their incredible television deal. Meanwhile, in the Maritimes and Northern Ontario, Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling (AGPW) and Northland Wrestling Enterprises (NWE) continue to tour in the summertime without much fanfare but with great respect.


In comparison with the National Wrestling Alliance in the rest of the world, Joint Promotions - made up of Dale Martin Promotions, Morrell Beresford Promotions, Relwyskow Promotions and Wryton Promotions - continues to be the true force in British wrestling. Controlling almost all the true superstars on British shores and the only television deal in the United Kingdom, the British audience don't have much choice in what they watch if they're professional wrestling fans but fortunately Joint Promotions offer an exquisite product. Despite some of their biggest stars - most notably Billy Robinson - leaving for North America, Joint Promotions continues to make new superstars, with a certain amount of intrigue surrounding a young, masked man by the name of Kendo Nagasaki. Although they don't have any challengers to their throne, a young entrepreneur by the name of Brian Dixon is reportedly looking into starting a company which would do just that.


Empresa Mexicana de la Lucha Libre (EMLL) is considered one of the oldest professional wrestling promotions in the world and for many, this is no more evident than when you look at their aging roster. It's believed that some people are becoming disenchanted with the way things are run in EMLL with many of the younger luchadores being continually looked over despite being the future of Mexican wrestling. Despite this, it’s thought it would take a lot for anyone to challenge their might so for now, EMLL continues to be the driving force in lucha libre, supported by the National Wrestling Alliance.


Still reeling from the death of Rikidozan in 1963, the Japan Pro Wrestling Alliance (JWA) was continued by a board of four executives: Toyonobori, Yoshinosato, Michiaki Yoshimura and Kokichi Endo but despite a good start, turning Giant Baba into an icon almost over night, JWA hit the skids when Toyonobori was expelled from the organisation for using the promotions money to cover his gambling debts. On his way out, Toyonobori convinced Antonio Inoki - jealous with Baba’s push - to leave with him and together they formed the short lived Tokyo Pro-Wrestling. Inoki eventually returned to JWA in 1967 where he became equally important as Giant Baba. Remaining the forefront of puroresu, JWA are now challenged again by International Wrestling Enterprise (IWE) who’re turning out to be a huge threat to their ranking as the number one promotion in Japan while JWA are also imploding from the inside. Meanwhile, in joshi puroresu (women’s wrestling), All Japan Women’s Pro-Wrestling (AJW) run by the Matsunaga brothers continues to be the shining light in not just Japan, but right around the globe in terms of women’s wrestling.


Proving to be a real golden era for professional wrestling in Australia, Jim Barnett's World Championship Wrestling (WCW) - a member of the National Wrestling Alliance - continues to grow with a huge fan following. Relying heavily on foreign imports, a lot of the lesser known talent from North America have made themselves superstars in Australia while the local Australian talent have been limited somewhat.


Professional wrestling in Europe is still drenched in the traditions of classic European wrestling, relying heavily on tournaments and determined to make their own stars rather than relying on international stars. In France, Fédération Française de Catch Professionnel (FFCP) is one of Europe’s elite promotions and it famously discovered and trained Jean Ferré (André the Giant) but having recently allowed him to go to Japan, it remains to be seen if they can continue to grow. Meanwhile, during the transition phase of the late-40s and early-50s when the scene in Central Europe was changing from the classical style (Greco-Roman) to the freestyle, Gustl Kaiser became one of the key figures in the future direction of the sport through the Internationaler Berufsringkämpfer-Verband (IBV). With neither having the market nor the power of say a font color="#963e44">National Wrestling Alliance (NWA), European wrestlings future is unclear.


Mistakes - I expect there to be many mistakes, whether they’re tiny and insignificant like a spelling mistake or something more severe like a wrong picture given to the wrong person/title. There may even be a wrong date on a title history or something trivial like a statistic way out of whack. That said, I’m more than happy to fix any issues/mistakes so please inform me of them when/if you find them. I will NOT be offended because I’m expecting people to find them. The way I see it, the more mistakes that you inform me of, the better the modification will be in the long run because I can fix them and then re-release the modification into the world. Just please bare in mind that while I appreciate criticism, I will not appreciate unhelpful condemnation with no helpful tips.

Further Information - If you have any further/more accurate information on this time period, then I’d still love to hear about it. For example, if you know of a storyline which was unfolding in January, 1970 in any given promotion that I can add to ‘Starting Storylines’ then I’d love to hear about them. Or, if there is someone I’ve mentioned in a biography or someone just in general who isn’t deceased/retired who you believe was still wrestling in this time period that I haven’t yet added to the database, please inform me of them so I can add them to the database as soon as possible, providing there is enough information out there about them.

Championships - It was ridiculous trying to piece together some titles histories, with various incarnations of the same title appearing in more than one territory amongst many other hurdles I had to bypass. Therefore, I don’t expect the titles to be perfect. Firstly, the ‘NWA Americas Tag Team Championships’ in Hollywood Wrestling are vacant despite me knowing they’re in the hands of El Médico and Pepe López at this time, and that’s because there is literally no guaranteed information on the man under the hood of El Médico so I couldn’t possibly add him to the database. Unfortunately, we can’t have partial tag team champions neither as I would have just gave one title to Pepe and leave the other half vacant. The same can be applied to the ‘Pacific Coast Brass Knuckles Championship’ as El Médico was also the holder of that. Then there’s Northland Wrestling Enterprises; hammerglenn informed me of the titles they had but it was just impossible to name the current champions or even attempt the title history. The St. Louis Wrestling Club doesn’t have any other championship belts apart from the "NWA World Heavyweight Championship" because they literally shared their titles with Central States Wrestling and I felt they needed them more. As for the pictures, you may notice that some of them are identical and that’s either because they were more or less the same championship - a separate incarnation as I alluded to earlier - and therefore looked identical, or they were literally the same title at one point before being passed around like a lot of the Southern territories did back then. Also, some pictures may be the newer versions of said championship because I couldn’t find an older version, but I figure "a picture is better than no picture". You might agree with this view in which case, enjoy. Or you may feel it ruins the illusion and if that’s the case, simply remove the picture. Finally on the pictures, if you’re looking for a later version of a championship (a WWE title for example) it’ll either be named under "WWE World Heavyweight" for example or it’ll use the original promotion name like "WWWF World Tag Team 3" depending on if the championship is already part of the promotion and is just a later version or a new championship in it’s own right. If you need more clarification, please just ask. As for the title lineages? I’ve tried to include dates as best I can but obviously, there is bound to be some holes here and there.

Tag Teams - I have included "Yet to Debut" tag teams, but they obviously haven’t got any experience and their "Formed" date (as far as I can remember, every team has been given a "Formed" date and although they may not be completely exact, they’re the earliest date of said team teaming that I can find) is obviously later than January, 1970. Fortunately, it’s a changeable value in the game so it’s up to you whether you wait for said date to come around or bump them up a bit.

Employment Histories - I referred to it earlier in the "Information" part but I just wanted to expand on this: every single worker in the modification has an "Employment History" of some kind unless they’re ‘yet to debut’ and this is done to give you, the player, an idea of the persons background and where he/she has spent most of their time. As you’ll no doubt see, I’ve neglected to include any past promotions which I’ve not included in the modification and this is to increase the playability of it. The way I see it, you want popularity and things of that nature to be limited to what is playable in the game so although many of these guys have varying degrees of popularity in Puerto Rico for example, you’ll notice that no one actually has any popularity there because I haven’t included a Puerto Rican promotion (at the start of the game, anyway). So yes, you may find a worker who should have an "Employment History" with many different promotions and therefore popularity in various regions, but unless the territory/promotion is a part of the game, I’ve neglected to include them.

Agers - Picture changes and pictures in general are in no way exact to the year I add to them. Rather than changing a workers picture every couple of years to reflect the ageing process, I add an ager every ten years so it's more generic and as I say, the picture choice may not be perfect (it may be from a later/earlier decade in real life) but they're chosen on how old the person looks in the picture, not how old they actually are. It took a lot of time to find some pictures so to try and make that time shorter, it was much easier for me to do it this way rather than being exact. After all, that's what agers are for, right? To simulate the experience of them getting older.

Known Holes - There are a couple of holes in the modification, most notably the Northland Wrestling Enterprise (NWE) and the East Coast Wrestling Association (ECWA) roster’s. NWE was just a severe struggle to put anything together because of their lack of history at this exact time period and because of a lot of the wrestler’s they used were local men and women who have literally no records or information to be found. And as for ECWA, there are a lot of people who don’t believe the promotion was founded in 1967 - myself included - but state Jim Kettner uses the fake provenance to enhance the independent promotion. I can’t find a single record or show that dates back that far but as nobody can prove him wrong, I’ve decided to leave it in there and almost offer it up as a challenge to anyone who wants to take this small promotion with not much money and an empty roster on and attempt the impossible. There may also be some holes involving Gulf Coast Championship Wrestling (GCCW) as their records were a little thin on the ground so I used their title history to piece together a lot of workers ‘Employment History’. If you happen to notice that a worker has held a championship in GCCW in a certain year but I haven’t added it to their ‘Employment History’, please let me know.

Additions - I’d love to hear about anything else you’d like included in the next update, whenever that’ll come. Obviously there is a lot that could be expanded on, so I don’t want to hear "more television networks", I want to hear actual lists. So try not to be generic and actually list things that you’d like included so using the previous example, give me a list of television networks that you think would aid the modification and I’ll add them. You can list absolutely anything and I’ll take a look at it so that can be database things or even pictures you’d like to see in future updates like event pictures, logos or banners. Whatever it is, I just want to hear about it. Yes, I want critiquing on what I’ve already done but I also want to hear what will make the modification better in the weeks, months or years to come.

Credits - Thanks go to...

Jugg & benjirino for testing the modification
fullMETAL for his "Worker Names Database"
Taker for his narratives
Idolized for his "iNSPIRED Angle Pack"
sockpuppet for both his "Injury Mod" & his "Venue Mod"
Matt Shannon for the Match Types from his "The Main Event" mod
lovegun77 for his help with Japan, some testing and general enthusiasm for Territory Daze
Derek B for his mod making guide
Jaysin for naming the modification
olympia for testing the modification and helping me in many ways
wrestling-titles.com for their title histories
wrestlingdata.com for their amazing website
SLAM! Sports for their equally amazing website
wrestlingheritage.co.uk for their quality website on British wrestling
hammerglenn for information on Northland Wrestling Enterprises
BamaNationFan123 for a couple of locations
Genadi for his "The Golden Age: 1987" mod from which I took a couple of things and, finally,
the GDS community for their help and encouragement.




This modification is completely freeware for Total Extreme Wrestling, but is not to be used for other games. TEW mod-makers are free to use whatever they want in their modifications and every one else is free to edit the database however they please. I do ask that you credit me because this modification has taken me a really long time, and I feel like a little credit wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. However, I’m not one to kick up a fuss if I’m not given credit since this is freeware anyway so please don’t feel the need to message me if you see my stuff elsewhere. We’ll let the God’s determine their fate...




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Grey Dog Software has recently made it very clear that we aren't allowed to link directly to donations on their forums to ensure they're covered if anything was to go wrong, but they've graciously allowed people to do it through third party websites such as social media. Therefore, I've created a Twitter account to simply link people to my (or more importantly my wife's) PayPal account. Please be aware that all my modifications are and ALWAYS WILL BE freeware and I do them because I enjoy it, but if you would like to give me something in return then it'll be truly appreciated. Thanks.

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Already Updated

TEWIX Conversion

  • All workers have had their heights added.
  • All workers have had their weights added, including maximum and minimum weights.
  • All workers have had their birth dates modified to match the new calendar system.
  • All workers have had their debut dates modified to match the new calendar system.
  • Where appropriate, workers have had their death dates added.
  • All titles minimum and maximum weights have been modified.
  • All necessary moves have been given descriptions.
  • All necessary Booker/Owner Histories have been added.
  • Used era's to remove written contracts, and subsequently removed all the previous *'d company relationships as they're no longer necessary.
  • All "Other TV Shows" have been modified to match the new calendar system.
  • All "Narratives" have been modified to match the new calendar system.
  • All "Starting Storylines" have been modified to match the new calendar system.
  • All "Stables" have been modified to match the new calendar system.
  • All appropriate "TV Shows" have been modified to take advantage of 'Fix Venue'.
  • All "Mask & Hair Histories" have been modified to match the new calendar system.
  • All "Free Pictures" have been modified to match the new weight system, as well as updated to use the new features.
  • All "Picture Changes" have been modified to ensure dates correctly match up as many birth dates were fixed, as well as updated to use the new features.

New Features

  • Updated entire worker picture pack.
  • Added Gulf Athletic Club (Houston).
  • Added Les As De La Lutte (Montreal).
  • Removed "Joint" from job histories and have instead included individual British companies employment histories.
  • Changed Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling and all Japanese promotions to touring companies with touring contracts.
  • Added a handful of "Mask & Hair Histories" and/or corrected those that were already there.

Mammoth's Comments

Still a long way to go so there's no estimated time of arrival but as you can see, I've already made pretty steady progress. I'm hoping we're talking a few months rather than anything longer but because of the changes that I've made, I'm hoping to send the data out to a few people before release to test it out for me. If you're interested, feel free to reply here and I'll pick some of you out. I want somebody in particular who's well versed in touring companies to see how they're working as this is the first time I've done a touring company properly in one of my modifications. Thanks everyone. I hope you're all as excited for my baby as I am. 🙂 

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Yes, yes yes! Very much looking forward to this, will be my main save when released! 

What are your thoughts on the geo tag system? I was playing around with a conversion of the 2020 version and tagging up arenas with City, State, Region to try and really hone in the territory boundaries. Do you think that's workable or too restrictive in it's current state? 

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30 minutes ago, GoldenBrady said:

What are your thoughts on the geo tag system? I was playing around with a conversion of the 2020 version and tagging up arenas with City, State, Region to try and really hone in the territory boundaries. Do you think that's workable or too restrictive in it's current state? 

I haven't done any real tests in this department. For the initial release, it's likely just to be the states as the majority of territories were restricted in this way rather than smaller than that. However, depending on how things go, it's definitely something I can play with in future updates.

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Was there any trick in adjusting all the heights, weights and DOBs so quickly? Or did you just do all of them one by one? 🤣  

Asking cause that's one detail I'm dreading in converting my own personal database.

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30 minutes ago, Mammoth said:

I haven't done any real tests in this department. For the initial release, it's likely just to be the states as the majority of territories were restricted in this way rather than smaller than that. However, depending on how things go, it's definitely something I can play with in future updates.

Yeah I think where it'll really come in handy is in situations where you can justify splitting a state, for example limiting Western States to run West Texas by tagging arenas in Amarillo, El Paso, Odessa, Lubbock etc. as "West Texas" or keeping Big Time Wrestling in NorCal/Nevada

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6 minutes ago, Kosmos412 said:

Was there any trick in adjusting all the heights, weights and DOBs so quickly? Or did you just do all of them one by one? 🤣  

Asking cause that's one detail I'm dreading in converting my own personal database.

Sorry, no secrets here. 😅 I used the External Editor which was an absolute life saver but it was still a case of looking up heights/weights and inserting them one by one. Because it was just a case of going from Google Chrome to Microsoft Access (with the occasional strolling) though instead of going in and out of different records, it felt like I was going super speed. And it's also amazing how quickly you get into a routine and before you know it, you've gone through literally hundreds of people within a few hours.

The only thing I found easier than maybe a lot of other modification makers will find is the dates of birth. If you've ever played one of my modifications, you'll know that I start literally every Biography with the workers home town and date of birth so for that, I hardly had to do any searching which was a God send.

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14 minutes ago, Mammoth said:

Sorry, no secrets here. 😅 I used the External Editor which was an absolute life saver but it was still a case of looking up heights/weights and inserting them one by one. Because it was just a case of going from Google Chrome to Microsoft Access (with the occasional strolling) though instead of going in and out of different records, it felt like I was going super speed. And it's also amazing how quickly you get into a routine and before you know it, you've gone through literally hundreds of people within a few hours.

The only thing I found easier than maybe a lot of other modification makers will find is the dates of birth. If you've ever played one of my modifications, you'll know that I start literally every Biography with the workers home town and date of birth so for that, I hardly had to do any searching which was a God send.

Amazing work. Cant wait. Definitely the mod I gravitated towards the most by the end of the TEW2020 cycle 

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As always, you already how I feel about your mods.
Happy to see that you will port it to IX, especially with the new GIF Pack as I personally prefer to play mods with GIF rather than JPG.
Hope that you are ready for my suggestions list whenever this goes out. I already have a couple from looking at the 2020 version 😄

Also because it wasn't written in the update (some are just a personal questions) :
Are there any updates planned for the mod (new companies etc.) other than the one already announced or this will just be a port of the 2020?
I'm guessing that the mod is gonna be playable until the late 90s like the 2020 version, right? (pretty useless question if there's no updates)
Did you update the regional titles so that they can be defended in their region (like the British Empire or the California Women's for example) ?
Are you gonna take advantage of the new narratives to update the promotions and titles over the years? If so, until when?
(And there's a typo in the title of the thread)

Edited by Jugg
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This is basically all I played on TEW20 reaching 1983 in my long term save. I've decided to let it go rather than convert it over and feel a genuine sense of mourning for that world (no you're crying!). Might never top my years long Bobby Shane vs Ernie Ladd feud.

Anyway, psyched to see this coming over! Recommend it to everyone. If you need someone to run checks, I'd be down to help out.

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So glad to see that this will see the light of day on TEW IX. As someone whose favorite subject in school was history, I hope I can get a proper playthrough with this mod. Do I have Bruno Sammartino set the bar for future WWWF Champions to follow? How many times will Fritz Von Erich win the American Heavyweight Championship? And who's this Hulk Hogan guy? He probably won't amount to much. 😋

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5 hours ago, Jugg said:

As always, you already how I feel about your mods.
Happy to see that you will port it to IX, especially with the new GIF Pack as I personally prefer to play mods with GIF rather than JPG.
Hope that you are ready for my suggestions list whenever this goes out. I already have a couple from looking at the 2020 version 😄

Also because it wasn't written in the update (some are just a personal questions) :
Are there any updates planned for the mod (new companies etc.) other than the one already announced or this will just be a port of the 2020?
I'm guessing that the mod is gonna be playable until the late 90s like the 2020 version, right? (pretty useless question if there's no updates)
Did you update the regional titles so that they can be defended in their region (like the British Empire or the California Women's for example) ?
Are you gonna take advantage of the new narratives to update the promotions and titles over the years? If so, until when?
(And there's a typo in the title of the thread)

what you mean only playable until the late 90's?

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Hi Mammoth. Any way that you can use only color worker pics insted of black & white? I know is vintage, but any way? I try an AI called prome ai with you tew2020 mod to give color to some the pics for my personal use. Looks good.

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  • Mammoth changed the title to [HYPE] Territory Daze
14 hours ago, Jugg said:

As always, you already how I feel about your mods.
Happy to see that you will port it to IX, especially with the new GIF Pack as I personally prefer to play mods with GIF rather than JPG.
Hope that you are ready for my suggestions list whenever this goes out. I already have a couple from looking at the 2020 version 😄

Also because it wasn't written in the update (some are just a personal questions) :
Are there any updates planned for the mod (new companies etc.) other than the one already announced or this will just be a port of the 2020?
I'm guessing that the mod is gonna be playable until the late 90s like the 2020 version, right? (pretty useless question if there's no updates)
Did you update the regional titles so that they can be defended in their region (like the British Empire or the California Women's for example) ?
Are you gonna take advantage of the new narratives to update the promotions and titles over the years? If so, until when?
(And there's a typo in the title of the thread)

Always ready for suggestions! 🙂

No other new companies apart from the two already mentioned.

Yes, it should cover this period more than reasonably. There certainly won't be any backwards step from TEW20 and if I decide to add workers before releasing the conversion, it'll only aid in this endeavour.

Yes, titles will be updated to regional titles where applicable.

No, that's not something I have planned. I've always been against "leading" the game world because I want it to develop differently in every save. However, it's something I may revisit in this iteration of TEW just because of the control Adam has gave us - and since it only applies to the AI, it could still be interesting. Either way, it's not something that'll be included in the first update as I'm just trying to get a grasp of the new features more than anything but it could well be something we see in an actual update. We'll see.

11 hours ago, Idolized said:

You mention an updated pic pack - have you switched to the gif style by any chance? 🙏

Sure have. I included an example in the TEW20 thread but for those of you that may have missed it:

001.jpg 002.jpg 003.jpg 004.jpg

And stables will look like this:

3LK.jpg Aces & Eights.jpg B.A.D.jpg Bullet Club.jpg

8 hours ago, HamKing said:

what you mean only playable until the late 90's?

It's obviously playable well beyond that, but what Jugg means is that real life workers will stop being as wide spread from that sort of timeframe. As one might expect, I concentrated heavily on the 70s and 80s initially but I've sprinkled workers who debut later than that throughout the modification, as well as promotions that'll debut after the 90s. So you'll see the likes of John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, Adam Cole, Adam Page, MJF etcetera but they're few and far between so playing beyond the 90s, you'll probably see more game-created workers than real life workers. 

7 hours ago, jfalvitez said:

Hi Mammoth. Any way that you can use only color worker pics insted of black & white? I know is vintage, but any way? I try an AI called prome ai with you tew2020 mod to give color to some the pics for my personal use. Looks good.

Unfortunately not. Not only did I want black and white images to match the time period, but it's also because most of the pictures from that time are also naturally black and white. Even with AI colouring the images, it'll take a whole lot of work and a whole lot of time to do so which is just not something I have planned. Sorry. Hopefully you can colourise your own roster for your own games. 👍

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