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BCG: The Black Road

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The Champion's Road rolled on back through Osaka with yet another heat up show towards the Test of Champions. In the main event SUKI continued his recent form along with his other unaffiliated partners against Rokuemon Matsushita and the BCG Home Army in another upset victory. Throughout the match SUKI did his upmost to avoid Matsushita at all times but made sure to taunt the giant at every opportunity at the same time just to get inside of his head. Today it was Takenori Doi who scored the victory, blasting Sharaku Okimasa with a charging knee strike for the three count victory. 

In the semi main event it was Black Path vs the Foreign Army with Black Path showing good teamwork despite the upcoming tag team title match between their members. The end came when Inejiro Yoshizawa displayed incredible strength, hulking up the Tongan Pitbull Tevita Takulua with the Yoshizawa Bomb for the three count. 

Third from the top, Tanyu Toshusai's recent woes continued as his team fell in yet another loss. The team of Naozane Goto and MDO bested Furusawa, Toshusai and Yoshisada Matsuzawa when Ichiro Mitskuri planted Yoshisada with an STO. After the match Furusawa once again attempted to console the visibly upset Toshusai but was rebuffed once again...

Black Canvas Grappling
Champion's Road Night Three
May 12th, 2022
Osaka Herbis Hall, Osaka, Japan
837 Paid

1. Ginji Kisaka & Yutaka Ogata defeated Heiji Sakubara & Yasuoka Fukazawa at 8'27 when Kisaka pinned Fukazawa with a powerbomb (41)
2. Yoshinaka Taku & Suguru Emoto defeated Austin Smooth & Chuck Casey at 12'02 when Taku pinned Casey with a Full Nelson Bomb (53)
3. Kiyotaka, Kinpaku Kishi, Akira Suzuki & Tetsuya Fujimoto defeated Logan Wolfsbaine, Kyuichi Matsumoto, Ikki Hosaka & Nobuharu Yokokawa at 11'08 when Kiyotaka submitted Yokokawa with a Kimura (58)
4. Naozane Goto, Koyo Kinoshita & Ichiro Mitskuri defeated Mabuchi Furusawa, Tanyu Toshusai & Yoshisada Matsuzawa at 18'05 when Mitsukuri pinned Matsuzawa with an STO (68)
5. Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura & Kadonomaro Kamisaka defeated Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Super Massive Destroyer & Tevita Takulua at 20'11 when Yoshizawa pinned Takulua with a Yoshizawa Bomb (68)
6. SUKI, Sojuro Sen, Roku Satomura, Takenori Doi & Nobuyuki Kubo defeated Rokuemon Matsushita, Razan Okamoto, Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa at 22'55 when Doi pinned Okimasa with a charging knee strike (72)

Overall: 69

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Despite the recent success of Black Canvas Grappling's product, not every show can be a winner and unfortunately tonight, it was one of those nights. The crowd was visibly bored throughout as the action failed to deliver on its promise...Most of the blame can go towards the dismal performance of the opening match between Heiji Sakubara and Yasuoka Fukazawa who had yet another embarrassing affair in singles action. 

In the main event Rokuemon Matsushita got a measure of revenge on SUKI's recent form of victories as he led a team with Okamoto and MDO against SUKI and his "unaffiliated army" as SUKI has taken to calling them.  Tonight, it was Okamoto who scored the victory when he spiked Sojuro Sen with a brainbuster suplex. SUKI once again spent most of the match avoiding and annoying Matsushita just to get under his skin further ahead of their championship match. 

The full "true" five of Black Path, omitting "junior member" Suguru Emoto of Funakoshi, The Apocalypse Riders, Yoshinaka Taku and Kadonomaro Kamisaka defeated the team of Mabuchi Furusawa, Naozane Goto, Tanyu Toshusai, Yoshisada Matsuzawa and Sharaku Okimasa with Kamisaka picking up the victory over Okimasa. Throughout the match there was miscommunications between Toshusai and Furusawa leading to much frustration between both men.

Black Canvas Grappling
Champion's Road Night Four
May 14th, 2022
Takasago Movement Park Gymnasium, Kobe, Japan
859 Paid

1. Heiji Sakubara defeated Yasuoka Fukazawa at 6'47 with a crab hold (17)
2. Super Massive Destroyer & Tevita Takulua defeated Akira Suzuki & Tetsuya Fujimoto at 10'23 when Destroyer pinned Suzuki with a Choke Bomb (35)
3. Roku Satomura, Suguru Emoto & Nobuharu Yokokawa defeated Kyuichi Matsumoto, Ikki Hosaka & Kinpaku Kishi at 14'46 when Emoto pinned Kishi with a Brainbuster Suplex (47)
4. Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma, Kiyotaka & Ginji Kisaka defeated Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Logan Wolfsbaine & Chuck Casey at 18'25 when Kisaka pinned Casey with a Powerbomb (63)
5. Funakoshi, Yoshinaka Taku, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura & Kadonomaro Kamisaka defeated Mabuchi Furusawa, Naozane Goto, Tanyu Toshusai, Sharaku Okimasa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa at 19'46 when Kamisaka pinned Okimasa with a stump piledriver (67)
6. Rokuemon Matsushita, Razan Okamoto, Koyo Kinoshita & Ichiro Mitsukuri defeated SUKI, Sojuro Sen, Takenori Doi & Nobuyuki Kubo at 22'02 when Okamoto pinned Sen with a Brainbuster Suplex (68)

Overall: 65

(ED. Fukazawa and Sakubara utterly killed the crowd in the opening match and tanked the rest of the card. Unless they're in tags or against other people I have to remember I can't do the typical "young lion" open match with those two on the main card unless I want it to keep happening. They both have decent stats for rookies so I'm not sure why they're so bad against each other. They have fantastic chemistry as a team though, so I guess that's their future going forward. )

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Wakayama saw the last heat up show for the Champion's Road towards Test of Champions and in the main event we saw a true test of the next generation. SUKI led Takneori Doi and Nobuyuki Kubo against the team of Rokuemon Matsushita, Mabuchi Furusawa and Tanyu Toshusai. Despite on paper being outgunned, Kubo and Doi more then held their own and had the Shirahama Hall rolling for their efforts against their much more experienced and higher ranked opponents. SUKI would be the one to score the victory however, as he locked Toshusai in the SUKI Special III for yet another loss in Toshusai's recent win/loss column. However, oddly, Toshusai wasn't as dejected this time and instead seemed to have a calm serene expression on his face as if he'd made up his mind about something...

In the semifinal Black Path collided as the team of Funakoshi, Yoshinaka Taku and Kadonomaro Kamisaka bested Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Suguru Emoto with Funakoshi getting the pinfall over Suguru Emoto with a powerbomb hold. After the match there was a bit of "friendly" banter between the Apocalypse Riders and Funakoshi/Taku before their big tag title match at Test of Champions.

And in the third from the top, we saw Bunrakuken Torii and Blast Ikoma team with Yoshisada Matsuzawa to beat the team of Kiyo Kinoshita, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Naozane Goto when Ikoma pinned Kinoshita with an exploder suplex. Afterwards both teams gave each other the universal signal for a future tag match, likely at Test of Champions perhaps for the #1 contendership slot.

Black Canvas Grappling
Champion's Road Night Five
May 16th, 2022
Shirahama Hall, Wakayama, Japan
878 Paid

0. Akira Suzuki & Tetsuya Fujimoto defeated Heiji Sakubara & Yasuoka Fukazawa at 8'36 when Fujimoto submitted Sakubara with a crab hold (34)
1. Roku Satomura, Sojuro Sen, Nohuaru Yokokawa & Ikki Hosaka defeated Yutaka Ogata, Super Massive Destroyer, Tevita Takulua & Kinpaku Kishi at 13'44 when Sen submitted Kishi with a Canadian Backbreaker (53)
2. Razan Okamoto, Kiyotaka, Sharaku Okimasa, Kyuichi Matsumoto & Ginji Kisaka defeated Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Logan Wolfsbaine, Austin Smooth & Chuck Casey at 15'48 when Kiyotaka submitted Smooth with a Kimura (68)
3. Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma & Yoshisada Matsuzawa defeated Naozane Goto, Koyo Kinoshita & Ichiro Mitsukuri at 20'29 when Ikoma pinned Kinoshita with an Exploder Suplex (71)
4. Funakoshi, Yoshinaka Taku & Kadonomaro Kamisaka defeated Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura & Suguru Emoto at 21'12 when Funakoshi pinned Emoto with a Powerbomb Hold (72)
5. SUKI, Takenori Doi & Nobuyuki Kubo defeated Rokuemon Matsushita, Mabuchi Furusawa & Tanyu Toshusai at 22'55 when SUKI submitted Toshusai with the SUKI Special III (72)

Overall: 71

Edited by Hawk1665
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Black Canvas Grappling returned to the Osaka Castle Hall for Test of Champions. Once again, BCG only sold a little over half of the full tickets for the venue, but the impressive venue gave the event an extra bit of significance.

In the main event SUKI cashed in his Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix victory against BCG World Champion Rokuemon Matsushita for Matsushita's BCG World Championship. The match pit SUKI's all-around attack style against Rokuemon's pure physical power. SUKI smartly used evasion tactics throughout the match, attempting to frustrate the champion to knock him off his game in order to capitlaize but like the lead up to the event Matsushita showed restraint and a calm demeanor throughout. SUKI nearly scored the victory with the SUKI Special III only to have Matsushita lift out of the hold and transition into a powerbomb to break free of the front neck hold! SUKI was off kilter after that and fell victim to a trio of Matsushita’s Nodowa-otoshi's for the pinfall victory to squash SUKI's ambitions. Matsushita was not given any time to celebrate however, as during his post-match promo a figure came from the backstage area, Razan Okamoto! Okamoto pointed out that he was the only man to pin Matsushita during the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix and finished second in the GP so by all rights that made him the next challenger for Matsushita's championship! Matsushita stated that he was eager to get the victory back from Okamoto and accepted his challenge for a future title match!

Black Path's top four collided in a match for the BCG World Tag Team Championships as Funakoshi and Yoshinaka Taku made a challenge for their stablemate's championships; the Apocalypse Riders Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura. True to their words in the lead up, the match was pure with no underhanded tactics and very little explosive energy. Fair enough but sadly made for a somewhat drab match between the two teams. The end came with Miura trapped Taku in an Octopus Hold forcing the rising star to submit giving the Apocalypse Riders their fourth defense of the BCG World Tag Championships!

The BCG Challenger Series was also on the line as Logan Wolfsbaine defended against Kiyotaka. While Kiyotaka had a less than stellar Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix, Kiyotaka spent the Champion's Road tour rebounding with victories in order to get this short notice match. Despite his best efforts the brutal power and technical finesse of Logan Wolfsbaine proved to be too much for Kiyotaka to handle as Wolfsbaine locked Kiyotaka in a torture crab hold bending Kiyotaka at a dangerous angle forcing the submission and the second defense of the Challenger Series championship.

The next challengers for the Apocalypse Riders were decided forth from the top as two teams they had previously defeated faced off for the chance to gain another shot. The newly christened ToriKoma; Bunrakuken Torii and Blast Ikoma faced off against MDO; Koyo Kinoshita and Ichiro Mitsukuri. ToriKoma showed off their excellent chemistry as a tag team in route to defeating their younger opponents when Torii busted out a rare flying forearm from the top rope to knock out Kinoshita for the pinfall and to earn the future tag team title match!

Tanyu Toshusai has made a decision about the future of his career and Mabuchi Furusawa is not pleased. Toshusai came to the ring for their six-man tag match with fully slicked back hair instead of his usual parted hair. During the match Toshusai showed unusual aggression attacking ruthlessly against Kamisaka, Emoto and Satomura in route to breaking his losing streak with a brutal vertical drop brainbuster on Emoto! After the match Furusawa attempted to congratulate Toshusai only to be shoved to the mat by the new attitude Toshusai! Toshusai coldly stared at his former "friend" before slicking back his hair and leaving the ring on his own with both Furusawa and Okamoto dumbfounded by what had just transpired.

Black Canvas Grappling
Champion's Road ~ Test of Champions 2022
May 29th, 2022
Osaka Castle Hall, Osaka, Japan
10,812 Paid

0. Akira Suzuki & Tetsuya Fujimoto defeated Heiji Sakubara & Yasuoka Fukazawa at 6'38 when Suzuki submitted Fukazawa with a crab hold (35)
1. Takenori Doi, Nobuyuki Kubo, Ginji Kisaka & Ikki Hosaka defeated Sojuro Sen, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Kyuichi Matsumoto & Chuck Casey at 10'33 when Doi pinned Casey with a charging knee strikes (60)
2. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Austin Smooth, Super Massive Destroyer & Tevita Takulua defeated Naozane Goto, Sharaku Okimasa, Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Yutaka Ogata & Kinpaku Kishi at 11'41 when Findlay pinned Kishi with the Atomic Spinebuster (52)
3. Mabuchi Furusawa, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai defeated Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Roku Satomura & Suguru Emoto at 15'45 when Toshusai pinned Emoto with a vertical drop brainbuster (75)
~ After the match, Furusawa attempted to congratulate Toshusai only to be shoved to the ground! (60) ~
4. Number One Contenders Match: Bunrakuken Torii & Blast Ikoma defeated Koyo Kinoshita & Ichiro Mitsukuri at 18'19 when Torii pinned Kinoshita with a flying forearm (82)
5. BCG Challenger Series: Logan Wolfsbaine (c) defeated Kiyotaka at 16'17 with a torture crab hold [V.2] (77)
6. BCG World Tag Team Championships: Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura (c) defeated Funakoshi & Yoshinaka Taku at 23'01 when Miura submitted Taku with an Octopus Hold [V.4] (73)
7. BCG World Championship: Rokuemon Matsushita (c) defeated SUKI at 25'42 with a Nodowa-otoshi [V.12] (80)
~ After the match during Matsushita's post-match promo Okamoto appeared and challenged Matsushita for a championship match! (69) ~ 

Overall: 78

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The 8th annual Sole Survivor was held at the New Mei Sports Stadium tonight in front of a raucous 10,000 fans with many turned away due to lack of available seating. It was an important night in the history of Black Canvas Grappling as the first ever BCG Pacific Openweight Championship was decided.

In the main event for said vacant BCG Pacific Openweight Championship saw four main event talent face off as Funakoshi and his stablemate Yoshinaka Taku also faced off against Big Bruiser Findlay and recently coming off a BCG World Championship loss SUKI in four-way action. All four went at each other in a very nontraditional match for Black Canvas Grappling, not even tags being allowed in the match! However, the match was not elimination, and the end came when Funakoshi planted his own stablemate Yoshinaka Taku with a powerbomb hold to become the inaugural champion! After the match, Big Bruiser Findlay gave Funakoshi the one v one hand signal to show his intent on challenging Funakoshi for the championship, having beaten Funakoshi in the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix and cost Funakoshi a spot in the semifinals.

Razan Okamoto led MDO against the team of Rokumon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sharaku Okimasa wth Koyo Kinoshita picking up the pinfall victory with a belly-to-belly suplex on Okimasa. The few interactions during the match between Matsushita and his upcoming challenger Okamoto saw Matsushita largely dominate with his sheer power as Okamoto struggled to find avenues of attack. Could that spell disaster for Okamoto's challenge later this month?

The rest of Black Path teamed in the fourth match against the team of Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma, Kiyotaka & Yoshisada Matsuzawa. Black Path emerged victorious over their "BCG Home Army" opponents as Noritoshi Miura scored the submission win with an Octopus Hold on Matsuzawa. After the match, the Apocalypse Riders openly taunted ToriKoma with the BCG Tag Championships ahead of their tag title defense this month.

Tanyu Toshusai made it two in a row after his losing streak this time teaming with Takenori Doi to face Mabuchi Furusawa and Nobuyuki Kubo. Toshusai once again sported slicked back hair in contrast to his traditionally parted hair and attacked both his former friend Mabuchi Furusawa and Nobuyuki Kubo with uncharacteristically vicious attacks. Toshusai scored the victory when he spiked Nobuyuki Kubo directly on the top of his head with a Vertical Drop Brainbuster for the three count.

Black Canvas Grappling
Sole Survivor 8
June 5th, 2022
New Mei Sports Stadium, Mie, Japan
10,000 Paid

0. Heiji Sakubara defeated Yasuoka Fukazawa at 5'45 with a crab hold (26)
1. Ikki Hosaka, Ginji Kisaka, Super Massive Destroyer & Tevita Takulua defeated Yutaka Ogata, Kinpaku Kishi, Tetsuya Fujimoto & Akira Suzuki at 14'13 when Hosaka pinned Fujimoto with a Tornado DDT (48)
2. Giant Brody, Logan Wolfsbaine, Austin Smooth & Chuck Casey defeated Sojuro Sen, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Roku Satomura & Kyuichi Matsumoto at 14'40 when Smooth submitted Matsumoto with the Smooth Hold (60)
3. Tanyu Toshusai & Takenori Doi defeated Mabuchi Furusawa & Nobuyuki Kubo at 15'56 when Toshusai pinned Kubo with a Vertical Drop Brainbuster (72)
4. Noritoshi Miura, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Suguru Emoto defeated Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma, Kiyotaka & Yoshisada Matsuzawa at 22'20 when Miura submitted Matsuzawa with an Octopus Hold (77)
5. Razan Okamoto, Koyo Kinoshita & Ichiro Mitsukuri defeated Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sharaku Okimasa at 18'59 when Kinoshita pinned Okimasa with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex (77)
6. BCG Sole Survivor 8 ~ BCG Pacific Openweight Championship: Funakoshi defeated Big Bruiser Findlay, SUKI & Yoshinaka Taku at 26'25 when Funakoshi pinned Taku with a Powerbomb Hold to become the 1st champion (82)

Overall: 79

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Posted (edited)

Bunrakuken Torii Drama!

In yet more backstage drama, all anyone can talk about coming out of Sole Survivor 8 is the alleged encounter between Bunrakuken Torii and Black Canvas Grappling management. Supposedly, the BCG star held up the promotion for extra money before the show, threatening to walk from the promotion immediately if not given more money! This shocking act was the talk of the locker room and may have set a dangerous new precedence for the future as BCG management allegedly "caved in" to Torii's demands and gave him what he wanted to appease the star.

(ED. I gave in like a coward. The four options were a full raise, 25% raise or telling him in various ways to kick dirt. Torii is one of the backbones of the entire roster and I didn't want to lose him. But I wouldn't be shocked if this leads to more demands or threatened walk outs in the future.)

Edited by Hawk1665
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BCG change Rising Lion Tour Schedule!

Citing "logistical reasons" the BCG Rising Lion Tour has been modified slightly. Night Six of the tour has been canceled and any purchased tickets refunded to any early purchasers. Though walk-ups are the backbone of tour shows there were some early buyers for the show. The reason behind this has not been stated as of yet.

(ED. Having to do six tour shows before my next final was way too many to maintain interest. Five is more manageable.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Rising Lion Tour kicked off once again at the New Mei Sports Stadium, quickly becoming the home of Black Canvas Grappling.

Four of the greatest of all time faced off in a special tag team match as BCG World Champion Rokuemon Matsushita teamed with BCG Pacific Openweight Champion Funakoshi against their challengers, Razan Okamoto and Big Bruiser Findlay! This unique tag match with enemies paired as partners was as dysfunctional as you'd expect but still delivered in heated action throughout. However, neither team could gain a significant advantage over the other team leading to a slightly disappointing time limit draw. Neither team were satisfied with the result and a post-match quarrel nearly broke out, but nothing truly came of it.

In the semifinal the Black Path of Yoshinaka Taku and the Apocalypse Riders came up short against te team of ToriKoma; Bunrakuken Torii and Blast Ikoma alongside Kiyotaka. In the end Blast Ikoma overcame Noritoshi Miura with a Northern Lights Bomb for the pinfall finish.

A new alliance has been borne in BCG and the landscape may never be the same. SUKI, Tanyu Toshusai and Logan Wolfsbaine teamed and overcame the team of Mabuchi Furusawa, Naozane Goto and Yoshisada Matsuzawa in six-man action. After Tanyu picked up the victory with a vertical drop brainbuster on Matsuzawa, SUKI took the microphone and offered Tanyu Toshusai an offer to form a new alliance between the two of them. Neither of them has any affiliation after Toshusai betrayed the BCG Home Army last month. To the surprise of the audience, Tanyu Toshusai accepted the hand of SUKI formally forming a new group in BCG.

Black Canvas Grappling
Rising Lion Tour Night One
June 11th, 2022
New Mei Sports Stadium
10,000 Paid

1. Giant Brody, Super Massive Destroyer, Tevita Takulua & Chuck Casey defeated Nobuharu Yokokawa, Akira Suzuki, Tetsuya Fujimoto & Heiji Sakubara at 10'41 when Brody pinned Sakubara with a Giant Chokeslam (50)
2. Sojuro Sen, Takenori Doi, Roku Satomura, Ikki Hosaka & Ginji Kisaka defeated Sharaku Okimasa, Kyuichi Matsumoto, Nobyuki Kubo, Yutaka Ogata & Kinpaku Kishi at 13'44 when Doi pinned Kishi with a charging knee strike (59)
3. Koyo Kinoshita & Ichiro Mitsukuri defeated Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Suguru Emoto at 15'14 when Kinoshita pinned Emoto with a belly to belly suplex (70)
4. SUKI, Tanyu Toshusai & Logan Wolfsbaine defeated Mabuchi Furusawa, Naozane Goto & Yoshisada Matsuzawa at 19'39 when Toshusai pinned Matsuzawa with a Vertical Drop Brainbuster (79)
~ After the match, SUKI proposed an alliance with Toshusai which Toshusai surprisingly accepted! (61) ~
5. Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma & Kiyotaka defeated Yoshinaka Taku, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura at 23'34 when Ikoma pinned Miura with a Northern Lights Bomb (78)
6. Special Tag Match: Rokuemon Matsushita & Funakoshi fought Razan Okamoto & Big Bruiser Findlay to a 30'00 minute time limit draw (82)

Overall: 79

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The Rising Lion tour continued in Osaka with another heat up show on the road towards the Lion Rises on the 26th. In the main event, the team of Razan Okamoto, ToriKoma, Yoshisada Matsuzawa & Nobuyuki Kubo overcame the team of Rokuemon Matsushita, MDO, Sharaku Okimasa and the youngster Kinpaku Kishi. The end came when Kubo caught Kishi with a knee strike to the side of the head covering for the three count fall. 

The semi final saw Black Path face off against the foreign army ahead of Funakoshi vs Big Bruiser Findlay at a later date. Black Path came up with the victory as Kadonomaro Kamisaka submitted Chuck Casey with a triangle choke.

SUKI and Tanyu Toshusai's new alliance kicked off with a victory as they teamed with Logan Wolfsbaine once again against the team of Mabuchi Furusawa, Naozane Goto & Ikki Hosaka with Toshusai once again getting the pinfall victory with a vertical drop brainbuster on Hosaka. After the match SUKI offered Logan Wolfsbaine a spot with himself and Tanyu Toshusai but the Challenger Series champion gave no response before leaving the ringside area.

Black Canvas Grappling
Rising Lion Tour Night Two
June 12th, 2022
Osaka Herbis Hall, Osaka, Japan
850 Paid

1. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Ginji Kisaka defeated Tetsuya Fujimoto & Heiji Sakubara at 9'50 when Kisaka pinned Fujimoto with a Powerbomb (43)
2. Takenori Doi, Sojuro Sen & Roku Satomura defeated Kiyotaka, Kyuichi Matsumoto & Akira Suzuki at 11'51 when Doi pinned Suzuki with a Charging Knee Strike (52)
3. Suguru Emoto defeated Yutaka Ogata at 14'25 with a Brainbuster Suplex (57)
4. SUKI, Logan Wolfsbaine & Tanyu Toshusai defeated Mabuchi Furusawa, Naozane Goto & Ikki Hosaka at 15'57 when Toshusai pinned Hosaka with a Vertical Drop Brainbuster (73)
5. Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, Yoshinaka Taku & Kadonomaro Kamisaka defeated Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Super Massive Destroyer, Tevita Takulua & Chuck Casey at 20'33 when Kamisaka submitted Casey with a Triangle Choke (67)
6. Razan Okamoto, Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma, Yoshisada Matsuzawa & Nobuyuki Kubo defeated Rokuemon Matsushita, Koyo Kinoshita, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Sharaku Okimasa & Kinpaku Kishi at 19'43 when Kubo pinned Kishi with a knee strike (72)

Overall: 70

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Kobe at the Akashi Okura Special Establishment was the next destination for the Rising Lion tour headed towards the 26th for the Rising Lion. Razan Okamoto led the team of ToriKoma and the Challenger Series champion Logan Wolfsbaine over the combined team of BCG world Champion Rokuemon Matsushita, MDO and Naozane Goto. The Challenger Series champion Wolfsbaine scored the victory with the Glorious Driver on Ichiro Mitsukuri. 

Black Path and the Foreign Army had yet another clash as Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and junior member Suguru Emoto were victorious over the team of Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Chuck Casey and the oddity of the team Kyuichi Matsumoto. Emoto scoring the victory with a brainbuster on Casey.

The temporarily named "Unaffiliated Army" led by SUKI and Tanyu Toshusai picked up Sojuro Sen and Takenori Doi for tonight as they took on and defeated the BCG Home Army team of Mabuchi Furusawa, Sharaku Okimasa, Yoshisada Matsuzawa & Yutata Ogata when SUKI submitted Ogata with the SUKI Special III.

Black Canvas Grappling
Rising Lion Tour Night Three
June 13th, 2022
Akashi Okura Kaihen Special Establishment, Kobe, Japan
946 Paid

1. Super Massive Destroyer & Tevita Takulua defeated Akira Suzuki & Tetsuya Fujimoto at 11'58 when Destroyer pinned Suzuki with the Super Massive Bomb (40)
2. Nobuyuki Kubo & Ikki Hosaka defeated Roku Satomura & Nobuharu Yokokawa at 11'26 when Hosaka pinned Yokokawa with a Tornado DDT (52)
3. Yoshinaka Taku & Kadonomaro Kamisaka defeated Ginji Kisaka & Kinpaku Kishi at 11'37 when Taku pinned Kishi with a Full Nelson Bomb (61)
4. SUKI, Tanyu Toshusai, Sojuro Sen & Takenori Doi defeated Mabuchi Furusawa, Sharaku Okimasa, Yoshisada Matsuzawa & Yutaka Ogata at 16'30 when SUKI submitted Ogata with the SUKI Special III (66)
5. Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura & Suguru Emoto defeated Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Kyuichi Matsumoto & Chuck Casey at 19'53 when Emoto pinned Casey with a Brainbuster Suplex (67)
6. Razan Okamoto, Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma & Logan Wolfsbaine defeated Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Koyo Kinoshita & Ichiro Mitsukuri at 23'24 when Wolfsbaine pinned Mitskuri with the Glorious Driver (79)

Overall: 74

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Night Four of the Rising Lion tour came to the Doshisha Athletic Center with an odd main event of Razan Okamoto teaming with the "Unaffiliated Army" of SUKI, Tanyu Toshusai alongside the Challenger Series champion Logan Wolfsbaine to defeat the team of Rokuemon Matsushita, Mabuchi Furusawa, Naozane Goto and Yoshisada Matsuzawa. Despite the oddity of the team, they proved to be effective in victory when Okamoto scored the fall with a brainbuster suplex on Yoshisada Matsuzawa.

Another odd pairing proved to be successful in the semifinal as Big Bruiser Findlay and Giant Brody teamed with Sojuro Sen to victory over Black Path's Funakoshi, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Suguru Emoto. Finlay picking up the victory with the Atomic Spinebuster on Emoto to once again get a hand up over Funakoshi towards their inevitable clash.

Black Canvas Grappling
Rising Lion Tour Night Four
June 16th, 2022
Doshisha Athletic Center, Kyoto, Japan
950 Paid

1. Ikki Hosaka & Nobuyuki Kubo defeated Yutaka Ogata & Yasuoka Fukazawa at 9'55 when Kubo pinned Fukazawa with a knee strike (46)
2. Super Massive Destroyer, Tevita Takulua & Chuck Casey defeated Akira Suzuki, Tetsuya Fujimoto & Kinpaku Kishi at 11'09 when Casey pinned Fujimoto with a Belly to Back Suplex Hold (43)
3. Takenori Doi, Roku Satomura & Ginji Kisaka defeated Koyo Kinoshita, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Kyuichi Matsumoto when Doi pinned Matsumoto with a charging knee strike (67)
4. Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura & Yoshinaka Taku defeated Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa at 19'48 when Miura submitted Okimasa with a Octopus Hold (74)
5. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody & Sojuro Sen defeated Funakoshi, Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Suguru Emoto at 18'22 when Findlay pinned Kamisaka with the Atomic Spinebuster (71)
6. Razan Okamoto, SUKI, Tanyu Toshusai & Logan Wolfsbaine defeated Rokuemon Matsushita, Mabuchi Furusawa, Naozane Goto & Yoshisada Matsuzawa at 22'02 when Okamoto pinned Matsuzawa with a Brainbuster Suplex (77)

Overall: 74

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The final heat up show on the Rising Lion Tour saw yet another odd pairing of teams meet up in the main event as the champions of BCG unitied in one team against their future challengers; BCG World Champion Rokuemon Matsushita teamed with BCG Pacific Openweight Champion alonside the BCG World Tag Champions the Apocalypse Riders and BCG Challenger Series champion Logan Wolfsbaine against the formidable lineup of Razan Okamoto, Big Bruiser Findlay, ToriKoma and Naozane Goto. The two teams were evenly matched and it looked like the end result may be another time limit draw for the tour but Rokuemon Matsushita put that idea to rest with a nodowa-otoshi on Blast Ikoma for the pinfall victory. All ten men had a dust up post-match but were  all quickly seperated before any blows could be thrown.

The "Unaffiliated Army" suffered their first set back as a team as SUKI, Tanyu Toshusai, Takenori Doi & Ginji Kisaka fell to the combined efforts of Mabuchi Furusawa, MDO,  and Sharaku Okimasa when Furusawa submitted Kisaka with the Furusawa Armbar. Ahead of their singles match at Rising Lion, Toshusai and Furusawa exchanged words but nothing much came as a result. 

Black Canvas Grappling
Rising Lion Tour Night Five
June 18th, 2022
Osaka Prefecture Hall, Osaka, Japan
942 Paid

1. Sojuro Sen, Nobuharu Yokokawa & Tevita Takulua defated Kinpaku Kishi, Heiji Sakubara & Yasuoka Fukazawa at 9'16 when Takulua pinned Sakubara with the Choke Breaker (44)
2. Yoshisada Matsuzawa & Yutaka Ogata defeated Akira Suzuki & Tetsuya Fujimoto at 10'59 when Matsuzawa pinned Fujimoto with a double arm DDT (47)
3. Roku Satomura & Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Nobuyuki Kubo & Ikki Hosaka at 11'36 when Satomura submitted Hosaka with a Twisted Bow and Arrow (58)
4. Yoshinaka Taku, Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Suguru Emoto defeated Giant Brody, Super Massive Destroyer & Chuck Casey at 14'25 when Emoto pinned Casey with a Brainbuster Suplex (64)
5. Mabuchi Furusawa, Koyo Kinoshita, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Sharaku Okimasa defeated SUKI, Tanyu Toshusai, Takenori Doi & Ginji Kisaka at 18'40 when Furusawa submitted Kisaka with the Furusawa Armbar (72)
6. Rokeumon Matsushita, Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura & Logan Wolfsbaine defeated Razan Okamoto, Big Bruiser Findlay, Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma & Naozane Goto at 27'43 when Matsushita pinned Ikoma with a Nodowa-otoshi (80)

Overall: 75

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BCG Sign PGHW Star!

Black Canvas Grappling have announced their newest signing starting imminently at Rising Lion on June the 26th. Former PGHW star Cub Balowicz who has completed extensive touring for the Japanese company has agreed to an indefinite contract with Black Canvas Grappling! Cub brings with him a hard-hitting mixture of MMA style striking and pro-wrestling sensibilities that's quickly found a home in Japan. Cub will make his debut in a six-man teaming with Big Bruiser Findlay and Giant Brody against the team of Funakoshi, Yoshinaka Taku & Kadonomaro Kamisaka! 

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