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The Last Outlaw Rides Again (STW)

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(Writers note:  First things first, holy crap I have been a member of this forum for a long time!  Also been missing for a long time, because wow, this place has changed.  Haha, anyway, I'm dipping my toes into these waters.  I realize how much I miss writing, so I thought I would give this a shot.  Especially with the new images and such.  I have no idea about pacing, because lets face it, my life outside of this screen is hectic, but if this gains momentum, and the idea works for people, I'll try to keep it thriving as much as possible.  Also, as I have alluded to earlier, I am old, so forgive me for images that go wonky or whatever, because I don't know what I'm doing.  Darn kids always on my lawn!  *shakes fist*  I think that about does it for my rambling, so here goes nothing.)


He sat alone in his chair, the dim light of sunset shining through his window, as he stared at her photo.  Again.  As he had every day for the last two years.  Shauna.  His yellow rose.  His reason for being.  Through it all, she was by his side.  Every up, every down.  When SWF called about him working enhancement matches, she was with him.  When MOSC called about him trying his hand at death matches, she cheered him on.  When he went out touring the indies, leaving her alone with twin boys and a baby girl to reek havoc on her life, she told him to go, she would be fine.  She was his everything.  And now she was gone.  


The bloodshot eyes that shimmered with wetness beneath the brim of his cowboy hat shifted from the photo, only to lock onto the cabinet.  Whiskeys, bourbons and scotch lined the insides of the cabinet, glinting in the setting sun.  Calling him.  Beckoning him.  Urging him to numb his pain.  As they had every day for the past two years.  And, as happened every day for the past two years, he shook his head and turned away, remembering his promise to her.  Never again.  He couldn't fail her now.  Especially not now.  He turned his gaze away once more, to the paraphernalia and memories that lined the wall.  Thirty years of dedication, hard work, entertaining matches, and memories.  The roar of the crowd, the thunder of clapping, the shine of the lights overhead. Through the drinking and the head injuries, the memories endured.

A smile crossed his grizzled face as he remembered the moments.  Until he was interrupted by the squeaky voice of a nine year old child.  A child who had snuck into the den of solitude, as he had almost every day for the past two years.


Child:  "Dad, are you okay?"

The old man shook his head and quickly wiped the tear from his eye, before turning to the boy, a smile cresting under his thick mustache.

Old Man:  "I am, Chester.  What are you doing in here?"  The gentleman leaned forward, and picked the small boy up, sitting him on his lap.

Chester:  "Poppy asked me to check on you.  What are you doing?"

Old Man:  "Ahh, same thing I always do at this time, boy."  He smiled once more before glancing at the photo of his wife once more.  "Why is Poppy looking for me?"

As he spoke, a bouncy young woman stepped into the office, her big grin covering her face.  "Hey pa!  Come to the living room, we have a surprise for you!"


The old man shook his head as he smiled, and after placing Chester back on the ground, slowly rose to his feet with a groan.  The years of wear and tear on his joints were always a little more evident when he stood.  He tried to hide the difficulties, but his kids all knew.  He wrapped an arm around his daughters shoulders, while holding his young sons hand.  As the trio entered the living room, two older boys stood up.  He smiled and nodded to his older sons.  "Colt, Remy.  What is this all about?"


The four kids stood shoulder to shoulder, all beaming as they looked to their father.  Poppy took the lead.

Poppy:  "Dad, you've given up so much for us.  For all of us.  And we want you to know how much we appreciate it."  

She smiled wider as Colt and Remy each grabbed a side of this giant spool of canvas.  They unfurled the fabric, revealing a logo.  The South Texas School of Professional Wrestling.  The old man audibly gasped as he looked on, his children smiling with pride, as Poppy continued:


Poppy:  "We wanted you to have something that you love.  Something to focus on.  Something to give back, as you have given to us.  We cleaned up the old barn on the south side of the ranch, we built a secondhand ring we found online, and Remy built a website for people to apply.  With the savings, plus the money for admission, we could really do this.  If you wanted, that is ..."

As her voice trailed, the old man embraced her in a tight hug, before looping his arm out to envelop all of his kids.  He grinned through the tears, as he profusely thanked them over and over.  He felt a new sense of purpose.  He felt a desire he thought long died.  He felt ....envigored.

"The Last True Outlaw" Doc Cassidy shall ride again!



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Doc leaned against the fence, looking out at the cattle fields.  His home since 2005 when he finally hung the spurs up for the last time.  When Shauna gave him the ultimatum, the choice of her and the kids, or his life on the road with bourbon and brandy, Doc knew there was no choice.  It's not like he was the marquee name in every city.  It's not like kids were playing with bendable rubber figures of "The Last Outlaw".  Doc finished his last few dates, and returned to Bishop, just outside Corpus Christi, Texas.  With the money Shauna saved from his career in wrestling, and her work in the state house, they invested in this ranch.  "The Last Call" Ranch.  So named because he vowed to never go back to drinking.  Seventeen years later, he's held true to his word.

As he watched the black angus steer mull about the grass, his attention turned to Colt and Remy.  His sons who were supposed to be freshening the troughs and mucking the stalls, instead were attempting double legs on each other.  Doc lifted his head to call out to them, when he was interrupted by Poppy, who came bounding up holding an iPad.

Poppy:  "Dad, we have applicants!"

Doc:  "Really?"

Poppy:  "Yeah.  Four, so far."  She turned the small screen to face her father.

Doc:  "Y'know I hate them things, Poppy."

Poppy giggled and shook her head.  "Oh dad, I'll do all the work.  You just look."

Poppy opened the website, and showed off the first few recruits to the STW school.  The first, a blond haired kid, with movie star good looks, dressed in a leather jacket.  His name ...Owen Scott.  Doc looked at the photo for a long moment, before smirking.  "He looks too pretty for this." 


"Showtime" Owen Scott

Poppy laughed and scrolled to the next name.  Paul Hughes.  An intimidating MMA fighter looking to expand his combat knowledge.  Doc looked at Poppy and smiled.  "That's more like it." 


"The Pride" Leon King

The third picture showed an intimidating force from Oxford, in the UK.  "Britain?"  

Poppy:  "Yeah, more people remember you than you think.  He even commented on seeing you on television when he was young."


Gavin Cannon

Doc smiled at the revelation, still never fully understanding the scope of his influence.  The moment was fleeting though, as the final submission caught his eye.  "And him?"  Poppy looked over the screen at the masked face, and smirked.  "He said he wanted to bring a larger than life character to the world.  He paid, so we accepted him."



Doc smirked and pulled his old flip phone.  "What are you doing?" Poppy asked.

Doc:  "Well, it looks like we're gonna need a trainer to help out."

As the sounds of his sons tackling each other in the field echoed in the background, Doc flipped open his phone and started walking towards the old south barn.  He pressed the down button to scroll through his list of contacts as he walked through the side door.  The old ring sat majestically in the center of the barn, the faded apron billowing from the gust of the door opening.  Doc stared at the ring for a long moment, before pressing a button on his phone and holding it to his ear.  It rang for a long moment.  Finally, the other end answered, however Doc was only met with heavy breathing.  Someone was half asleep when the phone rang.

Doc:  "Sorry kid, been a long time.  Forgot about the time difference."

Voice:  "It's two am!  And I haven't heard from you in twenty years!  Doc, if you're calling to tell me someone died ..."

Doc:  "No, kid, nothing like that."  Doc chuckled.  "I have a proposition for you.  How would you feel about training the next generation?  I'm opening a school, and there's never been a better high flyer in my opinion than you."

Voice:  laughing "Doc, you were always a sweet talker.  You're serious?"

Doc:  "I am.  What do you say?  Kamikaze want to fly again?"

Kazi:  "You know my knees barely allow me to stand, much less fly nowadays.  Give me some time to get things in order.  I'll see you soon."


Edited by Prophet
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Doc sat in his chair, papers strewn about his desk, as in the background, the echo of bodies hitting the mat rang through his office.  A smile grazed his face as he went over financials, and reports about his budding class of students.  In total, he had twelve kids training in the ring behind him.  Over the past five months, he and Kazi worked together to train the new crop of wrestlers.  Doc leaned back in his chair, and sipped his coffee, as he looked at the picture of his departed wife.  His mind wandered to whether she would be proud of him.  It was a silly thought, he knew.  She was always proud of him.  And yet, he couldn't help but wonder.

Poppy entered the office, shaking him from his thoughts.  "Hey dad, I just got a call."

"Oh?  Who from?"

Poppy grinned as she sat in the chair across from her father.  She held out a small piece of paper, which he took and read, as she spoke.  "There's a youth center in Corpus Christi, and they're doing a fundraiser.  Called about asking you to attend, sort of a local celebrity kind of thing.  Meet and greet, ya know?  We got to talking, and I offered putting on a little show for them."

Docs' eyes raised from behind his thin, rectangular reading glasses.  "I can't wrestle anymore, Poppy ..."

"I know that, dad.  But, they can."  She pointed over his shoulder, towards the barn.

Doc shook his head.  "I don't know, Poppy.  It's been less than six months ..."

"They'll never learn the whole business inside that barn, dad.  You know that.  They need to perform.  For people.  For crowds."

Doc rubbed the bridge of his nose, bouncing his glasses on his fingers as he did.  "Ok, Poppy, go get Kazi and Wade.  Let's discuss this.


A couple of hours later, the small office was filled.  Four people sat in a circle around Docs' desk.  First was Doc, the head honcho, the man in charge.  He sat back in his leather chair as the other three organized themselves.  To his left was Poppet.  His daughter.  Smart as a whip, but never shown much interest in stepping in the ring.  Doc was fine with that.  He never wanted any of his kids to follow his footsteps, but his Poppy seemed to be the only one smart enough to listen to him.  

Across from Doc, with his frazzled hair dyed red and white, like the old days, sat Kami Kaze, also known as Kazi Tajiri.  Kazi was a traditional "foreign heel" during the 80's, and would go out of his way to give to his opponents.  Much to his own detriment.  At an indy show, Kazi did a dive to the outside, where his opponent was supposed to catch him, and then toss him into the barricade.  Due to miscommunication, or more likely, his opponent not caring, Kazi landed awkwardly on the cement, blowing out his left knee.  And before he could even clutch it or utter a sound in pain, he was haphazardly tossed to the side, where his leg wrapped the steel barricade, ensuring the "master of the sky bomb" would never fly again.

The final member of the group, a bald, heavyset man covered in flop sweat, nonchalantly tipped a flask to his lips.  Wade Culver was not one for reading the room.  The man they called "Classic" spent more time living his gimmick than he ever did training.  Would spend his entire earnings on a flashy watch, or a night on the town.  Culver used to brag he had done enough drugs to preserve his body, like Keith Richards.  The lifestyle cost him his wealth, his family, and even his career, when he drunkenly wrapped a Mercedes around a telephone pole.  Fracturing 4 vertebrae in your upper back may sound terrible, but considering the man should be paralyzed, or dead, it's sort of a miracle.  However, not one Culver listened to, as evidence by his still drinking.


Doc cleared his throat, and spread the headshots of his class before the table.  "Apparently, we have an event to plan."

Poppy clapped her hands, as the others looked her way.  As her enthusiasm died down, she stood, and began arranging the pictures in order.  "Since it's just an exhibition for charity, I thought the show should look like this.  We have one hour to fill, and considering it's the first time in front of anyone besides Kazi for most of these kids, we should give them all a shot."

Doc smiled as his daughter spoke like a seasoned booker.  "I like it.  Kazi, deliver the good news.  Tell them we'll make sure they get something more than experience for this.  Wade ...if you can put the bottle down long enough, mind digging out a referee shirt?  I want a voice of experience in there with those kids.  And Poppy, you and I will plan a show."

The amassed group went their separate ways to begin planning for the schools first showcase.  A week later, posters were hung near the Corpus Christi Youth Center promoting the debut of STW!


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"Showtime" Owen Scott vs. Yakuza

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Lone Star v. MaDNeSS

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Bubba Travis v. Cliff Diver

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Gavin Cannons v. "The Pride" Leon King

Main Event

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Colt and Remington Cassidy (The Cassidy Gang) v. Jose and Ruiz Lobos (The Wolf Pack)




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The sun beat down upon the parking lot of the Corpus Christi Youth Center.  Thankfully, during the winter months, the temperature is more bearable.  Doc sat in a folding chair, staring at the ring setup.  The golden rays contrasted beautifully with the ragged ring that sat before him.  Almost like a mural.  He smiled as he remembered some of his time spent between those ropes.  He was shaken from his memories when Kazi sat down next to him.  "Got a thing, Doc."

Doc turned to his old friend with a raised eyebrow.  "What kind of thing?"  "That kid Madson didn't show up for the meeting."  Doc paused for a long moment as he tried to follow what Kazi was saying.  As he squinted his eyes, it finally dawned on him.  "Madness?"  Kazi nodded.  "Yeah, Wade and I were gonna run through some of the points of his match with him.  Never showed up."

Doc sighed and shook his head.  Follies of youth, he thought.  "Ok, I'll address it.  Anything else?"  Kazi shook his head, and stood from the chair.  "Gonna make sure no last minute hitches come up.  You need anything?"  Doc smiled and waved him off, slowly rising from his own seat.  "I'm good, friend."  As Kazi headed towards the "backstage" area, which is putting it kindly, Doc walked towards the main area of the fundraiser.

The CCYC set up a small carnival to help raise money for their organization.  While weaving through the small crowd, he spotted white hair wildly bobbing ahead of him.  Doc followed the stark contrast of hair to a small game booth.  Knock down the bottles, and win a prize!  Doc smirked as he saw the kid in front of the classic carnie game.  The game no one wins because they use a small adhesive to hold the bottles together.  One of the oldest tricks in the book.  The kid paid his dollar, and with vicious force, whipped the baseball towards the small tower.  It sailed overhead, and he growled, using the anger to fuel his next throw.  His second, more forceful than the first, sailed wide left, and thumped against the mat hanging behind the bottles.  Madson holds his breath in rage for a moment before hurling the final ball, which crashes against the stand, but the bottles remain atop it.  Before he could slam another dollar down on the makeshift counter, Doc wrapped an arm over his shoulder.

"Got a moment, kid?"  Madson looked up at Doc, and after swallowing a deep breath, nodded.  As the two walked away from the booth, Doc leaned in a little.  "Heard you missed your meeting."  Madson hung his head and nodded once more, slowly.  "Listen kid, I understand pre match jitters.  But, I need you to be more aware of what's going on.  Those meetings are important."  Madson looked up at Doc, and smiled softly.  "I know, sir.  I ...uhh ...well ..."  "It's ok, son.  Talk to me."

Madson took a deep breath, clearing his thoughts, before finally speaking.  "I spent a lot of my youth at the Center in California.  My parents weren't around much, so it was the only place I could go.  I just want to ..." Doc cut him off with a smile and a wave of his hand.  "I'm not mad, Madson.  I just want to express the importance of these meetings, that's all.  You're not in trouble."  The kid smiled and thanked Doc, before heading back towards the building being used as a locker room.


It was almost showtime.  The makeshift locker room was abuzz with excitement, as the group of young hopefuls gathered around.  Doc stood in front of them, with Wade on his left, and Kazi on his right.  Doc cleared his throat, and the room settled, before he spoke.  

"Ok kids, this is it.  Your big debut.  The moment you have worked almost six months for.  I remember my first match, so many years ago.  The butterflies, the jitters, the desire bubbling inside me.  I know you're all feeling that now.  And that's good.  That means you're where you're supposed to be.  Colt, Remi, you two grew up around this, but the rest of you may feel intimidated by the bright lights, or disappointed that there aren't 10,000 people out there.  Don't worry about those things, only focus on you, and your opponent.  Everything else will fall into place.  I promise.  Now, let's show the world ...well, Corpus Christi, what South Texas has to offer!"

The small locker room cheered, and they all put their hands in a small circle.  As they raised their arms, they chanted "STW, STW, STW!"  Doc felt the pride swell in his chest, along with the pang of second guessing.  Was he doing the right thing?



Corpus Christi Youth Center Parking Lot
January 24th, 2022
Attendance: 61


Doc stood at the sheet in the doorway of the Youth Center, and peered out at the small massing of people.  More than he had for his debut, he mused, before taking a breath and stepping out.  There was a smattering of applause as he entered the ring, and grabbed the small microphone.  

"Ladies and Gentlemen, for those who don't know, my name is Doc Cassidy.  Some of you know me as "The Last True Outlaw."  Some of you know me as that guy who got beat up on television twenty years ago.  And some of you only know me as that guy who owns a ranch.  All of that is true.  But, this isn't about me.  This is about this Youth Center.  And in the spirit of revitalizing the youth, I present to you a showcase from South Texas Wrestling.  Where we hope to revitalize the youth of wrestling!"

Again, the few who gathered applaud, before casting their eyes towards the curtain as a burly truck driver of a man stepped through.

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Bubba Travis v. Cliff Diver

The first ever match for STW was between 25 year old Bubba Travis, a flannel wearing trucker from southern Alabama, and Cliff Diver, a charismatic 21 year old born in southern California.  For 8 minutes, the two men showcased their various skills, although Doc already wondered if Wade Culver was the right direction for a booker with how disjointed aspects of the match seemed.  In the closing moments, Diver went for a move from the top rope, when Travis hit him with a vicious right cross he called the RMD or Redneck of Mass Destruction.  Culver made the count, and the crowd booed a little as Bubba Travis celebrated.

Bubba Travis defeated Cliff Diver in 8:13 with the RMD

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Lone Star v. MaDNeSS

The second match for the show saw 20 year old Kickapoo tribe member from Texas, and Jacob "MaDNeSS" Madson, a 17 year old from Delaware.  They wrestled for a little over nine minutes, and Doc confirmed his suspicions.  The match that Wade Culver put together was all over the place.  At one point, MaDNeSS went for a clothesline that Lone Star was to duck, but instead tried to leap frog, leading to an awkward collision.  Doc knew then he was going to have to address this concern.  The match ended when Lone Star hit a shooting star press from the top rope, which he climbed with a bit of a springboard from the bottom buckle for flourish.

Lone Star defeated MaDNeSS in 9:21 with the Shooting Star


In an effort to give the crowd a break, the Cassidy Gang came to the ring.  Being their first show, Doc decided to let the ones who were more familiar with the process cut a promo.  Poppy took the microphone first, working as the manager for her brothers.

Poppy:  "Corpus Christi, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Colt Cassidy, and Remington Cassidy, and together, we're the Cassidy Gang.  We're the premiere tag team in STW, and the standard for this company to aspire to.  Ain't that right, Remi?"

Remington:  "That's right Poppy.  Colt and I, we're the real deal.  Wrestling is in our blood.  It's what makes us tick.  And the Wolf Pack are about to find that out tonight.  You two may be blood, like us, but wrestling ain't your blood, like us!  Tell them, Colt!"

Colt:  "....uhh ...yeah.  That's ...umm, that's right.  We're uhh, we're blood.  And blood is, uhh, thicker than, umm, thicker than ...thicker than other blood.  I mean, like it's when ...like, uhh ..."

Remington:  "Thanks Colt!  Wolf Pack, tonight you learn what it's like to duel at High Noon!"

As the trio leave, Remi tries to console Colt, who is clearly upset with how poorly he handled the spotlight.

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Gavin Cannons v. "The Pride" Leon King

After the short break, the crowd was treated to some hard hitting action, as 23 year old Oxford native, Gavin Cannons, faced off against "The Pride" from Oakland, California, 27 year old MMA trained fighter Leon King.  King was Docs' oldest student, but showed promise with his ability to adapt his MMA grappling and boxing training to the ring.  Cannons, however, was more raw, but his brute force, from years of shotput, did give him an athletic advantage.  The two men brawled for ten minutes, back and forth, before King countered a charging shoulder into a guillotine chokehold.  As the two men crumpled to the mat, Culver checked on Cannons, who had passed out to the hold.

Leon King defeated Gavin Cannons in 10:21 with the Guillotine Chokehold

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Owen Scott v. Yakuza

The semi main event matched up Docs' most promising student, "Showtime" Owen Scott, an 18 year old from Miami, Florida, against 19 year old Yakuza, a Japanese born wrestler who moved to Tacoma, Washington when he was three.  Owen had spoken often about his desire to wrestle in Japan, his need to wrestle in Burning Hammer.  A true student of the game, Owen Scott is always watching tapes of classic matches.  Yakuza, on the other hand, seems more nonchalant about his training, and Doc was unsure if he'd actually stick with it.  The two men went back and forth for ten minutes, before SOS won with the Showtime Superkick.

Owen Scott defeated Yakuza in 10:16 with the Showtime Superkick

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The Cassidy Gang v. The Wolf Pack

The final match of the night saw Docs' sons, Colt and Remington Cassidy (both 19) face off against Jose (20) and Ruiz (18) Lobos, together known as the Wolf Pack.  The Lobos were born in Mexico, but their parents smuggled them in New Mexico as young children.  Their grandmother, or Abuela, introduced them to wrestling, and living in Los Lunas, just outside of Albuquerque, they were able to watch both American wrestling, and Mexican luchadores.  Doc watched his boys, as they worked in tandem, as well as the Lobos, to put on a solid match.  Kazi had focused solely on this match, so it held up much better than the others.  And while Colt may have stumbled on the microphone, he looked like a natural in the ring, only to be outshone by Ruiz Lobos, who almost looked like a seasoned veteran between the ropes.  After twelve minutes of action, Colt hit Jose Lobos with the Colt .45, a variation of a shotgun dropkick, and picked up the victory for the Cassidy Gang.

The Cassidy Gang defeated The Wolf Pack in 12:06 when Colt Cassidy pinned Jose Lobos with the Colt .45


Afterwards, as the group collected in the locker room, Doc gave Poppy a hug in congratulations, before addressing the room.  "You kids did amazing.  That feeling you have?  Remember that.  When you go out and perform the way you guys did today, that feeling will become an addiction.  It'll drive you to do more, to do better, to improve, and to climb your way to the top.  Now go shower up and enjoy the carnival.  I'll see you Wednesday at 7am at the Barn."

As the kids headed off to the showers, Doc turned to Kazi.  "We did good, Kazi.  But, there's improvements."  Kazi tilted his head curiously.  "You thinking of running another show?"  Doc nodded.  "Poppy is right.  They need to experience all of it.  No better way to grow than on the job experience.  And the first change ...Wade can never put another match together." 




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"Hello ladies, gentlemen, and assorted weirdos who love wrestling!  And welcome to the newest episode of the Flogg Splash Floggcast!  As always, I am your humble host, Josh Flogg.  Your Sunday Night Savior!  And I am here with all the latest news and gossip from around the world of wrestling.  Probably the biggest news comes from England, as 21CW regular, and former TCW world champion Tommy Cornell is being written off for a bit.  The rumor is he is looking into a new business venture, and you guys know me, I don't come here with half-baked scoops.  My sources tell me that Tommy Cornell ...the Tommy Cornell ...is looking into starting his own line of snacks.  He has been very excited about the prospect of marketing Cornell Corn Nuts, and popcorn ...or Cornell Kernels.  I wish Mr. Cornell luck on this new venture, as his in ring career winds down.

Also, it seems that perennial jobber Doc Cassidy has his own little upstart going now.  I don't know how successful it'll be, considering the only Cassidy was ever good at was counting the lights, but with a no name like Kami Kaze and a drunk like Wade Culver helping him out, it should be no time before he shuts this lame idea down, and goes back to doing local car commercials or meet and greets at some third rate strip mall.  I mean, seriously, what has that guy ever done?  Besides lose to Dread in eighteen seconds?  I'm waiting, dear listener ...that's right.  The answer is nothing.  "The Last True Outlaw" should've been called "The Only True Jobber."  He was garbage then, and he's garbage now!

Speaking of garbage, have I told you how clean my house is now that I have Redwood Bags?  They're the heftiest, strongest, largest, reddish garbage bags on the market.  They hold a GIANT amount of trash.  No job too big, no house too small for Redwood Bags.  Order them online at prowrestlinginspiredproductsIdidnotaskpermissiontouse.com ...tell them you're a Flogger and save 5% on your first order, plus half price shipping!  You can't beat that!

Well Floggers and Bloggers, my time is almost up, but I figured, before I go, I would do a little scouting on some of these kids in STW.  Who knows?  Maybe one day you'll actually see one of these indy kids on a real show ...I doubt it, but again, who knows?


Remington Cassidy

Remington Cassidy, the older of Docs' twin sons by three minutes, is a fine athlete, but nowhere near as natural in the ring as his brother.  Remi has also shown a love for things outside of wrestling, having taken drama club in high school.  His presence on stage has been called magnetic, and he shows a real comfort, so who knows for how long he plans on doing the wrestling thing.

224 lbs.
Finisher: Silver Bullet - Second Rope Shotgun Dropkick

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The Flogg Splash



Welcome Floggers and Bloggers to the newest edition of the Flogg Splash Floggcast!  I am, once again, your host with the most, the voice of choice, the Sunday Night Savior, and your go to for all things wrestling related ...Josh Flogg!I am your insider on the outside, your source for all the rumors, possibilities, and knowledge you need to impress your best friends' mom ...s mailman, who is also a wrestling fan, but not smart enough to listen to me!  And have I got a show for you tonight!  First, let us all take a moment of silence to remember Hito Ichi ...hawa?  Ichi ..hara?  Hito was a pioneer in this sport, and he will be greatly missed.

Now onto the rumors, and we all know that the Floggman has the scoop.  First, Monty Croft is back!  After disappearing last year for "unknown reasons", which long time listeners know I reported was due to his desire to create his own currency, the Croft-o-Coin, Monty has come back to the world of wrestling.  I don't know if his outside venture was a success, but if anyone could pull it off, it would be a "Crofty" businessman like Montgomery.

It was also announced at the end of January that The Force, an iconic name of this hallowed game, was hanging up his boots.  Since the announcement, SWF, TCW, USPW, CWA, Burning Hammer, all the big names are vying for one last chance to showcase his talent.  I've heard the Force is so overwhelmed by this outpouring of support, he can't decide where to go, which is why we haven't seen him since his announcement.

And finally, STW has announced a second show.  Why?  I have no idea ...tax write off?  Ponzi scheme?  I wouldn't put anything past that loser Doc Cassidy.  Apparently, this is their first "official" show, whatever that means.  If more than ten people show up, and even half of them pay money, I'll issue a public apology on this Floggcast.  That's my personal guarantee folks.  I've even heard that a couple of Cassidy's "students" worked an independent show.  Spoilers ...they all lost!  The Lobo Pack ...lost!  Owen Scott ...lost!  Yakuza ...LOST!  Leon King ...LOST!!!"  These poor kids paid good money to a guy who could never lift his shoulders from the mat to learn how to stare at the lights.  After being smacked around, of course!

Speaking of smacked ...this Floggcast is brought to you this week by Big Smack Flyswatters.  If you have a big infestation, an ant issue, a fly phobia, or a door to door salesman who just won't take a hint, use this Big Smack Swatter!  It'll put down any pest, guaranteed!  Floggcast note, that guarantee is not contractually binding, Big Smack Swatters are just oversized fly swatters that may or may not kill flies, please do not use them against door to door salesmen or any other person under threat of legal action.  Big Smack Swatters are available at IusefamousgimmicksIdidnotasktouseunderfreeparody.com ...apparently the old site shut down mysteriously.

Anyways Floggers and Bloggers, you know I am a busy man, so that's the end of this show.  I'll leave you with a bit of information on another rookie who will probably never amount to anything in this business.  Until next time, don't get caught in the Splash Zone!  I'm Josh Flogg and I am OUTTA HERE!


Colt Cassidy

Colt Cassidy, the younger of Doc Cassidys twin sons by 3 minutes, is a naturally gifted and talented performer, who, with the help of his brother, hopes to make it big in the business.  He eats, sleeps, and breathes wrestling, having always wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps.  Above all else, he wants nothing more than to make the name Cassidy mean more in the wrestling ring than just "an easy victory."

219 lbs.
Finisher: Colt .45 - Running Superkick

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Doc sat in his office, looking over the papers of new applicants.  As much as he hated that pseudo journalist Josh Flogg, he had to admit, the free publicity was doing him some good.  Some of the kids applying had an interesting look or character idea, while others were just athletic hosses looking to learn how to work in the ring.  Doc was pleased.  He had even started getting female candidates.  It was then that his phone rang.  Cassidy flipped open his old cell phone and answered.  

Voice:  "I'm sorry for the unsolicited call, Mr. Cassidy, but I was given your number by one of your students.  We met at an Indy show in El Paso, and he told me I should give you a call."

Doc cleared his throat as he listened, musing as to which student was handing out his phone number on a whim.  "And to whom am I speaking to?"  "My name is Penny Mathers.  But I used to be a valet for Shane Glue where I worked as Miss Penny Money.  Owen said you were looking for someone to help you put together matches?"  Doc smirked, making a mental note to have a talk with Owen about using him to pick up women.  "Are you willing to come to Corpus Christi for a try out?"  Miss Penny Money agreed eagerly, and a date was set.  Worst case, Doc wasted an hour of his day.  Best case, Wade Culver was kept from putting together another match for STW.


Doc walked the makeshift backstage of the old Houston train station.  Poppy's idea.  Can't call an event "The Great Train Robbery" without trains, she posited.  Doc was trying to figure out how to word his speech before the show tonight.  And he was drawing a blank.  Around him, his trainees were bonding with each other.  Poppy had brought one of those portable video game systems, and they were having a round robin tournament of matches with the latest SWF game.  As Doc watched on, Poppy had just beaten Gavin Cannons with a roll up to win the tournament.  The rookies cheered, and she celebrated, and Doc smiled, as he moved on.  

Around the corner, Cliff Diver was being spoken to by Kazi.  Apparently he missed the early meeting this time, saying he had overslept.  Another stern warning, another apology and how it would never happen again.  Doc had to remind himself that while they were in their early twenties, most of them were still kids.  And kids make mistakes.  Until it becomes habitual.  His thoughts were shaken, as Doc overheard Madness and Wade Culver mid discussion.

Wade:  "Come on, man, I don't want to get caught up in this."  Wade hiccupped and took another swig from his flask.

Madson:  "I'm just saying, she has only been here a month.  How can they already be dating?"

Wade:  "I dunno, man, but I can tell you ...Classic has dated a LOT of women for one night.  Ha Ha!"

Madson rolled his eyes, and turned away from Culver.  "Man, gross.  I just don't feel right about Leon dating someone who has only been training for a month.  It seems ...suspicious."

Wade:  "He's "The Pride Fighter" right?  Only one with any name value that isn't half past dead around here.  Trust me, it won't last.  Then maybe I can show her how we do it Classic Style!"

Madson groaned in frustration and stormed past Doc, as he watched it all unfold.  Doc decided it best to turn back before he was spotted, not wanting to get caught in Wade Culvers whirlpool of reminiscing fantasy.  As he spun back, he heard Cannons starting to yell.  Doc turned the corner and saw the large British man in the face of his daughter, his finger inches from her forehead.  "So much for team building, eh?  Had to cheat to win.  Feel like a big lass, do ya?"  Poppet waved the big man away, as Gavin watched the eyes of many, including other Cassidys, narrow down on him.  Deciding discretion the best course, Cannons walked out of the room and into the makeshift hallway.  Doc could feel the second guessing get louder in his mind.



Monday, March 28th, 2022
Old Houston Train Station
Attendance: 63


The show opened with Doc Cassidy in the ring.  Around them sat abandoned train cars and station pieces no longer in commission.  Doc grabbed the mic and began welcoming everyone to STW's first official event.  As he continues to pump the small gathering, Bubba Travis heads out to the ring.  He snatches the microphone from Doc and pushes him back a step.

Bubba:  "Ain't no one want to hear from you, old man.  Your time is over.  Just get outta this ring, and let us do what we do.  In January, I kicked Cliff Divers ass, and tonight, I'mma fixin' to do the same thing to Owen Scott.  And soon, I'mma be out of this Podunk company, and makin' a name fer myself in the big leagues!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, dude.  That's no way to talk to a legend, bruh."  Cliff Diver follows Travis out of the curtain, his blue Hawaiian shirt billowing.  "Mr. Cassidy is giving us a chance, man.  You'd still be stuck in some choke n' puke outside Boise if it weren't for him."

Bubba:  "Git lost!  I already put you down once, I ain't needin' to do it again!"

Diver:  "Bruh, just relax man, and let these people enjoy the show."

Doc:  "You should listen to him, Bubba, since you still have a match to get ready for.  Now go on!"

The three men exit the ring without physical interaction, however the staredown between Bubba Travis and Cliff Diver shows that the bad blood between them is far from over.

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Gavin Cannons v. Yakuza

The burly Brit Gavin Cannons got to showcase his talent against Yakuza in the opening bout.  They went back and forth for almost eight minutes, with Yakuza using his speed to try to keep the big man off balance.  But it was all for naught, as Gavin hit the Cannons Roar, a powerful charging spear, that looked like it tore Yakuza in half.  

Gavin Cannons defeated Yakuza at 7:59 with the Cannons Roar (charging spear)


Afterwards, Leon King made his way to the ring.  Still dressed in his fight robe, he took the mic, and for almost three minutes ...said nothing.  He would lift the mic to his lips to speak ...and no sound came out.  He took a deep breath and tried again, and an imperceptible squeal escaped his throat, and then silence once more.  The crowd kept looking at each other in confusion, until King threw the mic down and stormed out of the arena.

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Lone Star and the Cassidy Gang v. MaDNeSS and the Lobo Pack

A six man tag match was next, and for such young talent, it was some pretty incredible back and forth action.  Remington and Colt showed their tag team chemistry, and Jose and Ruiz, not to be outshone, would match them step for step.  Lone Star even showcased some impressive high flying ability.  The biggest issue with the match was when MaDNeSS went for a suicide dive between the ropes, and after gaining a full head of steam to leap on both Cassidys, jumped a bit too high and forced his body, throat first, into the top rope.  He hit the canvas and rolled out of the ring, writhing for the finale of the match.  A finale that saw everyone shine a little, before Ruiz Lobos hit a picture perfect triple jump moonsault on Lone Star to get the win.

MaDNeSS and the Lobo Pack defeated Lone Star and the Cassidy Gang when Ruiz Lobos pinned Lone Star with a triple jump moonsault at 12:14


After the match, when the heels made their way to the back, Lone Star, Colt, Remi, and Poppy took a moment to celebrate with the crowd, as a feel good moment post match.  As they headed back, waving and applauding, a cloaked figure reached out of the crowd and grabbed Poppy by the hair.  Poppy swung about as the figures hood fell back, revealing her masked face.  She grinned wickedly, and faded back into the crowd as Colt and Remi grabbed their sister and pulled her away.

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Cliff Diver v. Leon King

The semi main event saw Cliff Diver facing Leon King, who seemed pretty angry after his "promo" earlier.  The two men went back and forth, wild strikes and dives, hard slams and clotheslines.  No matter what Diver did, he couldn't keep the MMA fighter down, though.  After ten minutes of solid action, King locked in the Guillotine Choke, and soon after, Cliff Diver was asleep.

Leon King defeated Cliff Diver in 10:23 with the Guillotine Choke

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Bubba Travis v. Owen Scott

The main event saw Bubba Travis take on Owen Scott.  Doc had wanted the six man tag in the main event, but Kazi and Poppy argued that it would be good to vary the main event scene.  They were right in this case.  Owen Scott shined in that spotlight.  Bubba tried to keep up, but his stamina is nowhere near as good as Showtimes, and by the end of the match, Travis was gulping air, as Owen Scott danced around him.  It wasn't long after that when Scott hit the Showtime Superkick to put the big trucker down for the three count.

Owen Scott defeated Bubba Travis at 10:50 with the Showtime Superkick


After the show, Doc made it a point to seek out Ruiz Lobos and tell him how incredible his performance was.  Doc had always been impressed with how easily he took to wrestling, but tonight, he put all the pieces together.  He also wanted to make sure to compliment his newest student, and Leon Kings' apparent girlfriend, Defect.  A young girl who created this whole character on her own self perception, being that she is very attractive, yet feels incredibly ugly.  Doc made sure to reiterate to her that her performance for the crowd was impressive.  Poppy then ran up to her father as the locker room celebrated another successful showing.

Poppy:  "Dad, I think this might be a thing.  I think we can actually build into something."

Doc:  "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Poppy.  We don't even know if it's fiscally responsible to keep doing this.  Let's give it some time, settle the finances, and we'll go from there."

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Last Call Ranch

4:40 PM

Saturday, April 9th, 2022




Doc sat in his office, something he did a lot of these days.  He was going over financials, seeing more red than black, which was to be expected for a start up promotion, but was still worrying to the aging wrestler, considering how much of his money, his livelihood was tied up in this small promotion and school.  Not only was Doc worried about the financial aspect, he also realized that kids wrestling kids offered no real opportunity for growth.  Without a seasoned hand or two to step in the ring with them, the kids would be limited in their opportunity to learn.  However, going over the numbers again, Doc was almost certain he couldn’t afford to bring in the experienced hand he so desperately wanted.


Kazi knocked on the open door, stirring Doc from his thoughts.  “Got a moment, boss?”  Doc waved him in, as Kazi held his cell phone in his hand.  “Thought you might want to see this.”  Kazi laid the phone down in front of Doc, with the illuminated screen showing a news article from a small time wrestling publication.  The picture next to the article was of Leon King in his fighting stance.


Excerpt from article:






Interviewer:  How do you feel your training has been under Doc Cassidy and his team?


Leon King:  It’s been pretty great, so far.  I feel they’ve taught me some things which have actually helped my mixed martial arts …I was primarily a striker before I signed up for the South Texas school.  And now, I’m able to mix in a wide array of grapples, making me a more well rounded fighter.


Interviewer:  That’s good to hear.  And how about holding events?  Do you feel there’s been a benefit to that as well?


Leon King:  Well, for me, personally?  I’ve been in front of crowds before.  It’s why I’m such a natural out there.  Honestly, I think my name being linked to STW is more for their benefit than it is mine.  Listen, I’m not one to brag, but if it wasn’t for me, if it wasn’t for “The Pride” being on those posters, or MMA fighter Leon King being discussed by wrestling pundits like you?  I don’t think there is an STW event.  I’m not saying I’m the only reason, don't get me wrong, but it’s a good thing my shoulders are large enough to carry this company in its infancy, ya know?



Doc removed his reading glasses and looked up at Kazi.  “Seriously?”  Kazi simply shrugged with a smirk.  “There’s more …”  Doc sighed heavily and continued reading.





Excerpt from article:


Interviewer:  Any other news we should know from the Pride FIghter?


Leon King:  Well, I’m glad you asked.  Since you’ve been so cordial with me, I felt I would give you the scoop.  In June, I’m going off to train.  I got an invite to return to the cage.  RageCage, an MMA company out of Miami, has offered me a spot on their card, so in June, I start my rigorous training routine.  


Interviewer:  That’s amazing!


Leon King:  Yeah, we’re still finalizing my opponent, but this will be good.  Nothing like getting a little more high profile, ya know?  And when the big leagues come calling, because the “King of the Street” is still undefeated, I’ll be ready.




Doc looked up once more.  “When do you suppose he’s planning on informing us?”  Kazi shrugged in response, unsure if the “big name” MMA fighter was worth the hassle.

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The Flogg Splash


Hello Floggers and Bloggers and welcome, once again, to the fastest rising wrestling related audio format show in the world, if you don’t count the more popular ones, the Flogg Splash!  I am your host, your guide, your sherpa of knowledge of everything within those ropes, Your Sunday Night Savior, the hero that Bonnie Tyler so desperately needs, Josh Flogg!  And this is the Flogg Splash Floggcast!  And folks, have we got a wild show today.


First of all, you guys know I am not one to normally do this.  But Ivan Ivanoff …you knows, of the Ivanoff Brothers.  They’re more of a name in the UK, sure, but in a world of internet, I’m sure you’ve seen some of their old 21CW matches.  I digress, I heard earlier this week that Ivan Ivanoff lost his home to a fire.  Wiped out everything.  We here at the Floggcast wish to help out or brother, well, not literally, I’m not an Ivanoff, but our metaphorical brother in the business in this, his time of need.  We’ve set up a FunDus page on our patreon.  At least half of all the money we raise will be sent to Ivan Ivanoff.  Probably.  If we can find where to send it.  We’ll figure it out.  Anyway, donate, and while you’re there, don’t forget to subscribe to our newest tier, where you will get everything we already offer, plus a personally signed headshot of yours truly!  Nothing impresses the ladies more than a signed photo of the one, the only, Josh Flogg!


In other news, CWA is losing Hailey Hunter for a bit.  Rumor has it she got called to do a cameo in that popular fantasy show “Dragons Bane”.  She’ll be playing, from what I hear, a peasant who accidentally bumps into the King of Dragons Landing.  Speaking of, can you believe how far off the rails that show has gone?  What was once such a promising, albeit brutal and bloody series, when they ran out of books to steal material from, and had to rely on their own talent, the show stopped making sense!  Why is the king an amnesiac who is just wandering the streets of Dragons Landing?  Ugh!  Now I’m all fired up!


Speaking of fired up, I bet Doc Cassidy must be feeling that way.  I hear he has a second show coming in May, and it’ll be the last time people …heh, like people actually go to those stupid events, people will get to see Leon King in an STW ring for awhile.  Good for him, honestly.  I’m glad the kid is seeing the light, and realizing he’s more talented than whatever limitations that jobber Doc has put on him.  If it wasn’t for the name brand of the Pride Fighter, I’m not sure anyone would even know about that podunk little promotion.


And finally, the Force has officially retired from in ring competition.  And to celebrate, I encourage you all to go to pleasedontsuemeIjustusedthenameandlikenessofwrestlerswithoutpermission.com and get your hands on the new Force Du Jour, the perfect platter set for entertaining.  The Force Du Jour comes with a serving tray, with the Forces’ face on it, a tea kettle, with tassels on the handle, as well as silverware and dishes, all lined with famous Force lines from his promos.  If you want to impress your boss, your neighbor, or the husband of the woman you’re having a secret tryst with, there is no better way than to serve dinner on the Force Du Jour!  Use the discount code SPLASHZONE to get an extra butter knife.  Can never have too many of those!


That’s it for this week, Floggers and Bloggers, but I encourage you to tune in next time, when I have all the dirt, the rumors, the mudslinging, and the stuff I made up …wait, who wrote this script?!  I am Josh Flogg, telling you to beware the Splash Zone!  And I am OUTTA HERE!  


Jerry …did you slip this line in?!  Where are you?!



Leon King

“The Pride Fighter, The King of the Street”

Leon King was born in Harlem, NY, who fell in with the wrong crowd at a young age.  Spending most of his pre-teen years getting involved in activites of vandalism.  When he was arrested for the fourth time, the officer who brought him in, Sgt. Dennis Karvackle, brought him to the gym in an effort to focus his excessive energy.  King took to the gym, and soon started learning different aspects of MMA fighting.  While a novice when it comes to grappling, his striking is impeccable, earning him the nickname the “Pride Fighter”



251 lbs.

Finishing move: Guillotine Choke

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Monday May 22, 2022

Stetsons Bingo Hall 


Doc looked around the now converted abandoned bingo hall, which, through hard work and ingenuity, had been transformed into a small arena.  Poppy was really big on themes, and with the name of this show being “Dead Man’s Hand”, a former den of pseudo-gambling seemed to fit the bill.  To his left, Doc spotted Jose Lobos with his headphones in.  The kid was one who tried to absorb as much wrestling knowledge as possible, and while very focused on his training, he was the go to source for anything and everything happening outside this small company.  Doc suspected he was listening to more of the CWA fallout.  Apparently, Adrian Garcia got into an online tiff with a fan that spiraled out of control, with logs showing Garcia telling the fan he’s not a real fan, and other less than savory words.  It didn’t take long to discover said fan was a twelve year old boy, and in the aftermath, CWA have disavowed Garcia's words, and left him to fend for himself.  Discussions have ranged from charity donations as a make well to Garcia going to counseling, to even calling for the man to be fired.  Doc was thankful he wasn’t in a position to have to deal with such a scandal.


That thought was quickly disrupted by a loud Alabama accent.  “The hell you doin?!”  Doc pivoted to look out the back door, where Bubba Travis, standing in front of his giant truck of a car, pointing at a giant scratch that ran down the passenger door.  Across from him, Yakuza stood in front of his small four door sedan, his arms raised.  “Maybe if you weren’t parked so crooked, your PoS truck wouldn’t get dinged!”  Bubba flared with rage, and lunged at Yakuza, who quickly hopped out of the way, as others in the vicinity rushed out to hold the two men back.  As Doc made his way out, amidst the sea of obscenities, he wrapped an arm around Yakuzas’ neck, and pulled him close.  “You’re gonna apologize for damaging that mans property.  And then you’re gonna pay for the damages you caused.  Because if you don’t, I will bounce your ass out of this school so fast, your head will spin.  Are we clear?”  Yakuza, pushing away from Doc, snorted, and stormed off to the makeshift locker room.  “Glad I don’t have scandals” Doc thought, sarcastically.


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Monday May 22, 2022

Stetsons Bingo Hall

Attendance: 65




As was now becoming tradition, Doc started the show in the ring with a mic in hand.  “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to STW’s Dead Mans’ Hand!  We have an amazing show …”  He is quickly interrupted by MaDNeSS who steps through the curtain, laughing maniacally.  MaDNeSS walked to the ring, mumbling incoherently about causing pain, about being what people want to see, about wanting to destroy Lone Star.  He was then interrupted by Owen Scott, and Showtime professed how he was the reason 60 plus people were sitting in this old Bingo hall, how he has already started branching out, making a name for himself, and by proxy, STW.  Leon King emerged as well, an intense glare as he stared at the ring.  He said no words, but his expression spoke volumes.  And he was not happy.

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Colt Cassidy v. Jose Lobos


The first match of the evening set Colt Cassidy up with Jose Lobos, furthering the bad blood between the Gang and the Pack.  The two men had a good back and forth match, but their pacing was slow, which seemed to turn the crowd off some.  Also, Colt looked off a step.  His punches weren’t as crisp as usual, his dropkick didn’t get the height it normally does, and even the Colt .45 looked sloppy.  But it was effective enough to give him the victory.


Colt Cassidy defeated Jose Lobos in 8:51 with the Colt .45


The aftermath saw Ruiz Lobos run down the aisle and blindside Colt, knocking him down face first.  With his opponent in a prone position, the Lobo Pack started laying in the boots, kicking the young Cassidy while he was down.  This prompted Remi to run from the back, sliding into the ring, while the Lobos Pack bailed out the other side.  Remi stood over his fallen brother, while staring down Jose and Ruiz.

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Lone Star and Cliff Diver v. Bubba Travis and MaDNeSS


Doc had originally scheduled this match with Yakuza as Travis’ partner, but after the incident earlier, he decided to give the two men some space.  The match wasn’t great.  Granted, they’re all trainees, so it was never gonna be a five star classic, but even on a bell curve, this match was sub par at best.  And MaDNeSS, while a natural on the mic, has shown no natural in ring talent.  His work is sloppy, and he drags down any match he is in.  While watching the match, Doc made a mental note to offer Madson some one on one training, to try to help improve his skill.  After eleven minutes of trying (and failing) to tell a story of Lone Star in distress, leading to a hot tag, Cliff Diver got the win with the Hang 10.


Cliff Diver and Lone Star defeated Bubba Travis and MaDNeSS in 11:29 when Cliff Diver pinned Bubba Travis with the Hang 10 (somersault leg drop from the top rope)


The next two minutes were …something else.  Wade Culver had brought a young kid to Doc, telling him he had this great idea.  Culver was a sports fan, and had told Doc that what he needed to help keep the kids interested was a mascot.  And this kid was perfect for it.  Doc decided to give it a shot (more to keep Wade happy) and put a mask on the young man.  For the next two minutes, STEW, dressed in a bull mask, came out and did flips in the ring, before running around ringside and high fiving fans.  He ended the segment with an Asai moonsalt from the middle rope to the floor, landing in the stereotypical “super hero” pose, much to the delight of the kids who were in attendance.

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Remington Cassidy v. Ruiz Lobos


In a continuation from the opening contest, the other half of the Cassidy Gang faced off with the other half of the Lobo Pack.  In contrast to the starting match, this match started full gear, and never slowed down.  Colt and Jose, both at ringside to cheer on their respective siblings, kept eying each other from across the ring, almost coming to blows on more than one occasion.  The match ended when Remi was distracted by Jose and Colt coming close to brawling once more, allowing Ruiz to perform a head scissors that he transitioned into a reverse arm breaker, causing Remi to tap out.


Ruiz Lobos defeated Remington Cassidy in 9:55 by submission (reverse arm breaker)


After the match, as the Cassidy Gang huddled up in the aftermath of their match, Poppy was again assaulted by a cloaked figure in the crowd.  This time, instead of panicking and shying away, Poppy swung a right hand, which was dodged by the hooded woman.  She laughed as she backed up again, much to Poppy’s ire.

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Gavin Cannons v. Owen Scott v. Leon King v. Yakuza


The main event saw a fatal four way.  A wild brawl of a match, these four went out of their way to keep the fans enthralled with violent strikes and holds.  Both King and Scott shone in this match, while Cannons and Yakuza struggled to keep up.  As the match wore on, Scott was able to take Yakuza out, while King knocked Cannons to the floor with a malicious right hand.  The two left standing then went back and forth, until Owen Scott rolled through a Guillotine and countered with a Showtime Superkick for the victory.


Owen Scott defeated Gavin Cannons, Leon King, and Yakuza in 11:58 by pinning Leon King with the Showtime Superkick


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After the show, Doc praised Showtime and Ruiz for solid performances.  He also told Stew that he had a job, so long as he kept getting reactions like he did tonight.  Culver patted the kid on the back as Penny Money and Poppy walked up.  “I don’t know how long this shall last Doc, but I am definitely enjoying the ride.”  Penny complimented.  Doc smiled, but the words stuck with him.  Just how long will this ride last?

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Hello Floggers and Bloggers, and welcome, once again, to the greatest wrestling theme podcast that you can download exclusively on Peachpod!  And I am your host, the voice that makes the ladies swoon and the men groon …groon?  What is groon?  Whatever.  I am your host, your Sunday Night Savior, your rainbow bridge to rumors and happenings, your source of knowledge from CWA to the US of A, Josh Flogg!  And this …is the Flogg Splash Floggcast!  And folks, when I tell you I have some rumors, let me tell you, I have got some rumors!  


I would be remiss if I didn’t start the show by discussing the two big passings that happened this week.  Jackson Andrews passed away at the age of 81.  The Canadian Superstar was an instrumental part in the growth of professional wrestling, and he will be missed.  Five days later, the pioneer of Mexican wrestling, El Aguila Americana passed away at the age of 80.  Without him, the Mexican wrestling boon may not be anywhere where it is today.  Let’s take a moment to remember these fine heroes.


Now, speaking of Canada, the maple syrup must be souring, because we have had a major defection!  And I mean this is a big deal!  CWA lost a bidding war for Shooter Sean Deeley.  The 36 year old has decided to leave the northern border and head to USPW, with promises of gold, and assurances of a major payday!  Is this a one time incident, or have we just seen the first shot fired of the great Can-Am war?  Time will tell.  But I will say this, Floggers and bloggers, wrestling is never more interesting than when you expect the unexpected.  And if big names are going to jump from company to company, I say bring it on!


Speaking of big names, rumor has it that the “Savage Assassin” has signed a contract.  Wait, what?  Drake Savage retired.  Years ago.  When no one wanted to sign him because his technique was considered “boring.”  His sleeper holds knocked crowds unconscious.  Last I heard, he was selling life insurance.  Who signed this …ohh, it’s STW.  I apologize folks, I thought I had actual news for you, not daytime talk show drivel.  As Maury would say “Drake Savage, you are NOT important!”  Ha!  That was clever.  Jerry, did you hear?  I totally improvised that.  What?  Shut up, Jerry, you don’t have a mic.


Speaking of Mikes, this week, the Floggcast is sponsored by “No BS” Bull Spit!  The energy drink that will keep your heart racing for days and days!  I have a can of Brooklyn Blueberry here now and let me tell you, this stuff is sip UGH!  God awful!  Why would anyone drink this?!  What Jerry?  Oh ..I mean, wow, what a taste!  So make sure you order a case of No BS Bull Spit from NotStealingPeoplesNamesForProductsIllegally.com.  It’s a totally legit site, it says so on Wikipedia.


Finally, it has been announced that “Generations” by Professor Nero is due to be released soon.  To celebrate the third book in his series being released, I, Josh Flogg, am announcing to my Wheelin’ and Dealin’ tier patreon subscribers and up, a chance to win an autographed copy.  That’s right, if you enter, and win, you will receive, for free, plus shipping and handling, of course, a copy of Professor Nero’s newest release, autographed …by me!  Josh Flogg!  And as soon as the book hits shelves, I will purchase it, sign it, and ship it, once you pay shipping and handling.  How great is that?  I know all you floggers and bloggers are very excited, so get those entries in.


That’s it for the Flogg Splash this week, but remember, I always have my ear to the door, so I know all the dirt going on in those locker rooms.  If there is one thing you can set your watch to, it’s that the biggest splash in wrestling news comes from my fat a …Jerry, what the hell?!


Drake Savage

Drake Savage, also known as the “Savage Assassin” has the trademark style of grinding an opponent down.  Submissions and wear down holds, and brutal strikes all add to his arsenal.  However, his bland appearance, and almost monotone voice all lended to no one wanting to take a risk on him.  While the possibility for a championship in a named organization may have once looked promising, years of being ignored and shunned cause those dreams to die, and Savage went on to become a life insurance salesman to simply pay the bills.  


Savage also has the distinction of being the very last opponent for “The Last True Outlaw”, who truly believed, if given a chance, the kid could’ve been somebody.



237 lbs.

The Drake Escape - Straightjacket Camel Clutch

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 Doc entered the small gymnasium, adorned with Texas flags and banners.  San Antonio, his home away from home.  Doc spent much of his youth near San Antonio, and used to say he would retire there one day.  He almost made it.  The ring sat in the center of the polished wood basketball court, ready for use in the next few hours.  Doc mused as most everyone had arrived already.  That was one of his few rules.  Arrive early, stay until after the last bell sounded.  They were training, sure, but dues still had to be paid.  Colt, Remi, and Bubba had helped set up the ring.  Yakuza and Gavin made sure the sound system was in place.  Everyone had a job.  So, Doc was a little upset when he saw the Lobos and Madness laying the mats, but were a crew member short.  Definitely going to have to have a conversation before this night was over.


Docs’ attention was drawn towards to the locker room area, where his daughter was engaging in a dispute with the newest member of the roster, Drake Savage.  “I’m not here to play video games, or karaoke, or whatever dumb idea you have.”  “I’m trying to build camaraderie.  We’re a team.”  “No, this is a locker room.  We’re here to do a job, not sing Kumbaya while roasting marshmallows.  No one here is going to my funeral, nor should they.”  Poppy huffed as she stormed away from the veteran wrestler, stomping past her father who shook his head.  She would never have appreciated the locker rooms he was a part of in his day, he thought.


As Poppy stormed out, Cliff Diver came strolling in, his bag dragging behind him, as he casually waved to the rest of the assembled wrestlers.  Doc walked straight up to the tardy rookie.


“You’re late.”


“Yeah, sorry bruh.  I got caught up watching this video, it was the 100 greatest moments in NOTBPW and I just got sucked in.  I didn’t …”


“Think.  You didn’t think.  Is this a game to you, Cliff?  Do you think you know everything you need to know?  Do you think you’re a seasoned veteran who doesn’t need to pay his dues?  That USPW is going to be blowing up your phone next week?”


“I …I …I mean …”


“If you’re serious about this, and I mean truly serious, you need to get your head out of your ass, and start acting like an adult.  I am not a glorified babysitter, nor are you a giant toddler.  If you’re late like this again, if you left the people who are supposed to trust you between those ropes down again, you’re gone.  Are we clear?”


Diver meekly nodded, but said nothing.


“Good.  As for tonight, $100 fine.  No questions.  Got it?”


Again, Diver only nodded, before sulking off to the locker room to get ready.


Before Doc could calm down, Defect and Penny Money approached him.  Defect was holding her mask in her hands, cradling it.


“He ruined it!”


Doc put his hands up to try to calm the young woman down, as Penny rubbed her shoulders.  Defect held the mask up, which had a crude drawing on the forehead of it.  The kind of crude drawing you’d see on your dorm mate when he passed out at a kegger.  Doc felt the anger rise.




Defect pointed towards Gavin Cannons, who was talking with Wade Culver and Yakuza.  As he regaled them with his story, he laughed and patted Culver on the shoulder, as Culver joined in with the chuckling.  Doc stormed over to the group, as Yakuza snuck off, not wanting to be part of another irate Cassidy moment.


“Cannons, what’s the meaning of this?”


“C’mon boss, just a bit o ‘armless fun, eh?”


“Is it?  You ruined her gear.  In one of the most vile ways possible.  For what?”


“I was just ‘avin a laugh …”


“Well, you’re the only one.  Clean it off, and apologize.  Now!  Next time, I won’t be so forgiving.”


Cannons snorted as he snatched the mask from Docs’ hand, and as he passed by Defect, offered a half hearted apology.  Doc stared at the young man as he left, wondering just how many of these kids were going to last in his school long enough to actually break into the business.




Remember the Alamo

San Antonio High School Gymnasium

Attendance: 68




Once again, sticking with tradition, Doc Cassidy made his way to the ring to begin the show.  Before he could say word one, though, he was interrupted by the newest signee to STW, Drake Savage.  Drake snatched the microphone from Doc, and proceeded with an incredibly bland introductory promo, which he ended by saying he could outclass any man in the locker room.  Which brought out the young Lone Star.  And as he entered the ring to be the first challenger to square off with the “grizzled veteran”, Lone Star panicked.  Having to improv a promo is tough.  And with no training, it’s a hundred times tougher.  Instead of presenting a case for why he should face Savage in the ring, instead of mocking his opponent, or playing up to the crowd, Lone Star, like a deer in headlights, simply said “I will face you and win.”  Repeatedly.  To the point Doc took the microphone away from him to get him to stop saying it.  It was not the best opening promo in wrestling history.


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Drake Savage v. Lone Star


The opening contest was Savage’s debut, and compared to the young Lone Star, he looked like a top calibur world champion.  Doc wanted an experienced hand to help train these kids under live fire, and he found one.  Savage gave Lone Star moments to shine, but in the end, he was able to topple the young Native American, and lock him in the Drake Escape.


Drake Savage defeated Lone Star in 9:47 with the Drake Escape (Straightjacket Camel Clutch)


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MaDNeSS v. Cliff Diver


The next match saw MaDNeSS face off with Cliff Diver.  This match was horrendous.  MaDNeSS not ducking a clothesline when he was supposed to, thus getting clipped in the forehead.  Diver trying to springboard up to the top rope and falling flat on his back.  A routine rope run that ended in a double down when both men thought the other was going for an offensive move.  Just terrible.  Mercifully, MaDNeSS hit the Edge of Reality to finally end this debacle.


MaDNeSS defeated Cliff Diver in 10:19 with the Edge of Reaity (Coffin Drop)




In an effort to regain the crowd, Poppet Cassidy, with her brothers by her side, made her way to the ring.  She grabbed the microphone, and scanned the crowd. 


 “I know you’re out there.  I know you’re waiting for me.  It won’t work this time.  I’m ready for you.  I don’t know what your problem is with me, but if you have an issue, you can come say it straight to my face!”


The masked woman, her face shielded by a hood, stepped to the guardrail, and pointed at Poppy.  Poppy, already irate, ran towards the ringside area, only to be stopped by Colt and Remi.  She screamed and kicked, as the boys held her back, and the masked woman laughed, before turning and disappearing into the crowd once more.


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Bubba Travis v. Gavin Cannons


Bubba Travis and Gavin Cannons came ready for war.  The two men met in the center of the ring, and immediately started waylaying into each other with fists and forearms.  This hard hitting match went full boar, and although Cannons looked a bit off with some of his timing, he was still able to hold his own.  The match ended when Cannons went for a bull charge, and Travis was able to counter with a kick to the lowered shoulder, quickly following it with the RMD.


Bubba Travis defeated Gavin Cannons in 9:46 with the RMD (Right Handed KO punch)




Before the main event, the crowd was again greeted by Stew.  Adorned in his mask, Stew again danced around the ring, doing handsprings and back flips, making sure to specifically entertain the younger members of the crowd.  After his short performance, we prepared for the main event.


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Owen Scott and the Cassidy Gang v. Yakuza and the Lobo Pack


Our main event was a six man tag where all six men were told to go out and perform like they wanted to be the only match people remembered.  And while all tried, and to varying amounts, succeeded, the highlight of the match was Owen Scott and Ruiz Lobos.  All six men shone in this match, each getting a chance to showcase their talents.  The ending came when all six men took turns hitting each other with high impact moves, and after Jose Lobos dropped Remington Cassidy with a springboard dropkick, he rose from the mat, triumphant.  Only to turn into a Showtime Superkick.


Owen Scott and the Cassidy Gang defeated Yakuza and the Lobo Pack in 12:32 when Owen Scott pinned Jose Lobos with the Showtime Superkick



After the match, as the three men celebrated their victory, Ruiz Lobos and Yakuza jumped the Cassidy Gang from behind, as Jose pulled a double leg on Owen Scott.  The six men began an all out brawl, swinging lefts and rights at each other, as they made their way back through the curtain in an effort to keep the fans entertained as the show came to a close.




After the show, I made sure to tell Owen how much he is improving, and thanking Drake Savage for coming back to help our tiny promotion.  Wade pulled me aside afterwards.  “This kid Scott is gonna be the first, I think.” 


“What do you mean?” 


“That kid is going out and working as many independent shows as possible, he’s the first one there in the morning, last one in the ring at night, he’s watching old tapes constantly.  He studied our match from ‘89.  Apparently it’s been uploaded online.  He asked me about it after.”


I looked over Culvers shoulder to Owen Scott, who was chatting with Defect and Remi.  Culver was right, he thought.  The kid was the total package.  With a little more refining, Doc was certain he would be the first to make it from his little Podunk school.

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It was a slightly brisk evening in Corpus Christi this September, as the crew of young lions prepared the abandoned bingo hall.  Doc sat in a folding chair surrounding the ringside area, and watched as the ropes were tightened, and mats were placed.  He saw his son, Colt, talking with one of the newest students in the company, a young kid named Sergio.  The two joked and laughed as they cranked the ropes tight.  It did Doc proud to see his boys not only taking to the business, but also stepping up in leadership roles.


Like Kazi had.  Even after his time in the ring, Kazi still had the mindset of someone meant to lead a locker room.  Before set up even began, he assembled the entire crew, and had Stew stand before them.  Apparently, Madness and Cliff had chipped in for a rental car to make the drive out to the “arena”, and offered for Stew to come along if he chipped in.  Stew quickly agreed, but when it came time to pay up, he “conveniently” forgot his wallet.  Or so he claimed, as he ate a Slim Jim he purchased from the gas station across the street.  Kazi, none to impressed with this, told Stew he had to reimburse both Madson and Diver, thus paying for the car himself.  And while the masked mascot didn’t seem thrilled with the judgment, he took it in stride, even joking “guess I’m technically old enough to rent a car now.”


Before the show, Doc once again gave a speech.  He spoke of how proud he was of their drive and commitment.  He inspired them by talking about this being the biggest show they’ve ever done.  A show he named for them specifically.  A show that would be their first step towards the big time.  And as they cheered, and huddled, Doc felt the pride inside him swell.  He honestly felt some of these kids just might make it.


That pride turned to fear during the preshow, when two of his newer students got injured during the preshow match.  Doc hoped that wouldn’t be a sign of things to come.






Stetson Bingo Hall

September 27th 2022

Attendance 67



 Doc stood in the ring as the show began, but once again, before he could say a word, Jose and Ruiz Lobos stepped out from behind the curtain.


Jose:  “Hey, old man, no one cares what you have to say, ese!”


Ruiz:  “Yeah …what …what he said!”


Jose:  “Right …and just so you know, Doc, no one cares about your spoiled kids neither.”


Ruiz:  “Snot nosed …snot nosed …kids!  Yeah!  What he said!”


Jose:  “So, Doc, do us a favor.  Do yourself a favor.  Tell your kids that Last Ride will be true for Colt and Remi!  Those two, against us, one more time!”


Ruiz:  “Last Ride!”


Doc:  “Why don’t you tell’m yourself?”


With that, Poppy leads Colt and Remi out from behind the curtain.  She smiles as her two brothers stand, ready to start throwing haymakers.  “You’re on!”  She proclaims, pointing defiantly at the Lobos Pack, as the few in attendance begin to cheer.

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Lone Star v. Yakuza


The first match saw the young Native American face off against the young Japanese American.  While their timing seemed off, Yakuza ducking too early, Lone Star leap frogging too late, the match did what it was intended to do.  It got the crowd interested.  In the end, Lone Star hit the Shooting Star to get the win.


Lone Star d. Yakuza in 9:50 with a Shooting Star

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Gavin Cannons v. MaDNeSS


The second match saw the big Brit face off with the lithe lunatic in a hard hitting match of unconventional offense.  And as the match went on, it became evident that there was something special between these two.  MaDNeSS went for a high cross body and Cannons, who was initially facing the opposite direction, pivoted and snatched the young madman out of midair and carrying the momentum, spinning him into a vicious powerslam for a long two count.  In the end, MaDNeSS used his speed and loose interpretation of the rules to put Cannons in a prone position, and hit him with the Edge of Sanity.


MaDNeSS d. Gavin Cannons in 11:36 with the Edge of Sanity (coffin drop)




Cliff Diver then stepped out from behind the curtain, mic in hand.  He paused for a moment as the crowd cheered, adjusting his pink Hawaiian shirt, and lifting his sunglasses up to the top of his head.


Diver:  “Bubba Travis!  You and I have been circling each other for months.  Colliding and falling away, like waves cresting the beach.  The storm has built, the clouds have collected, and the storm rages now!  Travis, you and I collide once more, tonight!  And as the tsunami blows through, destroying everything in it’s path, allowing life to start anew, I shall destroy you, and cleanse you from STW!  Allowing me to grow!”


Travis:  Stepping through the curtain, slowly clapping his hands.  “Nice speech ya hippie.  But, this ain’t no Hawaiian paradise.  This here’s a war zone.  So you may be dreamin of big waves n’ fruity drinks, but in there, `tween them ropes, ain’t nothing but pain n’ misery.  That’s what I’m fixin’ to bring to you!”


As the two men traded barbs in the entry way, it gave time for some of the others to assemble a cage around the ring.  When it was set, the two men entered, ready to officially end the first feud in STW history.


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Bubba Travis v. Cliff Diver


The two men came out swinging, lefts, rights, haymakers, and uppercuts.  Cliff used his aerial expertise to evade, while Travis would corner and bludgeon his opponent.  At one point, Diver followed a rope running Travis, set to his a running dropkick.  Bubba, however, sidestepped, causing the laid back Hawaiian to crash feet first into the cage wall.  And as he crashed to the mat, he cried out in agony and immediately clutched his left foot.  Wade checked on him, but Diver waved him off, not wanting to stop the match.  After some stalling, and with a minor limp, Diver rose to his feet, and the match resumed.  The closing moment saw Diver, obviously working through the pain, end the match with the Hang 10.


Cliff Diver d. Bubba Travis in 11:05 with the Hang 10 (Somersault Leg Drop)




To allow time for the cage to be broken down, and also keep the crowd involved, Stew came out to perform his routine.  And for the first minute, he did a great job of entertaining kids and parents alike.  The kid may never want to wrestle, but he definitely has a bit of showman in him.  Stew’s act was cut short this time, though, as an irate Drake Savage made his way out, and immediately caught the jumping mascot, before dropping him with a vicious German suplex.  As Stew clutched his neck and rolled out of the ring, Owen Scott rushed out, ready to protect the fallen masked man.  Savage grinned wickedly, as Wade bumbled his way down to ringside for our main event.


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Drake Savage v. Owen Scott


This match was non-stop back and forth action.  Owen Scott was told to go out every time and earn his moniker of Showtime, and tonight, he did just that.  And having an experienced hand across from him, and not just another rookie, proved to be incredibly beneficial.  Savage made Scott look like a superstar between those ropes.  The two men countered and countered counters, there was high impact and near falls.  Near the end of the contest, in an effort to get people talking, Doc and Savage came up with a creative finish for the final seconds.  Owen Scott rallied back against the onslaught of Savage, and after knocking the man prone with three consecutive clotheslines, Owen Scott, selling the effects of the earlier beating, slowly climbed the ropes for a big moonsault.  And Savage pounced.  He scurried up behind Showtime, and hit a super German suplex, but instead of releasing, he rolled through and grabbed Scotts’ arms, locking him in the Drake Escape.  The high impact combined with the painful submission was too much, and Showtime eventually passed out to the pain.


Drake Savage d. Owen Scott in 14:52 with the Drake Escape (straight jacket camel clutch)


Drake celebrated in the ring as Kazi and Culver helped Owen Scott to the back.  The response was deafening …well, as deafening as 67 people can be.  But the jeers and whispers were enough for Doc to know they had just put on the best show in STW history.




Afterwards, Doc made sure to praise both Owen Scott and Drake Savage in front of the collective.  The young wrestlers praised their compatriots for an amazing spectacle, hopeful to draw more eyes to their tiny little promotion.  Doc leaned back against the ring post as the young hopefuls swarmed Savage and Scott, patting their shoulders and high fiving, feeling that sense of pride once more.  Bittersweet pride as he worried about the future of others.  Bittersweet pride as he worried about STW staying afloat.  Bittersweet pride as he thought of the kids who suffered minor injuries tonight, including Cliff Diver breaking his toe.  But, pride nonetheless.  He always knew this wouldn’t be easy, but Doc never suspected he would feel it was worth the effort as much as he did in that very moment.

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October 1st, 2022

Last Call Ranch




Doc sat in his office, going over paperwork, as the sound of an airplane buzzed around him.  Not a large airplane by any means, but a tiny jet plane, as Chester ran circles around the desk, “attacking” various objects on Docs’ desk.  Doc sat back in his chair, and as Chester whizzed by, reached out to ruffle his hair.  Chester laughed before doing a fly by of Docs’ hat, which Cassidy responded by scooping the laughing child up.


Doc:  “Can’t get much work done in an airport, now can I?”


Chester:  “Ha ha ha, dad!”


Doc started “flying” Chester around the office, as his young son laughed, and cheered.  However, the Cassidy boys were soon interrupted.  Wade Culver stood in the doorway of the office, and cleared his throat.




Culver:  “Doc, got a second?”


Doc put his youngest down, and patted him on the shoulder.  Chester was well aware of the signal, and with a small sigh, headed out of the office, as Doc positioned himself behind his desk once more.


Doc:  “Wade, take a seat.  What can I do you for?”


Wade:  “Well, it’s more what I can do for me.  Y’see, Doc, some clips from our shows have been posted online.  Not a wide appeal, so don’t get your hopes up, but some people have seen us.”


Doc:  “Uh-huh …”


Wade:  “Well, one of those who saw it, was my daughter Lydia.  She called me, Doc!”


Doc:  “Wade, that’s great.  How long has it been?”


Wade:  “Almost thirty years, I think.  She’s married, got three kids.  Whole deal.  She wanted to reconnect.  She wants me to meet my grandkids.”


Doc:  “That’s fantastic Classic.  I’m very happy to hear that.  You want a little time off, or …?”


Wade:  “That’s the thing, Doc.  I’m moving to Minneapolis.”


Doc paused as he sipped his coffee, trying not to let the news rattle him.


Doc:  “I can’t afford to fly you in from Minnesota, Wade.”


Wade:  “I know, Doc.  Not asking you to.  Quite the opposite, actually.  It was fun having one last run.  Reliving the glory days.  And who knows?  Maybe I’ll get the itch again someday.  But, for now, I think it’s time to hang them up.”


Doc:  “Wade …”


Wade:  “I get it, Doc.  I have some affairs to get in order first, anyway.  Three months, and I’m going.  You won’t change my mind.  Hell, maybe I’ll even stop drinking.  Or, at least slow down.  Again, who knows?  What I do know is this.  It’s a second chance.  Doc, I haven’t seen Lydia since she was twelve years old.  I gave my body to this business.  I gave my blood to this business.  I gave my family and my livelihood to this business.  And I wouldn’t give it up for anything, but a chance to be a dad?  A granddad?  I can’t risk it all again for that canvas.  I’m sorry, Doc.”


Doc paused again, the brim of his hat covering his eyes as he looked down.  Wade couldn’t see it, but he stared at the picture of his departed wife.  He knew the position Culver was in far better than most.  Who was he to deny a second chance, when Doc himself got one all those years ago?  Finally, Doc rose from his seat, and offered his hand to his old friend.  As Wade stood from his chair and accepted the handshake, a smile on his face, Doc spoke.


Doc:  “I would never ask you to.  Thank you for your help in starting all this, Classic.  I can never truly show my appreciation.  You ever need a job, so long as I’m running, you have one here.”


Wade smiled, a genuine smile that Doc was sure he’d forgotten how to give long ago.  Wade had given it all to this business for many years, but Doc and Wade both knew, wrestling was the kind of business that was always hungry.  No matter how much of yourself you gave to it, it always wanted more.  The smart ones got out when they could.  When their knees still worked, and their brain still fired on all cylinders.  The rest, the rest fell into the lifestyle of self medicating to survive.  The rest fell into the crippling injuries and concussions that made their brain mushy.  The rest gave every part of their soul to the beast, and when it could feed no more on them, left their empty husk broken, to be forgotten.  Doc hoped Wade escaped in time.


Doc also hoped he could find another competent referee.

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The Flogg Splash




Welcome Floggers and Bloggers once again to the most impactful podcast in the world of wrestling.  I am your host, your master of ceremonies, your voice of reason, your chaperone on this journey through the rumor mill, Josh Flogg, and this is the Flogg Splash Floggcast!  And we have got a wild show for you tonight!  And by wild, I mean …nothing major has happened in any of the big companies.  Some workers resigned, sure, but no big jumps, no walk outs, no major scandals.  It’s why we start our round up with that little pissant promotion STW.


And the first tidbit I have from that company, if you can call it such, is that their one and only referee is retiring.  Now, some rumors say that the washed up Wade Culver is walking away for family or some such nonsense, but you guys know me, and you know I always have the scoop.  Here’s what is really going on.  Wade Culver has been fired.  It’s obvious.  That drunkard probably can’t walk to the arena without getting a DUI, so I’m amazed he’s ever made it to a show.  Only reason he made it as a ref was because of all that practice counting for the authorities.  It’s a good day when there’s one less of the “old guard” in the business, sullying what the sport is becoming.


Speaking of sport, did you guys catch that cage match pay per view?  Leon King “The Pride Fighter” made his debut inside the octagon, and what a show.  Facing off with “Concrete” Wayne Campbell.  Three vicious routes of brutality, with Campbell showing where he earned his name, by knocking the King out with a haymaker.  Such a great show.  Shame for the Pride Fighter, but I doubt that’s the last we’ll see of him inside the steel.


In more surprising news, I heard a small independent show was held in St. Louis a couple of weeks ago, and looking at the results …one of Doc’s students won a match?  That’s a typo, right Jerry?  Seriously?  Against Henry Hamill?  Who’s that?  A concession guy?  The ticket seller?  Some schlub from the crowd?  He graduated from the Piledriver school?  And he lost?!  That’s crazy to me!


And speaking of crazy, have you heard of DAVE?  No, no, not that DAVE, the deodorant and Vape Enhancer.  It keeps you smelling fresh while you exhale clouds of fruity deliciousness.  All from the same equipment.  Have you ever been out and thought “man, I wish my arm pits and the air around me both smelled like cotton candy?”  Well, now they can, thanks to DAVE!  Get yours at PleaseDontSueUsILiveInMyMothersBasementWithACatNamedFreckles.com …that is such a wordy website.  


Anyway, Floggers and Bloggers, that’s my time.  Thank you for joining me on what has no doubt been my absolute worst episode.  Please come back when, hopefully, somebody of relevance does something.  Anything.  Please, for the love of Flogg, anything!  If I have another show like this, I might just make up some rumors.  What’s that Jerry?  What do you mean how is that any different from any other episode?  I am a respected journalist!  I am!  Stop laughing at me!  Jerry, so help me …!!!”




Wade Culver


"Classic" Wade Culver was once a marquee name in the independant scene.  His high profile living was more than a gimmick, which led to excessive partying, but no matter his condition, he could still put on an amazing one hour broadway match that brought the house down.  While never a name that people outside the business recognized, Culver was someone people in the wrestling industry recognized as one of the greats.  Time marches on, though, and with the drugs and drinking, the nightly abuse to his body, and the alcohol infused car crash that essentially ended his career, Culver is now a name in dusty annals, and old VHS tapes.  Until he was talked out of the shadows by Doc Cassidy, who needed a referee for his upstart promotion.



266 lbs.

Finisher (when active): Classic Clamp - Crossface Chicken Wing

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Monday November 14th, 2022

Doc’s office

The Last Call Ranch


Doc sat behind his desk, papers strewn about everywhere, as he tried to organize his thoughts for the last show of 2022.  Leon King had returned from his excursion to the MMA world, he had signed another seasoned wrestler to help bolster in ring learning, but the news dropped by Wade Culver still left a void in his roster. As Doc mulled and scribbled notes, there was a soft knock at his door.  Without lifting his head, Doc muttered “Come in.”


Poppet stood in the doorway, a big smile on her face, only dimmed by the sunshine yellow of her sun dress.  “Daddy, you have a meeting.”  “Can it wait, Poppy?”  She shook her head, and stepped to the side, as a slender salt and pepper haired man stepped into the doorway.


“Oh my goodness, it’s really you sir!”


Doc finally lifted his head from his paperwork as the lithe man gushed.  “It’s such an honor sir.  Truly an honor.  I remember watching you as a kid on the tee vee, and to be in front of you now …I mean, wow.  Gosh, it’s truly amazing!”


Doc shook his head as he stood.  “Pleasure.  I’m Doc Cassidy, but I gather you are already aware.  And you are?”


The younger man sputtered for a moment as he rushed across the room to shake Doc’s hand.  “Hal, sir.  Hal Doode.”




“No sir, but it’s a common mispronunciation.  It’s ‘Doo-Dey’ ..it’s French, sir.  Most of my friends just call me Hal.  Or Howdy.”


“Howdy?  Your friends call you Howdy Doode?”  Poppet stifled a giggle as her father looked the man over.  Over eager, sure, but well dressed, and mannered, both of which Doc respected.


“Yes sir, they do.  Be honored if you did as well.”


Doc waved his hand to offer the young Doode a seat.  As Doc began the interview, he was hopeful he may have finally filled the void that Classic would be leaving soon.


Monday November 28th, 2022

Stetson Bingo Hall

Corpus Christi, Texas


Last show of the year.  It was amazing to Doc that a year ago, at this time, some young kids were learning how to take bumps in an old barn on his ranch, and now, after some prodding from his daughter, he was running bi-monthly shows to expose them to every aspect of the business.  Doc watched his young students hustle and bustle to get everything in order.  Young Doode followed Wade around like a puppy, which Culver used to his advantage, treating the boy as a gopher.  Doc couldn’t help but wonder what kind of influence Culver would be over the next couple of months, but if he could get Howdy ready to take his place, he was all for it.


“Because it’s stupid, that’s why!”


Doc spun to see his daughter and his mascot in the midst of an argument, with tempers flaring, and voices raising.


“I don’t see how you could think that.  I thought it would be nice to see your face out in the crowd.”


Stew was holding a t-shirt, crumpled in one hand, which he waved angrily as he screamed at Poppet.


“It says “Stew, it’s what’s for dinner” …the hell does that even mean?  No kid is gonna want this garbage!  You’re pissing away money for no reason whatsoever!  This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen, Poppy!”


Stew threw the shirt down and stormed off, as Poppy stood there slack jawed.  Slowly, she picked up the discarded merchandise, and sulked away.  Doc began to worry about the effects her role as “morale officer” were having on his little ray of sunshine.


Last Ride

Stetson Bingo Hall

Attendance:  68


If it ain’t broke, why fix it, right?  The show opens, as they all do, with Doc Cassidy standing in the ring.  He thanks the fans in attendance for coming out, as well as for their support throughout this year.  He talks about how this all started as a pipe dream, but now, people know the name of South Texas Wrestling.  He then goes on to talk about Wade Culver leaving soon, only to be interrupted by MaDNeSS.


MaDNeSS:  “Why do you think these people care about that washed up old dinosaur?  Because we don’t.  We’re not here for the past, old man.  We’re here …ha ha ha …we’re here for the future!  And we gestures to no one around him are the future!”


Doc:  “You wouldn’t have a future if it wasn’t for the likes of Wade Culver, kid.  If it wasn’t for the likes of me!”


MaDNeSS:  “Sure, you paved the way, and now we’ll bury you under the asphalt!”


As MaDNeSS goes to step into the ring, an unfamiliar face appears.  Well, more an unfamiliar mask.  A few seem to whisper amongst themselves, recognizing the man from other independent shows, but those who only know STW (where no one recognizes anyone in the ring), this face is a complete mystery.


Masked Man:  “How about you try burying someone still building the ground work in this industry?”


MaDNeSS turns to the intruder, dropping the mic as he does.  The faux smile that covers his face does little to disguise his disgust, as he motions for the intruding entity to enter the ring, as Doc steps out.

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Patriot Missile v. MaDNeSS


Our first match sees the newcomer from the indy scene, Patriot Missile, face off against the brash lunatic, MaDNeSS.  MaDNeSS has shown flashes of brilliance, but is very inconsistent in the ring.  And tonight was one of those nights.  However, you wouldn’t know considering he was in the ring with a seasoned veteran, and not a young trainee who didn’t know how to hide the missteps.  The battle went back and forth, with Patriot making MaDNeSS look as good as he could, before ending the match with the Rockets Red Glare.


Patriot Missile defeated MaDNeSS in 9:34 with the Rockets Red Glare (slingshot dropkick)

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Cliff Diver v. Yakuza


Our next match saw two young upstarts face off, and showed Doc why he went out of his way to bring in Missile and Savage.  Where the first match flowed easily because of the veteran instincts, keeping disruptions to a minimum, this match exposed everything.  At one point, Cliff was to reverse a running kick, and counter with a roll up for a two count.  Instead, Yakuza came too fast, Cliff didn’t move fast enough and took a boot to the shoulder, and in the chaos of shifting bodies, hit the mat and performed a school boy on Wade Culver.  The timing was a mess, neither man looked crisp, and mercifully, Yakuza ended the match with his kick.


Yakuza defeated Cliff Diver in 10:02 with the Yakuza Kick


Out next came the Cassidy Gang.  All three members held microphones as they approached the ring.  Poppy took the lead, building up to the main event tonight, which she did well.  She always did.  And when she threw to Colt, he stuttered and stammered.  While talented in the ring, Colt Cassidy has shown his lack of microphone skills may forever hold him back from being a true main eventer in a big company.  He spent forty-eight God awful seconds tripping over his words to announce the match would be a tables match.  Remi finally interrupted him, and with the grace and poise of someone who was born with a mic in his hand, saved the promo.  He was suave, he played to the crowd, he winked at a woman in the front row with her son, who almost fainted.  He was a rock star.  And while it wasn’t part of the show, the look of jealousy on Colts face was definitely hard to ignore.

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Lone Star v. Bubba Travis


Lone Star and Bubba Travis came face to face next, and while neither blew the place away, they both looked consistent and on point.  A good, solid match to keep the crowd engaged.  No storyline, just two kids putting on an exhibition for the fans in attendance.  And they did a hell of a job.  Doc felt that pride swell in him once more.  If this experiment ultimately failed, at least he could be proud of what he accomplished in these kids lives.


Lone Star defeated Bubba Travis in 8:48 with the Shooting Star

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Gavin Cannons v. Drake Savage


Another rookie versus veteran match, in an effort to boost learning.  Also a match meant to play more to Cannons strengths.  Cannons was not the most technically sound student in South Texas, but he made up for it with brute strength. It made sense to tell the two men to go out and just go wild, hitting each other as hard as they could, safely.   Also, the Cannons Roar was an impressive looking finisher.  However, no one got to see that tonight, as Savage was able to tie the rookie up in the Drake Escape for the win.


Drake Savage defeated Gavin Cannons in 11:34 with the Drake Escape (straight jacket camel clutch)


After the match, as Savage made his way through the curtain, and Cannons sat on the ring apron, a figure appeared in the crowd.  As Cannons turned to face him, eventually, as he first stared the wrong way for a long (and I mean LONG) moment, the figure lifted his cowl and smiled.  “The Pride Fighter” had returned.  And he stared menacingly at the British rookie, before fading back into the crowd.


Afterwards, in an effort to buy a little time for our main event set up, Owen Scott went out and addressed the crowd.  


Owen Scott:  “Many people have asked me why?  Why wrestle for STW?  Why not try to join a developmental league or go to Japan and be a young boy?  Why stay here where no one sees you?  I’ll tell you why.  It’s because of you.  The few, the proud, the loyal!  It’s because of this crowd that I stay.  It’s because of you guys that I work my ass off to build this place.  It’s because you guys make it worth it!  It’s because you guys have taken a kid from south Florida, and treated him like family!  It’s because you have made this place my home!  Thank you.  From the bottom of my heart.  Truly.  Thank you!”

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The Cassidy Gang v. the Lobos Pack


Our main event was the culmination of the feud between Colt and Remington and Jose and Ruiz.  Cassidy versus Lobos.  And they wanted this feud to end with a bang. Colt came out with a chip on his shoulder after the promo earlier, and was eager to impress the crowd.  And he certainly did.  High flying, technical wrestling, fisticuffs, the kid did it all.  He seemed fueled with the desire to make Remi look bad by comparison.   Meanwhile, Ruiz shone like a diamond.  He’d proven before how gifted he was when it came to wrestling, but tonight, he was on another level.  As the match hit the culmination, Jose and Colt, going back and forth, got caught up in the ropes and tumbled to the outside.  In an effort to protect himself, and his partner, Jose tried to catch his arm on the apron, but the momentum caused it to bend at an odd angle, and as he hit the floor, he immediately grabbed his shoulder and cried in pain.  People were more focused on the in ring, though.  Remington and Ruiz began setting their final sequence.  Earlier that day, Doc had seen Remi and Ruiz talking with Kaze in hushed tones, but thought nothing of it.  Now, he understood why.  


As a table was set outside the ring, Remington knocked Ruiz over the top rope, where he landed on the apron.  The two men exchanged right hands, before Remington ran across the ring to hit a shoulder block.  Ruiz ducked between the ropes and went for a back body drop, but Remington held onto the top rope, he feet brushing the edge of the table.  He dropped to the floor, safely, and immediately reached up to grab Ruiz, before power bombing him down through the table, and ending the match.


The Cassidy Gang defeated the Lobos Pack in 11:12 when Remington Cassidy put Ruiz Lobos through a table.




As the group assembled in the locker room, and Doc had made his rounds to thank Patriot Missile for signing on, as well as praising the tag team participants, especially Ruiz, Doc waited for them to settle down.


Doc Cassidy:  “I’m sure you all know why I asked you to stay later this evening.  First, I want to thank you.  All of you.  When my daughter first brought this idea to my attention, I was hesitant.  Sure, I want to give back to the business that has given so much to me, I want to provide a place for the next generation, for you to learn.  But to be out putting on shows?  So, please, allow me to thank you for proving me wrong.


Secondly, this is Wade’s last show with us.  Without him, we never would have gotten this far, so I especially wish to thank you, Classic, for helping make the South Texas School of Wrestling what it is today.  Thank you for the time, for the knowledge, for the stories, and most of all, for all the help you’ve given me.  And good luck in Minnesota.”


The group applauded as Wade stood, smiling and waving.  Sure, it was sad to see him go, Doc thought, but a second chance?  Not many get the chance to wish for one, much less experience it.


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The Flogg Splash


Hello Floggers and Bloggers and welcome, once again to the fastest rising, chart climbing, ratings rocket podcast on the interwebs!  And welcome to 2023!  I am your host, the purveyor of knowledge, the patron saint of inside goings on, your Sunday Night Savior, Josh Flogg, and this is the Flogg Splash Floggcast!  And let me tell you something folks, sometimes, if you’re pure of heart, and if you believe like you never believed before, if you’re willing to give it your all, and you’re important, such as I am, the universe listens to your pleas.  Because we have got a show for you tonight!  Last time out, so little happened, I wasted tape on Doc Cassidy’s little pissant show, but tonight?  Tonight we have some major happenings in the world of wrestling!


First things first, let us congratulate Aaron Knight for reigning at the top of the male wrestler of the year list for a second consecutive year.  Donte Dunn put up a good showing, but no one was going to overtake the former Ian Identity, especially when he brings his A-Game.  And he ALWAYS brings his A-Game, right Jerry?  Oh come on, that’s funny!  Bah, what do you know anyway?


Speaking of knowledge, some of you may be unaware, but Greg Sluchinski has finally dipped his toe in the business.  Not just on the outside, writing articles, Mr. Sluchinski has opened the doors on PWMax.  And with Pistol Pete Hall holding the book, and an impressive crop of independent talent lining their roster, it won’t be long before they’re spoken in the same regard as CZCW and PSW.  I wish Mr. Sluchinski and the entire PWMax roster luck.

Last bit of news I have is for my insomniac Floggers out there.  There’s a podcast out now.  And I know what you’re thinking …Josh, why would you promote another podcast?  Because no one produces a better podcast than we do here at the Floggcast, so it’s no threat if you tune in for one episode.  But, don’t operate heavy machinery while listening, because …zzz …sorry, dozed off just thinking of it.  Anyway, “The Real Deal with Neal McBeale” …wait, that’s his name?  Was his father Dr. Seuss?  Anyway, McBeale has posted an episode where he interviews Doc Cassidy about STW.  It’s a few minutes of mind numbing boredom, which makes you feel akin to having a lobotomy, so if you can’t sleep at night, have I got the cure for you!


And that’s our show for …what?  Are you serious, Jerry?  You work on that garbage podcast?  I don’t care how nice Neal McBeale is!  You work for me!  Independent contractor?  What kind of garbage term is that?  No, you shut up Jerry!  No, you!  I can’t hear you …la, la,la, la, la …



“Showtime” Owen Scott


Owen Scott looks to be a total package prospect.  Growing up in Florida, his dad would bring him to various independent shows as a bonding exercise, and Scott fell in love.  As he got older, he trained, he exercised, he bulked, he joined every competitive sport in high school, all in an effort to achieve his dream.  Now, he is one of the stand outs at the South Texas School of Wrestling, but how long until a bigger promotion finds this hidden secret, and signs him to a developmental deal?



226 lbs.

Finisher - “Showtime” Super Kick (running superkick to either the jaw or the base of the skull)







NM:  “Hello folks, and welcome, once again, to the Real Deal, with me, Neal McBeale.  And folks, let me tell you, I have an exciting show for you.  Some of you may have heard of a little upstart promotion down in Texas called STW.  If you haven’t, I encourage you to look into it, because it is a modern retelling of the “Little Engine that Could”.  


Doc Cassidy, “The Last True Outlaw” has taken his small school on the road to showcase some of his up and coming students, and I have got to say, it’s quite impressive, considering how little experience they have.  It’s not gonna be “Welcome to the Zone” in terms of production, and while the crowds they draw are small, they’re passionate.  In knowing this, I sat down with Doc a couple of days ago to learn about how we got here, and where he plans to go.






NM:  Mr. Cassidy …


DC:  Please son, call me Doc.  I’m only Mr. Cassidy to my lawyer and my doctor.


NM:  Ha, ok.  Doc, walk me through how this all got started.


DC:  Well, most folks know the story by now, but sure.  My kids actually did the yeoman's work.  They wanted to give me direction, I guess.  Felt I’d lost my way, what with having enough hands to do the farm work on the ranch.  So they used some of their savings, and some of mine, and created the South Texas School.  After we had our first class assembled, and I got a hold of Kazi and Wade to help me teach, we got to work.


NM:  Kazi and Wade?  You mean Kami Kazi and “Classic” Wade Culver?


DC:  Very same.


NM:  And how long were you training before you decided to go out on the road and perform?


DC:  That class had been training for six months.  And Poppy …my daughter, she was presented an opportunity.  After we discussed it, it seemed a fundraiser for the youth center was a perfect chance to showcase, what with there being little to no pressure.  And I wasn’t expecting to draw a thousand standing room audience, ya know?  Small crowd, good cause, and it gave the kids exposure to another side of the business.  No downsides, in my humble opinion.


NM:  That does seem sound.  Now, my question is, what’s the goal?  Are you wanting to rival USPW or SWF?  Are you wanting to become the next IPW?  What’s a successful run for Doc Cassidy?


DC:  Hmm …honestly, none of that.  Sure, it’d be nice, but that’s not the end game here.  I’m doing this for those kids.  I want to give them exposure.  I want to give them opportunity.  I want them to have the chances I worked so hard for.  Because every last one of `em have earned it.  They come in, they bust their tails, they study tapes.  They set up the ring, break down the ring.  My school is all about the dues every young aspiring wrestler should pay.  And if they work their way through, and don’t belly ache as they go, they deserve a chance to be seen.  My end game isn’t to make STW an enormous promotion, my end game is for Owen Scott to be on TV with one of those promotions.  For MaDNeSS or Lone Star to be signed by a major independent who will continue their growth in the business.  For the Lobos kids, or my boys to get a chance to reinvent tag team wrestling on a major stage.  For guys who have been overlooked for most of their career like Drake Savage or Patriot Missile to get one more shot to shine before it’s too late.  That’s how I measure success.


NM:  That’s very noble of you, Mr. Cas …Doc.


DC:  Thank you kindly, sir.


NM:  Does this mean STW will never have a title?


DC:  Well, now that you mention it, Neal, I have actually put some thought into this.  Can’t be asking these kids to go out fighting, and not give them something worth fighting for, now can I?  Which is why, in January, to celebrate the one year anniversary of STW, we’re holding a one night tournament to crown the first ever South Texas Champion.  Make sure you come early to the Stetson Bingo Hall and get them seats.  This is not the show to miss!




NM:  That’s fantastic news, Doc.  Thank you for sharing it on our show.  And thank you for your time.


DC:  It’s been a pleasure Mr. McBeale.

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