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Successes and Defeats with Angles? Not Fun

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First of all, I really like the new Angle system, It really gives you the freedom to put on almost any angle imaginable.... Almost.

However, I really REALLY hate the way Successes and Defeats are done in angles. Where in 2020 you just simply had a drop-down menu for each worker in a segment to select from Minor Success - Major Defeat....

In this game you have to go into the road agent notes, Click from Minor to Major, And then select the storyline, and Then individually give a Looser and Winner for EACH worker.

For a simple 1v1 storyline, this is fine.... Kinda. But it's when you get into storylines with more than 2 workers that this system gets really annoying. I just started a 3v3 story and got completely exhausted just putting in all the winners and losers of all the workers in an in-ring promo.

Not Fun. There has to be a better way

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Honestly, I just don't do it. Most of my angles are just wrestlers talking, so no need fot it anyway. Even when it makes sense, like a post match beatdown, I don't bother. Having matches between the two sides or using interferences was enough until now to avoid any penalty.

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18 hours ago, dfking said:

First of all, I really like the new Angle system, It really gives you the freedom to put on almost any angle imaginable.... Almost.

However, I really REALLY hate the way Successes and Defeats are done in angles. Where in 2020 you just simply had a drop-down menu for each worker in a segment to select from Minor Success - Major Defeat....

In this game you have to go into the road agent notes, Click from Minor to Major, And then select the storyline, and Then individually give a Looser and Winner for EACH worker.

For a simple 1v1 storyline, this is fine.... Kinda. But it's when you get into storylines with more than 2 workers that this system gets really annoying. I just started a 3v3 story and got completely exhausted just putting in all the winners and losers of all the workers in an in-ring promo.

Not Fun. There has to be a better way

You really shouldn't be doing it that often tho no? I thought it was meant for big story beats so every promo should not have one.

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10 hours ago, Astil said:

You really shouldn't be doing it that often tho no? I thought it was meant for big story beats so every promo should not have one.

Hmm, That's interesting. how do you use them?

me, For any promo type of angle I'd use the Minor Success and defeats in 2020.  For example, Teke the Seth, Punk, Drew promo from last weeks RAW. In 2020 I Would have had all 3 in the role of Entertainment, With Seth as Neutral, Drew as a minor success, and Punk as a Minor Defeat. And in the story, it would reflect this...

in TEW9, I would have all 3, Seth as Segment Host, and both Drew and Punk Cutting a promo. and then again I would have to remember what I called the Story LOL, and then look for/Type in Drew and Punk, And putting them as winner, and loser as a minor road agent.

And while in that particular example it would be simple enough, kinda lol. If you're doing a 3+ way angle, Or Taag/Trios..... it can get taxing putting in the minor win and losses for each worker... just wish there was a better way.


What are your thoughts? and what about an angle where there is and Attacker and a Victim, those the story automatically register that as a win and lose for each? Or do you think I would again have to go in through the Road Agents to set that up? Wish Adam would clear that up. and/or modify the angle system.....

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I'll be honest, I get why the change was made, too easy to freestyle angle major success without them getting the better over anybody which really is what wrestling is about, tying it to a storyline is maybe a tad restrictive but again if this person isn't in a story, outside of things like Japanese feds where there's a much higher focus on matches why do I care. I am not criticising, I heavily used and abused freestyle angle myself.

As for how I use it, I am still testing but as it stands any time there is a promo battle. If there is an attack and the forces were even, say three on three, success goes to each of the winning combatants over one each of the losing. If it is a three on one assault it goes to whoever the leader of that group is or who the focus of the story is but that I cap at minor because dude it's three on one, grow a set. Three way conflict leading to a three way dance? Someone will stand tall and someone will have takenthe worst of it, you could have someone with a success over one but then someone else has a success over them but unless the size of the success is different it's simpler to cut out the middle person who stays on neutral. If it is a fourway or other even number someone else might get a success over a different competitor. I don't tend to use major success but I am sure I will have a few swing back and forth in a high heat storyline.

Essentially the difference is you can't make someone look good or bad in isolation now (though some personal growth moments might warrant it), you have to demonstrably be better than someone it matters to you right now that you are better than.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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Wasn't there a journal entry about storyline heat potentially going down a bit if there isn't a storyline victory/loss after so many advancements? I usually play with Strict Storylines off anyway, so maybe this all turns out to be a moot point. I'll probably not have any angle wins & losses unless a patch addresses how workers react to angle losses.

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