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My personal favorite fed in the TEW C-Verse not only growing up in New York but the old school style of approach NYCW has is so awesome considering today's modern style of quick flashy action. I already am nearly a year into this game's save I have for TEW XI and I would love to share updates if anyone is interested. More importantly however, is what is everyone up to playing with NYCW this game cycle?

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I used NYCW as my first save.  It's been awesome.  Tennessee Williams has carried us to small.  I am now starting a PSW invasion angle by bringing in Youngman, Jordan, and Idol from PSW.  NYCW will be defended by Freedom Eagle, Hawkeye and Riley.  


Jack DeColt was a free agent for 4 months so I brought him in for a short run.  He is currently working a storyline with Masked Stranger before moving on to a title shot against Tennessee Wiliams


I am having fun with the tag division.  The Casey's and the Stars are awesome.  

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Just finished year one of my NYCW save. Playing as Phil Vibert, I lost Hawkeye Callhoun to SWF. I lost Michael Bull and Steve Flash to USPW. I cut Richie Riggins and Cheerleader Nicki in December as they weren't getting used anyway.

At the start, I upped production til I could get on Wrestleworld and I've run two shows a month. The normal show and a monthly "house show" that I mostly auto-book. Lost money every month until July when the economy got a little better and I gained enough pop to draw a bigger house, though I was down to my last 10k. Have made all the money back in the back half of the year, though.

I intentionally did very little with Cory Underwood until I hit Small in August and signed him to an exclusive written contract. Since then, I've been pushing him to the moon. The game says he's not charismatic enough to be a Figurehead, but we'll see. He's about 100 days into being established as the figurehead and he's gained charisma since the game started, so I think it could work. He's currently my most popular star and he and Tennessee Williams are tearing the house down in their feud, providing two of the top 5 matches I've booked, though that's mostly Tennessee's doing. I also signed February Malaise and put them together cause it felt like he needed a valet. They wound up having good chemistry, so I guess I was on to something.

Riley McManus is still Empire Champion. He held it all year, defending it against Tennessee Williams, Masked Stranger, Ray Snow, and a recently signed Ernest Youngman. He'll probably drop it to Super Massive Destroyer, who will immediately drop it to Cory Underwood.

The tag division has been fun, with the Casey's holding the belts for most of the year before dropping them to The Unbeatables (Super Massive Destroyer and Harvey Robbinfield who have good chemistry.) The LA Stars would have probably taken the belts off them, but LA Star 1 got a concussion in Japan and is out for over a year. The team to unseat The Unbeatables now will probably be Freedom Eagle and Akihiro Hisato, another good chemistry team that probably saved Freedom Eagle's job after Hawkeye got poached. I also signed the Brute Squad and have been slowly pushing them up the card, though they probably need a manager.

NYCW is also apparently Japan's feeder league. Probably half the roster has at some point done a tour in Japan, which I love. Though BHOTWG is currently 500k in debt, so I'm not sure how much longer that'll last. Masked Stranger, Riley McManus, Super Massive Destroyer, and Whitehorse Whitaker have all done tours of BHOTWG, so they may need to find a new destination. 

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Really enjoying this iteration of NYCW. The tag division doesn’t look all that different to 2020, but feels so different with the Casey’s and the Italian Americans capable of pulling off big matches and ratings, and the addition of the Aces breathing new life into King and Tubbs. The Boys from the Yukon almost feel superfluous, rather than the only team with the experience to carry the division. I’ve got therm decimating teams from across the COTT , rather than feeding with locals, as a precursor to potentially restarting the COTT tag belts. 

The starting roster feels incredibly heel heavy, so I’ve been playing around with different face combos to bring in and folks to turn. Transitioning Doll to the face side and reuniting Born to Riot for a nostalgia run has been fun. 

And I’m slightly bewildered that the best choice for Enforcer seems to be Michael Bull. 

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I'm playing an NYCW game with Honest Frank as my booker. The major storyline is that Vessey lost enough money to Frank playing poker that he offered a bet instead of an IOU. If Frank can bring in wrestlers and hold all four titles at once he becomes owner. He announced at the first match that if he won he was moving the fed to Florida. He spends a lot of his promo time running down New York and showing off prototype merch for Boca Raton Pro Wrestling. His stable, called the Boca Boys, includes Original Sinner, Grease Hog and Antonio DelVeccio and has held between two and three titles all year. DelVeccio just left after losing a win or go home title match against Riley McManus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looking to start a new save with NYCW, noticed from sim's that they don't really get poached, Hawkeye as mentioned and various staff. They seem light on babyface's, who are some of the one everyone brings in? I'm trying to avoid bring in some of the more popular hires like Youngman, Wolfsbaine, ect.. Planning on bringing in Roger Monterio cuz i think he fits the NYCW vibe, but after him i'm kinda stumped.

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I haven't played NYCW yet in TEW IX, but in 2020, one of my go-to hires was Connor Threepwood: As I recall, he's a good technician and is in an established tag team with Crockett Tubbs from earlier in their careers. 

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