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Real World Employment & Title History (up to August 1996)

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So when TEW 2020 was released, I converted over a WCW game I was playing using the Montreal Screwjob data, as I'd had gotten a few years into it by that point and wanted to keep going. In doing so, I realised there was plenty of data missing, such as companies and wrestlers, so I added those in by importing from other databases around the same time frame.

One thing however that bugged me was the lack of employment histories. I get it, it is not fun to do. But because I am a mad person and like the completeness it gives when using organic bios, I went through and updated the histories of the WCW guys...then the WWF guys...then the NJPW guys and seen as I'd gone that far, damn it, I did pretty the vast majority of them. Took me ages. 

So that being said, I have converted that over to be used in TEW IX. The below Excel can be inserted into the Employment_History table in Access and then imported into a database. Obviously this can be useful for any scenario set before this date as you can just remove any records that start after the date you might use etc.

August 1996 Excel


Important to note

  • There is a formula in column A that will automatically create the Record_Name. If column D (non-existent company) is populated it'll use that, otherwise it'll use the existing company from C. It'll also populate the employment years and if there is no end date, it'll replace it with a ? to denote ongoing
  • The names are going to be different, but I've kept them as what I think are fairly sensible ones, likely those used outside of WWE/F in the first instant and then their most used gimmick. So for example, Kane is listed as Glen Jacobs and PN News is Cannonball Grizzly.
  • For the most part, I have grouped the NWA territories together as simply NWA as a non-existent company. It seemed easier this way.
  • Start and End Dates are set as being the beginning of the month to the end of the month. This will obviously be wrong in some cases and where possible I will fix these.


I will keep updating this and I'd also love to do more, I have a feeling I also did something like this for Title Histories as well so if so, I'll add that in as well.

If you see any errors, let me know and I'll update. If you have something to add, I'll happily add it in as well.


Please feel free to use this in any database if you want, give credit or don't, really don't mind as I think doing something like this or the great work Astil is doing with the Real World General Information can only help make better databases to use. 

Edited by mrwright86
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  • mrwright86 changed the title to Real World Employment & Title History (up to August 1996)

Added full histories for CWA (EUR), USWA, NJPW and AJPW.

I've also added the PWI500 for 1991-1995. One thing that is quite nice is the ability to use aliases, so Kevin Nash is "(as Diesel)" in 1994 etc. I've linked as much as I can, I'm sure I've missed something but if anyone sees anything obvious, let me know and I'll update.


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3 hours ago, mrwright86 said:

Added full histories for CWA (EUR), USWA, NJPW and AJPW.

I've also added the PWI500 for 1991-1995. One thing that is quite nice is the ability to use aliases, so Kevin Nash is "(as Diesel)" in 1994 etc. I've linked as much as I can, I'm sure I've missed something but if anyone sees anything obvious, let me know and I'll update.


Amazing work mate.

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I'm working on making this far more dynamic. My plan now is to update everything up to 31/03/2001, so effectively when WCW dies as I think that's the main cut off point for historical mods that people are looking for.

The new sheet will have a filter to allow you to enter your database start date, so say it is 01/08/1996, you enter that date and then all the other sheets will update accordingly, hiding any title/employment  histories that haven't started yet and changing their reign ended/employment ended fields to blank. There will be the smallest amount of manual work to delete the blank rows (see below), but that is easily do-able.

I'd love for modders to use this or some part of it to make their live easier to and to make it so you nobody ever needs to manually work to fill in these title histories, work out who was working where when as it's all in one easy place.


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  • 1 month later...

I am actually still working on this, using Fleisch’s 1992 mod to get a list of wrestlers (and using the naming convention from that). It is a lot of work, but it’s kinda fun at the same time discovering that X wrestler had a random little run in Japan or something.

Before I do release it, I want to at least get to the point where the ones I’ve got have full histories, which could be another few weeks. But yes, still going!

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On 8/10/2024 at 8:55 AM, mrwright86 said:

I'm working on making this far more dynamic. My plan now is to update everything up to 31/03/2001, so effectively when WCW dies as I think that's the main cut off point for historical mods that people are looking for.

The new sheet will have a filter to allow you to enter your database start date, so say it is 01/08/1996, you enter that date and then all the other sheets will update accordingly, hiding any title/employment  histories that haven't started yet and changing their reign ended/employment ended fields to blank. There will be the smallest amount of manual work to delete the blank rows (see below), but that is easily do-able.

I'd love for modders to use this or some part of it to make their live easier to and to make it so you nobody ever needs to manually work to fill in these title histories, work out who was working where when as it's all in one easy place.


Man this is awesome dude

Lately I been thinking of ideas to make RW mod with more information on history, workers real names. etc. and I know that will take a while, but I would love to use this to help speed things along

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