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EDW - European Dynamite Wrestling | The New Force in Europe

Guest .SVA

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[CENTER]Until now, UCR has been the only European promotion to show sings of lasting. It has dominated the European wrestling circuit and has even scored a television deal. UCR thrived in succes, until half a year ago. Following the BHOTWG/INSPIRE crisis in Japan, the world of wrestling had been easy and trying to avoid any sistuation that might reflect the tragic event in Japan. But in Europe something similar was about to take place. It started with Captain Hero winning the UCR World Combat title over Sergei Kalashnov, at a UCR major event. According to internet rumors, Scheming Behemoth was supposed to take the title off Captain Hero the following month. But this never happenend, because owner and booker Louis Figo Manico placed himself in the match. Instead, according to rumors, Scheming Behemoth was giving a raise. This made Scheming Behemoth furious and it was reported that he thrashed Manico's office, in a shoot angle, where he also said that Manico was a 'selfish spanish swine'. This promptly led to the firing of Behemoth. To begin with he had no immediate problem with that, but soon he needed a new job. He seeked out 21CW and was giving a contract. But just as he was about to enter his first match, he was pulled into a lawsuit from Manico, saying that UCR owned the copyrights for his gimmick and ring attire. After a grueling long case, Behemoth unfortunately lost. Following this, 21CW fired him for no-showing several shows, because of legal cases. But Behemoth did'nt leave on bad terms with 21CW. He left with a good friendship to the owner, Tyler Baker and a new leash on life. He would start his own promotion. Fast forward a month. Following Behemoth's leave, a few select wrestlers had begun seeing under-using and no-booking other workers because they either had a friendship status with Scheming Behemoth or was supposedly in contact with him and his plans for a new promotion. There were three men. Inky The Squid Boy, Joey Beauchamp and Geoff Borne. After several months of harassment and not being booked in matches, these three lost it and immediately ended their UCR contracts. Apparently, Manico had'nt foreseen this and became very surprised. Also he threatenend to sue them if they went up with Behemoth. But did they care? No. They all three immediately teamed up with Behemoth and began helping with his idea of a new promotion. [B]Another wrestling scandal had taken place, and the roots of a new war had sprouted[/B] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]A[/SIZE]ll [SIZE="4"]R[/SIZE]asslin [SIZE="4"]N[/SIZE]ews[/font] [FONT="Arial"][B]On all-rasslin-news.net[/B][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [FONT="Arial"]A new promotion has openend for business, in Germany. It is called [B]European Dynamite Wrestling[/B] and is led by the former UCR major star, [B]Scheming Behemoth[/B]. He has also stated that this opens a new war in the wrestling world. He has officially declared ratings war on UCR. We have'nt been able to get a statement on this from UCR owner, [B]Louis Figo Manico[/b]. But the declaration is probably following the event that has happenend the last few months, here on the European wrestling scene. How will this new promotion further? UCR has shown much resilence to survive, but will they be able to survive European Dynamite? We will continues to follow this war, here on the website.[/FONT][/QUOTE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]A[/SIZE]ll [SIZE="4"]R[/SIZE]asslin [SIZE="4"]N[/SIZE]ews[/font] [FONT="Arial"][B]On all-rasslin-news.net[/B][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"]News on EDW situation! Today it was announced that EDW has signed the boxer-now-turned-wrestler, [B]Franz Lidemann[/B]. He is a imposing physical specimen, ahving two heavyweight boxing championships in his past. It is known that he has trained under the wing of [B]Scheming Behemoth[/B], but also had s hort stay in Japan where he trained with the legendary [B]Bruce The Giant[/B]. He has stated that he is happy to be wrestling alongside Behemoth again and will certainly help whereever he can.[/FONT] [IMG]http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/5783/franzlidemannwp7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [CENTER]And with that a new crisis had happenend with the boundaries of the wrestling world. It has resulted in another war. Another ratings war. Raging across Western Europe. Who will be the winner and emerge victorious?[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Thursday, Week 1 of December[/B] (2006)[/CENTER] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]A[/SIZE]ll [SIZE="4"]R[/SIZE]asslin [SIZE="4"]N[/SIZE]ews[/font] [FONT="Arial"][B]On all-rasslin-news.net[/B][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"]Today, EDW's Scheming Behemoth contracted three workers for a future talent pool. The two active wrestlers had one thing in common though, they are all accomplished high-flyers. They also both work in 21CW, which i has been leaced out that EDW has gained w working agreemnt with. What the future holds for the two young cadidates and the road agent is a hard thing to say. The three are; [B]Phil Cox[/B] and [B]Ultra Fly[/B] as active wrestlers and [B]Eva Berlin[/B] as a road agent. [IMG]http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/6413/evaberlinqn9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/7398/phillipcoxde8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/8343/ultraflyhm2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]Friday, Week 1 of December[/B] (2006)[/CENTER] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]A[/SIZE]ll [SIZE="4"]R[/SIZE]asslin [SIZE="4"]N[/SIZE]ews[/font] [FONT="Arial"][B]On all-rasslin-news.net[/B][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"]Today even more workers signed contract with the growing EDW. Two workers agreed today, with 21CW own's [B]Johnny Highspot[/B], the other was a MOSC man, namely [B]Jay B.[/B]. Theset two are now part of the active roser in EDW and will be appearing on shows from now on.[/FONT] [IMG]http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/3186/johnnyhighspotua5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/7554/jaybme6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]Monday, Week 2 of December[/B] (2006)[/CENTER] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]A[/SIZE]ll [SIZE="4"]R[/SIZE]asslin [SIZE="4"]N[/SIZE]ews[/font] [FONT="Arial"][B]On all-rasslin-news.net[/B][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"]A new week and new signings for Hermany based promotion European Dynamite Wrestling. Today, EDW got it's very own announcer! Though rumors have it that [B]Peaches McCream[/B] have been in contract meeting since Thursday of last week. Thiwas caused because she wanted a high value PPA contract, which EDW's Scheming Behemoth would give her, though in the end he had to see himself beaten. Also, british [B]Arthur T. Turtle[/B] has signed and [B]Carl Edwards[/B] has also agreed upon contract.[/FONT] [IMG]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/4686/arthurtturtleky7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img236.imageshack.us/img236/9062/carledwardslq1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img236.imageshack.us/img236/4493/peachesmccreamrn7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]Tuesday, Week 2 of December[/B] (2006)[/CENTER] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]A[/SIZE]ll [SIZE="4"]R[/SIZE]asslin [SIZE="4"]N[/SIZE]ews[/font] [FONT="Arial"][B]On all-rasslin-news.net[/B][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"]Today maybe mark an important date in the calendar of EDW. Not only that they sign the ROF major star, [B]Adam Matravers[/B], but also scored itself a working agreement with the before mentioned promotion. So now they have teamed up with the two premier UK wrestling promotions to take on the premier European promotion. This is turning out to be some war.[/FONT] [IMG]http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/1862/adammatraversut7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]Wednesday, Week 2 of December[/B] (2006)[/CENTER] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]A[/SIZE]ll [SIZE="4"]R[/SIZE]asslin [SIZE="4"]N[/SIZE]ews[/font] [FONT="Arial"][B]On all-rasslin-news.net[/B][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"]Today EDW announced its first major event since it's start-up. The event will be held at the [B]Bremen Hall[/B] and will be called the [B]EDW Master Of Europe Tournament[/B]. Besides all this the even twill host a torunament to determine the first EDWEuropean Heavyweight champion. Scheming Behemoth has yet to announce the contestants involved in the tournament, but we are working on the project to get a hold of the involved wrestlers.[/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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