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ARW: Who Killed AAA?

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A production company have set out to make a documentary on the promotion Angel Athletic Association, a wrestling company that was a staple of the independent scene for 20 years and a cult favourite that is sorely missed. The documentary has set out to answer the question “Who killed AAA?”

Anne Stardust sat comfortably in her well-lit, cozy office, surrounded by wrestling memorabilia that told the story of her illustrious career. As she reminisced, a nostalgic smile played on her lips. "The Angel Athletic Association... what a ride that was," she began, her voice filled with fondness. "You know, when I first started AAA, it was like stepping into a dream I had always envisioned. The energy, the fans, the camaraderie backstage—it was something truly special."

Her eyes wandered to a framed photo of herself holding the championship belt, a symbol of her hard-earned success. "I had some of the best moments of my career there," she continued. "The fans were incredible, always so supportive, and the roster? Man, we had some of the most talented and dedicated wrestlers in the business."

As Anne leaned forward, her expression became more reflective. "But I'll be honest with you, my journey with the AAA wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. I held the championship title way later than I probably should have. Injuries had started to take their toll, slowing me down more than I cared to admit."

She laughed softly, a hint of bittersweet nostalgia in her voice. "But you know, I don't regret a single moment. Every match, every storyline, every cheer from the crowd—those were the things that kept me going. Even when my body was telling me to slow down, my heart just wouldn't listen."

Anne sat back, her smile returning, eyes sparkling with the fond memories she cherished. "The Angel Athletic Association was more than just a promotion; it was a family. We laughed together, we cried together, and we celebrated each other's successes. Sure, we had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day, we created something magical."

Reflecting on the past, she recounted a significant decision in her career. "In 2015, I made the tough decision to sell the promotion to Catherine Quine. It wasn't easy, but it was the right choice at the time. Catherine had the vision and the passion, but things didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped. There were far more problems under her leadership—mismanagement, creative disputes, financial issues. It was hard to watch from the sidelines."

A shadow of regret briefly crossed Anne's face before she shook it off and smiled warmly, finding closure and fulfillment in the legacy she had built. "Even with all the struggles, I'm still proud of what we achieved. So, yeah, I might have held that title a bit longer than I should have, but every moment was worth it. The AAA may have shut its doors in 2017, but the legacy we built? That will last forever."

Anne paused, considering the question she had often been asked. "Who killed AAA?" she repeated, a thoughtful look in her eyes. "Refusal to get with the times, I guess. We stuck to our old ways a bit too long, and by the time we realized it, it was too late. But even so, the impact we made, the memories we created—that's something time can't take away."

In her cozy office, surrounded by memories of her wrestling family, Anne Stardust felt a sense of peace. The Angel Athletic Association had been a significant chapter in her life, filled with highs and lows, but ultimately, it was a story of triumph and lasting impact.

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Posted (edited)

Author notes


So here is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, I actually tried to get something going with a similar premise on the previous game but it never quite came together. But this is a project I’m excited about so here is hoping it will be a success.


This story will focus on the remains of the AAA, a promotion that for many of us we’re not quite able to say goodbye to. I should clarify I’m by no means a cverse expert so any mistakes with the pre-established wrestlers are just going to be par for the course to be hoenst. I’m hoping this project will help me get more into the cverse and it’s lore.


There will be created wrestlers that are a part of my upcoming CVerse Sheroes - you can get the link here, expansion that I am currently working on. I've also added Martel's mod to my database, which you can find here. Shoutout to @Martel123 for that.


The layout will probably be kept fairly simple, I have zero skills when it comes to graphic design. Using an AI image generator was about as much as I could handle lol.


The prologue will be a few parts inspired by the entertaining blame shifting of the 'who killed WCW' documentary  before we get into some actual wrasslin’.


With that said, thanks for reading!

Edited by Blessed
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Catherine Quine sat in a sleek, modern office, a contrast to the cozy, nostalgic setting of Anne Stardust's space. The walls were adorned with framed posters of wrestling events and championship belts. Her expression was serious, a hint of defensiveness in her eyes as she began to speak. "The Angel Athletic Association was a beloved institution, and taking over in 2015 was no small task," she said, her voice firm. "I stepped into some very big shoes, and I was determined to honour the legacy Anne had built."

She leaned back slightly, crossing her arms. "But let's be clear—when I inherited AAA, it wasn't exactly smooth sailing. There were already cracks in the foundation. Financial troubles, creative stagnation, and an uncommitted roster. These issues didn't just appear overnight; they were brewing long before I came into the picture."

Catherine's tone grew more insistent as she continued. "People love to point fingers and say I killed AAA, but that's not fair. The promotion was struggling, and I did everything I could to turn things around. We tried new storylines, brought in fresh talent, and even updated our branding to attract a wider audience. But the truth is, change is hard, and not everyone was on board."

She frowned, a hint of frustration in her voice. "Anne suggested that we refused to adapt, and I take offense to that. We did adapt. We had to. But it’s difficult to steer a sinking ship when half the crew is already jumping overboard. Many of the wrestlers were looking for the next big opportunity elsewhere, and their lack of commitment made it even harder to implement the changes we needed."

Catherine paused, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Who killed AAA? It's not as simple as one person or one decision. It was a combination of inherited issues, an uncommitted roster, and the harsh realities of the business. I poured my heart and soul into that promotion, and it's disheartening to see it reduced to a scapegoat story."

Her gaze softened momentarily, a touch of sadness creeping in. "I wanted AAA to succeed, and I believed in its potential. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, things just don't work out. The doors may have closed in 2017, but that doesn't mean we didn't try everything possible to keep them open."

In her sleek office, Catherine Quine's defensive posture softened just a bit as she reflected on her time with the AAA. "We faced enormous challenges, and while we may not have succeeded in the end, it wasn't for lack of trying. The legacy of AAA is complex, and it deserves to be remembered for its high points as well as its struggles."

As the interview drew to a close, Catherine's eyes held a mixture of defiance and regret. "Blaming one person or one decision is too simplistic. The story of AAA is much more intricate than that, and while I wish things had turned out differently, I’m proud of the effort we put in to keep the dream alive as long as we did."

In the modern office, surrounded by reminders of a passionate, albeit tumultuous, chapter in wrestling history, Catherine Quine remained resolute in her defense of her tenure at the Angel Athletic Association.

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Cherry Bomb sat confidently in her home office, sporting a Queens of American Wrestling jacket that reflected her new allegiance. Her demeanour was firm as she spoke, clearly aligned with Catherine Quine's perspective. "Working at the Angel Athletic Association was a rollercoaster, no doubt," she began, her tone matter-of-fact. "When I was there, especially towards the end as the booker, we faced challenges that were deeply rooted."

She leaned forward, her eyes intense. "Catherine and I did everything we could to keep AAA afloat. From reworking storylines to scouting new talent, we put our all into it. But it was tough inheriting a promotion that already had so many underlying issues."

Cherry Bomb's expression hardened as she continued, her frustration clear. "Anne Stardust did a lot for AAA, there's no denying that. But let's be honest—by the time Catherine took over, the promotion was already a sinking ship. Anne left us with financial woes and a lack of direction. She might claim we refused to adapt, but the truth is, we were cleaning up a mess that she left behind."

She crossed her arms, her stance more aggressive. "It’s easy for Anne to sit back and criticize, but she wasn’t there in the trenches with us, trying to fix the problems she ignored. Catherine and I made tough decisions, took risks, and tried to innovate. But sometimes, the damage is just too severe to repair."

Cherry Bomb sighed, her frustration evident. "We poured our hearts into saving AAA. We did everything we could, and it’s infuriating to hear Anne suggest otherwise. The downfall of AAA wasn’t due to a lack of effort on our part—it was because we inherited a promotion that was already in deep trouble."

In her home office, Cherry Bomb seemed resolute. "Anne's legacy is part of AAA's story, but so is the hard work Catherine and I put in to try and save it. Blaming us for the collapse is unfair and disingenuous."

Her eyes softened just a bit, reflecting a mix of disappointment and determination. "Now, with QAW, I’m excited to be part of something thriving. We learned a lot from our time at AAA, and those lessons are invaluable. But let’s not rewrite history to place the blame unfairly. We all played our parts, and some of those parts were inherited challenges that no amount of effort could fully overcome."

As the interview wrapped up, Cherry Bomb remained firm in her stance, a testament to her belief in the efforts she and Catherine Quine made to keep the Angel Athletic Association alive.

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Posted (edited)



Sara Stardust sat confidently in her grandmother's cozy, memorabilia-filled office, wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the logo of the defunct Angel Athletic Association. Her youthful energy and defiant expression made it clear she was ready to defend her family's legacy. "My grandmother, Anne Stardust, is a legend," she began, her voice strong. "The Angel Athletic Association was her dream, and she built something incredible from the ground up."

Sara's eyes sparkled with determination as she continued. "I've heard what Catherine Quine and Cherry Bomb have said, blaming my grandmother for the downfall of AAA. But that's not fair. Anne did everything she could to keep AAA alive and thriving. She dedicated her life to it. When Catherine took over, she had a responsibility to uphold that legacy."

She leaned forward, her passion evident. "Sure, there were challenges—what promotion doesn’t face ups and downs? But my grandmother always adapted, always fought for the best interests of the wrestlers and the fans. The problems AAA faced weren’t because of her; they were because of mismanagement and a lack of vision after she sold it."

Sara's expression turned more defiant. "It’s easy to blame someone who's not there to defend themselves, but let’s set the record straight: Anne Stardust built AAA from nothing, and it was her leadership that made it great. The decline happened because those who came after her didn't have the same commitment or passion."

With a triumphant smile, Sara made an exciting announcement. "That’s why I’m proud to announce the launch of my own promotion, Angel Wrestling Revolution. Women's wrestling is missing something without the Stardusts, and it's time to bring back that spark. This isn’t just about continuing a legacy—it’s about revolutionizing the industry with the same spirit that made AAA great."

In her grandmother's office, surrounded by the history of the Angel Athletic Association, Sara Stardust stood firm. "Angel Wrestling Revolution is going to capture everything AAA stood for and more. We're not just honouring the past; we're building the future of women's wrestling, and I can’t wait to show the world what we’re capable of."

As the interview wrapped up, Sara's defiance and determination were unmistakable, a testament to her commitment to carrying forward the Stardust legacy and creating something new and powerful with Angel Wrestling Revolution.



Edited by Blessed
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Thanks for all the feedback on this, glad to see people on board. Now the mod is out of the way, full steam ahead!



In the sort of Carny move that would make the oldest and most cunning of promoters smile, 21 year old Sara Stardust showed a lot of guile to use a documentary to promote the launch of her brand new promotion out of the ashes of AAA. 

After the documentary aired, the third generation Stardust took to social media to unveil the match card for ARW Volume 1: From the Ashes

The first card very much incapsulates what the young Stardust wants the promotion to be. A main event featuring two AAA alumni in Devil’s Daughter and Katherine Goodlooks. The show is also full of talented multi-sport athletes including the controversial “Ruthless” Riley Quinn and Trinity Douglas. There is also international stars including Catalina Vazquez , Luz Estrella and a mother daughter tag team in the form of Concepcion & Valeria Gomez.


ARW Volume 1: From the Ashes - Predictions


Devil’s Daughter vs Katherine Goodlooks

Christy Higgins vs “Ruthless” Riley Quinn

Mellow Flashhart vs Catalina Vazquez  

Lila Storm vs Isabelle Laurent

Suzanne Brazzle vs Trinity Douglas

Luz Estrella vs Lauryn Carter

Concepcion & Valeria Gomez vs Local Talents


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Devil’s Daughter vs Katherine Goodlooks

Christy Higgins vs “Ruthless” Riley Quinn

Mellow Flashhart vs Catalina Vazquez  

Lila Storm vs Isabelle Laurent

Suzanne Brazzle vs Trinity Douglas

Luz Estrella vs Lauryn Carter

Concepcion & Valeria Gomez vs Local Talents

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Devil’s Daughter vs Katherine Goodlooks

Christy Higgins vs “Ruthless” Riley Quinn

Mellow Flashhart vs Catalina Vazquez  

Lila Storm vs Isabelle Laurent

Suzanne Brazzle vs Trinity Douglas

Luz Estrella vs Lauryn Carter

Concepcion & Valeria Gomez vs Local Talents

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Devil’s Daughter vs Katherine Goodlooks

Christy Higgins vs “Ruthless” Riley Quinn

Mellow Flashhart vs Catalina Vazquez  

Lila Storm vs Isabelle Laurent

Suzanne Brazzle vs Trinity Douglas 

Luz Estrella vs Lauryn Carter

Concepcion & Valeria Gomez vs Local Talents

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9 hours ago, Theheel said:

Really like how you started this with the Who Killed AAA story

When I was watching that vice doc on who killed WCW, I thought that'd be a fun way to start a diary and it seemed a good fit. Glad you enjoyed. 


And thanks to everyone for predicting, especially because there are a lot of new characters. I'll give it a couple of days then the first show will go up!

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Devil’s Daughter vs Katherine Goodlooks

Christy Higgins vs “Ruthless” Riley Quinn

Mellow Flashhart vs Catalina Vazquez  

Lila Storm vs Isabelle Laurent

Suzanne Brazzle vs Trinity Douglas

Luz Estrella vs Lauryn Carter

Concepcion & Valeria Gomez vs Local Talents

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Devil’s Daughter vs Katherine Goodlooks

Christy Higgins vs “Ruthless” Riley Quinn
I like the Ruthless Riley name and I am probably wrong here but Higgins is a proven vet.

Mellow Flashhart vs Catalina Vazquez  

Lila Storm vs Isabelle Laurent

Suzanne Brazzle vs Trinity Douglas
The true queen of wrestling!

Luz Estrella vs Lauryn Carter

Concepcion & Valeria Gomez vs Local Talents
I think it would be great if the "Local Talents" were a major surprise team, but I don't think we are going for swerves on the first card

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Devil’s Daughter vs Katherine Goodlooks

Please please please does this mean we are getting DGD .... either helping or attacking DD

Christy Higgins vs “Ruthless” Riley Quinn

Quinn is a pain in the @$$ - she is also very very good.  She hates losing ... so she's going over.

Mellow Flashhart vs Catalina Vazquez  

I like Mellow but she's still pretty green

Lila Storm vs Isabelle Laurent

This could be legit great.

Suzanne Brazzle vs Trinity Douglas

Douglas is too far off in her fundamentals to get a push right now. 

Luz Estrella vs Lauryn Carter

This could be fun - one of them could die - both are borderline incompetent and dangerous in ring and Collins is crazy enough to do something silly.  Estrella is marketable so she survives.

Concepcion & Valeria Gomez vs Local Talents

The subversive part of me wants to say Local Talents because you seem like you are the sort of person who would sneak a couple of debuts in and shock us with a surprise victory but I will trust you that these are jobbers ... this time.

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