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6 hours ago, Rhysrob said:


Farrah’s apartment
20th February 2022

2 days after Big City Breakdown


Farrah waits patiently at her desk for her post show conference call with Brock Wrestleton, CEO of Wrestleworld...



Farrah: Hello, Brock.


Brock: Yeah, yeah. Well, I’m not gonna lie, Farrah, I’m not thrilled. You saw the numbers for Big City Breakdown, right?


Farrah: I did! I thought it was a solid show. We’ve got great momentum—


Brock: Solid? Farrah, the numbers were down. You’re going in the wrong direction. I like things going up! Up! Okay? And don’t get me wrong, I love the girls—really, I do—but maybe the audience wants something more. And this is them telling you that.


Farrah shifts uncomfortably.


Farrah: What more do they want?


Brock: Hear me out—maybe the audience just needs a little more than… women’s wrestling. I mean, women’s wrestling is great! Kinda! But maybe we need to give people something they love more, y’know?


Farrah: Like?


Brock: Men. QAW needs to sprinkle in a few guys. Your average wrestling fan wants to see men go at it. It’s just more believable—they’ve been doing it longer! You know how USPW has a women’s division? QAW could have its own men’s division! Let’s make this a spectacle!


Farrah: It'd be a spectacle for sure. QAW is a women’s wrestling promotion, Brock. That’s what we’re about.


Brock: Absolutely. Women! Love that. But y’know, throw in a couple of dudes to spice things up. And you’ve got Candy! She’s dynamite, isn’t she? Huge potential! I’m telling you, Farrah, she’s gonna be huge.


Farrah: Candy had a rough debut, Brock. She’s green.


Brock: Green? She’s gold! You just need to give her the right spotlight. Trust me, I know talent when I see it jiggling in front of me. And look, if we want to keep this thing going, we need more. Guys, girls, whatever—it’s about what sells.


Farrah: We’re not bringing men into QAW. That’s not the answer.


Brock: Farrah, baby! I’m here to help you think bigger! This is Wrestleworld—people want the full package. Right now, you’re giving them, like, a half-package. A cute one! But still... I’m a businessman, you should trust me.


Farrah: QAW is about the women, Brock. It’s about giving them a platform. And no, I’m not changing the focus of this promotion. End of story.


Brock shrugs.


Brock: If you say so. But remember, that contract is ticking. You want more time on Wrestleworld? You bring me eyes on Wrestleworld. I don't want less eyes month by month. Got it?


He leans back, smiling lazily.


Brock: I’m rooting for you, Farrah. Let’s see how BattleBowl goes, and maybe by then, you’ll have a change of heart. Or a change of roster…


Brock ends the call as Farrah sighs and stares at the monitor.


Farrah: F&* this guy.



This could be fun

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Very nice writeup, I am interested to see how things play out between Emma and Viper, the green mist after Emma says we don't need cheap tricks, we are just that good wasn't just a miscommunication, it was an outright defiance of what the lead told us to expect. Rudos don't always tell the truth, sure, but the reaction speaks volumes.

Could also get tasty on the Line side of things between Sonnaz and Felicia, even with smaller factions it seems there is plenty of room for inter-faction tension.

Brock...oh man, men is not the answer though I know where I would go if pushed, it would mean adding characters to the roster but exoticos are akin to queens ;) Something that the new women's with a small male roster setting for women's companies allows for 🤔

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