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6 hours ago, Rhysrob said:


Farrah’s apartment
20th February 2022

2 days after Big City Breakdown


Farrah waits patiently at her desk for her post show conference call with Brock Wrestleton, CEO of Wrestleworld...



Farrah: Hello, Brock.


Brock: Yeah, yeah. Well, I’m not gonna lie, Farrah, I’m not thrilled. You saw the numbers for Big City Breakdown, right?


Farrah: I did! I thought it was a solid show. We’ve got great momentum—


Brock: Solid? Farrah, the numbers were down. You’re going in the wrong direction. I like things going up! Up! Okay? And don’t get me wrong, I love the girls—really, I do—but maybe the audience wants something more. And this is them telling you that.


Farrah shifts uncomfortably.


Farrah: What more do they want?


Brock: Hear me out—maybe the audience just needs a little more than… women’s wrestling. I mean, women’s wrestling is great! Kinda! But maybe we need to give people something they love more, y’know?


Farrah: Like?


Brock: Men. QAW needs to sprinkle in a few guys. Your average wrestling fan wants to see men go at it. It’s just more believable—they’ve been doing it longer! You know how USPW has a women’s division? QAW could have its own men’s division! Let’s make this a spectacle!


Farrah: It'd be a spectacle for sure. QAW is a women’s wrestling promotion, Brock. That’s what we’re about.


Brock: Absolutely. Women! Love that. But y’know, throw in a couple of dudes to spice things up. And you’ve got Candy! She’s dynamite, isn’t she? Huge potential! I’m telling you, Farrah, she’s gonna be huge.


Farrah: Candy had a rough debut, Brock. She’s green.


Brock: Green? She’s gold! You just need to give her the right spotlight. Trust me, I know talent when I see it jiggling in front of me. And look, if we want to keep this thing going, we need more. Guys, girls, whatever—it’s about what sells.


Farrah: We’re not bringing men into QAW. That’s not the answer.


Brock: Farrah, baby! I’m here to help you think bigger! This is Wrestleworld—people want the full package. Right now, you’re giving them, like, a half-package. A cute one! But still... I’m a businessman, you should trust me.


Farrah: QAW is about the women, Brock. It’s about giving them a platform. And no, I’m not changing the focus of this promotion. End of story.


Brock shrugs.


Brock: If you say so. But remember, that contract is ticking. You want more time on Wrestleworld? You bring me eyes on Wrestleworld. I don't want less eyes month by month. Got it?


He leans back, smiling lazily.


Brock: I’m rooting for you, Farrah. Let’s see how BattleBowl goes, and maybe by then, you’ll have a change of heart. Or a change of roster…


Brock ends the call as Farrah sighs and stares at the monitor.


Farrah: F&* this guy.



This could be fun

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Very nice writeup, I am interested to see how things play out between Emma and Viper, the green mist after Emma says we don't need cheap tricks, we are just that good wasn't just a miscommunication, it was an outright defiance of what the lead told us to expect. Rudos don't always tell the truth, sure, but the reaction speaks volumes.

Could also get tasty on the Line side of things between Sonnaz and Felicia, even with smaller factions it seems there is plenty of room for inter-faction tension.

Brock...oh man, men is not the answer though I know where I would go if pushed, it would mean adding characters to the roster but exoticos are akin to queens ;) Something that the new women's with a small male roster setting for women's companies allows for 🤔

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Farrah Hesketh’s Booking Diary

1st March 2022


18 Days Before BattleBowl



It’s been an eventful couple of weeks. I’ve mostly been piecing together BattleBowl, trying to call in some outside workers to make it feel special—especially since the matches outside of the BattleBowl itself will be limited. I managed to get everyone I wanted, minus Kira Lee, who opted for a touring contract with 5SSW instead. I can’t be too mad at 5SSW, though, because it looks like they’re leaving Lilly & Rose off this tour. Swings and roundabouts, right?


Last week, EILL announced they were partnering with CZCW as a developmental territory. I winced a little when I heard it, but the press release made no mention of CZCW’s women’s roster or EILL taking on luchadoras, so I guess we’re safe... for now. I’d bet Brock Wrestleton is advising them too! Seems like his style.


On the other hand, USPW just concluded their Women’s Tag Team Championship tournament! I have to say, I was impressed with the teams they’ve put together from their roster in such a short time. Our very own QAW legend, Jillian Jarvis, teamed up with Killer Kass as "The Death Dealers," and they made it to the finals! They lost to Melody and Sara Marie York, now known as “Harmony.” I was wondering if CWA would respond with something for their women's division, but they seem content just pushing Amber, Brooke, and Lauren, despite none of them holding a title… And Foxxy still hasn’t debuted. They’re paying her to sit at home, and I feel dreadful for her.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Joshi wrestling is gaining steam after Sensational Ogiwara joined EX2010 and spearheaded their women’s division. Apparently, they’ve cut a deal that EX2010 will hire talent from outside 5SSW, but I wonder how long that arrangement will hold...


The real reason I’m writing tonight is that I’m feeling uneasy. Word has gotten around that Hellcat stormed out of CILL’s show earlier tonight. She had a massive argument with the owner about her booking, of all things. Irrationally, I feel responsible. Maybe her time at QAW has put her on edge, and now she’s exploded at the wrong moment… But I also know I’m not accountable for her emotional outbursts. Still, that’s a big bridge for her to burn. Now I’m wondering what kind of mood she’ll be in for BattleBowl... Do I need to start drawing up new plans for The Clenched Fist?


One crisis at a time, I suppose.


Edited by Rhysrob
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5 hours ago, Rhysrob said:

@christmas_ape is to blame for Brock's ways... 

I didn't actually think of Exoticos but it does make sense... I only have default data at the moment but do any of the mods have them...? Looking at you @alpha2117


Exoticos are so rare I had to make my own because it frustrated me Mexico didn't have them.  It didn't take long as I just used the same in game random generator that I had used for my character in the RTG and just used a few pics I had collected.


Lower Decks Triple X has a good one.




Thong Sangwit - they have potentially legit skills too 


That pack also has two guys who could really be played up for laughs if you want to run the narrative of not really wanting guys




El Gigolo & Hardy Woodcock are both comedy workers running ladies man style gimmicks - they could work for you.


It also has these female workers who offer something if you wanted tag teams (warning one of these girls is a weirdly ultra positive sleazbag lol - Oh Nurse Nadine you lovable scamp)





Lower Decks West Coast entertainment has someone who is sort of Exotico type - Luchador



Dr. Bling Bling


In AltCverse there is Gorgeous Gold who was based on Gorgeous George Wagner in concept and is very much an Exotico type gimmick despite being huge.  He and his tag partner Flesheater (think a Fijian Meng) might work for you.  They are also Mid-South based despite being Australian and Fijian respectively which places them exactly where you need them.


I used these pics 



but those pics are old school and I dont mind mixing and matching stylisitcally and that Flesheater pic is the only really Fijian looking person I've seen.



Lower Decks free pics gimmicky male came out after I started the save and I probably would have used these instead.


image.jpeg.82c892acb6052535522ca1e347978554.jpeg image.jpeg.8f60b1556e0606bde4ce96fd7b3f0cb9.jpeg 

And these from the core free pics work fine



In core - The Style Council guys from FCW sort of run the gimmick, Notorious F.R.E.A.K runs the gimmick but they are in Europe. Ex Style Council leader Fredrique kind of runs that sort of gimmick. 



Given QAW's location (Mid South) and relative low money you would probably want to go cheap.  I love the expansion packs various people have done.  Normally for QAW I would recommend stuff like Blessed's SHEROES, willr0cks Womens Revolution, Historian's Women as perfect for you worker wise but you are looking for guys who might fit QAW which is different. Martell's Future Workers packs are good for people who are very much blank slates and has a mix of male and female workers.  Free Agents are sort of thin on the ground in Core C-Verse especially those who feel appropriate for QAW.


Grindhousearts Lower Decks TripleX (is MidWest) 3-Dollar is (Mid South) SPIKE is Mid-South, West Coast is South Western, XENO is in North West.  FAIRY is a womens out of New Jersey, there are two packs with Hawaiian and Puerto Rican free agents.  I'd be tempted to bring in some of those and just grab whatever cheap male workers appeal.  There's some fun stuff in there. and like I indicated Triple-X especially has some workers that would probably work with the narrative of you being dragged kicking and screaming into using guys by hiring the Exotico and the 2 comedic ladies man characters.  


Edited by alpha2117
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Wrestleworld Presents: BattleBowl – More Women, More Wrestling, More Mayhem!


Houston, TX – March 10, 2022 – Queens of American Wrestling (QAW) is back with BattleBowl, and what better way to celebrate women’s wrestling than by throwing as many competitors as possible into the ring at once and watching the chaos unfold?


The crown jewel of BattleBowl is the 20-woman Battle Royal, where the competitors will fight for a QAW World Championship opportunity in the main event of The Showdown, QAW’s biggest event of the year! Expect last-minute betrayals, unlikely teamwork, failed attempts to lift someone twice their size, and a lot of clinging to the ropes! Who will emerge victorious? More importantly, who will avoid face-planting when they try to break their fall after being thrown out?


Wrestleworld’s CEO Brock Wrestleton had this to say: "BattleBowl is gonna be huge! Like nothing you’ve ever seen before, trust me. You’ve got 20 women doing what they do best: creating drama, backstabbing each other, and giving the fans something to talk about. This is going to be a spectacle, and hey—if they can keep the hair-pulling to a minimum, we might actually see a great match!"


QAW’s founder Farrah Hesketh added: "BattleBowl is one of my favourite events of the year because it’s so unpredictable! All those potential contenders for the QAW World Title create a lot of intrigue, and I think everyone comes into the BattleBowl hungry for success. We’re doing things a little differently this year schedule-wise, but I think this might be the best BattleBowl yet with the talent we’ve got lined up!"


QAW World Championship on the line and a sweet debut!


Also on the card, QAW World Champion Danielle Sweetheart will be defending her title against the self-proclaimed "Super-Superstar" Demelza Wade, who had this to say: "I mean, it’s only fitting that I, Demelza Wade, challenge for the top prize in QAW. I’m everything the company needs, and more. If Danielle was going to take this company to new heights, it would’ve happened by now—but it hasn’t! It’s time for a REAL star to take over and make this company over."


And don’t miss the highly anticipated QAW debut of Candy! A rising star on the wrestling scene and, according to Brock Wrestleton, a "certified future Hall of Immortals inductee": "Candy is dynamite! She’s got the looks, the moves, and she’s ready to take the wrestling world by storm! She’s gonna be bigger than Alina America, mark my words!"


Farrah Hesketh offered her take: "Candy has a lot of potential. I’m sure she’ll bring something unique to QAW. When it comes to watching Candy’s debut, I think I’ll be one of the fans watching through my hands thinking, ‘what will she do next?’ It’ll definitely be memorable!"


So don’t miss BattleBowl—where women will wrestle, throw each other over the top rope, and stick it to the man!


Tickets for BattleBowl are on sale now, and the event will be streamed live on Wrestleworld! Catch the action on March 18 and prepare for a night of unpredictability!






BattleBowl Card:

20-Woman "BattleBowl" (over the top "lottery" battle royale) feat:



"World Class" Emma May


Purple Viper

Juana Hurricane

Little Miss Perfect

Mariana Torres

Queen Amazon

"The Violent Violet" Simony Sentinel

Hellcat Hernandez

"100% Rudo" Raquel Alvarado

Sonnaz Shah

Celeste Moon

Black Diamond

Felicia Luck

"The Mexican Ace" Pinky Perez

"Miss Wrestling" Modesty Pador

??? (My last name's a colour, a bold fiery hue)

??? (I stretch where clouds softly lie, I captivate the eye)

??? (My spark lights the way, my name won't fade away)

??? (In the market of names, mine stands tall)



QAW World Championship


"The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart (c) Vs. "The Super-Superstar" Demelza Wade


QAW World Tag Team Championship


The Experience (c) Vs. The Rage


Tag Team Turmoil


Southern Charm Vs. The San Diego Girls Vs. Lilly & Rose Vs. Payback Inc






Quick picks


"The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart (c) Vs. "The Super-Superstar" Demelza Wade


The Experience (c) Vs. The Rage


Southern Charm Vs. The San Diego Girls Vs. Lilly & Rose Vs. Payback Inc




"World Class" Emma May


Purple Viper

Juana Hurricane

Little Miss Perfect

Mariana Torres

Queen Amazon

"The Violent Violet" Simony Sentinel

Hellcat Hernandez

"100% Rudo" Raquel Alvarado

Sonnaz Shah

Celeste Moon

Black Diamond

Felicia Luck

"The Mexican Ace" Pinky Perez

"Miss Wrestling" Modesty Pador

??? (My last name's a colour, a bold fiery hue)

??? (I stretch where clouds softly lie, I captivate the eye)

??? (My spark lights the way, my name won't fade away)

??? (In the market of names, mine stands tall)

Extra points if you guess who the mystery entrants are:






Who stays in the BattleBowl the longest?


Who has the most eliminations?


Who has the breakout performance (your choice receives +1 pop)?


As always, keep the feedback coming as it shapes the diary significantly!! I need to find exoticos now...

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"The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart (c) Vs. "The Super-Superstar" Demelza Wade


The Experience (c) Vs. The Rage


Southern Charm Vs. The San Diego Girls Vs. Lilly & Rose Vs. Payback Inc




"World Class" Emma May


Purple Viper

Juana Hurricane

Little Miss Perfect

Mariana Torres

Queen Amazon

"The Violent Violet" Simony Sentinel

Hellcat Hernandez

"100% Rudo" Raquel Alvarado

Sonnaz Shah

Celeste Moon

Black Diamond

Felicia Luck

"The Mexican Ace" Pinky Perez

"Miss Wrestling" Modesty Pador

??? (My last name's a colour, a bold fiery hue)

??? (I stretch where clouds softly lie, I captivate the eye)

??? (My spark lights the way, my name won't fade away)

??? (In the market of names, mine stands tall)

Extra points if you guess who the mystery entrants are:

1. my hated nemisis Pamela Rojo

2.Skye Hermosa

3. Josie Blaze

4. ??? I will have to think about this one


Who stays in the BattleBowl the longest? Emma May


Who has the most eliminations? Candy


Who has the breakout performance (your choice receives +1 pop)? Skye Hermosa who shockingly wins


As always, keep the feedback coming as it shapes the diary significantly!! I need to find exoticos now...

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"The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart (c) Vs. "The Super-Superstar" Demelza Wade


I feel that unless Danielle has been signed by a bigger company that Demelza is going to win the title on her first challenge.


The Experience (c) Vs. The Rage


I don't think that The Rage has The Experience to win here.  I'm not sorry for the pun.


Southern Charm Vs. The San Diego Girls Vs. Lilly & Rose Vs. Payback Inc


Out of the four teams I think that Lilly and Rose are the most established team here.




"World Class" Emma May


Purple Viper

Juana Hurricane

Little Miss Perfect

Mariana Torres

Queen Amazon

"The Violent Violet" Simony Sentinel

Hellcat Hernandez

"100% Rudo" Raquel Alvarado

Sonnaz Shah

Celeste Moon

Black Diamond

Felicia Luck

"The Mexican Ace" Pinky Perez

"Miss Wrestling" Modesty Pador

??? (My last name's a colour, a bold fiery hue)

??? (I stretch where clouds softly lie, I captivate the eye)

??? (My spark lights the way, my name won't fade away)

??? (In the market of names, mine stands tall)


So many options that could win so I am going with a potential new clash for Danielle in the future and giving Ronin 3 a chance of securing a place at the top of the QAW hierarchy.

Extra points if you guess who the mystery entrants are:

1. Pamelo Rojo seems like the obvious pick.

2. Air Raid Syren, this pick could be another woman in the database, but I am going with Syren here.

3. La Hija del Diablo, this one was tricky, and I am not certain with my choice, but I am going with my gut on this one.

4. Suzanne Brazzle, another tricky clue, but I think that Suzzane stands out due to her success leading The Fallen Angels in your previous QAW diary, or I may be reading too deeply into this clue.


Who stays in the BattleBowl the longest? Pinky Perez


Who has the most eliminations? Emma May


Who has the breakout performance (your choice receives +1 pop)? Black Diamond


Is it wrong that I want to punch Brock in the face?

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"The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart (c) Vs. "The Super-Superstar" Demelza Wade

I think Danielle retains, feels like it's too early for Demelza to have proven herself

The Experience (c) Vs. The Rage

I expect them to retain

Southern Charm Vs. The San Diego Girls Vs. Lilly & Rose Vs. Payback Inc

I think they are the ones who should dethrone The Experience in future, if they can stay away from Japan long enough



"World Class" Emma May


Purple Viper

Juana Hurricane

Little Miss Perfect

Mariana Torres

Queen Amazon

"The Violent Violet" Simony Sentinel

Hellcat Hernandez

"100% Rudo" Raquel Alvarado

Sonnaz Shah

Celeste Moon

Black Diamond

Felicia Luck

"The Mexican Ace" Pinky Perez

"Miss Wrestling" Modesty Pador

??? (My last name's a colour, a bold fiery hue)

??? (I stretch where clouds softly lie, I captivate the eye)

??? (My spark lights the way, my name won't fade away)

??? (In the market of names, mine stands tall)

Extra points if you guess who the mystery entrants are:

1.Pamela Rojo

2.Skye Hermosa

3.Electric Dreamer

4.Talia Quinzel


Who stays in the BattleBowl the longest? Juana Hurricane, the way her performances have been recently I could see her being the Ironwoman of the match, helping keep things running smoothly


Who has the most eliminations? Talia Quinzel, got to give her a strong debut without putting her too over too soon.


Who has the breakout performance (your choice receives +1 pop)? Sonnaz Shah as she'll have something to prove after losing to Demelza

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"The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart (c) Vs. "The Super-Superstar" Demelza Wade


Not time to dethrone Danielle yet, I don't think, if anyone can do it after this little a time in QAW it's Demelza but there's still legs in a Sweetheart reign.

The Experience (c) Vs. The Rage


Again it's a matter if it isn't time and I don't think these are the people to do it

Southern Charm Vs. The San Diego Girls Vs. Lilly & Rose Vs. Payback Inc


This is dependant on can you get two months without losing one of these to 5SSW but I feel Lilly and Rose are the next champs in waiting.

"World Class" Emma May
Purple Viper
Juana Hurricane
Little Miss Perfect
Mariana Torres
Queen Amazon
"The Violent Violet" Simony Sentinel
Hellcat Hernandez
"100% Rudo" Raquel Alvarado
Sonnaz Shah
Celeste Moon
Black Diamond
Felicia Luck
"The Mexican Ace" Pinky Perez
"Miss Wrestling" Modesty Pador


I bounced around a lot of people for this and eventually went for my favourite heel (I see Danielle retaining) who, bonus, Farrah is debating does she deserve a title program. I wanted to go Emma May, it feels like it should be Emma May for Showdown, it comes down to do I think that Danielle is going to lose then? If yes, then it would almost certainly be Emma, no one else is quite ready, if not then it comes down to the same reasoning as to why aren't the daleks in every season of Doctor Who? It is hard to keep them scary if they keep on losing. On the same note Emma can only take so many losses on the path to reclaiming the title or towards a definitive rivalry (or at least current storyline) ending match.


??? (My last name's a colour, a bold fiery hue)
??? (I stretch where clouds softly lie, I captivate the eye)
??? (My spark lights the way, my name won't fade away)
??? (In the market of names, mine stands tall)

Extra points if you guess who the mystery entrants are:
1. Pamela Rojo
2.Skye Hermosa
3. Electric Dreamer
4.Suzanne Brazzle


The first three I am more or less confident on just because they seem to fit the riddle. The latter...I am torn between the Mistress of the DDT and the Miracle Blonde, Brazzle got it based on more around the board in the US popularity and the market value of her costing a little more per show.
Who stays in the BattleBowl the longest? Pinky Perez. Right now she is in one of your most visible storylines and being cheated out of the match late by Marianna makes sense to me.
Who has the most eliminations? Purple Viper (just for funsies I'll guess eight as a number). Other than she has the capability to be a dominant force again it comes down to she is visible in your storylines right now, I think we are going to see her either making a play for leadership of the Furies or splitting off to become oh so very much more dangerous without a leader that insists on we don't need tricks to win.
Who has the breakout performance (your choice receives +1 pop)? Felicia Luck. She had a decent match last month and if you are going to make a thing of the potential brewing situation with Sonnaz, Felicia and Danielle I kind of feel like one of Felicia or Sonnaz have to do well and on the entirely scientific basis of I like Felicia more ;) I went with her.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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