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Storyline "Win" and "Loss" in Angle Suggestion

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Many folks have asked for a return of allowing wins without losses in the angles for all of the options (Minor Victor - Major Victory). I would love for this option to return.

However, If this change is not being considered then I would suggest a middle ground where we possibly allow minor victories without a reciprocal minor loss while keeping the need for a reciprocal loss with the larger victory options. This would allow for building some momentum without necessarily having to hurt their opponents momentum in all cases.

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Here's another idea I had come to mind for storyline losses in angles. Would it be possible to tune down the likelihood of a worker complaining about an angle loss depending on how much of a storyline loss it is? This is what I have in mind:

Major Storyline Angle Loss- Just a smidge less than the likelihood we currently have. Worker personality traits can also come into play here, meaning good personality traits make it less likely to trigger a complaint, whereas workers with negative personality traits would be the ones to almost always complain since it's a major storyline angle loss.

Regular Storyline Angle Loss- Less than the likelihood we currently have. Workers with positive personality traits will almost never complain about a regular storyline angle loss, but there is still an outside chance. Workers with negative personality traits might not complain about a regular storyline angle loss unless the winner is so much less popular than them.

Minor Storyline Angle Loss- Almost zero chance of any complaints from the losing worker(s). Even workers with negative personality traits might not raise a fuss since it's just a minor storyline angle loss.

Also, ditto to your idea about minor storyline angle losses, @BigDPW

Edited by Mattywood
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1 hour ago, Mattywood said:

Here's another idea I had come to mind for storyline losses in angles. Would it be possible to tune down the likelihood of a worker complaining about an angle loss depending on how much of a storyline loss it is? This is what I have in mind:

Major Storyline Angle Loss- Just a smidge less than the likelihood we currently have. Worker personality traits can also come into play here, meaning good personality traits make it less likely to trigger a complaint, whereas workers with negative personality traits would be the ones to almost always complain since it's a major storyline angle loss.

Regular Storyline Angle Loss- Less than the likelihood we currently have. Workers with positive personality traits will almost never complain about a regular storyline angle loss, but there is still an outside chance. Workers with negative personality traits might not complain about a regular storyline angle loss unless the winner is so much less popular than them.

Minor Storyline Angle Loss- Almost zero chance of any complaints from the losing worker(s). Even workers with negative personality traits might not raise a fuss since it's just a minor storyline angle loss.

Also, ditto to your idea about minor storyline angle losses, @BigDPW

I think a combination of my idea and tuning down complaints would be perfect as a compromise to improve the flexibility of this system.

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