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Best ever storylines

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For me it's different things. Most storylines can be grounded in reality of wanting a title, after all more prestige bigger paycheck. However I do like unique storylines. I try and take from my every day life. 


That one co-worker that everyone hates keeps asking questions at meetings. Perfect person to hate. But generally more mundane reasons for fighting. Like feeling entitled to a match someone else has gotten. Wanting to prove you can hold every title in the company at least once after holding a few of them. A manager dropping his old client for a new one.  A wrestler out to step aside of his father or tag team partners shadow. 


You really don't need more than an initial idea to build upon. The longer a feud goes, or if it's an on and off feud every few months or years. It builds call backs and establishes characters better. Giving more opportunities and reasoning for feuds. 


In saying that though don't push aside quirky reasons for non-title feuds as well. They give depth to the roster. I had a wrestler return from donating bone marrow "kayfabe" set on a sudden ramp in momentum. A wrestler feuding with another because he though capturing his essence would bring forth the "Great One" to restore balance to the world. I had a wrestler whose whole personality was if someone wasn't polite to him he would take it as a personal attack starting blood feuds with them. Imagine not holding a door open for a guy with his bags and him not resting until you had a last man standing match. 


Look at the internet. People will argue over anything. You don't have to focus on fun or convoluted storylines, it can simply be "I want the title." And as you do more matches, more storylines it can evolve. From "I want the title" to "I beat this guy, who beat the champion 6 months ago, so now it's my turn." 


If you struggle generating them, select the two guys you want to feud. Decide how long you want them to feud, and plot a few key points or moments. Start small with the first month or two, and then decide if you want to continue it after that. Always have the winner in the back of your mind long term. Add side characters for a few matches to keep them seperate. If you have a particular pair of character and time line ect. Feel free to mention it or flick me a PM.

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7 hours ago, ThorJ said:

I always struggle with generating storylines after the presets run their course. 

What have been your best generic storylines that have helped you out?


Tag Team partners feud after miscommunication causes a loss.

Member of heel stable is a bad guy, but not that bad and feuds with former stable mates.

Member of face stable has good intentions, but pushes the limits too far and feuds with former stable mates.

Members of a family fall out in the way that only families can.

Jealousy, revenge and anger are great.

Someone wants to acquire power and someone else wants to stop them.

The good old Fight Club "I wanted to destroy something beautiful."

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I have a storyline that's drawing green all the time, and might even save my meant-to-tank money-mark fed... it started over Luke Pope (Surfer Dude Lucas) stopping Ernest Youngman from breaking Aldous Blackfriar's leg in the cage door after Youngman retained his title, and concluded a bloody and brutal feud with Blackfriar which was the headliner for the first 6 mos of my sim (the real calendar has got my old 2020 patterns a little off).  Right now, there was a month and half break from the two going head-to-head where Youngman tried the same thing on Pope (but with a chair) and Pope won a title match by intentional count-out before chaos in a #1 contender match beneath it on the card created a respite from their immediate interactions, but references in promos and the background interaction is now ramping up and Pope will challenge Youngman at the next-to-last event of 2022.  (my feds total pop is 11 US lol, so this feud is way hot for that level)



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Something I like to do is take a core group of characters and focus my stories around their character arcs. Something I've also decided to do was build more young stars. A media questioned me about the only being 1 major star under 30, so it gave me the idea.

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22 minutes ago, chm39 said:

Something I like to do is take a core group of characters and focus my stories around their character arcs. Something I've also decided to do was build more young stars. A media questioned me about the only being 1 major star under 30, so it gave me the idea.

I've reached the end of 2022 and need to start developing the rookies/youngsters on my roster.  I'm using what was (on 2020/2016) a time-tested method of having the young up and comer give an established outside main eventer (or star) a run for their money but falling short, gaining a little momentum on TV/shows for a month or so, then have them placed in a feud with a midcarder to get their first feud win.


Cory Underwood and Sayeed Ali had a feud because Ali just did not like Cory's face and wanted to rearrange it... he won their first meeting when Ali got Rage DQ'ed, second meeting Sayeed won tainted, third Sayeed put the rivalry to bed.  Two months later, Cory Underwood got beat by Cobra in their first match up... 


I've got Chaz Hayter in his "first taste" against a newly solo Jake Idol.  Moving to Cillian Catsby next since I just signed him (CZCW was tying/beating me weekly in shows so I took their egg)

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I’m doing a test run with SWF and an idea sparked in my head using the default storylines.

I had Hannah come out on her own and call out Scythe only for it to be a ruse for Valiant to catch him off guard. It got a great rating. But now I’m thinking what if Scythe gets obsessed with Hannah? 

I can go a lot of places with this. Have Scythe kidnap her? Have her turn heel? I’m enjoying just brainstorming ideas right now and I want to do different things this time around. 

Don’t know if this is thread for this lol.

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35 minutes ago, TheWorldIsOurs13 said:

I’m doing a test run with SWF and an idea sparked in my head using the default storylines.

I had Hannah come out on her own and call out Scythe only for it to be a ruse for Valiant to catch him off guard. It got a great rating. But now I’m thinking what if Scythe gets obsessed with Hannah? 

I can go a lot of places with this. Have Scythe kidnap her? Have her turn heel? I’m enjoying just brainstorming ideas right now and I want to do different things this time around. 

Don’t know if this is thread for this lol.

I like it, you can have him "Kidnap" her and she slowly starts turning to the dark side, getting more and more sick and demented until Scythe takes out Valient. Only at the end of the story we find out Scythe didn't kidnap her at all and she was the mastermind all along 

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22 hours ago, elmiticomark said:

I've reached the end of 2022 and need to start developing the rookies/youngsters on my roster.  I'm using what was (on 2020/2016) a time-tested method of having the young up and comer give an established outside main eventer (or star) a run for their money but falling short, gaining a little momentum on TV/shows for a month or so, then have them placed in a feud with a midcarder to get their first feud win.


Cory Underwood and Sayeed Ali had a feud because Ali just did not like Cory's face and wanted to rearrange it... he won their first meeting when Ali got Rage DQ'ed, second meeting Sayeed won tainted, third Sayeed put the rivalry to bed.  Two months later, Cory Underwood got beat by Cobra in their first match up... 


I've got Chaz Hayter in his "first taste" against a newly solo Jake Idol.  Moving to Cillian Catsby next since I just signed him (CZCW was tying/beating me weekly in shows so I took their egg)

Something I'm pissed about is not being able to put someone over in angles without someone having to lose and be in a storyline unless I'm missing something. 

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17 minutes ago, chm39 said:

Something I'm pissed about is not being able to put someone over in angles without someone having to lose and be in a storyline unless I'm missing something. 

I usually counter the balance by having mid-card (13min minimum) match with the loser in the storyline getting a win where the storyline winner distracts/ringside/interferes/botched interference.  it doesn't always work [and sometimes you run the risk of a bad match bringing down an angles heat too], but I've only had one storyline where someone was rated as "Fairly Poor" after a few months.  But, I haven't figured out how to avoid angles that give momentum or a win without issuing a minor negative at least either tbh.  I try to keep winner/loser angles more to a minimum and run an 80's style "lots of promos" to keep things going if it's hot and I need it to have some legs.

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23 minutes ago, chm39 said:

Something I'm pissed about is not being able to put someone over in angles without someone having to lose and be in a storyline unless I'm missing something. 

The recent patch allowed one person to gain a victory without a negative impact on the other party so it should kind of be like the old system where one person can get a success while the other is neutral

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5 minutes ago, TheAwesomeZero101 said:

The recent patch allowed one person to gain a victory without a negative impact on the other party so it should kind of be like the old system where one person can get a success while the other is neutral

1.12?  nice, thank you.

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