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  1. I loved the show, loved Buck getting the win. Tenesse winning as well a big plus for mine. I just have a question about Logan and what you wanted to originally do with his storyline, as with the major storyline beat of the sexual assault like angle, I feel this isn't the pay off that you necessarily was going for and it was more a poaching of him causing the loser leaves match.
  2. War Machine 2022 DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Boo Smithson v Con McReady - I don't think Con McReady is in the spot to take the title just yet over Shogo. Tag Team Championships: Mace Mueller and Mayhem Mulhoney v Crazy Shade (Milton Hittlespitz and Nightshade) (c) Forever Devils (Australian Devil, Creeper and Writhe) v The Wild Hunt (Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus) Australian Championship: Gyula Lakatos (c) v Tevita Takulua - I don't think it is time to give up Tevita's loss streak especially to Gyula. Bully XL v Jake Thornton - With Bully's dismissal and lack of momentum I see him losing here. Surprising because I always peg Bully as the man to come out better out of the tag-team. Tim Burr v Demarcus Lee - I am ready to pop for Demarcus Lee singing Timber again.
  3. _________________________________________ BCF Clash at the Coast _________________________________________ Nigel Darling Dressed in his sparkling gold jacket the commissioner came out with a microphone in hand. Inside the ring on a pedestal was the BCF Grand Championship. On another pedestal was a black clothed object that was hidden from the audience. Nigel Darling: “Welcome to BCF Clash at the Coast! We will see the crowning of the first BCF Grand Champion as Monday Next will face off against Rod Sullivan in what will be an amazing main event. We will also find out which man will be facing off against the future champion at BCF Sun Never Sweats.” “I am not here for all of that, you all know everything about that. I am here to make another championship announcement. Under this cloth is going to be the newest championship. It will be decided in a Fatal-Five-Way match at BCF Sun Never Sweats. For the next five weeks, we will have Fatal-Four-Way matches that a winner will lock in there spot in the championship match.” “Here is your newest title, the BCF Legacy Championship.” Nigel pulled the cloth away to reveal the new title, slightly smaller than the BCF Grand Championship but just as beautiful looking. “This is the B! C! F!” _________________________________________ vs Gregory Grace vs Reggie Hammer The opening contest of the night started with Reggie Hammer attempting to hit the VB Hammer to start off the match. Gregory Grace the veteran was able to evade the loaded elbow from Reggie Hammer that no one has been able to kick out of. That is the story for the majority of the match. Reggie Hammer keeps looking to try and put an early end to the match. When he gets control of the action makes an attempt to hit the VB Hammer or set up his finisher only to come underdone. Gregory Grace showed he had it scouted blocking, ducking and avoiding the blow. Gregory Grace was certainly showing his experience in the match to wrestle control at every opportunity. Hammer was showing the heart and willingness to go beyond his abilities with just raw passion to keep from being pinned. Dutch DeRue was doing good work at ringside rallying the crowd and cheering on Reggie Hammer. In a lull during the match where both Grace and Hammer were out on their feet. Dutch yelled up the entrance ramp and waved out for the members of Crime Wave (D.O.A and Switchblade) to come out. The referee Wayne Schimmelbusch tried to interject and climbed out of the ring attempting to stop the two men. Dutch got in his face distracting the referee as Crime Wave got into the ring. Inside the ring Hammer argued trying to call off Crime Wave, saying he didn’t want to win the match like that. Switchblade had the chain wrapped around his fist and delivered a punch straight to the face of Hammer knocking down his stable mate. D.O.A looked to continue the attack pulling Hammer to his feet only to be knocked out by the VB Hammer. Switchblade was next in line to be taken out as he was clotheslined over the top rope. The distraction was enough for Grace, he caught Hammer with the Graceful Exit as he turned around. Dutch DeRue began to yell at Wayne Schimmelbusch to pay attention and Wayne got in the ring, as Grace made the pin. With this being their first match together I did expect a better performance, but it was a good match and both Grace and Hammer showed they had good chemistry together. Rating: 43 _________________________________________ --- Gregory Grace – Reggie Hammer – Dutch DeRue – Crime Wave The fighting continued in the ring, with Crime Wave being able to recover at ring side they climbed in the ring and continued to attack Reggie Hammer. Gregory Grace and Dutch DeRue guiding traffic inside the ring. Hammer to his credit didn’t surrender and was able to connect with a second VB Hammer on D.O.A who was sent back outside of the ring. Dutch shocked by the burst of energy from his former client ran from the ring and was joined by Gregory Grace on the outside. Switchblade fot into a fight with Reggie Hammer to keep him from getting outside of the ring. Dutch called up the entrance ramp once again. This time a large man in a white jacket with face paint came out with a serious demeanour on his face. Janus Janus got into the ring to join Switchblade who was currently taking punches by Hammer. Hammer stood across the ring and wasn’t going to back down of another fight tonight. This fight was too much for Hammer delivering a monstrous clothesline to the footy short wearing wrestler. Janus hoisted Hammer back to his feet before locking in a bear hug, keeping in clinched in until Hammer stopped moving, finally dropping him in a heap. Janus and Crime Wave joined Gregory Grace and Dutch DeRue at the top of the entrance ramp. Dutch DeRue: “I told everyone; I was going to manage the winner of tonight’s match. Here is your winner!” Dutch raised Gregory Grace’s hand to the ire of the crowd, handing off the microphone. Gregory Grace: “This is the newest stable. This is Eminence!” Gregory Grace was flanked by both members of Crime Wave in a similar visual to last weeks Main Event, but joined at the side by Dutch DeRue and the looming figure of Janus standing behind the entire group. _________________________________________ vs Black Flash vs Mortimer This was an action packed but much shorter match. Black Flash was able to showcase his technical ability as he outwrestled Mortimer. Being able to reverse grapples and holds set out by Mortimer. While Mortimer did well to sell his anger and frustration in an over-the-top manner. It continued in a relatively fast paced contest with both men not allowing the crowd to even catch their breathe between moves and spots. Spin Doctor showcased his talent at ringside being loud and getting involved in the face, or mask of Black Flash. The distractions and taunting of the obnoxious Spin Doctor at ringside was too much for Black Flash to overcome, as it allowed Mortimer to hit his Pyle-driver to get the three count. Rating: 51 _________________________________________ Crazy Train Crazy Train comes out to the entrance ramp with a microphone in hand. Down in the ring is the man that beat him to be in the match tonight, Chopper Rourke. “PHAT MAN ROLLIN’ IN! It is time for the match to begin. Chopper Rourke, out here looking Chopper Pork. My man back there brings and axe in hand, he is here to change the BCF land. Introducin’ the guy that's about to become the man, he is Jack "The Axe" Callahan!" It’s Callahan's time he has answered the call, brace yourself Chopper you’re about to fall. Chopper Rourke, you get to face half of Axe & Train, be ready to feel the power & pain.” Jack Callahan Out steps the wrestler fka. Hack the Hunter. Being announced as Jack Callahan, he still sports a large flannel jacket and carrying an axe with him down to the ring. Handing it to his tag-team partner as he gets to the ringside area. _________________________________________ vs Chopper Rourke vs Jack Callahan Chopper Rourke was in a mood as he was aggrieved by the words of Crazy Train. Chopper Rourke is normally an imposing figure, but the muscular, sizable, taller Callahan didn’t have any give when Rourke tried to deliver punches. Callahan took a few shots from Chopper Rourke before blowing up, delivering hard shots back and then tossed Chopper to the other side of the ring. Chopper was in awe after being thrown and looked like he was going to second guess the match, he looked to climb out of the ring but was taunted at ringside by Crazy Train. The angered Rourke burst back into the ring, but his blows this time even less effective against Callahan who was feeding off the energy of the crowd. Callahan tossed Rourke to the other side of the ring again, but followed up this time by tackling him to the ground. Callahan power lifted the large Rourke inside the ring and delivered a monstrous Epic Side Slam on the large Chopper Rourke to win. Rating: 34 _________________________________________ - Troll – Kane Wilde “WEEEELLLLLLLCCCCCCAAAAAMMMMMMM’ SSSSHHHEEAAAAAAPPPP!!!!” Out stepped in his once brightly coloured but now faded circus ringleader outfit the small statured Troll. He excitedly jumped around on the stage with a grin on his face. “It is time to see my monste! He is here! He is excited! He is hungry!” Out stepped the menacing Kane Wilde his eyes trained down on the ring and the two men standing in the ring. The two men Kane Wilde was going to face off against tonight. “These, these are the ones he fights. There is too, not one.” Kane Wilde looked over at Troll who gleefully and excitedly rocking back and forth on his feet, as if asking for direction. “Eat monste, eat.” _________________________________________ vs Kane Wilde vs The Buchanans Once given direction Kane Wilde made a beeline straight into the ring. The Buchanans looked ready, but they certainly weren’t. Kane Wilde delivered a headbutt to the chest of Flip collapsing him to the ground before grabbing Bounce and throwing him into the turnbuckle. This was not a fight in the slightest, but a mauling between the two men. Kane Wilde didn’t even need the Buchanans to tag during the match as he kept them both in the ring the entire time, taking time between each man to deliver thumping blows and slams. Kane Wilde dragged both Flip and Bounce into the centre of the ring piling them on top of each other. He laid across them both on his back and looked up the entrance ramp at Troll screaming as the pin was made. The match was better than I thought it would be and that is in thanks to the Buchanan brothers. Rating: 41 _________________________________________ Isaac Taylor Isaac Taylor came out to the entrance ramp as Swish had just finished their own entrance. Isaac Taylor: “Now D-Pod, Fast Eddie, Swish. Whatever the hell you call yourselves. I have gone out of my way to find a tag-team partner. I would like to come down there and beat both of you single handedly, but we both know you guys wouldn’t fight fair. That is why I have someone to watch my back.” “This guy is a lot like you Eddie, he likes to hit things first, ask questions later. He is a guy the BCF audience have all met. He is a guy who always likes to fight and has shown to always have his tag-team partners back. He is Rob Edwards!” _________________________________________ vs Swish vs Isaac Taylor & Rob Edwards Swish came out of this match trying to get on the forefront with a lot of speed from D-Pod. Isaac Taylor starting the match for his side provided a good, smooth opening affair between one another. Isaac showed he was still on another level as he took on D-Pod, and showed more aggression than he normally would, mixing in a lot more strikes than he normally would. D-Pod was able to goad Taylor into a mistake with his fast-talking insults. It got to him and allowed D-Pod to show some fast feet and create enough room for D-Pod to make the tag to Fast Eddie. Eddie charges into the ring set to deliver some stiff strikes to Taylor. Taylor takes a flurry of blows and shows his veteran awareness when in the turnbuckle he is able to get a strong forearm against a charging Eddie. The separation allows for Taylor to make the tag to Edwards. The match certainly changes with both Eddie and Edwards being strikers, delivering hard shots against one another. Exchanging punches and kicks with each other, both weathering the storm from one another. Eddie whips Edwards into his corner and both members of Swish show why they work well together, making a few quick tags as they beat down Rob Edwards. D-Pod at one stage using the tag rope to choke his opponent. Rob Edwards is able to collect D-Pod with an arm drag when D-Pod tries to clothesline the bigger man. Edwards makes the hot tag to Isaac Taylor who cleans house with drop kicks, a flying shoulder block and a snap suplex to both Eddie and D-Pod in the ring, before hitting I-Way to win the match. Rating: 53 _________________________________________ - Luke Pope – Isaac Taylor A surprise at the end of the match, with Luke Pope briefly crossing paths with Rob Edwards who had replaced him in the last match. Luke Pope had a microphone in hand and watched as Isaac Taylor celebrated down in the ring. He had finally been able to get his hands on Swish and defeated the two men with the help of Rob Edwards. Luke Pope: “Isaac, do you remember me?” Isaac was caught off guard by his former teammate standing at the top of the ring addressing him. Luke Pope: “I was meant to be in that ring with you right now. I was meant to be standing beside you, but you took your eyes off the prize. You left me alone in the ring with two monsters in The Affliction.” Isaac Taylor was able to get a microphone at ringside. Isaac Taylor put on his Jamaican Accent a little heavier tonight, despite having lived in Australia since he was 12 years old. Isaac Taylor: “Hold on there brother, I came out and saved you.” Luke Pope: “You saved me after you left me. You saved me after The Affliction double teamed me, you saved me after my head was kicked into steel stairs, you saved me after they made sure I wouldn’t make it here tonight. You were too slow, and it was your fault.” Isaac Taylor tried to interrupt Pope, who just yelled down the microphone. Luke Pope: “You took away my biggest opportunity by not being focused enough. You came out here tonight to talk up Rob Edwards as a guy who always has his tag-team partners back. Yet you never had mine. I am going to make my own opportunity. I am going to fight you at BCF Sun Never Sweats.” _________________________________________ --- The Brat Pack – The Affliction – Air & Honour – Tranquil Warriors The Brat Pack were the first team to make their entrance down the ring. Artemis Eyre-Rochester: “Thurston, can you believe it we didn’t even get a match for tonight.” Thurston Darcy III: “What does it matter, we don’t need money like these losers. I mean these loser fans are getting to see us, which is why they came here.” Artemis Eyre-Rochester: “It would have just been nice to have a match tonight.” Before Thurston can respond Air & Honour make their way down the ramp. Trey Tallman: "If you wanted a match, you just had to ask. Air & Honour are always ready to fight." Wes Schnorfestt: “That’s right” The two climbed into the ring and Trey Tallman was calling for a referee before Tranquil Warriors stumbled out to the crowd. Moonchild: “Dudes don’t tell me everyone is getting a match but us.” Craig Pheonix: “No Moon, no they want us in the match as well.” Moonchild: “They do? We are going to wrestle? When?” Artemis Eyre-Rochester: “Hold on, we don’t want to face any of you idiots let alone both teams.” Thurston Darcy III goes to protest as well but is cut off as The Affliction make their entrance and the brawlers make their way down the ring. Thurston Darcy III: “Them, we are on their side.” Artemis Eyre-Rochester: “Well then we have it, a four-on-four match.” Wes Schnorfestt: “That’s right.” _________________________________________ vs The Brat Pack and The Affliction vs Air & Honour and Tranquil Warriors This was a chaotic match between all 8 men involved. It allowed all 8 men a short chance to hit their finisher or signature move and a moment to shine. It very quickly had broken down from having men on the apron, to everyone in the ring getting their spots in. Everyone had their chance to make their spot known, until The Affliction took control as a pair imposing their will on their faces in the ring. Artemis made a blind tag on Anguish who was dominating the ring. Anguish and Misery hit The Great Depression on Wes Schnorfestt and Artemis quickly jumped into the ring pushing past Anguish to make the cover for victory in the impromptu match. Rating: 44 _________________________________________ - Rod Sullivan - Monday Next A video package played hyping up the main event of the night. Showing both men picking up their wins. Rod Sullivan defeating Thurston Darcy III while Monday Next defeated Isaac Taylor. The video showed their contrasting journey over the last two months. Monday Next slowly developing into his Main Event Monday Next persona, as he took on Misery and Moonchild in separate outings on BCF Main Event, in matches that he gave it his all and got the best matches out of the two men. While Rod Sullivan showed the development of his friendship with Rob Edwards, their victory against The Brat Pack and the deal that Rob Edwards would get a shot at the BCF Championship. Both men taking separate patch with Monday Next showing talent against anyone, while Rod Sullivan willing to work with anyone to take on the best talent in the company. The second portion was all about action. The first time both men were able to come to blows, Rod Sullivan flying through the air as he caught Next with a clothesline. Next slapping the face of Rod Sullivan mid-match. The highlights all coming from when Rod Sullivan teamed up with Rob Edwards to take on the makeshift tag-team of Next and Mortimer. A brief glimpse of Next standing over the defeated body of Rod as he picked up the victory and reigned supreme against his opponent. The final portion of the video showed a refocused Rod Sullivan taking on Black Flash, to establish himself as the true main event in BCF. It showed him standing in the ring alongside the title as it was revealed and the shot transitioned up to the monitor when Monday Next appeared. The transition showed footage of Next’s time in Japan, showing what a world travelled wrestler he is, and his success overseas as he beat masked talent Cyclopes. The segment closing, it left in the air the tagline that was being used on the promotional material since their segment last week. “The Heart of BCF faces the Main Event of BCF.” _________________________________________ BCF Grand Championship vs Rod Sullivan vs Monday Next This was the culmination of three months of work for the company, since our first event in January. Rod Sullivan and Monday Next had been on a collision course with one another. Each man didn’t waste time on sizing each other up and went straight into a lock up. Monday Next having the slight size advantage was able to outmuscle Rod Sullivan in the early goings of the match. Monday Next continued to take control early on, out wrestling and outsmarting the younger Rod Sullivan. Looking exceptional on his return from Japan. The two men began to wear each other out as they exchanged slams, and blows. Each getting a burst of offense against one another. The two men then exchanging fists centre stage. The fans cheering each strike of Rod Sullivan who looked to be rallying the support of the crowd on his side. Monday Next raked the eyes of Rod Sullivan to put an end to the momentum from younger wrestler. This match was going to take us to the limit of time on The Bloke Channel as neither man would be put down, both unsuccessfully hitting their finishers, and their signature moves weren’t good enough to keep either man down long enough to secure a three count. Both men stumbled to their feet as they exchanged punches, each strike from Rod Sullivan being met with cheers while Monday Next punches would be booed. It was a similar set up to earlier in the match, but before Monday Next could rake the eyes of Rod Sullivan again. Rod Sullivan raked at Monday Next’s eyes to gain momentum. A move that drew loud cheers from the crowd as it was clear Rod Sullivan learnt from his opponent. A fact Quientin Wednesday put over on the commentary team. The edge in momentum was enough to allow Rod Sullivan to finally hit the Flying Double Knee to seal the win with a three count. This was a superb finish for the night with Monday Next putting on an absolute clinic and Rod Sullivan performing well. Rating: 61 _________________________________________
  4. Shogo v Tim Burr I hate this match, it's a money match and I feel a match that could be the future of DIW with Shogo carrying the company for a few years as Tim Burr builds up to the eventual match. Tim Burr feels like the future of DIW and could be what Tombstone was, hopefully with more loyalty. While Shogo is the now, he could realistically best anyone, any day of the week. It feels like a wasted opportunity to give it away as a more throwaway match with no build up. While I voted Shogo, it would be great to see that trigger being pulled. Tim Burr getting an upset win and putting him in a storyline after losing the Australian Championship. Australian Devil v Nightshade Nightshade getting a big win here in what could be a career defining win. This would catapult him to that mid card level, and steady the ship for Wild Hunt. Mace Mueller v Angus McMiller I really liked the backstage stuff with McMiller and now it makes me wish the trigger got pulled on Wez. Still Angus is definitely being confronted with it being his time and Mace dominates the win here. Australian Championship: Blood Brother v Gyula Lakatos (c) THe new champion gets a decent strong win here to solidify his role as a gate keeper to the title and the Main Event scene. Blitz Simpson v Demarcus Lee Blitz wins. Demarcus Lee sang Pitbull/Ke$has song Timber.. in my local company in real life there is a wrestler who goes by Tim Burr and his intro song is Timber. So I popped super hard for that moment. His intro if you're curious. TBC v Milton Hittlespitz and Bloodsport Dare I say.. Buchanan's?!?!
  5. Logan Wolfsbaine and Buck Winchester vs Ernest Yougman and Xavi Ferrera I think whichever team wins here is a clear sign of who is keaving. As they do double duty on the way out. I am thinking it is Logan who is off to new pastures. It makes me sad though, if it is Logan I would love to know what the end game would be for his story. Whether the assault angle was turning into something. Xavi gets the pin to build himself up ahead of a losing match with Buck. Cerberus vs ??? I don't often not back the ???, but when I do it's due to a monster being in the match. An upset due to Tennessee could happen but doubtful. Dustin Deuce vs Teddy Powell The Hangman vs Rhino Umaga This is a 50/50 for mine. Hangman gets some momentum. Bonus Point: Will the score be higher or lower than last week (47)? Higher. Bonus Point: Who will pin or submit who in the main event? Xavi pins Logan
  6. @John Lions - Yeah the ex-RAW guys really aren't willing to eat pins to the guys who are still Unrecognisable in the company. (I may have started the company at too large a size for them, even though the RAW guys have been able to grow the company. That is definitely my fault there. I am hoping I can grow it organically but another part of me wants to pull the trigger and sign a decent face team from APW/DIW that has just enough name value to become a focal point in the divison. Louis Louis is so disappointing. The moment I signed him I started brainstorming. I wasn't even going to have him appear until BCF Clash at the Coast but he was demanding more money. I had his whole first promo planned, his first storyline. He was going to get into a run against Rob Edwards and with the help of The Brat Pack end up winning that feud. Molokai Milk is a guy I love and I have used in the past to carry smaller companies. @Tiberious I mean Crazy Train is unveiling someone tonight. @619 You have no idea how upsetting it was, that Vaughan prompt I had already written up but left the name blank as he was going to be performing in his own angle, so I hyped him up and kept it very vague, and then when he quit I had to re-write everything again. @alpha2117 Both men have their positives and their negatives that is for sure. Monday Next has performed better in Main Events when giving the chance to carry the company. However he is prone to going overseas for tours. His last tour wrapping up just days before BCF Clash at the Coast. Make sure to get your predictions in.
  7. _________________________________________ Vaughan _________________________________________ This was it. Sure I had put on a slap dash event a few months ago but seeing the TV Execs from The Bloke Channel come out again, Horrie Fowler inviting even more of his frankly E-List celebrities. Like I knew their names, I just wish I didn't know the names. I felt like I was on show, and I wasn't even on the show. Backstage we had a few guys want to come watch from the back, most of them had done the job for us in the past so I was more than happy to have them about. Another guy who had done the job wanted to get on the show, He did impress me last time out, so I said I would find him a spot. Another impressive performance and we can talk about making it a regular occurrence. Otherwise the rest of the show seemed to be in place, from the whiteboard that sat in the training facility for the past few months, until now the card was finally finalised. We were putting on more matches than we ever had intended. Including a way to get a lot of our tag-team division onto the card. _________________________________________ BCF Clash at the Coast Predictions _________________________________________ BCF Grand Championship Number 1 Contender Match Gregory Grace vs Reggie Hammer Black Flash vs Mortimer Chopper Rourke vs ???? (Accompanied by Crazy Train) Kane Wilde vs ???? & ???? Swish vs Isaac Taylor & ???? The Brat Pack and The Affliction vs Air & Honour and Tranquil Warriors BCF Grand Championship Rod Sullivan vs Monday Next Bonus Questions: Who is Chopper Rourke's opponent? Who is Isaac Taylors partner? Which tag-team faces Kane Wilde? Top 3 Matches of the Night? Who has the promo of the night?
  8. _________________________________________ BCF Main Event #9 _________________________________________ - Nigel Darling – Rod Sullivan Nigel Darling opened the show and in the centre of the ring on a podium was a clear outline of the BCF Grand Championship. Rod Sullivan proceeded to come out joining the Commissioner of BCF. Nigel Darling: “While I wanted to do this with both men competing for the title in the ring Monday Next has other commitments, but that isn’t going to stop me from unveiling the title to Rod Sullivan and all of you fans. Without further ado.” Nigel Darling pulled the black cloth from the title unveiling it to the cheers of the audience before Rod Sullivan requested the microphone from Nigel Darling. Rod Sullivan: “That right there is my championship. I will embody the title more than anyone in this company. Monday Next where are you? Monday Next, having other commitments is no surprise, he is looking beyond me. He thinks he can go globe trotting without a care in the world. He thinks our match is a done deal. I am BCF! I am your future BCF Grand Champion! I am here every single night! At BCF Clash at the Coast, I will be crowned the first BCF Grand Champion and I will do it for each, and every one of you.” Rod Sullivan points out to the crowd who cheer for him, before across the large stage monitor appears Monday Next who is seated inside a Japanese restaurant. Monday Next “Roddy, I heard you were going to get to see the title unveiling live. That’s great, that’s the closest you are ever getting to my title. Hold on Roddy, I know what you’re going to say. “But where are you Monday?” I am MAIN EVENTING ACROSS THE GLOBE! You could only hope to be performing across the world like I am. I am the Main Event for a reason. I am going to showcase the BCF Grand Championship globally. Imagine me walking out to events in Japan with that title on my waist. Imagine me taking it to the UK. I may not be there tonight, but in five days I will certainly be the Main Event in Brisbane. I will be beating you from bell to bell.” “Roddy, I am sure you have got some wise comment, or crack about facing me, but guess what I can’t hear you and don’t care to either. That is the last time you get to see that title not strapped around Main Event Monday Next’s waist.” _________________________________________ vs Reggie Hammer vs Craig Pheonix Following on from that amazing promo was a man who in five days would be finding out if he has a chance to face the winner of the BCF Grand Championship match. This was a hotly contested contest between Craig Pheonix who is a tag-team guy and Reggie Hammer who delivered a shattering VB Hammer to secure the win with Dutch DeRue ringside. Winner: Reggie Hammer Rating: 34 _________________________________________ Reggie Hammer, Crime Wave & Dutch DeRue Reggie Hammer celebrated at ringside with the fans while Dutch DeRue announced Crime Wave out to the ring. The pair of men came down, with Switchblade having chain wrapped around one of his fists, showing off his prized possession from his match last week. Dutch DeRue: “Welcome boys, welcome to the ring, come join the future BCF Grand Champion manager.” D.O.A “Thank you, Dutch we appreciate your guidance and assistance last week.” Switchblade: “And our newest gift, and Reggie buddy thank you for accepting us as well.” Reggie Hammer climbed back through the ropes and took the mic from D.O.A. Reggie Hammer: “Look boys, no offence but all I need is a beer and this right here!” Reggie slaps his right elbow that he uses to deliver the VB Hammer. An action which the fans proceed to cheer. Dutch DeRue: “Don’t be like that Reggie, my boys right here are going to ensure the winner of your match with Gregory Grace. They are the “insurance” to make sure the right man wins. Reggie Hammer: “Dutch, and I don’t mean any offence, but I have got this. No one has kicked out of the VB Hammer yet, and no one ever will kick out of it. I am happy for you to represent these guys and me, but at BCF Clash at the Coast. You’re looking at everything needed to beat Gregory Grace.” Reggie Hammer climbs out of the ring, leaving Dutch DeRue and Crime Wave together to prepare for the next match. _________________________________________ vs Crime Wave vs The Buchanans Out came the fire plugs The Buchanans taking on Dutch’s clients. The Buchanans were able to put on some offense in this match considering they were facing a duo similar sized to them. The addition of Dutch DeRue at ringside and underhanded tactics still proved too much for the Buchanans to overcome as they eventually were beaten when Dutch wrapped a chain around the barricade and Flips arm, to keep him out of the contest. Flip & Bounce actually performed really well in this match. Winners: Crime Wave Rating: 39 _________________________________________ Crazy Train Crazy Train made his way to the ring not being seen since his loss against Chopper Rourke. Crazy Train rapped mentioning that loss but finding out it is a friend of his taking on Chopper at BCF Clash at the Coast, and he was excited as he would be the personal ring announcer for his friend. Crazy Train did well not to mention his name, even teasing the crowd that his friend was a even taller than he was, but not quite as robust, and rotund. Chopper Rourke Chopper Rourke came out from the crowd and Crazy Train and Rourke stood face to face with one another before they began to exchange blows with each other. Rourke eventually getting the better of Crazy Train and tossing him out of the ring standing tall. “Tell your friend he is in line for the same punishment.” _________________________________________ vs Isaac Taylor vs Quick Silver Isaac Taylor was in action against a fellow high-flier. Both men showed off impressive speed and pace in the ring as they bound around the ring. Isaac Taylor seemed a step ahead and was quite focused during the contest, his eyes obviously set on his upcoming match against Swish. Isaac Taylor ended the match quickly, and although his opponents weren’t here tonight, he didn’t stick around to celebrate the victory. This was a solid match. Winner: Isaac Taylor Rating: 43 _________________________________________ - Gregory Grace – Mortimer & Spin Doctor Gregory Grace came out to talk about how he was in a tag-team match only five days away from his match against Reggie Hammer. He didn’t really care who his partner was as he could probably beat his opponents by himself. Mortimer & Spin Doctor came out quickly with Spin Doctor offering his services to Gregory Grace, saying that he arranged this match to show just how good of a team Mortimer and Grace could be with one another. Mortimer mentions how he teamed up with Monday Next and beat Rod Sullivan and some other guy. Gregory Grace let’s Spin Doctor know in not so uncertain terms that he doesn’t need a manager. He doesn’t need Mortimer, he only needs himself and if they ever book his match for him. He will book them a date with a beating, courtesy of “God’s Gift to Women”. Air & Honour The two men stand on the entrance ramp interrupting the bickering. Trey Tallman: “You guys had enough complaining at each other? Both of you afraid to face us? Let’s get to our match and see if you can beat us even with a partner Grace. After we beat you tonight, you can complain about that instead of the fact that you had a tag-team partner.” Wes Schnorfestt: “That’s right.” Before Air & Honour make their way down to the ring ready for their match. _________________________________________ vs Gregory Grace & Mortimer vs Air & Honour Air & Honour opened the match hot, capitalising against the bickering from Grace and Mortimer. The two men showing tag-team synergy with one another. That momentum ended up not being enough to carry the men to victory as when Grace got rolling inside and choosing not to tag Mortimer was able to put an end to the match with the Graceful Exit. This was another solid match. Winners: Gregory Grace & Mortimer Rating: 45 _________________________________________ Black Flash Black Flash came out to the ring first for his match tonight. “I may have a big match against Mortimer in five days. But tonight is bigger.” The mask man only getting a few words in while his entrance to the ring lasted longer than his time on the microphone. He certainly isn’t being paid by the minute. _________________________________________ vs Black Flash vs Rod Sullivan This was certainly a big match for Black Flash as he faced off against Rod Sullivan for the very first time. Excited by the idea of the match the two men got a solid 18 minutes to go out their and put on a performance to steal the night. I expected more from this match, so was disappointed with Rod’s performance and Black Flash wasn’t that far off the pace, of a guy competing for the BCF Grand Championship. Rod Sullivan was able to pick up a solid win on his road to BCF Clash at the Coast. Winner: Rod Sullivan Rating: 41 _________________________________________
  9. Vaughan That night my phone was blowing up from the previous show. Horrie Fowler said he made a big move, a big move. It wasn’t as big as he was making it out to be. As the other reason my phone was blowing up was Louie Louis had seemingly walked out on the RAW management team. Rumours were already circulating about a backstage brawl, to not being paid. Most of which I doubted, well except for the brawl, but it wasn’t like he even made the main card this year. Horrie seemed super excited for me to meet his newest signing, so that is on the cards for later this week. Hey new talent is new talent though, and even though he doesn’t have the biggest name value he still is over as much as the rest of our main ex-RAW guys. Though I think I like his APW name better. Although that all went out the window. He agreed to being paid the same as The Brat Pack and two days later he came in backstage demanding more money. He hasn’t even made an appearance yet but was wanting to be paid as much as Monday Next and Rod Sullivan. I compromised and offered him half the money he wanted. He then just walked out. I know he sees himself as a big man backstage but in that moment, I could have throttled the kid. Probably a good thing though as Horrie Fowler immediately started spreading rumours backstage about him leaving. This was annoying as I already had an initial promo idea set out for him at BCF Clash at the Coast, and was ready to throw him into a storyline alongside one of the new guys I had. F*$# him! Monday Next and Captain Wrestling got into a heated argument as both men had an idea on how to unveil to BCF Grand Championship. One wanting it to show tonight, the other wanting to save it for BCF Clash at the Coast. Eventually I relented and Monday Next got his way, as it just made more sense. The title would be unveiled tonight, even if Monday Next would be appearing by satellite. _________________________________________ @619 I dunno, I feel like the division is lopsided with The Affliction and Brat Pack both being far too high up in the pecking order and no real face tag-teams to be a potential threat at this stage. Next got the cover on Edwards in the prior show to end it, something I forgot to omit.
  10. _________________________________________ BCF Main Event #8 _________________________________________ - The Brat Pack – Mortimer & Spin Doctor The Brat pack made their way out to the ring to talk about how they don’t have a match in 12 days weeks at BCF Clash at the Coast. They proceed to talk about all the success they’ve had as a tag-team, and that both men deserve a shot in the spotlight. Mortimer and Spin Doctor come out and Spin Doctor talks about how his client Mortimer has a match at BCF Clash at the Coast and with his services he could make The Brat Pack actual stars. The Brat Pack take offence to not being actual stars and the Spin Doctor back tracks and points out with the right investment they could have a very beneficial relationship. The Brat Pack leave to ponder the question as Mortimer and Spin Doctor sit down at ringside to watch the upcoming match. This was a strong and fun segment although it showed Mortimer was no where near as good on the microphone as everyone else involved. _________________________________________ vsvs Azazel vs Black Flash vs Quick Silver This match featured Black Flash who would be facing off against Mortimer at BCF Clash at the Coast. The other two men had been kicking about and were looking to make an impact on the roster being only two shows away from the Premium Event. Black Flash showed why he was in the spot he was, outperforming the others handedly and creating a good match. Winner: Black Flash Rating: 47 _________________________________________ - Gregory Grace – Reggie Hammer & Dutch DeRue Reggie Hammer makes his way out with his manager alongside him and a microphone in hand. He wastes no time in calling out Gregory Grace demanding his opponent in 12 days gets the hell out here. Gregory Grace stands at the top of the entrance ramp looking none to amused. Reggie Hammer talks briefly about how Gregory Grace is looking past him, like it’s a done deal. The only done deal in this business is the VB Hammer. No man has been able to kick out of it and next week on Main Event he will prove that when he takes on Misery. Gregory Grace goes on the microphone to talk down Reggie Hammer, but eventually gets cut off by Dutch DeRue. -- Gregory Grace – Reggie Hammer, Dutch DeRue & Crime Wave Dutch says that the winner at BCF Clash at the Coast is already decided. He has chosen the winner and with the help of these two men it is in the bag. Both members of Crime Wave come out flanking Gregory Grace giving a shot of them standing either side of him for a moment before they walk past him and down to the ring. Dutch announcing that their debut is going to happen right now. _________________________________________ - Crime Wave vs Air & Honour This is a good back and forth contest between the two teams and allows Trey Tallman to show off his size compared to the two smaller wrestlers. As the match reaches it’s climax with Air & Honour finally in control. Switchblade retrieves a chain from under the ring and with Dutch DeRue distracting the referee. Switchblade wraps the chain around his fist and delivers a hard right to the jaw of Wes Schnorfestt. The creative finish suggested by Crime Wave seemed to be a hit. Winners: Crime Wave Rating: 41 _________________________________________ Troll & Kane Wilde Troll leads out Kane Wilde to the ring showing him off, excitedly jumping about and pointing at how big his monster man is compared to him. In his squeaky high-pitched voice. He begins to deliver a promo on the match. “Wec’lome she’ap.” “My wild ‘e is he ‘er” “12 more spins and he compete.” “My monsta’ face men larger than I.” “He face’s t’oo, t’oo men not one.” Troll holds up his fingers in the peace sign to signify that he will be facing two men. “He trem’bel in excit’ment” The large Kane Wilde steps forward taking center stage and yells loudly flexing his bulky body. “We see then. We see you all then.” Troll finishes the short segment before guiding his Wild man to the back once more. _________________________________________ vs Thurston Darcy III vs Bounce Buchanan Thurston Darcy III came out with a point to prove after popularity polls on the BCF website showed that he had slid a little in comparison to his tag-team partner. He was more aggressive in the ring against an opponent that was smaller than him. Providing another strong match for the show. Winner: Thurston Darcy III Rating: 46 _________________________________________ - Rod Sullivan – Rob Edwards Rod Sullivan and Rob Edwards were in the ring talking about the unfortunate loss last week. Rob Edwards was putting the loss on himself and said that he is done losing for now. Rod Sullivan jokingly agrees that it was Robs fault, causing both men to laugh. Rod says he came out with Rob Edwards tonight to see his match and watch him start his winning streak again. Rod then compliments Caleb his opponent tonight, saying he doesn’t have the best win/loss record, but that isn’t a slight on how talented Caleb. Rob Edwards comments he doesn’t underestimate any of his opponents. They always get the full force of the “Complete Weapon” that is Rob Edwards every single match he is in. _________________________________________ vs Caleb vs Rob Edwards This was a long match with both guys getting a decent amount of offence in but Rob Edwards being able to shrug off the attacks of Caleb much more, while Rob Edwards took time to put away Caleb who utilized the ropes, and the ringside area to help prolong the match. Though the winner of the match was never in doubt. This was a disappointing affair as both men didn’t perform nearly at their best tonight. Winner: Rob Edwards Rating: 36 _________________________________________ - Nigel Darling – Isaac Taylor Nigel Darling was in the ring after the match and wanted to address the actions of Swish last week. Isaac Taylor was bought out before Nigel Darling talked about the tag-team Swish. Because of the attack and interference by the duo, both men were yet again not appearing tonight, nor would they be appearing next week. Isaac Taylor broke the unfortunate news that his tag-team partner from last week Luke Pope would not be medically cleared to compete at BCF Clash at the Coast. Which Nigel quickly reminds the fans is in twelve days. Isaac Taylor says that gives him twelve days to find a tag-team partner. If anyone is willing to team up with him, considering it puts a target on their backs with Swish. He continues by adding that if he does find a tag-team partner they will not be announced until their entrance for the match at BCF Clash at the Coast. Swish have done enough damage, and he is going to put an end to them, alone if he has to. _________________________________________ vs The Affliction vs Tranquil Warriors This is sadly a dismantling for Craig Pheonix and Moonchild who struggle to get any momentum going during the match. The Affliction, a team without a match at BCF Clash at the Coast, are making the most of their spot in the Main Event tonight. The finish coming when both members of Tranquil Warriors are laid out in the ring, Misery drags them across the apron as the big man Anguish climbs to the top rope, delivering the biggest leg drop ever seen across the chest/neck area of the two opponents and the edge of the apron. Both men are nearly decapitated as Misery pulls the legal man Craig Pheonix back into the ring and delivers a clothesline attempting to truly tear his head off his shoulders. It was the match of the night in a solid contest between the two teams. Winners: The Affliction Rating: 48 _________________________________________
  11. Blitz Simpson v Jake Thornton - Strong win Shogo v Angus McMiller - Shogo easy Rival’s Choice: Boo Smithson v Demarcus Lee - Streak continues Rival’s Choice: ? v Con McReady - I think Con gets a decent challenger, but still wins. Australian Devil v Gyula Lakatos Blood Brother v Mace Mueller
  12. Acid II vs Samoan Machine vs Kalder Tagg Samoan Machine should dominate here but the match has the potential to break down. The big man has my money for persevering in the face of chaos. National Title: Dumfrey Pinn vs ??? I can't wait to see the biggest challenge to Pinn in his career. Buck Winchester vs Devil Dog Buck is my boy. Steel City Chain: Sayeed Ali vs Jebediah This is a big match and corn fed Jebediah is going to get a big upsetting and shocking win when he beats Ali.
  13. Vaughan Well, some bitter news and some decent news. Monday Next accomplished one of his dreams when he signed with WLW a few days before our show this week. Luckily the guy said he would still be happy to work with BCF, but his time in Japan is his priority. I appreciate the honesty; he also came out with a bit of behind-the-scenes information with dates of their events. He was going to be missing some shows, but the tour overseas should be done before BCF Clash at the Coast. He was just going to be messing up the buildup and could potentially sign for WLW in the future. Elsewhere Misery had a creative finish to a match he wanted to plug which was nice to see. Switchblade had one as well, one of the new signings. Which is why they debuted last week with Dutch DeRue, otherwise the plan was for them to debut at BCF Clash at the Coast. _________________________________________ @619 I am glad you enjoyed Nigel. I feel like I flip between him not being seen to then being used too much. It seems Swish didn't believe that the punishment was enough with them getting right back at it once again. The new angle system I am still coming to grips with, sometimes I get gold and sometimes I get Kane Wilde. @christmas_ape Oh boy does he often mess up those two words, just a real flat delivery. I have written up the show for BCF Clash at the Coast, so expect me to post the next two shows before finally posting up the predictions for the Premium Event. I may take a small haitus after before I swing into the next few months and event.
  14. _________________________________________ BCF Main Event #7 _________________________________________ -- Nigel Darling – Monday Next – Rod Sullivan Nigel Darling is in the ring to talk about tonight’s show. Unveiling that tonight is a special night, with four out of five matches tonight being tag-team contests. The first match will see Swish take on the Tranquil Warriors, the second match being Isaac Taylor and his new tag-team partner take on The Affliction, later on The Brat Pack face the newest tag-team The Buchanans. Before he can get to the Main Event, Monday Next interrupts making his way out to the ring to talk about him being in the Main Event tonight. Monday Next doesn’t get far into his promo before he is interrupted by Rod Sullivan. The two men don’t get far into arguing before Nigel Darling makes the announcement that both men will be in tag-team action against each other tonight. They just both need to go find themselves a partner. Monday Next tries to protest saying he doesn’t do partners, to which Rod Sullivan says he will have a hard time picking between everyone that wants to shut Monday Next up, with a punch to the face. _________________________________________ vs Swish vs Tranquil Warriors The first match of the night and one of four tag-team contests featured two teams lower on the totem pole. This was better than I expected in terms of a match. Swish came out aggressively as they mounted a rapid-fire offence. Moonchild put in a good amount of work that impressed me. Swish were too aggressive for their opponents as they secured an impressive victory. Winners: Swish Rating: 42 _________________________________________ -- Monday Next – Spin Doctor – Mortimer A small segment backstage with Monday Next being approached by Spin Doctor and Mortimer. The two wanting to offer the services of Mortimer to team up with Monday Next in the Main Event. Monday Next says he doesn’t really care who is partner is tonight, tonight is about proving he can beat down Rod Sullivan in a Main Event. Spin Doctor tells Mortimer this is a great opportunity to warm him up for his match against Black Flash. Creating the rumour it may be Black Flash teaming up with Rod Sullivan, a win which will certainly put Mortimer in a prime chance to take on whoever wins the BCF Grand Championship. Monday Next looks over his future tag-team partner and adds there is no chance that will happen. _________________________________________ vs Isaac Taylor & Luke Pope vs The Affliction Isaac Taylor was out in the ring with his new opponent, a new face Luke Pope (fka. Surfer Dude Lucas). The Affliction were on a mission in this match facing off against Isaac Taylor. Isaac does his best to try and carry his team but when he is out on the apron D-Pod comes down to ringside. Isaac getting distracted chases D-Pod to the backstage area leaving Luke Pope on his own. Two on one advantage and the impressive size of Anguish is too much for Luke Pope. This ended up as a nother good match, and Luke Pope outperformed everyone involved in the contest. Winner: The Affliction Rating: 46 _________________________________________ --- Swish – Luke Pope – Isaac Taylor The Affliction celebrate in the ring, but the real event is ringside as Fast Eddie pulls out Luke Pope throwing him into the barricade and performs a heavy sidewalk slam into the ringside stairs. D-Pod comes out to help direct traffic kicking the head off of Luke Pope before pulling him against the stairs. He directs Fast Eddie and Eddie delivers a knee straight into the head of Luke Pope against the steel stairs. The attack isn’t ending there as D-Pod looks to have more in mind before Isaac Taylor sprints down to the ringside area. Clearing out Swish from the ringside area. Isaac Taylor now more focused on his partner calls out for help from the back as the medical team responds to ringside. _________________________________________ vs Chopper Rourke vs Reggie Hammer Chopper Rourke looked to use his size advantage of 20 more kilos of weight to try and dominate the 21 year old in the ring. It is successful in the early goings, but it isn’t long before Reggie Hammer is able to power out of a hold and deliver strong straight rights to build momentum. Reggie Hammer eventually puts away Chopper Rourke with his signature VB Hammer, a move no one has been able to kick out of yet. This was the worst match of the night by a decent margin mainly down to Chopper Rourke, and Reggie Hammer not yet being able to carry matches himself. Winner: Reggie Hammer Rating: 37 _________________________________________ Dutch DeRue – Reggie Hammer Dutch climbs into the ring to congratulate his client on yet another successful victory pointing out how this was one of the biggest matches Reggie Hammer has ever had. In 3 weeks he will be facing off in his biggest match ever against Gregory Grace with the winner going on to face the BCF Grand Champion. Dutch has a surprise for Reggie. It is his newest insurance policy to ensure his client wins at BCF Clash at the Coast. It is a tag-team who have been particularly well on the independent scene. Reggie interjects, saying as long as he has a cold beer waiting for him, that’s all he needs for victory. Dutch DeRue reminds Reggie that he is the manager, and he already has signed the new team. Crime Wave Two smaller men sporting a rather mean look make their way out to the crowd. The two men don’t cut a promo instead letting Dutch talk them up before they climb into the ring to shake the hand of Reggie Hammer who seems none too thrilled about the events. _________________________________________ vs The Brat Pack vs The Buchanans The Brat Pack put on an exciting contest and Artemis Eyre Rochester came up with an interesting end to the match. Even though they were handedly beating The Buchanan brothers Artemis and Thurston Darcey pulled out money from the ringside area offering to pay the duo to lay down and lose the match. The Buchanans look almost ready to take them up on the deal before Artemis throws the money in Flips face before using the distraction to their advantage to put The Buchanan brothers away. This was a really impressive match and the creative finished worked amazingly well with the crowd buying into it and chanting for Flip not to trust The Brat Pack. Winners: The Brat Pack Rating: 55 _________________________________________ - Rod Sullivan – Rob Edwards Rod Sullivan is in the ring with his partner for the night Rob Edwards. The two men teaming up again after their recent victory against The Brat Pack. Rob Edwards reminds Rod Sullivan of the deal that the two men made last week pointing out that his favours of helping Rod aren’t for free. Rod can only laugh and says he has already accepted the deal from Rob Edwards. Rob Edwards and Rod Sullivan worked really well together in the segment and put on a strong showing on the microphone before the Main Event. _________________________________________ vs Monday Next & Mortimer vs Rod Sullivan & Rob Edwards A lot of talent in this match, with Monday Next and Rod Sullivan with a decent supporting cast behind them. During the match there was a build up with both Rod Sullivan and Monday Next not getting a chance to exchange blows with one another until towards the end of the match. This was another really good match between the pairs. Winners: Monday Next & Mortimer Rating: 55 _________________________________________ Gregory Grace Monday Next and Mortimer were in the ring, celebrating the impressive victory but Gregory Grace came out putting an end to all of that. Gregory Grace delivered a promo on both the defeated Rod Sullivan and the victorious Monday Next. Telling them both it doesn’t matter who wins the BCF Grand Championship. Their victories will be short lived, and reigns forgotten as Grace will be taking the Championship from them at BCF Sun Never Sweats. Gregory then closes out the segment by telling Reggie Hammer it doesn’t matter who is in his corner at BCF Clash at the Coast, Gregory Grace will be victorious no matter what. _________________________________________
  15. Such a massive win for Tevita. Cesar without his partner, and losing here makes me think Ares Death Cult are done and potentially Cesar being phased out. Which is wild to say as a few weeks/months ago they were still the best tag-team in the company and were mixing it up with the top of the card guys. Wrote this before Gyula went out on his own to take down Tim Burr. Definite writing on the wall there for that tag-team and Cesar. Not surprised by the tag match, even though I voted the other way. I guess it just shows that Forever Evil have a stranglehold on the division until The Dog Pound grow a little more and The Bat Men turn towards the tag scene more. Con McReady is a Demarcus Lee fan which is great to see I am not the only one. Glad Shogo wins again in what was a great match.
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