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Fix Minor-Major Storyline Notes

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Having to go into the Road Agent notes to change the minor-major Storyline wins and losses is beyond annoying, This has to change

1. That you have to search for the storyline in the first place is bad. I for one usually name a storyline and 9/10 times forget the name I gave the storyline 5 mins later. We have never in the history of never had to remember the name of a storyline. So why now?

-----Is it not possible to auto-populate who is in the storyline when you click on it?

2. Can this not be added to the main angle booking screen rather than in the Road agent notes? again, the amount of extra clicking for TEW9 compared to TEW2020 is ......

3. why does there have to be a loser? how many times IRL has there been a promo bottle where one guy came out looking great, and the other didn't necessarily lose but held his own??? 

-----With this new angle booker, This scenario would be impossible, If someone comes out looking great, then the other automatically comes out looking terrible. Once again the TEW2020 angle structure was better in this regard, You could have someone come out looking great (Success) and someone just getting by (minor defeat- Nuetrol)

4. THE ABSOLUTE BEST FIX..... add the minor-major wins/losses to the screen where you pick the worker for the angle. and let the player decide who is coming out of this angle as a winner and losses..... NOT the game.


Edited by dfking
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3 hours ago, dfking said:

3. why does there have to be a loser? how many times IRL has there been a promo bottle where one guy came out looking great, and the other didn't necessarily lose but held his own??? 


Patch 1.12

- Added three new angle-specific road agent notes to allow storyline victories without the associated negative impact on the loser, by request

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Any chance we can just straight up remove needing a loser if it doesnt affect the loser? Would be nice just to choose the storyline and who is getting the victory since selecting a loser doe nothing than require us to do extra clicks (especially when there is more than 1 victory occurring)

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5 hours ago, VBigB said:

Patch 1.12

- Added three new angle-specific road agent notes to allow storyline victories without the associated negative impact on the loser, by request

Well, That is phenomenal news, and a step in the right direction.

but I would also like to see some of the other points addressed/added.... especially number 4. That alone would streamline a lot of the angle booking process, and make it much quicker.

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