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Custom angle / match focus for events and TV shows

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I'd say this would help us to simulate how, in real life, fans have different expectations for specific events and TV shows that go beyond a promotion's core product. Say, match focus-wise, I might want my A TV Show to have a regular focus, my B TV show to be an ensemble, my upcoming major pay-per-view to be three ring circus and my lesser event to be main event spotlight. 

We can, of course, already do this by just altering the product configuration before each show, but 1) it's a hassle, 2) it feels like cheating, so to have the option to determine that in a similar way that you can set custom ticket prices for each event. 

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To save having to constantly alter your product settings, you could add A-Show and B-Show brands, with different products/focus (and then assign the relevant Brand to that TV show). Keeping your PPVs unbranded using your "normal" product/focus.

Then leave all workers unbranded so it doesn't effect who you can use.

However, this will make you minimum roster requirement go up, so be aware of that so you don't hinder yourself with a small roster penalty.

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