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Size Limit for AI Companies that a player used to control.

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So doing my little test run for the production values of medium companies has revealed another minor bug. I was the booker of QAW but for my test game I resigned to be a watcher to see how CZCW would do. Anyway before I resigned I had limited my growth to Tiny and apparently that restriction stays in place when the AI takes over. The size limit should probably be cleared when the AI takes over (or ask the player if they would like it removed).

Anyway I know this limit can be changed in the editor if I was going to continue playing this save, but it was just for testing purposes.



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5 hours ago, VBigB said:

So doing my little test run for the production values of medium companies has revealed another minor bug. I was the booker of QAW but for my test game I resigned to be a watcher to see how CZCW would do. Anyway before I resigned I had limited my growth to Tiny and apparently that restriction stays in place when the AI takes over. The size limit should probably be cleared when the AI takes over (or ask the player if they would like it removed).

Anyway I know this limit can be changed in the editor if I was going to continue playing this save, but it was just for testing purposes.


I disagree. I think this should remain a feature. If you dont want a restriction in place, remember to reset it prior to leaving. This effects those who make companies in the middle of a save for the AI and some of us who set something to grow no bigger than "Small" or "Tiny" would like that to stick for specific companies if we want. I do not have the option to port companies in the middle of a save so I make them myself and be the person who I want to run the company. I set it up and leave once the company has been set up.

Forcing those companies to lift the restriction shouldn't be the case.

5 hours ago, VBigB said:


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It’s extremely easy to forget which is why I added this in my post: “ (or ask the player if they would like it removed).” - could be a pop up.

Anyway for either of us it’s easy enough to change the size limit in the in game editor after the fact so I guess it doesn’t matter which way Adam sets it up.


btw I did just check and there is an importer for companies on options screen in game (import data button) but it’s potentially easier to do it your way. I haven’t actually tried it in TEW9.

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  • Adam Ryland changed the title to Size Limit for AI Companies that a player used to control.

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