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The Alpha CVerse Scouting Report

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willr0ck's Womens Revolution part 7


Mizucore - A former member of Pop/Metalcore group Kawaiicore was born to be a star and the fact she isn't awful in ring is actually incredibly surprising.  She's a one note aerialist right now but she's young and the fundamentals are there.  She's definitely entertaining on the stick and has the look and feel of a big deal.  She's chilled and nice to speak to and she'll move merch and I think the only issue is that she has outside interests that may see her leave the business if she doesn't feel it's going well enough.  


Momoe Hamuera - This big New Zealander is a former Womens international Rugby player.  She's in her early 30's and is a solid worker with enough about her to sit firmly in the upper mid-card.  Seh was very chilled when I spoke to her and that's usually a plus.  Only one issue and that's a biggish one - her history of concussions makes her long term prospects iffy. 


Morgan Stryker - This one is simple.  She's got all the skills as a worker to be a solid mid card act but that right knee is a bag of chips that derailed her Olympic dreams and will likely hurt her long time.  The surgery was a success but a late 20's girl who looks to be a mid-carder and whose right knee is that of a 45 yo is a pass for mine no matter how good her in ring abilities clearly are.


Nagisa Hirayama - this mum of 3's career is free of Monotreme murders and thats definitely a plus.  She's got good all round skills especially mat work and has a motherly nature that sees her being very generous in ring.  She'll probably only ever be a mid card worker but the world needs those too.


Nana Utsugi - There's a lot to like here.  The aerial skills are good and she's a lovely upbeat girl.  I project her to be a mid carder though. Japan is full of cute aerialists like her and while she is in no way a bad hire she's not special either.


Naoko Majima - This ones tough - she has a history in Oragnised crime in Japan and she's nigh on impossible to read or predict when it comes to any situation.  Skills wise for a hardcore worker she is pretty good.  Honestly if not for her unpredictability and chequered past I would recommend her as a fine Mid-card heel option maybe a tad higher but honestly the red flags are just a bit too prominent.


Neve Leslie - This mid 20's Scottish heel is a pretty solid worker with a good skillset and enough looks and it factor to get over as at worst a mid carder.  There's no real holes in her game and she seemed nice enough to speak to.  Not an exciting hire but a solid one


Nocturna - not to be confused with the American Nocturna this free spirited young Luchadora is a flashy but inconsistent aerialist.  In a few years time she might make a decent mid carder but honestly she is simply too botchy and borderline dangerous to confidently recommend despite her in ring abilities being pretty darn good for someone her age.  Might be worth it as a project I guess.


Onryo - This woman has never killed an endangered animal ... she might look like one of the infamous 5 who may or may not have done that but she is in fact innocent of that sort of crime.  She's a hardcore leaning brawler with pretty darn impressive all round abilities other than working the stick.  She was very quiet to the point of being mute and when I enquired with someone else they said she was born with a cleft palette and is very uncomfortable speaking even after surgeries to fix the issue. She's channeled that into a truly creepy vengeful spirit character. A good mid card heel act for mine. 


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willr0ck's Womens Revolution part 8


Penny Ramone - Penny is a rock singer/ wrestler who is very impressive for a young woman so early in her career.  In terms of all round skillset I cant think of many better at her age and she's got the looks and enough natural it factor to make it to the very top most everywhere.  I've seen her described a s a prodigious talent by others and I have to agree. She takes it seriously too and isn't at all flighty or unreliable.  The only downside is she's still committed to her band which means she may not be available all the time but this is an easy hire recommendation.


Petra Forsberg - Love the gimmick, she pretends to be an awful untalented pop singer (in spite of actually being classically trained).  This Swede is around mid to late 20's now and has never been particularly great in ring and as cute as the gimmick is she really is a mid carder.  She sort of knows that though and has taken the skills she has and made the best out of them and she's positive and fun.  Look on skills I wouldn't recommend but I sort of cant help but recommend on the strength of the gimmick and her innate comedic chops.  Almost every company needs people near the bottom of the food chain who can fill the role she was born to play. 


Piper Hate - If you are running Hardcore then she's a very good short-term investment.  The skills are there and so are the fundamentals.  Everywhere else ... the knee is gone ... not going ... pretty much gone.  It's only a matter of time before she's done.  Hardcore then yeah - she's a great temp buy ... everyone else this girl will be finished in a couple of years and she's only really a mid carder so pass.


Porsche - Quick Quiz if you were hiring a talent to destroy your company as a tax write off what awful issues would you want for them - Hard drug addiction - check - Regular Reggae Music use - check - Trouble with the Law - check - Alcoholic - check - Extreme Excessive Friendliness - check - Scatterbrained - check - Thin Skinned - check - Ego the size of a Planet - check - Lots of interests outside of wrestling - check - no discernable fundamental skills - check - Dangerous in ring - check - totally inconsistent - check - no discernable in ring skills whatsoever - check.  This British former reality TV contestant is stunningly beautiful and can talk in a compelling if car-crash like manner but she's an awful human being.  I expect Mark Carnie will hire her for SNP and quite possibly marry her.     


Primrose Darlington - This girl specialises in playing an annoying mean girl and it's not really an act.  She's not an awful human just sort of annoying.  In ring and fundamentally she is pretty darn good and she's got the performance skills, looks and enough it factor to be a good upper mid carder.  I sort of like her enough to say she's hirable it's just that I think there are less annoying choices with her skillset out there.


Ramona Diaz - the younger sister of "Monster" Raymond Diaz this late 20's 6'1 Powerhouse is a born megastar - her core skills are insanely good and she's got not no major holes in her game.  She's very much like her in-ring character in real life - intense and focused.   The intensity may put some off but that would be a mistake ... hire her.


Róisín Gross - When you see the words Irish Backyard Wrestler you immediately expect the worst but in this case you would be wrong.  She actually has great fundamental skills now and plenty to like about her.  In Hardcore she is great - elsewhere - she's a fine mid carder with some nice aerial moves. As a person she's funny and will definitely be popular with most locker rooms with her natural giving nature.  She is known to shake off stiff ill-timed shots and bounce back from injuries too.  Are there negatives ... look very early on in life she hadn't met a drug she didn't like but all that appears in the past.  I want this girl to do well because I love a good redemption story.  Hire her but just make sure you keep her away from substances to avoid any relapses, I think she's a potentially great asset in any mid card.  


Sarah Rioli - this mixed race technically minded flyer from Australia's Tiwi Islands has a lot to like in her game with only one major hole, her somewhat maddening inconsistency.  If she can ever develop some consistency, then she is a borderline Main Event talent but in her mid 20's my guess is she will always be a little botchy.  A nice no-nonsense sort of girl she may well be worth a punt on the hope that her one weakness improves.


Hermanas de Pestilencia - Senora Agonia, Senora Miseria & Senora Muerte - I love me a Sugar Skull and there's enough Sugar here to give you Diabetes. These three young Mexican women are life long friends and have more than decent skills for their age and more than enough about them to become mid card staples.  Agonia seemed pretty chill and likeable but Miseria seemed a bit fragile and Muerte's obsession with the ever presence of death in our lives was a bummer.     


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You know, I think you're a little bit harsh on Porsche. After all, we all know that with a little bit of luck, she could be the female Sam Strong lol.

(I think her bio is still one of my favorites, I found it really funny the first time I read it.)

And Hermanas de Pestilencia are one of my favorite faction, often I hire them all and they become a supernatural part of another bigger faction.

Edited by Altgov
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4 minutes ago, Altgov said:

You know, I think you're a little bit harsh on Porsche. After all, we all know that with a little bit of luck, she could be the female Sam Strong lol.

(I think her bio is still one of my favorites, I found it really funny the first time I read it.)

Oh I totally want to do a game where Mark Carnie's SNP has hired her and every other truly horrible human being in the game and let the hilarity ensue.   

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willr0ck's Womens Revolution part 9


Shakeia Rudd - Weirdly this Jamaican has no interest in Reggae music whatsoever and is in fact totally Straight Edge.  She's got the skills to be a good mid or upper mid carder but you will need a mouthpiece and you will have to deal with her explosive temper and somewhat anti-social nature.  The flaws mean she is probably not going to be an easy hire.


Shion Ayasato - When you think of Japanese Joshi workers we tend to think of insane Deathmatch workers, Puroreso Technicians or cute aerialists what we dont think of is 6'3 ripped powerhouses.  The Sendai Valkyrie is in her very early 20's and is already a technically proficient brawler with more than enough to get her over as a mid to upper mid card heel.  Despite being a decent stick worker she has decided her character never speaks which sort of sums up her unpredictable nature personality wise.


Sinda Sarai - this young masked American of South Asian Indian descent has some nice technical and aerial potential and looks great and has good performance skills.  She's probably a natural mid carder rather than a star but she's got a nice professional attitude to the business and you could do a lot worse than hire her.


Weird Sisters - Skuld, Urd & Verdandi - the concept of three sisters/witches/a tri faced deity etc is woven all through various European folklores and mythologies and these three have brought their Scandinavian version to the wrestling world. 

Skuld is a young high flyer with a lively fun personality backstage, a gymnastic background, natural creativity and emerging skills which already see her as a solid mid card option. 

Urd is a little older around mid 20's and has genuine size and power to her.  Her fundamentals need a little bit of work but aren't awful and she shows promise as a mid card monster heel maybe a tad higher with luck.  She's got a good professional attitude and I definitely liked her.   

Verdandi has a MMA background and is a pretty decent Puroreso style mat technician.  She's a bit more agressive than the others and whilst not a problem child you wouldn't want her around too many troublemakers because they might set her off.  Another mid carder for mine. 


Sophie Steele - A jilted Bridezilla is a fun gimmick and I hope she does well with it long term.  Right now though she doesn't have the in ring skills to do much.  She's got good fundamentals though which bodes well.  She is a decent stick worker and looks good but is probably a natural mid card comedy worker and might be best working as a Manager/wrestler for a while.  She's so far off in ring that unless she is willing to work as a Manager I cant see her finding regular work with a name company for a few years.


Umbra Corp - Spider Umbra & Wraith Umbra - What do you do when you are a couple of moderately talented flyers with out the outstanding performance skills, it factor or cuteness to get over?  Form a Tag Team, Throw some masks on and do your best to make sure people know you are professional enough to know your role.  These girls are trying their best to maximise their chances by giving themselves something to get themselves over. Good luck to them.   They wont ever be superstars but they are useful mid card heels.


Stabby The Clown - So a Hardcore Clown gimmick is fine I guess and working stiff as a board in that style might be acceptable too.  She's scary but like many HC workers is fundamentally fairly weak and she's one note in ring and unlikely to transfer her limited skillset to any other sort of work.  She works in exactly one style of company.  As a person I found her chilled out and likeable.      


Stella Saint - She trained at the House of Stone and it shows.  She's a fundamentally sound mat technician.  She looks good and probably has the natural abilities to make it to the upper mid card with some work.  Right now she's a bit of a one note performer in rign and her stick work is a little bit below par.  A nice chilled natural babyface I can see her having a decent career.


Stitches - Look I liked the lady under the creepy mask but I am sorry she's crap as a wrestler.  Her fundamentals are okay but she's dangerously unsafe and in ring she's pretty much one note and that isn't a great one.  She has zero natural star power too. She isn't totally without an upside - if you can convince her to work as a Manager she's is a truly wonderful mic worker and actor whose creepiness is definitely perfect if paired as a mouthpiece of a big silent Monster.  Not sure she would be willing to go down that road but it's the only one I can see being a successful one for her.


Storm - This mid 30's Canadian is a real mixed bag - She has an it factor and pretty decent skills except she cant sell well though.  Then you try to talk to her and she's a bit ... well ... she's a throwback to the old carny days where a lot of wrestlers were a bit dubious ethically.  It probably expalins her love of juice ... loves her juice does this girl.  If you are happy or desperate enough to hire a potential star with a pretty iffy moral compass she might be the one for you.


Strange Ed Stankovich - Normally I dont review non ring talent but as Z list celebrities go Strange Ed is my favorite.   "Quaker Shangri-La," "Pale and Geeky," and the fan-favorite, "Chiller," are just some of the many tracks that have inhabited the lower reaches of the top 100.  Funny guy and a part of the #JusticeFor Paulie movement.  He mentioned he may do a tribute song to our fallen monotreme.   

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willr0ck's Womens Revolution part 10


SUPREME Yoshida - This girls got the makings of a star.  She's got all the performance skills anyone could ever need and the it factor and look.  Fundamentally and in ring it's probably going to take a while though.  She's by no means awful but she's a fair way off being ready to produce great matches right now.  Honestly I would probably hire her and throw her in a Tag team with a workhorse who lacks the mic skills to get over easily and hope both benefit as a result.  This girls lovely and lively backstage and I think very much a worthwhile long term project.


Talia Neema - This Egyptian born Mid West based girl has a good gimmick and just enough about her to be a potential Main Eventer with some luck.  Good fundamentally and mat wise with some good brawling thrown in and lovely looks and just about enough innate star power. She loves what she does and has a no nonsense simple straightforward attitude to it including the fact she needs to stay as fit as possible.  I'd hire her in a heartbeat. 


Tameka Sky - She's a former basketballer standing around 6'7 with the kind of strengths that suit a monster heel.  She's picked up wrestling really quickly and is a fantastic athlete who you can easily move merch with.  She also has a nice professional attitude to things.  She's right in that mid to late 20's sweets pot where you feel comfortable investing in her too.


Tereza Smirnov - This Russian has all the basic tools to be a major star - looks, it factor, performance skills and good enough fundamentally and in ring with plenty of natural creativity - sadly she's a wild child with an explosive temper and a long history of trouble with the law.  Throw in the fact she is unlikely to ever leave Moskau and she's not really much of an option for most employers.


The Ice Queen - this Canadian is a truly wonderful technican with fantastic fundamental skills and good looks.  She's going to be hard to push too much though.  She cant work comedy and wont work eye candy that makes it harder to leverage her looks, her performance skills are very weak and she's basically a mid carder in terms of her natural presence.  She can work some wonderful bouts and she's very hirable but her flaws means she has a ceiling that you wish wasn't there.   


The Morrigan - This big Irish gal would make a good mid card heel but unfortunately that bullying in ring behaviourt carries over into her real personality.  Not worth the aggravation.


(Sorry if the format is a bit odd here - the site seemed to glitch and it ended up being a bit odd when I tried to recover it. Thats why I cut it short to just the 6 people I had already written up)



Edited by alpha2117
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willr0ck's Womens Revolution part 11


The Myla Moss Experience - Myla could end up being a Main Eventer one day.  She's a natural performer with a great look and close to enough innate it factor.  She's got some work still to do on her fundamentals and in ring but she's not awful just sort of average right now.  I always have a small concern with people with wild or party animal style personalities because they can go off the rails in the wrong environment but the upside here should outweigh her party lifestyle - just keep a watch on her to avoid issues.


The Smiling Phantom - Hmmm - look she's a good worker ... no she's a great worker.  Her fundamentals and in ring game are very strong.  Performance wise she's okay but she doesn't have great innate star power or looks and whilst she's menacing enough to be useful it's not quite good enough to see her being an easy push to the top. If everything went right I can see her being a Main Event level heel but realistically she is probably a level below that despite her stellar in ring ability.  She was a quiet almost shy girl to speak to backstage.  I'd hire her based on her abilities and hope that you can be up to the challenge of getting her up to the level her in ring abilities deserve. 


Tremolo Riff - This Kiwi Former World Surfing Champion Riana Mete has transitioned into this Sci-Fi inspired cyborg character.  She feels like a star, is super creative, a fantastic athlete, a marketable gimmick and she has the performance side down too but there are some massive issues.  Fundamentally she's average at best, in ring she's a bit below average as a brawler and precious little else, she's totally unpredictable and juiced to the gills.  Look It's a case of if you think you can deal with the negatives and get her up to speed in ring.


Tzilla - This out and proud Native American is a decent prospect.  Performance, in ring and fundamentals are solid but uninspiring right now and her innate it factor is a little down from a true Main Eventer but probably good enough for an upper-mid carder.  She's pretty and has a bit of natural menace about her but neither is quite there to push her up to the Main Event either.  She's a nice professional girl.  She's a project that might be able to get close to the top of your card if everything goes right but realistically she's going to be that one rung below the top of the ladder.


Urena Frost - This Finn projects to be a good solid mid carder.  Nothing about her is bad - just fine ... absolutely fine.  She's pretty, she has decent innate it factor, she's chilled and easy to get on with and her in ring, performance and fundamentals are all solid.  Solid all round but nothing that makes you go ... yeah that can get her over.  A good solid mid-card hire.


Tres Villanas - Villana Uno, Villana Dos, Villana Tres - these fierce individualists refuse to ever fit in.  Look who am I kidding.  It's the old Mexican staple of a group of largely interchangeable villains.  Uno is a no nonsense aerialist, Dos is a quiet aerialist and Tres is ... so much better than the other two it's not funny.  Seriously Tres is behind the others in ring and fundamentally right now but she's a real athlete and a prodigious natural talent who looks better than the others and has a lot more natural it factor.  I dont know if Tres will be a star but she should end up a couple of rungs above the others in the upper mid-cards.  I would probably repackage her pretty quick after you hire her to make her stand out.   Uno & Dos meanwhile will be fine as a mid card heel duo but are never going to get anyone very excited.  


WILDCARD - She's got a solid villain gimmick and a pretty good all round skill set.  Unfortunately, she's down on the stuff you need to get over.  She isn't menacing, she looks okay but not good enough to push as eye candy and doesn't have a lot of it factor.  That means she is probably going to be a career mid card act.  Sad because I found her to be funny backstage and she can definitely work a comedy bout but she just doesn't have that X factor that lifts someone from the middle ground to the upper echelon.  


Wolf Yamada - She won Olympic Gold in Judo back in 2016.  Her fundamentals and Technical skills are pretty awesome, she's ultra fit and a natural athlete who will move a ton of merch is a consummate professional and she just feels like a star.  She still competes in Judo tourneys so she might spend some time away but who cares passing on her because of that would be a huge mistake.   


Yuki Moore - She's actually an American who went back to her mothers homeland to seek her fortune in J-Pop or wrestling - the fact she has achieved both is quite remarkable.  She's okay in ring and fundamentally but nothing special but her mic skills looks and innate it factor make her a very intriguing prospect.  She's a bit of a strange mix backstage - she's known to be generous in ring wanting her opponents to look good as well but she's got a pretty fragile ego and is a bit thin skinned.  She's a good prospect but one with a few risks. 


Yvonne “Taboo” Nsonwu - She likes to court controversy and is pretty darn intense which is a bit of a shame because she's a fine mat technician who also has good aerial, brawling and Japanese style Puroreso skills, is strong fundamentally, pretty good on the stick and has enough innate it factor and looks to be a solid mid carder perhaps a bit higher.  She's just sort of problematic.  She's hirable but you are going to have to work to keep her happy. 

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Crychon updated Into the Cranshawverse adding some new generic pics and one extra worker


Katherine Linton - The Wuthering Blight is a early 30's British worker with enough about her to be a solid mid carder maybe an upper mid carder.  Sadly this quiet woman seems to have been born under a bad sign because things just always seem to go wrong for her - some have said she's cursed.  I'm not superstitious but I'd recommending this jinx far, far away from you and your company.

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Martels FWP Pack 2.0 part 1

Martel dropped a 2nd lot of Future workers so here goes a true scouting of potential future talent.  If you love Legacies this may well be for you



Abraham DeColt - son of the estranged brother (Alex DeColt) Abraham has taken a somewhat different route into wrestling than his cousins being trained by Canadian Dragon.  He's due to finish training in April 22 so I feel I have a fair handle on him.   He's got the look and feel of a star but sadly right now not a lot else.  He's okay performance wise but nowhere near the finished article and his fundamentals are fairly weak.  In ring he's pretty poor right now.  It's going to take a couple of years maybe more for him to be remotely good enough for any name company to even consider pushing him.  Throw in that he likes to party a bit too much and it's a case of this guy being a risky and very much long term project. Some have said Abraham is a savant and if so and this is what Canadian Dragon does with trainees I wouldn't really be recommending him to any aspiring talent.  


Aisha Covington - This former track & field star is due to finish training January 23 and she's got the look of a star but she's another one whose fundamentals and in ring skills are a fair way off.  She's an athlete but another long term project rather than an immediately useful talent.


Akinori Miwa - This kid is around 12 or 13 right now so it's hard to make a fair analysis of what he will end up like if he does go through training but his dad IS Mito Miwa so he's got a chance.  He a pretty skinny kid right now and doesn't have a lot of presence.  That might change but my gut tells me it's unlikely he'll be anywhere near as big a deal as his dad. 


Arai Taichi - She's only recently signed up for training when she finishes high school and likely wont be finished till near the end of 23 at the earliest.  She is the sort of generic girl you see a lot in Japan except she seems ground bound rather than an aerialist. She has next to no natural speaking flair but enough in terms of her look and innate it factor to maybe be a decent mid carder one day.


 Asuka Watanabe - This big Olympic Weightlifter has a ton of power to her and she definitely towers above most Japanese women standing maybe 6'2 or 6'3.  She's going to finish basic training in May 22 and honestly I expect a bit of a scramble for her when she does.  She wont be the finished article but her long term prospects as an inherently intimidating competitor bodes well for her in a few years when experience ups her skills.  She's a project and one that is already in her mid to late 20's but the upside looks good.


Blake Yi - I'm not 100% sure of Blake's gender at birth I think they were born a girl but they are very androgynous and gender fluid and identifies as Ace.  They'll finish training in October and right now they aren't great.  Their fundamentals and in ring aren't strong and neither is their stick work.  In a few years they might make a decent mid-carder but there's no real signs they will ever be anything more.   


Brenda Hill & Brent Hill Jr - Brent Hills's kids are still very young and likely wont be available till 23 and 25 respectively.  Brenda is training now and looks a decent prospect.  She can talk and has a good look and decent innate it factor.  Brent is training her so her fundamentals should be okay.  She didn't seem to have much in ring wise when I saw her but it was first week.  My guess she will be a long term project that might end up an upper mid carder.  Brent is 2 years younger and at 15 it's hard to judge fairly but he doesn't feel like anything more than a mid carder - there's jusit not a lot of natural it factor to the kid.  The funny thing is TCW is of course more likely to at least give him a chance in developmental because even if they were to embrace Women's wrestling I sense they would hire more experienced girls rather than projects.


Britney LePen - this French former fencer will finish training 2nd qtr of 23.  From her early drills I think she will be a fair way off being much then.  She's got a bit of an it factor though and decent looks and Western Europe isn't exactly full of female workers so someone might see her as a worthwhile project. She feels like a potential upper mid carder at a push.


Brooke Oxford - She's the 2nd of Roberrt Oxford's daughters to show an interest in wrestling.  She should finish training right near the end of 22 around December.  She can definitely talk and there's a lot more innate star power here than with her sister or father.  Right now though theres precious little actual ability.  She's sloppy and inconsistent and she's years away from being useful.  There's projects and then there are PROJECTS and she is going to take a lot of work to be close to being a valuable roster member. 

NB: If you use her and Marjorie Oxford from Historian's you would need to create a sibling relationship between them - the scouting assumes that exists


Bryan Reed - Art Reed's kid is going to be finished training sometime in the first quater of 2023.  He's not much right now and while he has a good look he feels like a mid carder long term. 


Bulldog Brown - the son of 21CW Booker Pitbull Brown is at University now so you are looking at 25 or so if he pursues wrestling.  Nothing about him screams star to me.  Nothing even really screams mid carder.

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Do not believe this #justiceforpaulie nonsense. I have spoken with all five participants of the Love Hotel Deathmatch and they all had a wonderful friendship with Paulie. I also received comments from the evil taxidermist who verified that he did indeed murder, and stuff Paulie! Don't fall for the clickbait! The #justicforpaulie movement is all a ruse!

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5 hours ago, willr0ck said:

Do not believe this #justiceforpaulie nonsense. I have spoken with all five participants of the Love Hotel Deathmatch and they all had a wonderful friendship with Paulie. I also received comments from the evil taxidermist who verified that he did indeed murder, and stuff Paulie! Don't fall for the clickbait! The #justicforpaulie movement is all a ruse!

Did you meet him in Narnia?  He appears to be purely fictional.  There are no records of any Taxidermist in Boston or anywhere else in the region named Tim.  I spoke to people at AusGov and there is no record of any Platypus ever being legally exported to Japan.  It's all a tissue of lies!  Lies I tell you!!! 


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Martels FWP 2.0 part 2


Camila & Valentina De La CruzDe La Cruz - Thes Columbian twins are based in Mexico now and have only just started the most basic of training so wont be ready for a fair while probably 3rd Qtr 2023.  Both are a ways off but theres a bit of potential especially with Valentina.  They look good and there's enough innate it factor for them to get into the mid card - higher for Valentina.  Valentina isn't great in the ring yet but there are early signs she will be okay, Camilla is a bit behind her in that as she is in most things.  


Charity Armstrong - Charity is an Olympic medalist on the track and come Jan 23 she should be finished training for the ring.  She's going to be pretty good even then.  She's over 6 foot and ripped and has the looks and intimidatory presence to go a long, long way.  She is going to take a year or so seasoning t get up to full speed but it will be worth the wait.  Buy.


Charlize Wired - This South African hasn't even started training yet so I doubt we will see her till sometime late in 24 so I can only go off her basic feel - she's 5'10 and has a decent build - she looks a bit clumsy to me and didn't feel like a natural athlete.  There didn't seem to be a lot here to work with.


Cowboy Sasaki - Ummm you're not a boy love, you've got to love it when people dont quite get the nuances of a foreign language - there's a whole load of Japanese stuff that goes right over my head too ... She's finishing training in July and one day she should be a decent mid card act.  She can work the stick well already but the rest of it is a pretty long way off.  Honestly I would try to convince her to work as a Manager too and get her with a couple of Cowboy gimmicked Gaijin and then she might have the space to let the rest of her game come together, otherwise she will take a couple of years on the indies to even be close. 


David Cattley - Mean Jean Cattley's kid is scheduled to go into TCW's system next year after University so we are looking at 25  before we see him in ring.  I'll be honest he's smallish and skinny which are biggish drawbacks but I saw him work out with his Dad and he at least looks fundamentally sound.  I suspect he will become a mid carder who larger guys throw around and that's fine - the world needs those guys.


Edward Cornell Jr - There's a lot of buzz around Tommy's namesake offspring who wont be ready for a few years yet and his daughter Sophie but his brother Edward has a kid in training right now too.  There's some good signs here too.  He's got a good look and enough about him to be pushed and he has enough on the stick now to indicate he'll be fine at that side too.  In ring and fundamentally there's a bit of work still to do but it's likely going to be worth the wait.  I imagine he goes straight into 21CW in March 23 but if for some reason he doesn't I'd grab him whilst I could.


Elsa Kuller - See this pic ... notice the black eye and scratches ... does that tell you anything about this girls level of safety?  Shame too as she's got some decent performance skills a nice look and enough of an it factor to be an upper mid card talent some day but she's dangerously stiff and clumsy right now and in ring and fundamentally incapable of working anything but a very short eye candy bout.  Even then I am not sure it wont be terrible.  She's one who should work as a Manager too and try to use that to transition into ring work over time but I dont know if she would be willing to do that.     


Punk Slammed - Emilia Weber & Yara Huber - These girls will be finished basic training in October at which point Weber should retire from in ring action.  Not since Franziska Ritter have I been confronted by someone so fundamentally unsound, no that's unfair - Ritter is Tommy Cornell in comparison.  She's okay looking and could make it as a Manager but in ring if you employ this woman that's on you - she WILL botch everything and likely hurt herself, her tag partner or her opponent, probably all of them.  Huber is okay, not good but okay.  Huber will take a fair while but eventually should be a solid mid card act in the future but she'll need to cut the sucking dead weight that is her partner free first. 


Emily Bonolo - This former basketball point guard will be finished basic training in November and is a decent athlete who will one day be a pretty decent mid carder maybe a tad higher.  Right now though she's not great.  She probably needs a couple of years in the indies.


Emily Monroe - She's coming out of the WWA in may and when she does - let the scramble begin.  She's not the finished article but her upside is close to limitless.  Even now she's okay. She's a prodigy who will move massive amounts of merch eventually - she looks and feels like a megastar and can already work the stick well.  The in ring stuff will come.  Hire her now to as longer term deal as you can.


Eshe Juma - This 6'5 Ethiopian born girl has moved from Basketball to wrestling.  She should be available in the first qtr of 2023.   She's very green but there's a bit of promise as a big heel.  A lot of work to do but some promise.


 Gracie Wood - Larry Wood's daughter should be available around June 23 she's well over 6 foot tall and looks like a model and has decent innate star qualities and can talk well. She's a fair way off in ring right now but she's a decent project.  Right now I see her being a upper mid carder with the potential to maybe be a bit higher with a lot of luck.    

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Martels FWP part 3


Hana Kaneko - This girl loves wrestling and will finish training in Aug 22.  Her fundamentals are phenomenal except her consistency which needs some work, she's got a great look and enough to definitely become a mid card staple.  She will take a little while to be good in ring but if she can be convinced to work simpler eye candy matches she is already useful and the rest will come together with experience.  She isn't a megastar in waiting but she will be a solid talent pretty soon after her debut with the right handling. 


Hanae Nakamura - She's close to finishing training and should be available around June.  She's got a fair ways to go in ring and fundamentally and she is useless on the stick but theres some positive signs.  She has enough innate it factor to be at least an upper mid card player perhaps higher with luck and straight away that means she has a chance which some people really never do.  There isn't enough upside for me to recommend her but she is one I would monitor in future in case she improves rapidly.


Hiro Inukai - This guys father is Shuji Inukai.  He's only around 14 now so we are looking at 26 or so before we see him in ring but he seems keen.  He's skinny and a little under 6 ft so on first glance it's easy to right him off but on closer inspection there's a lot to like.  He has a good look already and there's something about him that says he could be something.  He can talk and he's  a pretty charismatic kid.  He's probably going to have decent training and whilst he wont be a slam dunk he's going to be pretty close I think.   I think he's well worth the investment and I assume PGHW will snap him up when the time comes.


Hiroko Nakamura - This girl will probably be finished training mid 23.  Sadly there's simply not much upside there.  She can talk okay but there isn't much else too impress.  Pass.


Koshiro Ino Jr, Sensational Ino, Shinsuke Ino, Hiroshi Ino, - Koshiro Ino seems keen to be the DeColt of Japan and his 4 kids all seem likely to follow in his footsteps.  We wont see the first of them till 24 or so and that makes it hard to give a fair assessment of their skills this early.  Koshiro is a big kid with a good look and he can speak well, he seems like a decent prospect but not the most naturally gifted athlete right now. Sensational (yes that's her real name, way to put unnecessary pressure on your kid Koshiro) doesn't really seem to have a lot right now she didn't make a huge impact on me and that leads me to think she might be a born mid carder.  Shinsuke just has an it factor - out of all the kids he seemed the one with something about him, that said he's very quiet and didn't really speak well he mumbled a lot - I think he's going to need a lot of work but there might be something there.  Hiroshi appears likely to be a little smaller than his elder brothers unless he gets a growth spurt - not small but not over 6ft either.  I don't know if he has quite the it factor either but he seems a bit more naturally gifted as far as his skills are concerned.  The three boys all have some potential I think, their sister is probably going to be okay but her ceiling feels lower. The Japanese are known to be fairly patient with young talent and given time and effort I think most of these kids will have good careers, two of them might have great careers.  


Hunter Baine - Tyson Baine's kid should be ready around May or June 23.  He's a massive unit around 6'7.  This ones simple - hire him and deal with his ego because prospects don't come much better than this.  He's got a good look, is physically imposing and oozes star quality.  He's a freakish athlete and his performance skills are pretty stellar if his College Football interviews re anything to go on.  His Ego is huge but arguably he does have a good reason to be a bit full of himself.  As long as you are pushing him he should be happy and what sort of idiot wouldn't push him.


Ife Juma - This College Shot Putter has decided to pursue wrestling but I am not sure it's a great choice.  In theory she should leave an impression but she didn't really - she's a powerful girl but there was no sense of menace from her and no real memorable quality.  She's a bit clumsy looking right now.  I suspect she will end up a career mid carder at best.


Jadziwa Nowak - Those eyes ... darn ... she's got something. Look obviously she's incredibly beautiful but there's something about her that makes me thing she is going to be at least an upper mid carer maybe more at a push.  This Polish lass will be ready around October.  Right now I would be trying to convince her to work as a Manager/ Wrestler because she can talk well but her fundamental skills and in ring need some work and that sort of role would give her the time to grow.  Oh and before anyone accuses me of being smitten and trying to butter her up - no worries because she's very much a girl's girl - I never would have had a chance even if she did like boys lets face it.   


 James Jarrett Justice - BWAHHAHAHA!  He's hilarious and his gimmick idea is wonderful.  If your Dad is an American Iconic Patriot then you embracing all things Canadian is going to get nuclear heat.  Look his fundamentals and in ring are still going to need some work I think come the last qtr of 23 when he finishes training but he's got the performance side down already and whilst not quite a megastar definitely a prospective fantastic upper mid card heel.  Personality wise like I said he's just a fantastic young guy. 


Jessica Carvill-Quine - Damian Carvill's daughter who has Catherine Quine as a step mom, this girl is literally still a child and we wont see her anywhere near a ring for 5 maybe 6 years.  It's impossible to judge her fairly - She feels sort of average to me but how can you judge a 12 year old.  Heck she may decide not to pursue it no matter how keen she seems now.

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Matells FWP part 4


Jimmy Carnie & Mark Carnie Jr - So Mark Carnie has kids - both are targeting early 23 debuts.  So are they complete pieces of garbage like their dad?  Yes and No ... literally Yes and No.  Jimmy can take the same long walk off a short pier as his dad as far as I am concerned but Mark Jr actually seems like a decent kid.  If I was to judge purely on ability Jimmy is pretty bad fundamentally and in ring but looks good and is probably close to an upper mid carder if his skills come along over time.  Mark isn't great in ring yet either but he's a little bit better than Jimmy, again he feels like he could get close to the upper mid card if he works hard. 

image.jpeg.46295984be1d2935037c705d4fa72be1.jpeg artists impression

Johnny Faust - Jonathan Faust's kid is already about 6 foot tall and he's only 12 and 1/2.  Right now he projects as a good athlete and I think he might have the it factor needed to make it far.  I suspect he might end up being a worthwhile project come 2027 or 2028.


Kaipo Kane - This Hawaiian stands nearly 6 foot tall and she will finish training May this year.  Right now she's not good enough but there is an aura of danger around her that means if someone worked with her and she puts in the hours she could one day be a mid card or maybe a bit higher heel.  She's useless on the mic though so no matter what she is going to need a mouthpiece.


Kala Pele - the 2nd Hawaiian woman due to graduate from the WWA in May prefers to go aerial.  She's a better prospect than Kaipo Kane right now.  She's not terrible fundamentally or in ring and with a bit of work shows some promise, she's got a good look and enough stick skills and innate it factor to project as a mid or upper mid carder long term. 


Kanna Shibata - She is likely to finish her training in April 23 and early signs are pretty good.  She's got decent looks, is okay on the stick and seems fundamentally sound with some emerging brawling and Puroreso skills. There's enough about her to project she could easily end up an upper mid carder maybe higher at a push.   


Kazuko Hayashi - This girl is scheduled to finish training late October or early November 22 and I expect her to be singed pretty quick.  Fundamentally and in ring she's a project but she looks great and has the it factor and performance abilities to get over.  I'd try to get her to work as a Manager/Wrestler early on and bring her along in ring over time.   


Liesel Fuchs - This German Ballerina has decided to transition into wrestling and has just enquired about training so don't expect to see her till sometime in 24.  She looks good and has a ton of stamina as you would expect from a dancer.  They are very different disciplines though so I wouldn't expect her to be great by the time she debuts.  I think if she is happy to work eye candy she could have a decent career but she might be too slight to be credible as more than a mid carder. 


Liz Burst - This Irish young Mum is due to debut around the 2nd Qtr of 23.  I want to wish her well but I dont see much more than a mid carder here.  She looks good and has the basis of decent performance skills but both fundamentally and in ring there is a fair bit of work left to do.  She has a few outside interests too so I can see her pulling the plug if things dont click early on and honestly I'm not sure they will - she'll be a project and she might find it hard to accept how long it takes her to get up to speed.   


Lobster Princess - Guess who her dad Is ... c'mon guess.  Lobster Warrior's kid has just starting training and she's ... interesting.  There's sort of enough there to say she could end up being close to a Main Eventer one day but she's got a lot of work to do.  She goes to the beat of her own drum and has a love of all things film related.  She's a real project but might be one worth undertaking.  I sort of wanted to tell her she should take a working holiday to New Zealand when she finishes training mid 23 because she feels very ZEN.  I just feel she needs someone like them or one of the smaller Lucha style feds who has the patience and the mindset to get her to where she needs to be. 


Lucy Stephenson - She'll be coming out of the House of Stone in June and she's intriguing.  She's got decent mat skills but the rest of her in ring and fundamentals need a bit of work but she's already a heck of a talker and she looks and feels like a borderline Main Eventer long term.   A good project hire for mine.


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Martells FWP 2.0 part 5


Marcus & Monte Alexander - Clark Alexander's sons are training right now and will be out in Sept 22.  One of these guys is going to be a star the other is going to be Monte Alexander.  Marcus is a project and will take some time getting up to speed but it's probably just a matter of time.  Monte is just sort of a natural mid carder and one who is going to take a little while to get up to speed too.  Hire Marcus ... be nice to Monte because he's a good kid but I probably wouldn't hire him.


Marina Lopez - Bay area native Lopez is only just starting and wont be ready till mid 23.  She's a nice looking young woman but right now her skills are a long way off.  Personality wise I found her ... lets say ... problematic.  She's not an awful human being but more inherently annoying.  Pass.


Mark Morrisette - I reviewed his sister last time out ... this is another of Lobster Warriros kids.  I didn't group them together because they are very different beasts.  Mark will finish training in Jan 23 and will likely be snatched up by SWF then.  If they dont hire him because he's a fantastic prospect.  Right now he's got the athleticism, performance, looks and innate it factor to make him very hirable.  The fundamental and in ring skills will take quite a long time but he's a blue chipper.  HIRE!!!


Maryanne Marks - This Dane should finish basic training in November 22 and at that point someone should attempt to convince her that her future is as a on screen interviewer or Manager ... a wrestler she is not.  She is incredibly fundamentally flawed.  Nice looking girl who can talk okay but she's going to badly hurt herself or someone else if she tries to be a wrestler for any length of time.


Masako Yamamoto - Project time.  This girl has only just started training and wont be out till mid 23 but there's a lot of promise.  She's got the feel of a borderline Main Eventer and enough performance wise to indicate she can grow into that role.  Right now she's behind the curve fundamentally and in ring which is why I said project.  She's going to take a fair while to get up to speed but when she does she has the potential to be a star.  If she is willing to work eye candy bouts early that will be a plus because her looks will get her by until the rest of her game develops if not it's going to be a harder road.  Maybe even try to convince her to work as a Manager/Wrestler to help her settle and grow.


Maxi Guevara - Her life story is compelling and there is a bit to work with when she graduates in the 3rd Qtr of 23 but I project her as more a mid maybe upper mid talent than a true star.  He skills will need a fair bit of work to get up to speed.  I want to recommend a refugee from Cuba who clearly could be something but there are probably better options.  Companies in the South East or Puerto Rico could probably work with her to get her to where she needs to be using her background to help get her over.  


McKenzie Sidle - Dylan Sidle's kid is around 17 or 18 now so we are looking at 25 or 26 before we see her in ring.  When we do I expect a mad scramble for her services.  Even now she is an eloquent speaker who looks and feels like a star in the making and I know Dylan is committed to making sure she is well trained before she debuts.  I expect she will be useful straight out of the gate and magnificent a few years later.


Megan Barrett - This Brit is finishing basic in the 4th Qtr 22 probably about November.  She should be hirable straight out of the gate too.  She feels like she could be a star and her skills are okay.  She's a bit prickly by nature but her potential is so good that you will want to keep her happy anyway so that shouldn't be an issue.  


Megumi Suzuki - This Joshi girl has natural good looks and enough innate it factor to be a potential borderline Main Eventer one day.  Sh'e already pretty good on the stick.  Her fundamentals and in ring are going to take a bit longer.  She's only just started basic drills so I would expect her to be available mid 23.  She's going to be a bit of a project but probably one worth embarking on.


Melina Muller - This former amateur wrestler has indicated she is interested in turning pro sometime after the 24 games.  So lets say about October 24.  I expect her to be a pretty big deal then.  She has a great look and plenty of innate it factor.  Amateur skills dont always translate so I expect there will be a little way to go when she turns pro but enough there that it shouldn't take that long in ring or fundamentally.  Performance wise that will probably take longer as it's not something she appears particularly great at right now.  A fine project that will probably pay dividends fairly quickly.   Passing on Main Event potential is rarely a good idea.


Missy Cattley - I mentioned her brother earlier.  When scouting him I met Missy.  She's very young so she wont be training for a while and I dont think we will see her till 2025 or so but there is clear potential - she speak well and has a fair bit of natural it factor.  She's not particularly athletically gifted so she probably will struggle to improve too much early in her training so I wouldn't expect her to be that well developed on debut but there is definitely enough there that she could end up being a Main Eventer with some work.  

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Martells FWP 2.0 part 6


Namiyo Hatoyama - This is Kit's kid and she's finishing basic training late 22 around December.  She's going to get picked up by someone soon after I believe.  She's nowhere near the complete package in ring or fundamentally but she's got the look and feel of someone who is near enough to a potential Main Eventer.  Pretty good on the stick too.   


Natalie Caruso - She's just signed up to train at WWA and people are already excited by her.  I doubt she's not going to be great in ring out of the gate in say Mid 23 when she finishes training but who cares - look at her - you know money when you see it right?  She oozes charisma and is eloquent to speak too and she feels like a potential megastar.  So yeah maybe the in ring stuff takes a little longer to come together ... who cares ... money is money and she's money.


Neo Mizuki, PUNK Mizuki & TORCH Mizuki - When their sister Cyber started generating buzz even the day she started training her 3 sisters decided to join her.   They should all be available from late 23 through late 24.  TORCH will be first and she's a heck of a talker - I'd desperately try to convince her to work as a Interviewer/ Manager /Wresler because she shows little natural in ring ability at the moment and she will take a long time to get up to speed but man she can talk ... long term maybe a good mid carder but straight out to of the gate almost useless in ring.  Neo is a better potential prospect in ring and there's enough there to suggest she will be a good mid carder or potentially upper mid carder in the future.  PUNK is similar to Neo - perhaps potentially a little more pushable but a little less naturally good in ring.  Three decent but flawed prospects. Like their sister Cyber they all have a serious addiction though ... hair dye.


Nia Brown - a former Gymnast who missed the Olympic squad for 21 she has committed to wrestling school and will likely be finished training around Sept 23.  There's decent potential here.  She looks great and has enough to be a good mid or upper mid carder and long term she will likely be a good aerialist but it might take a while as she's not anywhere near that now.  


Nicolas Lopez Jr - Project time.  This kid is about 16 now so we wont see him till maybe early 25.  He's got a good look and enough innate it factor that you just know he's close to Main Event level push wise.  He's already a fine talker so I expect him to be a great stick worker too.  He will probably need some seasoning to get everything else up to speed but he shows all round potential.  Personality wise he was a bit of a strange mix - he seems like he will be mega loyal and easy to move merch with but he's a bit aloof and takes offence easily.  Well worth taking in as a project I think.


Nora Alverez - This Puerto Rican is going to be available around August 22.  She's probably going to be big one day.  Fantastic look and natural it factor she has - everything else is a long way off.  She's an investment in the future where you would be trying to develop a Main Eventer from pretty much the ground up.   She's a massive project but probably one worth doing.


Odette Hardy - This French girl is in training and will be available at the beginning of 23.  She's a born mid to upper mid heel and her skills aren't bad.  Western Europe is a little short on female workers and she may do well as a result.


Oketa Finau - It's great to see Samoan Women beginning to emerge after years of Island men and she will finish basic training in May 23.  Oketa is a massive unit at around 6'5 and really muscular and on potential she has the makings of a pretty high level monster but right now she's dangerously uncoordinated and sloppy with little actual in ring skill ... She's so truly awful right now I would never recommend her but that potential to be something is there.  Maybe you could use her as non in ring muscle for a while and hope she improves but it's going to be hard to get her anywhere near useful in ring.  If you have a great trainer on staff then maybe ... maybe because the potential is definitely there. 


Ray Edwards - She'll finish training with Canadian Dragon in March 23.  He has a decent rep but I've rarely been impressed by his results.  This girl has good looks and decent mid card potential but I don't see anything to excite me other than her looks.   I simply think there are going to be better prospective hires out there than this pretty girl.


Rochelle Lambert - She is coming out of the House of Stone in March 23 and has training in improv and has worked on TV as a kid.  She's nearly 6'ft and quite imposing looking and there are plenty of things to work with to get her over.  Maybe not quite a Main Eventer but so close that her natural ability to intimidate could get her over the line and look good doing it.  Her in ring and fundamental skills are a way off but that's what projects are more often than not.  


Roxxy DePaul - She hasn't started proper training yet so we are looking at sometime in 24 maybe here.  She's got a bit of natural ability as a talker and the look and feel of someone who could be an upper mid carder but she looks dangerously incompetent and sloppy in the tryout footage I saw from the wrestling school.  A massive project and I dont think the potential is quite good enough to deal with the hard work needed to get her to the level she could reach one day.  Maybe keep tabs on her to see if she improves faster than expected but I would pass.


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Martells FWP 2.0 part 5


Marcus & Monte Alexander - Clark Alexander's sons are training right now and will be out in Sept 22.  One of these guys is going to be a star the other is going to be Monte Alexander.  Marcus is a project and will take some time getting up to speed but it's probably just a matter of time.  Monte is just sort of a natural mid carder and one who is going to take a little while to get up to speed too.  Hire Marcus ... be nice to Monte because he's a good kid but I probably wouldn't hire him.


Marina Lopez - Bay area native Lopez is only just starting and wont be ready till mid 23.  She's a nice looking young woman but right now her skills are a long way off.  Personality wise I found her ... lets say ... problematic.  She's not an awful human being but more inherently annoying.  Pass.


Mark Morrisette - I reviewed his sister last time out ... this is another of Lobster Warriros kids.  I didn't group them together because they are very different beasts.  Mark will finish training in Jan 23 and will likely be snatched up by SWF then.  If they dont hire him because he's a fantastic prospect.  Right now he's got the athleticism, performance, looks and innate it factor to make him very hirable.  The fundamental and in ring skills will take quite a long time but he's a blue chipper.  HIRE!!!


Maryanne Marks - This Dane should finish basic training in November 22 and at that point someone should attempt to convince her that her future is as a on screen interviewer or Manager ... a wrestler she is not.  She is incredibly fundamentally flawed.  Nice looking girl who can talk okay but she's going to badly hurt herself or someone else if she tries to be a wrestler for any length of time.


Masako Yamamoto - Project time.  This girl has only just started training and wont be out till mid 23 but there's a lot of promise.  She's got the feel of a borderline Main Eventer and enough performance wise to indicate she can grow into that role.  Right now she's behind the curve fundamentally and in ring which is why I said project.  She's going to take a fair while to get up to speed but when she does she has the potential to be a star.  If she is willing to work eye candy bouts early that will be a plus because her looks will get her by until the rest of her game develops if not it's going to be a harder road.  Maybe even try to convince her to work as a Manager/Wrestler to help her settle and grow.


Maxi Guevara - Her life story is compelling and there is a bit to work with when she graduates in the 3rd Qtr of 23 but I project her as more a mid maybe upper mid talent than a true star.  He skills will need a fair bit of work to get up to speed.  I want to recommend a refugee from Cuba who clearly could be something but there are probably better options.  Companies in the South East or Puerto Rico could probably work with her to get her to where she needs to be using her background to help get her over.  


McKenzie Sidle - Dylan Sidle's kid is around 17 or 18 now so we are looking at 25 or 26 before we see her in ring.  When we do I expect a mad scramble for her services.  Even now she is an eloquent speaker who looks and feels like a star in the making and I know Dylan is committed to making sure she is well trained before she debuts.  I expect she will be useful straight out of the gate and magnificent a few years later.


Megan Barrett - This Brit is finishing basic in the 4th Qtr 22 probably about November.  She should be hirable straight out of the gate too.  She feels like she could be a star and her skills are okay.  She's a bit prickly by nature but her potential is so good that you will want to keep her happy anyway so that shouldn't be an issue.  


Megumi Suzuki - This Joshi girl has natural good looks and enough innate it factor to be a potential borderline Main Eventer one day.  Sh'e already pretty good on the stick.  Her fundamentals and in ring are going to take a bit longer.  She's only just started basic drills so I would expect her to be available mid 23.  She's going to be a bit of a project but probably one worth embarking on.


Melina Muller - This former amateur wrestler has indicated she is interested in turning pro sometime after the 24 games.  So lets say about October 24.  I expect her to be a pretty big deal then.  She has a great look and plenty of innate it factor.  Amateur skills dont always translate so I expect there will be a little way to go when she turns pro but enough there that it shouldn't take that long in ring or fundamentally.  Performance wise that will probably take longer as it's not something she appears particularly great at right now.  A fine project that will probably pay dividends fairly quickly.   Passing on Main Event potential is rarely a good idea.


Missy Cattley - I mentioned her brother earlier.  When scouting him I met Missy.  She's very young so she wont be training for a while and I dont think we will see her till 2025 or so but there is clear potential - she speak well and has a fair bit of natural it factor.  She's not particularly athletically gifted so she probably will struggle to improve too much early in her training so I wouldn't expect her to be that well developed on debut but there is definitely enough there that she could end up being a Main Eventer with some work.  

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Martells FWP 2.0 part 6

Expect this report to be a bit sparser than normal. I did it once and misspelt one word and when I saved the correction the forum randomly decided to delete the post (which happens once in a blue moon)  I feel unispired to do too in depth a write up when I have already done it once.  Lets go witht he scout beign tired after a computer glitch deleted a bunch of reports and sort of half assing it redoing them 😉


Namiyo Hatoyama - Kits daughter will be available in Dec.  Really close to a Main Eventer on potential and she can talk well.  Work to do in ring and fundamentally.  I'd hire


Natalie Caruso - Out of the WWA in July 23 - look at her ... that's money right there.  Natural performer with a fantastic look and oozing star quality.  A little way to go in ring but that will come in time and you aren't knocking back money right?



Neo, PUNK & TORCH Mizuki - CYBER Mizuki's 3 sisters will be available from late 23 through late 24.  TORCH should be encouraged to become an interviewer and Manager because that's where her amazing mic skills are pointing - in ring she's along way off and only really a mid card prospect.  Neo is better in ring and fundamentally but still a lot of work to do, has more natural potential than TORCH and could make the upper mid card.  PUNK is a little worse fundamentally than Neo but her ceiling projects a little higher and is likely an upper mid card prospect.  All like their sister CYBER have an addiction to hair dye.  


Nia Brown - Ex Gymnast who should be available latish 23.  Great look and not far off an upper mid card prospect but a lot of work still to do performance, funamental and in ring wise.


Nicholas Lopez Jr - So close to a Main Event prospect it's not funny - great natural talker with a strong look and whilst his fundamentals and in ring aren't great right now there's a lot of decent starts indicating all round potential.  Personality wise he's a mix of slightly easy to annoy and fiercely lowal.  Will move merch.  I'd hire him in early 25 when he's available.


Nora Alverez - Puerto Rican that will be available August 22, massive upsides in terms of her look and natural star power but everything else needs a lot of work.  If you have a good trainer she should come on fast enough though.  I'd buy on potential.


Odette Hardy - French talent that will be available at the beginning of 23.  A natural heel who is a mid to upper mid carder potentially and whose skills are decent enough to being overflowing with young female talent.


Oketa Finau - Samoan lady who is huge and powerfully built and available mid 23.  Worth looking at as a project because she's got real potential and is a natural intimidator.  Downside - almost useless in the ring right now.  You'll need a great trainer and mainly use her outside the ring as muscle to make the investment pay-off. 


Ray Edwards - Available 1st qtr of 2023. Looks good but only really projects as a mid carder and has a bit to do to get her skills up to speed.


Rochelle Lambert - French Canadian who will be available 1st qtr of 23. Nearly 6 ft with a good mix of intimidation, good looks and innate star power but a little ways off in ring.  The ceiling is high enough that the effort getting her there should be well worth it.


Roxxy DePaul - Parkour based girl who will be available 2nd qtr of 24.  Would likely end up an upper mid carder if she wasn't so terribly incompetent.  Probably not worth the aggravation getting her up to the level she could reach yourself but worth monitoring in case the wrestling gods smile on her and she improves more rapidly than expected.

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Martells FWP 2.0 part 7


Sachie Kudo - Should be finished basic training around March 23.  She's got decent performance abilities and a look and feel of a mid carder or potentially an upper mid carder.  Needs a fair bit of work on her fundamentals and in ring.   She's the sort of slid potential worker that most companies need but there are also quite a lot of people who sit in that sort of bracket many of whom have better developed skills.


Shelly Lennon - She should be finished basic training in November 22.  She's a solid prospect who feels like a good mid carder long term, she needs some work to get there but she's got a few decent tools to work with to get there and Britain isn't overflowing with women's talent.  The vaguely possibly being related to a member of the Beatles is a sort of fun gimmick.


Sophie Knox - This girl is a strange one - right now it's a hard pass as there is literally nothing there that you would feel like pushing.  That said she's the sort of person who may develop and end up in a backstage role.  She will NEVER be a star in ring though.

Something just came up so only a 3 person report this time - will finish off Martell's later 


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Martells FWP 2.0 part 8


Steven Dale Johnson - Ricky Dale Johnson's son is 17 now trying to look 25 ... the plan is for him to train and be ready about mid 24.  He's got a bit of potential too, good innate it facto and despite the dubious mo that makes it look like his name should be McLovin he's got a good look.  I dont sense a lot of natural gifts for ring work so I expect he'll have a way to on debut but with a good trainer that can be overcome pretty easily.  I see him as a borderline Main Event prospect and those guys can exceed expectations very easily with some luck.


Syd Wright - This Brit is over 6ft tall and has a strong look and good intimidation factor and a nice stream of patter right now.  She's got okay star power too al of which makes here very hirable in Nov 22 when she finishes basic training. Fundamentals and in ring aren't good though right now.  She's yet another long term project where a company with good training staff can likely make something pretty darn good out of her but it's going to take time.  


Tadiyuki Kikkawa Jr - He's aiming for a 3rd Qtr 23 debut, his dad was a GOAT but this kid look sometimes the apple falls along way from the tree - he's small, incredibly clumsy with negligible skills and little in the way of a look or presence.  What's worse is he's genuinely a pretty horrible little prat who was born to make trouble.  Not just a Hard Pass but a lock the doors to your Arena to avoid him sort of guy.    


Takerfuji - Female Sumo competitors are rare, she recently has decided it's not going to be for her and is looking to transition into pro wrestling and train for a mid 24 debut. I cant see wrestling being for her either.  She is a slow clumsy non entity who cant do anything close to wrestling right now and I doubt ever will be able to do much. She makes Tadiyuki Kikkawa Jr look almost an appealing prospect in comparison. Admittedly it's like Cholera being slightly more appealing than the Bubonic Plague. On the plus side she isn't a terrible human being unlike TK jr just a dull one.


Talia Bernthal - This 5'10 firefighter is going to be a tad older than most rookies at around 24 or 25 when she is likely to finish training in 24.  That shouldn't lead you to write her off though because there's a bit here to like.  She has a good look and the burn scars on her back that have seen her decide to leave her current career may even lend a certain pathos to her as a wrestling character. I suspect she's got some natural ability too and her skills will be useable straight away. She wont be the finished article and maybe more a mid to upper mid carder than a star but there's a lot here to like.


Tamiko Wada - This girl is finishing basic in May 22.  She's adorable, seriously she has a child like sweetness that makes you want to like her ... just the almost stereotypical Japanese Kawaii girl.  The performance skills are strongish and she isn't a long way off top tier in terms of how far you can push her I'd say borderline on Main Eventing but right now in ring and fundamentally she's not great.  A good trainer could make something out of her but it may take a little while.  She's a project and given how many Joshi girls there are out there it's a question of whether you want to invest the time into her or do you want to go and get someone more ready now but maybe not quite having the upside this girl seems to have. 


The Swiss Strangler - Yeah she's an amateur legend and whilst she will be mid 20's when she debuts in July 22 that doesn't matter.  She brings instant credibility.  Amateur skills don't always translate and she will need to work on some things but she has pretty solid skills.  I think those Olympic campaigns make her a borderline Main Eventer and with a good trainer her basics will rapidly transfer into good pro wrestling skills and as an athlete she's unquestionably fantastic.


Tokyo Lobster - Morrisette made a mistake on a Japanese tour ... here he is.  Come Dec 22 we get to see him in all his bright red glory.  He's got a way to go in ring and fundamentally but he's got the performance skills, look and feel to make this fun mid to possibly upper mid card gimmick work.  I hope Halloween Knight gives him and his half sister a call because ZEN would be the perfect place for them to develop their skills.


Ulla Coch - This 6'1 German bodybuilder is just starting training soon so should be ready mid 23.  She's got potential as a big monster but she's got a long way to go to get up to speed.  She's a natural performer though so she's got some tools to work with just not much in ring yet.  


Yasunobu Mushashibo & Yuji Mushashibo - Yoshimi's two son's ... I went to this scouting mission repeating this mantra ...please be good ... please be good ... these guys should be ready early 24 and I can happily report they are very much their fathers sons.  Yasunobu already looks the goods, he's maybe 6'4 and looks like a megastar.  Yuji is around 6'2 and feels much the same.  Yasunobu feels like he has a better grasp on the skills at this stage - look they will likely be PGHW for life but if for any reason you can get them - do.   There/s no such thing as a slam dunk certainty in wrestling but these guys might be close.


Yoshi Ippitsusai - His dad was known as Mr. Dependable and was a real non-descript workman and he's sort of a clone.  He's only 15 so it's hard to judge fairly but he just feels like wallpaper.  Come 2025 he'll probably debut with all the fanfare of a microwave ready meal and proceed to a career of dull unmemorable matches where he ends up on his back looking at the lights above the ring.


Zuri Okonkwo - Zimbabwe isn't known as a wrestling hotbed and once this girl debuts in early 23 that's unlikely to change but that's not to say she's not without prospects.  She's got a strong look and enough about her to say she could be pushed to the upper mid card at a stretch.  Her skills aren't fantastic but I've seen a lot worse on my scouting missions.  Her looks could carry ehr far if she's willing to work eye candy early until her ring skills come up to speed.

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