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Increase Popularity Gain for Giants in Golden Age

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So, here's an idea I had.


So, basically, in the "golden age" of wrestling (which still lasted, like, 60 years, but who's counting?), people considered "giants" were used as special attractions, so for example Andre the Giant would draw a lot more attendance figures, or Happy Humphrey vs. Haystacks Calhoun would sell out an arena despite the lack of in-ring skill, because people wanted to pay to see the huge people.

So I'm thinking we can reflect this in-game, if it's not already, and have, up until maybe like, 1995, people over, say, 6'9" get a bonus to attendance figures & segment ratings, because of how big they are, and same thing with people who are at least, like, 500 lbs., both of which having the bonus scaling with their size. This diminishes around the mid 90's and disappears completely around the late 90's, which was when the attitude era came in and people started valuing work rate over appearance.

However, maybe we can also have some of the more old-school bookers still have these same values, and book giants as if it was the 80's or 90's, despite fans not being into that anymore. It would reflect situations like The Great Khali debuting in 2006, and Omos debuting in 2019.

Edited by Spoons
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