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RingRider's CVerse Renders

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6 hours ago, IlRosso said:
Wonderful work, especially the 5SSW.

Do you accept requests? If you would make these characters: Raku Makuda, Tomoko Nagatsuka and The Woodhouse Twins (ex Neptune twins)

Thank you very much @RingRider


Thanks for the kind words. I was really pleased with 5SSW myself! I'm open minded to requests. These were fast so here you go:

Jen Woodhouse.jpg  Kathy Woodhouse.jpg

Jen Woodhouse (Neptune)// Kathy Woodhouse (Neptune)

Tomoko Nagatsuka.jpg  Raku Makuda.jpg

Tomoko Nagatsuka// Raku Makuda


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A rando sampling incoming....


Power 500 #41-#70

Rock God Alvarez.jpg  Mr Lucha III.jpg  Edward Cornell.jpg  Edward Cornell_alt.jpg

Rock God Alvarez// Mr. Lucha III// Edward Cornell (w/alt)

Xtinction.jpg  Xtinction_alt1.jpg  Captain Wrestling II.jpg  image.jpeg

Xtinction (w/alt)// Captain Wrestling II// Wade Orson

Mabuchi Furusawa.jpg  Nicolas Lopez.jpg  image.jpeg  Razan Okamoto.jpg  Masa Kurata.jpg

Mabuchi Furusawa// Nicholas Lopez// Nicky Gilbert// Razan Okamoto// Masa Kurata

Assorted Randoms:

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  Egon Merowitz.jpg  Phil Anders.jpg

Cheech Kong// Canadian Crusher// Egon Merowitz// Phil Anders

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17 hours ago, RingRider said:

Thanks for the kind words. I was really pleased with 5SSW myself! I'm open minded to requests. These were fast so here you go:

Jen Woodhouse.jpg  Kathy Woodhouse.jpg

Jen Woodhouse (Neptune)// Kathy Woodhouse (Neptune)

Tomoko Nagatsuka.jpg  Raku Makuda.jpg

Tomoko Nagatsuka// Raku Makuda


Wow amazing work!!

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It's live, uncut, uncensored...its RAW!

image.jpeg  image.jpeg

CEO: Tristram Day// Booker: Rebecca Richey

Major Stars:

image.jpeg  Kerry Wayne.jpg  Kerry Wayne_alt1.jpg

Blake Belushi// Kerry Wayne (w/alt)

Loxley Robbins.jpg  Maurice Jackson.jpg  Swoop McCarthy.jpg  Swoop McCarthy_alt1.jpg

Loxley Robbins// Maurice Jackson// Swoop McCarthy (w/ alt)


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Captain Wrestling II// Nathan McKenzie// Rahmel Goode

image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Spiffy Stan Standish// Will Beaumont

Well Known:

Alexander Banks.jpg  Brodie Lachlan.jpg  Franklin Zane.jpg  image.jpeg

Alexander Banks// Brodie Lachlan// Franklin Zane// Frogue Element

image.jpeg  Kal Wayne.jpg  Kian Owens.jpg  Lynx.jpg

Heath Murdock// Kal Wayne// Kian Wayne// Lynx

Marcus Kerr.jpg  Matt Stoppard.jpg  Matty Wills.jpg  Montgomery Croft.jpg

Marcus Kerr// Matt Stoppard// Matty Wills// Montgomery Croft

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Nicky Gilbert// Rick Stantz// Skyscraper// Tombstone// Tye LiberTeen



...and I have to run during posting! Gah! To be continued soon...

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Ok...sorry for the interruption. Here's the second half of RAW and a few bonus workers for the trouble.


CJ Romeo.jpg  Damian Dastardly.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

CJ LiberTeen// Damian Dastardly// George LiberTeen// Gladiator

image.jpeg  Jesse Tasman.jpg  Joe Zucco.jpg  JT Ace.jpg

Horton Ravenwood// Jesse Tasman// Joe Zucco// JT Ace

Louie Louis.jpg  Richie Fox.jpg

Louie Louis// Richie Fox


image.jpeg  Elvis Robinson.jpg

Brogan Burton// Robbie Liberteen


Doug Vallence.jpg  Quiz Master.jpg  image.jpeg

Doug Vallence// Jacob Jameson// Quizzical Mark Question

Tony Thorpe.jpg  Will Tuddenham.jpg

Tony Thorpe// Will Tuddenham

Brittini Burke.jpg  Christmas Wilson.jpg  Mac Guffin.jpg  Raymond Royce.jpg  Rose Wills.jpg

Brittini Burke// Christmas Wilson// Mac Guffin// Raymond Royce// Rose Wills

Bonus Workers for your Trouble:

Igor Ivanoff.jpg  Ivan Ivanoff.jpg  Egon Merowitz.jpg  Phil Anders.jpg

Igor Ivanoff// Ivan Ivanoff// Egon Merowitz// Phil Anders

Charlie Thatcher.jpg  Ryan Goodluck.jpg  El Enigma.jpg  Davey Singleton.jpg

Charlie Thatcher// Ryan Goodluck// El Enigma// Davey Singleton

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Went to the Steel City for some hardcore action next: PSW!

image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Owner: Mitch Naess// Booker: Alex Braun

Major Star-Well Known:

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Ernest Youngman (there's a bunch of alts a few posts back)// Logan Wolfsbaine// Xavi Ferrera


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  Cerberus.jpg  Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg

Acid II// Austin Smooth// Cerberus// Cowboy Buck Winchester

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg image.jpeg

Deathwish// Devil Dog// Dumfry Pinn// Hector Galindo

Jackpot Jordan.jpg  Jake Idol.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Jackpot Jordan// Jake Idol// Jebediah// Jesus Chavez

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Rhino Umaga// Rudy Velasquez// Samoan Machine// Sayeed Ali

Stuntman.jpg  Teddy Powell.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Stuntman// Teddy Powell// Wicked Lester// Xavier Reckless// ZomBoy


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Antix// Chip Martin// Dustin Deuce

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Kalder Tagg// Vendetta// Wolfie Tagg


image.jpeg  RM Stones.jpg  image.jpeg

Johnny Martin// R.M. Stones// Ryan Holland

Carl Batch.jpg  Kammy Ling.jpg  Venus Angeletti.jpg

Carl Batch// Kammy Ling// Venus Angeletti


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Here's a bit more randoms and an update to let you know that the main page has been updated with the most complete pack.

Ray Cavalero.jpg  Texas Hangman.jpg  Derek Frost.jpg  image.jpeg

Ray Cavalero// Texas Hangman// Derek Frost// Mercy Michaels

Rafe Sashay.jpg  Preston Fuller.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Rafe Sashay// Preston Fuller// Manhunter// Eisaku Kunomasu

Demelza Wade.jpg  Emma Chase.jpg  Jason Patterson.jpg  image.jpeg

Demelza Wade// Emma Chase// Jason Patterson// Philippe LeGrenier

I can't believe how far I've come! These are the promotions left:


  • CZCW
  • GSW
  • QAW


  • ACPW


  • EILL


  • 21CW
  • EWA
  • SNP
  • UWE
  • VWA


  • APW
  • DIW
  • ZEN


  • BCG
  • WLW


  • DSPW

Is there any preferred one that I should tackle next? I have more or less hit my favorites. 21CW and EILL are the two big ones. BCG might be the most popular one I haven't done? Thoughts or preferences? 



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Thanks for the feedback everyone. I agree with everything that was mentioned: QAW, ZEN and Europe are all in need of renders. That said, I do intend to keep going and working each one off of my list. 


In the meantime, here are a few randos I worked up (including a few requests).


Matthew Keith.jpg  Greg Gauge.jpg

Matthew Keith// Greg Gauge (I wasn't happy with my first go around...these look better but don't scream "twin" as much as the previous do)


Michael X.jpg  Welsh Dragon.jpg  Abominable Snowman.jpg  Ruin.jpg

Michael X// Welsh Dragon// Abominable Snowman// Ruin


Akima Brave.jpg  Toma.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Akima Brave// Toma// Dan DaLay// Luke Steele

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Daniel Black Francis// Shiva// Sozen Ishinomori

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Streetz// Texas Pete// Kerri Maconie


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Okay... whipped up UEW. It was a tiny promotion and I was able to make great use of some renders that I hadn't had a purpose for yet. So here's a little love for Europe:

Ali Bloxsome.jpg  Joey Beauchamp.jpg

Owner: Ali Bloxsome// Booker: Joey Beauchamp

Major Stars-Stars:

image.jpeg  Kalu Owusu.jpg  image.jpeg

Juan Mendoza// Kalu Owusu// Konrad Makinen

image.jpeg  Punisher Paul Hughes.jpg  Thor The Mighty.jpg  Xavi Machismo.jpg

Marcello Ricci// Punisher Paul Hughes// Thor the Mighty// Xavi Machismo

Well Known:

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  Don Henderson.jpg

Clubber Kohl// Cub Balowicz// Don Henderson

image.jpeg  Menace.jpg  Thomas Morgan.jpg  Walter Morgan.jpg

Jace Cole// Menace// Thomas Morgan// Walter Morgan


Aleksander Knyazev.jpg  Armand Hardwicke.jpg  Gordon Leve.jpg  image.jpeg

Aleksander Mars// Armand Hadwicke// Gordon Leve// Irwin Gutmann

Jasper January.jpg  Lars Brecher.jpg  Ralph Grimm.jpg  Thorsten Sigurdsson.jpg

Jasper January// Lars Brecher// Ralph Grimm// Sigurdsson Blood-Axe


image.jpeg  Joakim Sundqvist.jpg  Rune Sundqvist.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Irezumi Esu// Joakim Sundqvist// Rune Sundqvist// Teruki Nakayama// Wes Stryker


Gary Garrett.jpg  Matthew Morris.jpg  Stig Svensson.jpg  Tim Reed.jpg

Gary Garrett// Matthew Morris// Stig Svensson// Tim Reed

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On 9/11/2024 at 8:32 PM, RingRider said:

Thanks for the kind words. I was really pleased with 5SSW myself! I'm open minded to requests. These were fast so here you go:

Jen Woodhouse.jpg  Kathy Woodhouse.jpg

Jen Woodhouse (Neptune)// Kathy Woodhouse (Neptune)

Tomoko Nagatsuka.jpg  Raku Makuda.jpg

Tomoko Nagatsuka// Raku Makuda


They are very good. 

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Here's QAW:

image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Owner: Farrah Hesketh// Booker: Boss Man Brayfield

Major Stars-Stars:

Danielle Sweetheart.jpg  Emma May.jpg  Juana Hurricane.jpg  Queen Amazon.jpg

Danielle Sweetheart// Emma May// Juana Hurricane// Queen Amazon

Well Known:

Ava Anderson.jpg  Debbie Rose.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Ava Anderson// Debbie Rose// Hellcat Hernandez// Houston Handley

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Kate Lilly// Lily Snyder// Little Miss Perfect (Sarah Taylor)// Mariana Torres (Poison Ivy alt)

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Millie the Minx// Pinky Perez// Toni Parissi


Alexis Lee Littlefeather.jpg  Ashley Grover.jpg  Becca Barton.jpg  Coco Malloy.jpg

Alexis Lee Littlefeather// Ashley Grover// Becca Barton// Coco Malloy

Elsa Calvo.jpg  Felicia Luck.jpg  Honey Badger.jpg  Izzy Quick.jpg

Elsa Calvo// Felicia Luck// Honey Badger// Izzy Quick

image.jpeg  Modesty Pador.jpg  Purple Viper.jpg  Raquel Alvarado.jpg  Sonnaz Shah.jpg

Marie Punnen// Modesty Pador// Purple Viper// Raquel Alvarado// Sonnaz Shah


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Black Diamond// DupliKate// Elara Thorn// Rosalie Burns


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Commissioner Bomb// Miss Mexico// Alfonso Garcia// Vinny Cruz

image.jpeg  Peyton Palmer.jpg

Kerri Maconie// Peyton Palmer

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Here's a bunch of randoms:

For @michgcs

Andriy Boronin.jpg  Logan Flyman.jpg

Andriy Boronin// Logan Flyman


Remaining Workers from Power 500 (Which is really only 100):

Extraordinario Jr.jpg  Masao Tsubouchi.jpg  Eagle Kawasawa.jpg

Extraordinario Jr.// Masao Tsubouchi// Eagle Kawasawa

Tsuneyo Yanagimoto.jpg  Sebastian Koller.jpg  Dutch Wilkes.jpg  image.jpeg

Tsuneyo Yanagimoto// Sebastian Koller// Dutch Wilkes// Orange Tsuchie


Allie Perks.jpg  Katya Kornishkova.jpg  Hammer Hadley.jpg  Jerry Pepper.jpg

Allie Perks// Katya Kornishkova// Hammer Hadley// Jerry Pepper

Hans Piccard.jpg  Hack The Hunter.jpg  Serena Ventura.jpg  Public Enemy #1.jpg

Hans Piccard// Hack the Hunter// Serena Ventura// Public Enemy #1



I'll whip up those other requests soon @IlRosso

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On 9/17/2024 at 11:34 PM, RingRider said:

It's Ladies Night! Took care of @IlRosso and added a few bonus ones. 

Anne Stardust.jpg  Marilyn Stardust.jpg  Sara Silver.jpg  Heather Halo.jpg

Anne Stardust// Marilyn Stardust// Sara Silver// Heather Halo

Honey Golightly.jpg  Karen Killer.jpg  Crusher Ichihara.jpg  Gorgon.jpg

Honey Golightly// Karen Killer// Crusher Ichihara// Gorgon

Christy Higgins.jpg  Golden Delicious.jpg  Pamela Rojo.jpg  Tamara McFly.jpg

Christy Higgins// Golden Delicious// Pamela Rojo// Tamara McFly

Great work as usual. When you have time I have another list of workers: 

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Time to salute the Union Jack and roll out 21CW!

Jeff Nova.jpg  Pit Bull Brown.jpg

Owner: Jeff Nova// Booker: Pitbull Brown

Major Stars:

Edward Cornell.jpg  image.jpeg  Tommy Cornell.jpg  image.jpeg

Edward Cornell// Leigh Burton// Tommy Cornell// Wade Orson

*Both Cornells have alts in a previous post and are in the downloadable pack on page 1


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  Roly Muckletruck.jpg  War Machine.jpg

Adam Matravers// Bedlam// Roly Muckletruck// War Machine

Well Known:

Harry Wilson_alt1.jpg  Harry Wilson.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Antithesis (w/ alt)// Apollo Prince// Beast Bantom

Compton Valence.jpg  Conan Kruger.jpg  Joe Simpson.jpg  Jonathan Faust.jpg  image.jpeg

Compton Valence// Conan Kruger// Joe Simpson// Jonathan Faust// Kelly Martin

Lance Martin.jpg  Langton Herring.jpg  Luke Cool.jpg  Mark Adonis.jpg  image.jpeg

Lance Martin// Langton Herring// Luke Cool// Mark Adonis// Phillip Cooper

Ricky Storm.jpg  image.jpeg  Sifu.jpg  Viktor Beskov.jpg  Yuri Iliakov.jpg

Ricky Storm// Sebastian Koller// Sifu// Viktor Beskov// Yuri Iliakov


Alton Vicious.jpg  image.jpeg  Beau Boulder.jpg  Blackheart.jpg

Alton Vicious// Andrew Lee// Beau Boulder// Blackheart

Brickhouse Balder.jpg  BW Eddie.jpg  Dangermouth.jpg  Darin Flynn.jpg  Doomsday.jpg

Brickhouse Balder// BW Eddie// Dangermouth// Darin Flynn// Doomsday

Grave Digger.jpg  Landon Mallory.jpg  Mark Misery.jpg  Mass Hulk.jpg  image.jpeg

Grave Digger// Landon Mallory// Mark Misery// Mass Hulk// Michael X

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Phil Harmonic// Riddick Jordan// Ruin// Welsh Dragon


Edison Silva.jpg  Evan Alpass.jpg  Forrest Charmer.jpg  image.jpeg

Edison Silva// Evan Alpass// Forrest Charmer// Gorilla Lee

Kris Knightly.jpg  Rhys Pendragon.jpg  Smiling John Smithie.jpg  Vinny Vigilante.jpg

Kris Knightly// Rhys Pendragon// Smiling John Smithie// Vinny Vigilante


Clifford Wilson.jpg  Dark Angel.jpg  Dark Angel_alt.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Clifford Wilson (w/ Dark Angel alts)// Colin Chalke// K'Lee Hawkins

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  Des Greeves.jpg  Steve Smith.jpg  image.jpeg

DJ Reason// Dane Rowley// Des Greaves// Steve Smith// Simon Lees

Jacob Bailey.jpg  Karl Dexter.jpg  Scotty Gregory.jpg

Jacob Bailey// Karl Dexter// Scottery Gregory

Cliff King.jpg  Emmett Askey.jpg  Hargreaves.jpg  Kathleen Lee.jpg  Vicki Company.jpg

Cliff King// Emmett Askey// Hargreaves// Kathleen Lee// Vicki Company



Getting to be time to update the first post with an updated pack. I hope to get to that in the next 24 hours or so. 

Andrew Lee.jpg

Edited by RingRider
updated Andrew Lee
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Really been enjoying a lot of the renders recently. Looking forward to ZEN,WLW, and CZCW based on the remaining companies from one of your previous posts. Keep up the great work!


Edit: That Landon Mallory might be my favorite render you've done recently

Edited by Shifty425
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7 hours ago, RingRider said:

Time to salute the Union Jack and roll out 21CW!

Jeff Nova.jpg  Pit Bull Brown.jpg

Owner: Jeff Nova// Booker: Pitbull Brown

Major Stars:

Edward Cornell.jpg  image.jpeg  Tommy Cornell.jpg  image.jpeg

Edward Cornell// Leigh Burton// Tommy Cornell// Wade Orson

*Both Cornells have alts in a previous post and are in the downloadable pack on page 1


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  Roly Muckletruck.jpg  War Machine.jpg

Adam Matravers// Bedlam// Roly Muckletruck// War Machine

Well Known:

Harry Wilson_alt1.jpg  Harry Wilson.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Antithesis (w/ alt)// Apollo Prince// Beast Bantom

Compton Valence.jpg  Conan Kruger.jpg  Joe Simpson.jpg  Jonathan Faust.jpg  image.jpeg

Compton Valence// Conan Kruger// Joe Simpson// Jonathan Faust// Kelly Martin

Lance Martin.jpg  Langton Herring.jpg  Luke Cool.jpg  Mark Adonis.jpg  image.jpeg

Lance Martin// Langton Herring// Luke Cool// Mark Adonis// Phillip Cooper

Ricky Storm.jpg  image.jpeg  Sifu.jpg  Viktor Beskov.jpg  Yuri Iliakov.jpg

Ricky Storm// Sebastian Koller// Sifu// Viktor Beskov// Yuri Iliakov


Alton Vicious.jpg  Andrew Lee.jpg  Beau Boulder.jpg  Blackheart.jpg

Alton Vicious// Andrew Lee// Beau Boulder// Blackheart

Brickhouse Balder.jpg  BW Eddie.jpg  Dangermouth.jpg  Darin Flynn.jpg  Doomsday.jpg

Brickhouse Balder// BW Eddie// Dangermouth// Darin Flynn// Doomsday

Grave Digger.jpg  Landon Mallory.jpg  Mark Misery.jpg  Mass Hulk.jpg  image.jpeg

Grave Digger// Landon Mallory// Mark Misery// Mass Hulk// Michael X

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Phil Harmonic// Riddick Jordan// Ruin// Welsh Dragon


Edison Silva.jpg  Evan Alpass.jpg  Forrest Charmer.jpg  image.jpeg

Edison Silva// Evan Alpass// Forrest Charmer// Gorilla Lee

Kris Knightly.jpg  Rhys Pendragon.jpg  Smiling John Smithie.jpg  Vinny Vigilante.jpg

Kris Knightly// Rhys Pendragon// Smiling John Smithie// Vinny Vigilante


Clifford Wilson.jpg  Dark Angel.jpg  Dark Angel_alt.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Clifford Wilson (w/ Dark Angel alts)// Colin Chalke// K'Lee Hawkins

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  Des Greeves.jpg  Steve Smith.jpg  image.jpeg

DJ Reason// Dane Rowley// Des Greaves// Steve Smith// Simon Lees

Jacob Bailey.jpg  Karl Dexter.jpg  Scotty Gregory.jpg

Jacob Bailey// Karl Dexter// Scottery Gregory

Cliff King.jpg  Emmett Askey.jpg  Hargreaves.jpg  Kathleen Lee.jpg  Vicki Company.jpg

Cliff King// Emmett Askey// Hargreaves// Kathleen Lee// Vicki Company



Getting to be time to update the first post with an updated pack. I hope to get to that in the next 24 hours or so. 

Excellent work!  Some really nice ones in there.

Thanks very much

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